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Thread: TWD 2x09 "Triggerfinger" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

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    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 2x09 "Triggerfinger" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

    Okay folks - one down, five to go, in the second half of season two.

    Remember - keep all discussion of the episode WITHIN THIS THREAD - many forum members don't get to see the episode until days later (e.g. my fellow Brits and I don't get to see it until the following Friday night at the earliest - five days later), so please don't post any spoilers or general info in other discussion topics or in the shoutbox - thanks for your consideration in this matter.

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    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    Just seen it on a live stream.... getting good so far

  4. #4
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    one thing that really pissed me off about 2x09: i really don't understand why rick and the other two didn't just leave the kid with the impaled leg for dead or put a bullet in his head and end it there. aside from that, a great episode. the walker trying to get at lori through the windshield was creepy as hell.

    the whole shane thing is about to break out, and it's gonna be epic. it'll be interesting to see the "team shane" folks defend their boy after this week. while i don't entirely agree with rick, dale, and hershel or their particular methods, they are certainly much more in touch with the reality of the situation compared to shane, as evidenced by his delusional ramblings and pleading with her when he found that lori was siding with rick.

    and once again, the wait for the next episode begins. and again, i'm passing on the comic book men. no thanks amc, stick to what got you here in the first place.

  5. #5
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    It seems for every good thing about the show, they just have to cram a middle finger up my nose..first there was the bullshit zombie jump scare last week, and this week, it was the revolver that Lori used APPARENTLY EJECTING A SPENT BULLET CASE..

    Ugh..look, I know not everybody cares about stuff like that, but that's just ridiculous guys..other than that, decent episode, even though I know I'm not going to like where else it's going.
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  6. #6
    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    I spotted a shakespear reference near the end.... think macbeth...

  7. #7
    Just been bitten Zombie Snack's Avatar

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    Great episode, and the crap is about to hit the fan between Rick and Shane, Shane is living in fantasy land. Hershel seems to be coming around and understands what is really going on now. Only real complaint is I really thought Rick or maybe even Hershel were going to shoot the guy stuck on the fence once all the walkers showed up, I was just waiting for it, but as it played out it just seemed a little too hollywood for me.

  8. #8
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    I thought they were gonna shoot the kid myself, all in all, such a great scene. Intense with great zombie gore tearing up that dude's face.

    Why they take him? Not sure and I guess I really don't agree 100% with it but we'll see how it turns out for them.

    I found it funny how it looked liked Maggie was going for Herschel but instead ignored him and went straight to Glen, ouch! lol

    Ahh and yes, T-Dogg get's his one line in lol

    I loved the ending, such a good discussion between Lori and Rick.

    Very good episode and I'm willing to forgive some of the bumps in the road.
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  9. #9
    Fresh Meat

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    I would take the kid myself. He is a kid looks like maybe 17-18. He could have just been following the group he was in and was just doing what he thought was the way to go. He didn't know rick and them were moral individuals so to speak and had no idea what they were gonna do to his group. This guy could later be-friend them and join the group (doesnt look like this is gonna happen just saying) and be another hand to aid them. If they left him how would they be any different then what Shane did? I could understand if it was last minute thing and zombies were right there but it didn't come to that. If that was the case put one in his forehead to put him out of his misery.
    Last edited by Saurian; 20-Feb-2012 at 04:36 AM. Reason: one to many words

  10. #10

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    Did I call it about Dale poisoning the group against Shane or what?

    Not that I sanction the crazier stuff Shane does, but if you're HONEST in asking yourself this question: "Would the other members of the group be THIS negative towards Shane currently if Dale wasn't going around pouring anti-Shane poison in the ears of the womenfolk?" You know that whether or not Shane is a problem for the group, Dale is and has only exacerbated the situation into something that WILL lead to bloodshed WITHIN the group!

    Perspective check: Last week's episode the majority of the group was verbalizing their belief that what Shane did at the barn was necessary and justified, albeit a dirty job all around. In the span of ONE DAY in Walking Dead chronology, we've got Lori essentially Lady Macbeth'ing Rick onto a collision course with Shane that Rick would NOT otherwise be on. You heard Rick trying to mitigate what Lori was saying, telling her things like "You don't know that (about Shane) for sure"...but Lori simply wouldn't let up. It's crazy, because there's NO REASON to believe that even if every single member of the group stood united and declared Shane exiled from their group, NOTHING we've seen shows the slightest hint that Shane would respond in any other way but to throw down right there. Remember: In Shane's mind, he's CERTAIN that Rick WILL get Lori, Carl, and what Shane believes to be HIS unborn child KILLED.

