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Thread: Starship troopers remake...

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Starship Troopers and Robo Cop were the first films I ever watched and thought "this is what a live action comic/graphic novel looks like". They just had that style I associated with the amazing 2000AD comics I used to collect.

    Get your filthy hands off this cult classic you hollywood hacks!

    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  2. #17
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    the "Starship Troopers" book is one of the all-time classics in my not so humble opinion. it is quite different from any of the films.

    the terran federation is a govt. i could get behind. no, i don't believe in pseudo-philosophical shit like "god-given rights." i'm an atheist, how can i believe in such nonsense. i've always felt that voting should be restricted and should require something more than, as Heinlein says "being 18 and having a body temp near 37C"). the freedom of the press should be changed nowadays to the freedom of CNN, MSNBC, FOX, et. al to manipulate the shit out of people. i could go on and on about rights being no less arbitrary and man made than the decision to make stop signs red.

    the only real right i care about is one that isn't even spelled out in the constitution: the right to privacy.

    the way that everything becomes a "right" in this day and age is ridiculous. the right to make money (huh?), gay rights (get the fuck out of here) the right to reproduction (how can one have a right to a function of biology?), the right to this, that, and anything else that becomes advantageous for a certain group to claim as a "right."
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #18
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    the "Starship Troopers" book is one of the all-time classics in my not so humble opinion. it is quite different from any of the films.

    the terran federation is a govt. i could get behind. no, i don't believe in pseudo-philosophical shit like "god-given rights." i'm an atheist, how can i believe in such nonsense. i've always felt that voting should be restricted and should require something more than, as Heinlein says "being 18 and having a body temp near 37C"). the freedom of the press should be changed nowadays to the freedom of CNN, MSNBC, FOX, et. al to manipulate the shit out of people. i could go on and on about rights being no less arbitrary and man made than the decision to make stop signs red.

    the only real right i care about is one that isn't even spelled out in the constitution: the right to privacy.

    the way that everything becomes a "right" in this day and age is ridiculous. the right to make money (huh?), gay rights (get the fuck out of here) the right to reproduction (how can one have a right to a function of biology?), the right to this, that, and anything else that becomes advantageous for a certain group to claim as a "right."
    Perhaps i read it wrong but I find that whole statement inappropriate and offensive. Then again, freedom of speech is your 'right.

  4. #19
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Perhaps i read it wrong but I find that whole statement inappropriate and offensive.
    yeah ditto, maybe it came out wrong?

  5. #20
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Perhaps i read it wrong but I find that whole statement inappropriate and offensive. Then again, freedom of speech is your 'right.
    no. you read it right.

    wow. some of you can't recognize a pun when it smacks you in the face.

    that was a list from the top of my head dealing with issues that in recent years some people have insisted are "rights." some of you are denser than osmium and not nearly as interesting. others are simply too stupid to see anything other than what they want to see.

    if it offends you, that's your problem not mine.

    but in this world we live in, you either toe the line that the media/social pressure doles out to you or someone hangs a label on you.

    the only thing i'll apologize for is that i wanted to start a discussion about Heinlein's thoughts on govt. and instead, someone chooses 8 words i used in an example and has tried to make a big deal about it. i would say unbelievable but in this day and age, it's perfectly believable.
    Last edited by Mike70; 05-Dec-2011 at 04:30 AM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  6. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    the "Starship Troopers" book is one of the all-time classics in my not so humble opinion. it is quite different from any of the films.
    Agreed. I don't want to see them remake the movie. I want to see them make a movie version of the book for the first time (as opposed to a movie loosely inspired by the book).
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  7. #22
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    no. you read it right.

    wow. some of you can't recognize a pun when it smacks you in the face.

    that was a list from the top of my head dealing with issues that in recent years some people have insisted are "rights." some of you are denser than osmium and not nearly as interesting. others are simply too stupid to see anything other than what they want to see.

    if it offends you, that's your problem not mine.

    but in this world we live in, you either toe the line that the media/social pressure doles out to you or someone hangs a label on you.

    the only thing i'll apologize for is that i wanted to start a discussion about Heinlein's thoughts on govt. and instead, someone chooses 8 words i used in an example and has tried to make a big deal about it. i would say unbelievable but in this day and age, it's perfectly believable.
    Let's not call one another names shall we Mike?

    I'll try to break down your post and then give my views on the matter. It might get a little philosophical. Sorry if it gets a bit hazy. English isn't my mother tongue.

    - Voting should be restricted. This is a dangerous point of view. How exacly do you wish to restrict it? By one's devotion/commitment to his or her government? Thus eliminating every form of opposition? Or do you mean that only people with enough intelligence should be allowed to vote? Again, what superbrain will determine when one is intelligent enough? By what standards? Standard IQ tests. Even in the world of science there are different schools and interpreataions as to what is 'right' or 'fact'. And what about ethical discussions. Who will determine if for instance abortion, or gay marriages are 'right' or 'wrong?'
    Giving every citizen a vote can lead to populist politics, true. The alternatives can lead to fascism, and to me are less desirable. Offensive even.

    - rights are man made: I agree. Being an atheist myself I can only wonder how a non-existent god can give man rights. God is a human construction. So are ethics. And 'rights.'

