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Thread: XBox 720 6x more powerful than the 360?

  1. #31
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    MZ, let me ask you this: how many times did your console RROD on you?

    It has failed twice - but never RROD - both times it was a failure of the visuals. The graphics would go black & white with some green and blue edges, and fluctuate between that and normal, and then eventually it'd just stop showing anything (but it would continue to have sound). That was to do with the weak soldering problem (because by law you can't use the stuff that actually works cos it hurts baby pandas or something...) - so that happened twice, and that was on one of the original style 360s.

    The second time it happened the disc drive was also causing problems (failing to open, and failing to stream data fast enough in the likes of GTA IV) - so I got a replacement - that was, IIRC, three years ago now (wow, how time flies! )

    Then of course they were putting out newer chipsets - and with each upgrade the failure rate dropped - and then of course they've got the current version out which from what I've heard is like any other console in terms of failure rates (which are supposed to be around 5%). There's often a late-in-the-game push in sales as people buy up consoles on the cheap and get gaming - and as has been said, in 2011 the 360 was the most popular console out there selling millions of units.

    While yes, there will be some people who won't buy a 'NextBox' because they've had a bad experience, I'd wager that - providing the new one works with a standard failure rate of 5% (i.e. works as you'd expect any piece of tech to work) - a number of those folks would eventually give in and buy themselves the new console after they've seen it working fine for others ... providing of course, as I've said, the new one is built like a brick shithouse - and considering the 2005 rush-to-market cost MS $1bn - I'd be quite surprised if it wasn't. Indeed it's Nintendo who seem to be rushing to market this time around - the Wii U is supposed to come out near the end of this year, so we'll see if their tech has any problems, I guess.

    However I think the vast majority of the Xbox community will carry over to the '720/NextBox/Whatever'. Never say never, Lou.

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Just going to throw it out now...

    Let's not get personal over a gaming system and its corporate producer.

  2. #32
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Holy sh*t, man! I understand that you prefer their live network, but I just can't see how you can back a company that's put out such a faulty product. I mean....FIVE?!?
    I know, I know. Well to be fair this is how it went down:

    First XBOX - Paid for. Warranty at Gamestop.
    Second XBOX - Used warranty (thus, it was free) - forgot to renew warrant.
    Third XBOX - Sent to Microsoft and replaced for free.
    Fourth XBOX - Bought at Best Buy. Again, forgot warranty. Sold to Gamestop for $50.
    Fifth XBOX - Were on sale at Best Buy. Used $50 from Gamestop toward it.

    So, while I spent like $500 on XBOX's - it's not as much as it could have been. The main reason I keep going back is because of all the money I invested in games.

    I'm confident that they won't make a mistake like that on the next console. They know they could have dominated this gen if they hadn't had the RROD problem; so many people went with PS3 because of it.

  3. #33
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Honestly, though I can think of better deals, for quality & quantity of entertainment per dollar spent, my 360 experience has been excellent (even including my live fees).

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  4. #34
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    Considering the continued success of the console has actually increased over the years, and in 2011 the 360 was the top selling console worldwide for the first time, you are an anomalous data point. While the 360 had hardware problems in the past, it's obviously not affecting people's confidence in buying millions of systems every year.

    Also, your continued use of "M$" makes you look like a tool.

    Awwww, cry me a river, CR. Then how about getting over it. I also use $ony all the time too (with good reason), you wanna whine about that also? When these companies do more for me than just collect my money for an initially piece of faulty equipment (and several of the same thereafter), and tell me to go screw myself when I need support or assistance I will continue to represent their name in a way that I see fit. Tool or truthful? Tell ya what, when you have had the problems I have had, and then had the experiences I've had with their hardware, support and so-called "security" team, then get back to me and we'll discuss. Until then, lets not call names like children when you have no idea of the experience that others have been through. How about that?

    You can say I'm an anomaly all you want, but I can assure you I'm not the only one who feels this way about the Xbox. There are plenty of disillusioned and disheartened people due to their experiences - and plenty of those who will not migrate to the next gen console they put out. A simple google search and a reading of other forums (other than xbox fanboy forums) will make this painfully obvious. If you, however, want to stick with it, that's your perrogative. I can't help it if there's millions of sheep out there willing to look past the obvious.

    But that's ok, because it's the "best selling console" out there, that means it's the best, has no issues and we should just keep buying into it! Yeah, what a great idea! Support people who put out faulty equipment from day one, then defend them! Right on! They may have righted what they wronged (or have they? I'm 3 xbox's in already, let's shoot for 4!), but like the good sheep that we are, let's just keep putting money into their pocket and they'll eventually fix it, right? Then everything will be just peachy!

    Just because something continues to sell, does not mean it's a good piece of equipment. Let me ask you this: what choice do these people have? PS3 or Xbox, right? Seems to me it's nothing more than the "lesser of two evils" option.

    Last edited by LouCipherr; 06-Feb-2012 at 01:55 PM. Reason: .

  5. #35
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Sam, Ziggy computes that there's a chance people are still taking this thread too seriously.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  6. #36
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Sam, Ziggy computes that there's a chance people are still taking this thread too seriously.
    Oh boy...

  7. #37
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post

    Sam, Ziggy computes that there's a chance people are still taking this thread too seriously.

  8. #38
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    I'm currently on my 4th console..soon to be fifth, because this current bastich has been on life support for months, had to cannibalize a used unit my girlfriend bought after it went tits up and transplant the laser to my old console.

    I can't tell you how many times I've had them apart.

    Know something else? My Dell XPS, which I've had nothing but trouble out of since purchase went belly up two weeks ago..and the durpy little Dell Inspiron netbook I'm currently using is next to useless. But unless you build your own, you don't have an option..why? Every single major company uses the same f*cking manufacturer in Taiwan to produce them. Every mother humping one. So no matter WHO you buy, you're still getting the same "craftmanship".

    Now, not to derail the thread, but I'm going to rebuy the latest Xbox console and sit on that for a while. I'll NEVER buy a console at launch, bought a PS2 after selling my 4wheeler to a neighbor and the damn thing broke after 6 months. Had to solder connections in myself. I don't own a PS3 yet honestly because I've not felt compelled over their exclusive titles. Could they be better made? Dunno, only played one a handful of times. I definitely don't like their controllers though..may be a little small headed of me, but whatever. Honestly, the only reason I would have ever given them a go is free online play. But considering I haven't had Live Gold in almost a year, I really don't miss it. Last game I onlined was Homefront, a trainwreck of amazing proportions.

    Other than Mass Effect 3 and GTA V, the only other title I'm even keeping on my radar is Colonial Marines. I honestly find myself playing the same games over and over, there just hasn't been a new IP that's come out to make me interested.

    That..includes Skyrim..I don't know if it's just so hard to play basically one handed (and a thumb) or what, it just doesn't hold me at the moment. Just like Oblivion. *sigh*

    Don't even get me started on the Fable series. That was just like somebody corn cobbing you without taking you to dinner first.
    Last edited by childofgilead; 11-Feb-2012 at 03:26 PM. Reason: one handed typing is the devil
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los


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