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Thread: Internet Censorship Bills (SOPA/PIPA)

  1. #1
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Internet Censorship Bills (SOPA/PIPA)

    Im honestly suprised none of our american friends have mentioned this, if it was over here i would be up in arms and id expect the same from you guys, if not more. Isnt freedom of expression one of the basic fundamentals of america?

    Im not too clued up on the proposed bill, ill be honest, ive been looking at one website tonight.. .. watching their videos and reading what they have to say and to be honest it sounds scary! Ive also read

    There's been very little if any news coverage of this over here from what i know and although im late coming onto this topic, tonight is the very first ive heard of it honestly.

    So i want to hear from our american friends, whats the story with this? i know its now been passed, has it changed anything about how the internet works over there? are you worried about your civil liberties?

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    wait, what? it passed?


    No wonder every 2'nd youtube video has been 'removed by viacom' or something.

    Welp. Theres goes americans right to free speech and advertising online. sorry .com, we hardly knew ye...

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Of course it passed. It's been a long time since our government gave a shit what we the people think. And nothing will ever be done about it.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  4. #4
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Im honestly suprised none of our american friends have mentioned this, if it was over here i would be up in arms and id expect the same from you guys, if not more. Isnt freedom of expression one of the basic fundamentals of america?

    Im not too clued up on the proposed bill, ill be honest, ive been looking at one website tonight.. .. watching their videos and reading what they have to say and to be honest it sounds scary! Ive also read

    There's been very little if any news coverage of this over here from what i know and although im late coming onto this topic, tonight is the very first ive heard of it honestly.

    So i want to hear from our american friends, whats the story with this? i know its now been passed, has it changed anything about how the internet works over there? are you worried about your civil liberties?
    Only a matter of time before Britain follows suit Andy.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  5. #5
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Reckon anyone in Congress took the time to read this one?

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    Reckon anyone in Congress took the time to read this one?
    doubt it, otherwise the right wingers would be up in arms, this is borderline 'no you cannot bear arms anymore, we know whats best' level of the government taking over something they have absolutely no place doing so to such an extreme degree.
    Scratch that. EVERYONE in america should be up in arms about this. Its the first step to a digital iron curtain and you give em an inch they take a mile.

    Just imagine in 10 years when no teens outside the U.S remember ".com" and sites like youtube or wikipedia and every american needs a usb barcode scanner to scan their online id card to access the custom enclosed and monitored "PATRIOTWEB" or something...

  7. #7
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Hell, tomorrow Obama is expected to sign the NDAA complete with the u.s. is a battlefield declaration and indefinite detention of americans who are deemed "terrorists". Now they (most likely some mercenary organization like blackwater/xe/academi) will be able to haul you off to some foreign torture site if you speak out in opposition too much and will never be heard from ever again.

    SOPA and PIPA will be misused as a tool to stop the free flow of information and quell dissent on the internet that the government doesn't want the uppity peons to hear. They promised the patriot act was to be used only against foreign terrorists and it wasn't.

    To put things into perspective, if the NDAA was around 226 years ago, ALL of the founding fathers would have been disappeared and we would now all be singing "god save the queen" with out 4:00 tea.

  8. #8
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    definition of a law: a piece of paper passed by whores in expensive suits that cannot stop a bullet.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  9. #9
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    This has nothing to do with "Left" or "Right".

    Both "sides" have been dying to get this type of legislation through for ages.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  10. #10
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Yup. I find it amazingly sad that I still see people playing the left-right paradigm game blaming the democrats for this or the repulbicans for that like there really is a difference. The only party that is and has been in power for decades is the PSYCHOPATH party. Their plank is no morals, no empathy, no remorse, narcissism, hypocrisy, and any other assorted mental illnesses that can be used to rationalize personal gain.

    The fortunate thing is that this type of system cannot sustain itself and is in the beginning stages of implosion aided by the heavily corrupted economic system infected by fascists and private central bank (federal reserve). I really wonder if the "let them eat cake" elitists and oligarchs who are still thumbing their noses at the "peons" ever learned anything in history class about the french revolution and subsequent reign of terror?

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    The fortunate thing is that this type of system cannot sustain itself and is in the beginning stages of implosion aided by the heavily corrupted economic system infected by fascists and private central bank (federal reserve). I really wonder if the "let them eat cake" elitists and oligarchs who are still thumbing their noses at the "peons" ever learned anything in history class about the french revolution and subsequent reign of terror?
    ironically i think occupy wall street and the stuff in egypt and the middle east is what probably had a hand in getting this and the 'we can disappear you in the night and have the papers say you were a terrorist' bills pushed through in the first place.
    still, when THIS could become the future of the states its a very sad, worrying day. we always thought ,with all our cameras on street corners england would be the first one to lean to facism and control. This is like the culmination of so many conspiracy theories coming true. the media control, the arresting anyone as a thought criminal, all the tanks and military hardware being shipped to police stations across the country... It really reads like a hostile take over of a nation from some orwellian nightmare. still. i highly doubt its about piracy and more to have a 'internet killswitch' so you cant have any organisation via sites like facebook and twitter anymore should people decide enough is enough.
    Which this time next year will probably make you a terrorist in america..

    when you have english papers saying "the new american dream: made in china" you know we have gone down a direction nobody expected.

  12. #12
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    The problem is though, whenever one of us over here said anything, we were labelled something. Before '08, we were labelled unpatriotic. After '08, we're labelled racist.

    This country has a serious problem and the longer it goes on the harder the fall is going to be. It's damn depressing seeing the country that you were first taught to love then grew to love become something that's not worth that feeling.

    I remember growing up, watching tv specials on the survivalist and splinter groups that were popping up all over the place. They were labelled as racist and unpatriotic. They may have been, I don't know. But I have a feeling that at the end of the day, there were more than a few folks in them who just wanted to be left alone.

    If I buy ANYTHING, I'm taxed. If I go up the road, I have to pay a toll. A toll for a road that's supposed to have been paid for before I was born. A road that is scarred with cracks in the pavement and has earned the monicker "the West Virginia washtub". I own my vehicle, so once a year, in order to have the privilege of driving it, I have to pay tax on it. I have to pay tax on my house. On my land. On every article of clothing in my closet and every box of macaroni in my kitchen. I pay tax on my internet bill, I pay tax on the gasoline I put in my Jeep.

    If I decide one day NOT to pay tax on any of these things, I become a federal criminal. I would be arrested at gunpoint and prosecuted in a federal court. Any "anti-American" statement I have supposedly ever made would be trotted out.

    Yes. These are indeed scary times.

    I am not some sort of separatist. I'm not a militant. I don't want a handout, I don't expect my government to take care of me. I just want it to leave me the fuck alone.
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  13. #13
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by childofgilead View Post
    The problem is though, whenever one of us over here said anything, we were labelled something. Before '08, we were labelled unpatriotic. After '08, we're labelled racist.
    well we know what happened there, the twin towers were hit by planes. form then on patriot ceased to have the connotation of being proud of ones country to being a person who agrees with the government. You disagree you arent a patriot...

  14. #14
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    War is Peace! Ignorance is Strength! Freedom is Slavery!

    Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia because they hate us for our freedoms!


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