    - rights are arbitrary. What do you mean by arbitary? Do you mean 'a decision made not by rules or laws but by one's own opinion'? Or do you mean 'random'. Could be both. However it is not because man has 'invented' ethics and 'rights' that they become random or worse, devoid of meaning.
    One tries to defend what one holds dear in life by giving it rights. It is a way of protecting what has value in life. Without man to 'value' something all is meaningless or without value. I would say the British library has a lot of value. With man extinct it could burn to a cinder. No one would shed a tear. Let's try this in analogy to 'gay rights'. Without people to value the 'right' to choose one's own sexuality it is a pointless discussion.

    - 'Gay rights'. Why do you oppose this? Your post lacks argumentation. To me it is a matter of respect. As long as one's lifestyle does nothing to limit my 'freedom', or 'privacy' I don't see the problem. The thing is many right wing groups are opposed to homosexuality based on religious conservative ideas. You say you value the right to privacy. How do you rhyme that with your statements that there are no gay rights? I find your 'get the fuck out' sentence offensive towards gat people. I can't see the 'pun.' I'm not the only one.

    - 'Animal rights.' I have problems with the bio-industry as it exists nowadays. To be blunt: I would raher eat a chicken bought from a farmer who raised the animal in an eco-friendly manner than one that comes from one of those horrible breeding 'factories.' Why? I 'value' (see above) the idea that living things should be able to live their lifes without unnecessary pain. Now I know nature has no ethics. They are man-made (also see above). This is what separates us from beasts. The ability to construct ethics. That doesn't make it arbitrary.

    - Above example is anything but to 'toe the line that the media/social pressure doles out to you or someone hangs a label on you.' If anything the majority of people live their lives devoid of any morality.

    - You say my finding your way of thinking offensive is to be expected in 'this day and age.' You seem to think your way of thinking superior to mine. That is your right. However, I find your post quite agressive. Inapropriate.
    Last edited by krisvds; 05-Dec-2011 at 01:17 PM. Reason: .

  8. #23
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Forgetting for the moment that this is the media section, I think it's great when scifi prompts reasoned discussion. That said, reasonable discourse should be kept above the level of the schoolyard playground.

    Just a reminder, before it gets to that point

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  9. #24
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Forgetting for the moment that this is the media section, I think it's great when scifi prompts reasoned discussion. That said, reasonable discourse should be kept above the level of the schoolyard playground.

    Just a reminder, before it gets to that point
    (jumps up & down)
    "But Sir, Mike started it!!!

    (sobs, sulks)

    Last edited by krisvds; 05-Dec-2011 at 03:06 PM. Reason: .

  10. #25
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    (jumps up & down)
    "But Sir, Mike started it!!!

    (sobs, sulks)

    *sighs and prepares to give highly personal explanation* i'll answer all in just a few sentences.

    the reason i feel the way i do is because i am a sociopath. a non-violent, high functioning one but still i'm one. there's no way around it- i've been tested, re-tested, and diagnosed to the point where there is no escaping what is. i don't see other people like most of you do. people to me are mostly insects whose feelings, thoughts, etc. just don't matter at all. i see most people as objects that are there to be used and thrown away. i have absolutely no sense of empathy for other people or for animals (yes, i'd probably fail the blade runner test), no sense of guilt or shame about anything. that's why i've been sooooo fucking careful in most of my real world dealings with people because i can crush folks emotionally and not even realize i'm doing it. i don't have many of the feelings that you take for granted and i'm completely incapable of feeling the reciprocation of emotion from another person. i don't know what it is like to feel appreciated, loved, wanted, etc. i just can't feel those things. most of the time there is just an empty, dull anger in me.

    that's why i am so dismissive of the notion of rights because i can't reconcile that other people are different from me and actually feel a lot of things that just bounce off of me. when you don't see people as being real like you are, how can you care about their rights.

    i've decided to put this personal info out there because i don't want to get into a giant pissing contest with anyone in which i will get very, very fucking nasty -mostly for no reason other than the fact that i just don't understand emotional responses to things. i've wrapped my life up in an acquisition of knowledge and a love a literature. books come the closest to letting me in on what the rest of humanity is actually like and what most of you feel and think.

    hope that helps you understand why i'm such an asshole on this subject (and on many others). i have no ill feelings towards you, kris. this board is one of the few places where i can interact with other people in even a semi-healthy way.

    i don't want anyone's sympathy or pity ( i can't feel them anyway). i'm just trying to explain why i can be mr. reasonable one second and writing the most hateful shit the next. there are also times when i'm sure i don't even believe what i'm writing but can't stop myself anyway.

    there are a few upsides. i don't feel greed, so i'm probably one of the most honest people you'll ever meet as far as money goes. i make an excellent juror (been summoned twice for that unpleasant duty) because i'm not swayed by appeals to emotion, i care only about facts not feelings.

    fuck me, that took more than just a few sentences.
    Last edited by Mike70; 05-Dec-2011 at 05:29 PM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  11. #26
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Wow. That's brutally honest. No offense taken Mike. I enjoy an intelligent debate with people who have different opinions than my own. Forces one to question one's own ways of thinking.
    I myself teach ethics, so that explains where I'm coming from.
    Anyways: back on subject before we bore everyone with all this philosophical babble: it seems I should really read Starship Troopers. Have only seen the film.

  12. #27
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    I don't know... I think even if they did make one based more on the book, it wouldn't be as good. *shrugs and gives everyone a cupcake* They're fresh, hope ya like 'em.

  13. #28
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Boobs and Bugs is one of my favorite science fiction movies. Just saw it on TV the other night. The scene when they are on Planet P is excellent. While investigating deserted Whiskey Outpost they realize it's a trap. The camera pans up and there is an ocean of bugs...

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse


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