    Even if Shane might otherwise be convinced to leave the group peacefully, he'll never do it so long as Rick is the one serving as protector to Lori and Carl. EVERYTHING we've seen about Shane points to him being willing to give his life to stop what he sees as Lori and Carl's inevitable deaths if a) Rick remains in charge, and b) Shane himself won't be there to cover the vulnerabilities of the group that Rick's moral crusading creates. Shane would shoot it out in a hopeless battle against ALL OF THEM first. Why wouldn't he! Ousting him from the group takes away every single reason for him to go on living in this apocalypse.

    The scriptwriters and actors have done a WONDERFUL JOB of building up the tension surrounding this situation as it rapidly comes to a boil. Venomous-snake-in-the-grass Dale has struck and delivered his venom of distrust, internal dissension and defensiveness into the collective "bloodstream" of the group. What COULD have been worked out with a lot of no-bullshit, face to face talking about the issues at the core of the conflict brewing between Shane and Rick has been diverted onto a collision course between two men now convinced the other has to die to save the ones they love.

    I would go absolutely wild with joy if Shane just sensed how things were about to go down and took his trademark proactive action and shot both Dale and Rick between the eyes. This high school-type backbiting, and condemning the man who kept all of them (except Daryl, because Daryl would've survived even if the group had been wiped out the night Amy died if he'd been there with them) alive while Mr. Moral Crusader was first in coma-land Alice-style, and then meandering about looking for Lori and Carl is madness. Shane was absolutely right when he corrected Lori's reply to his question about how many times had Rick saved her and Carl. Rick WAS off trying to rescue a psychotic bigot redneck when the camp was attacked. Shane was the one who did his best to keep the group together and fighting back as a unit. Everyone who heeded his shouts survived, while everyone who freaked out and ran hither-and-yon got dragged down and ripped into by Walkers.

    The episode definitely ratcheted the tension up, and in a very believable way albeit for reasons I hate. Dale is EVIL. He'll lie, cheat and sell out anyone to make people do what he wants them to do. Everything currently happening, with the group perceiving a "Shane problem" has come about because Dale is pissy that Andrea got it on with Shane, but much moreso because it infuriates Dale that Andrea sees "Shane's Way" as something admirable. A way to be strong and self-reliant, instead of being a victim like so many others. Dale hates Shane because Shane is the only one who threatens his ability to control the course the group takes. I genuinely believe that Dale would rather see them all dead than safe and prosperous if that safety and prosperity resulted in him losing his ability to pull the strings of each member of the group to a greater or lesser extent. He wants to act the part of the wise and noble sage, while hypocritically condemning Shane for doing exactly what Dale does. Manipulate the situation to get the group to do things his way.

    I don't know what more has to happen for the people who perceive Dale as this kindly old counselor to recognize that Dale is a manipulator trying to bump off the only substantial threat to his control of the group.

  11. #11
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    one thing that really pissed me off about 2x09: i really don't understand why rick and the other two didn't just leave the kid with the impaled leg for dead or put a bullet in his head and end it there.
    I felt that they made it pretty clear why they couldn't leave him or put him out of his misery. For one, he was a younger guy so he could have just fallen into a bad group by chance. Also, leaving him there is exactly what his previous group had done. The same group that was willing to kill Rick in order to gain access to the farm. If they had killed the young guy or left him for dead, it would make Rick one step closer to the enemy. He retained his sense of right and wrong in a time of panic.

    I felt it was a great balance between the badass Rick we saw inside the bar and the sensitive Rick we knew from before. They're really starting to mix his character up like the comics.

  12. #12
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    one thing that really pissed me off about 2x09: i really don't understand why rick and the other two didn't just leave the kid with the impaled leg for dead or put a bullet in his head and end it there. aside from that, a great episode. the walker trying to get at lori through the windshield was creepy as hell.

    the whole shane thing is about to break out, and it's gonna be epic. it'll be interesting to see the "team shane" folks defend their boy after this week. while i don't entirely agree with rick, dale, and hershel or their particular methods, they are certainly much more in touch with the reality of the situation compared to shane, as evidenced by his delusional ramblings and pleading with her when he found that lori was siding with rick.

    and once again, the wait for the next episode begins. and again, i'm passing on the comic book men. no thanks amc, stick to what got you here in the first place.
    I agree with all of this, and there were a couple of parts I did not much like.
    1- The kid on the fence, sorry I am compassionate, kind, giving, caring, a and all of the other stuff I thin k leader needs to be. In this case I think Rick screwed the pooch. You don't risk you and yours to save the enemy. Kid should have been shot in the head. They need those bullets and this kid was trying to kill them.
    2- The whole break out of the bar scene did not play out well in my opinion, I understand what they were going for but it felt like a really poor plan from the start. Blindly running out of a building into the waiting arms and muzzles of unknown foes is bad planning. I wouldn't do it, didn't work so good for Butch Cassisdy and the Sundance kid.

    Things I liked
    1- Windshield zombie was amazing, his selfless pursuit to get to his meal as the glass ripped the very skin and flesh off of his head was brilliantly done and perfectly scary and intense.
    2- Shane being shown as a man who is further coming unraveled or who is delusional and who can not be trusted to lead as he is pushing his own goals and agendas... even though they are not based in reality. Mind you I have no problem with him lying to Lori to get her and the baby back to the farm, but dude is clearly a head case. Who is allowing his heart and emotions to get in the way of reality. The woman can only say EFF OFF so many times before you are looking like a desperate level 1 clinger.
    3- New Herschel is cooler than old Herschel.
    4- The whole Carrol Darryl thing, and her bracing to be hit by him was well played, well acted, and great human drama showing a knowledge of the characters and where they come from.
    5- The Glenn/Maggie thing was well acted and motivated even though I am leaning towards liking it I am not sure at this point, it kind of annoyed me that he would push her away in that situation, but I am a romantic at heart. Learning self preservation is a good thing, the kid could use more of it. Take chances and risks but make them calculated ones. Don't let them lower you into a well, or use you as bait, and know you have something to lose.

    The episode was a solid minus the minor complaints I had above. Great zombie scenes!

  13. #13
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Bad ass episode! It really plays on your mind with what you would do in such a situation. The one thing the writers did absolutely right was the guy Herschel shot going right out the door. Typically in movies, a guy who gets a gut shot drops dead like in a video game. Not here. Here, we have to listen to his agonizing cries of pain as he lies potentially dying on the ground in the middle of no where. I don't know why, but that scene really got to me. Maybe its just the fact of hearing another human being, even one that had just shot at you, sounding like a terrified child as he's lying helpless as a mass of walkers close in on him. They really played out well on Herschel's sense of morality as he keeps looking over his shoulder while the guy is being torn apart. You can clearly see the conflict in his face as he reluctantly abandons a bit of his humanity by running away and leaving the poor bastard to his grisly fate.

    I totally understand taking the kid. Hell, I might have even gone to check on the other guy. Even after what happened, I don't think I could have left that dude to die like that. If nothing else, I would have gone for a mercy kill if he was unsaveable.

  14. #14
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rightwing401 View Post
    I totally understand taking the kid.
    So do I, honestly. I'd have gone either way on checking on him after he fell, depending on how dangerous it all was, but once you get up to him and see his situation I'd think taking him or putting him out of his misery (if worse comes to worse and you can't extract him quickly/safely enough) are the only options.

    My only issue with the scene (and it's a small one), is that getting his leg off that broad-headed fencepost seemed way easier than it should have for Rick (or anyone in that situation).

    And oh, man...whoever mentioned the walker going through the windshield was right--nice scene! It was creepy, fun and some nice effects.

    But, man, what a great episode! I liked it better than 2x08 and I thought 2x08 was pretty darn good for having to get back into things and do a bit of a reset.

    -- -------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 AM ----------

    Oh, and anyone else still really impressed with Yeun's handling of Glenn? They're doing a great job with the character and damned if he isn't likable as hell. Freezing up in that circumstance has gotta be pretty normal for someone who is not used to being shot at (!), but he handled it well afterwards...I really appreciated the way the writers dealt with it.

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    It all feels very sudden to me,
    All the major character shifts. Herschel getting on board the Reality Train, Rick growing a pair and shooting first when threatened, and Lori pushing Rick towards what amounts to throwing down with Shane. It all felt VERY abrupt to me, like a switch being flipped in each of them with little or no lead up. The only real consistency-of-motivation I saw this episode came from Andrea, Shane and Dale. Even Daryl suddenly backslid in a way that had me reacting with a "Whoa, ease off there man."

    Herschel I can give them some leeway on the suddenness because he was just so far out in left field to begin with. His transition of perception felt much more "organic" than the others. That's just my perception though. I rather wish they weren't going with this Lori/Lady Macbeth angle, but understand what they're trying for even if it doesn't suit my tastes.


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