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Thread: Batman massacre: People killed at Dark Knight premiere

  1. #136
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    It looks there might be a hat trick in store.

    Movie theather- Colorado
    Church- Wisconsin
    Next: Another "gun free" zone. Shopping mall, amusement park or elementary school with kids being the primary target.

    Followed by the usual ghouls waving around the bloody shirts with the sole intent of furthering their political agendas.

  2. #137
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    It looks there might be a hat trick in store.

    Movie theather- Colorado
    Church- Wisconsin
    Next: Another "gun free" zone. Shopping mall, amusement park or elementary school with kids being the primary target.

    Followed by the usual ghouls waving around the bloody shirts with the sole intent of furthering their political agendas.

  3. #138

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    It's interesting to note that on that facebook page I linked there's a link to another site that's the personal ad page of an Actor named Corbin Kent from Aurora CO . He looks exactly like the witness in the theater shooting named Corbin Date, or as he's been called also Corbin Dayton.
    Yet another amazing coincidence.
    I think Lou is right about having to redefine the term at this point.

  4. #139
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    It's interesting to note that on that facebook page I linked there's a link to another site that's the personal ad page of an Actor named Corbin Kent from Aurora CO . He looks exactly like the witness in the theater shooting named Corbin Date, or as he's been called also Corbin Dayton.
    Yet another amazing coincidence.
    I think Lou is right about having to redefine the term at this point.
    Or - since clearly everything Old is New again ( perhaps never went away in the first place ; ) ) this group said it best?

    Way Zim

  5. #140

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    Same situation. Multiple shooters reported by witnesses, but official story claims lone gunmen. Gas released.

  6. #141
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Eyewitness testimony is notoriously bunkum most of the time though, Lou. Studies have shown that people tend to spend more time "filling in the gaps" of didn't happen, than remembering what actually happened. Also, people will go with concensus generally.
    And I agree with your statement, shootem, but that witness testimony I posted - what was curious is not how he was 'filling in the gaps' so-to-speak. What got me is the way he spoke. The language he used. That's not a "normal" way of speaking, it was unnatural. He sounded like he was reading a script that was handed to him. Can you disagree with that sentiment after listening to that clip? "casualties" instead of "dead" or "killed" or whatever. The whole "when my girlfriend arrived on location" statement was a dead giveaway.

    Eventually, we're going to find there's a lot more to this story than just one orange-haired idiot shooting a bunch of people. There's so much conflicting information out there, how can anyone believe the "official" story on this? Even the witnesses testimonies disagree with the "official" story.

  7. #142
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Lou, I've met people who speak using ridiculous terminology in the most mundane of conversation, usually in an effort to sound more intelligent than they actually are. But using "casualties" or "deceased", instead of "dead" isn't really that much of a departure, is it? The "My friend had informed me that she had arrived on location" is odd indeed, but I don't think it's a definite indication of a larger involvement, or a false flag op, or whatever.

    "Official" stories should ALWAYS be taken with a pinch of salt, but there is nothing going on here, other than a nutjob with easy access to guns blowing a lot of people away at a movie show.

    It'll be interesting to see what's going to come out in the trial.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  8. #143

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    It'll be interesting to see what's going to come out in the trial.
    Saw on the news earlier that the judge issued such an extensive gag order that bars ANY information being released on Mr. Holmes, by all parties involved.

    The story that aired seconds before it was about a man that ordered an HDTV from the internet, and somewhere in shipping the label worked it's way off the box and became attached to a different box, and the box that ended up being delivered was an AR15 assault rifle. Delivered to Washington, where AR15's just happen to be illegal to posses. LMFAO!!!!! Right....
    Last edited by babomb; 10-Aug-2012 at 07:28 AM. Reason: ..

  9. #144
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Victim suing theatre, doctors and WB!?!?

    According to TMZ, Brown thinks the theater is partially responsible for what happened because there was no alarm on the emergency door Holmes propped open and came back in through. He thinks the doctors are responsible because they didn’t keep any tabs on Holmes, and most absurdly of all, he thinks The Dark Knight Rises is responsible because many of the victims thought the shooting was part of the movie. Here’s what his attorney had to say…

    "Somebody has to be responsible for the rampant violence that is shown today."
    To answer the lawyer's point, yes, there is, and he's the one who shot everyone and is now locked up!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  10. #145
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Feckin lawyers...

    Pity it wasn't a special "lawyers only" midnight showing of Batman that Holmes attacked.

    I don't think anyone would be batting an eyelid.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  11. #146

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Victim suing theatre, doctors and WB!?!?

    To answer the lawyer's point, yes, there is, and he's the one who shot everyone and is now locked up!
    So now there's gonna be an even bigger push for security at theaters, a push for doctors to have more power over patients, and theaters will end up using more discretion about the violent films they show and when they show them. Since so many Americans let others think for them, alot of people will see the above as the problems in their actual context. Knowing the liberal media, the ongoing court battle to sue these people/places will be shown constantly alongside footage of the theater and the bloody clothing cut off the victims.
    It's sickening.

  12. #147
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    Well folks, it's been fact, a little too real..think I'm going to have to take a step away from the computer and enjoy the real world for a few months..nothing personal against anyone on here, but the whole gun control/conspiracy debate has just overloaded my palate one too many times.

    Honestly, I used to enjoy thinking about stuff like you'd always see Freemason cornerstones in old buildings, wondering what it all meant. Then I grew up and realized that it wasn't some huge least..I don't think it was..

    But after getting older and having to worry about real life and getting the bills paid, I just don't have the time to deal with that bullshit. *maybe that's the point?

    I do think that this political season is going to be one of the worst this country has ever seen. The choices are between a borderline socialist flip flopper and Barack Obama. heh heh.

    Anybody who votes straight down a party line is a sheep. That's all I have to say about it.

    All mass shootings take place in gun free zones. I don't know what to make of that, perhaps somebody with more brainpower than myself can figure that shit out.

    But I do know that the Second Amendment is as important to my life and well-being as any of the others. I value it just as much as the rest and am as unwilling to give it up as I would be the First or Tenth or whichever you choose. These are the rights that the founders of my country knew would be the building blocks of freedom and the right to a fruitful life. I don't have guns to kill anybody, I have them because I enjoy the engineering that went into their design and manufacture, I enjoy the exacting tolerances and I like things exploding in my hands and throwing bits of metal at pop cans and paper plates.

    I enjoy my Jeep as well. But I obey the laws I find asinine, such as seatbelt laws, not because I would get a ticket, but because it's common sense. I don't wish to fly out of my windshield at 70 miles per hour if I get into a wreck on the interstate. I value my life too much not to follow that law. However, I don't think that my government has the right to make a personal choice like that for me.

    Nor is it their business if I smoke a cigarette or have a large soda with a burger and fries. It's not their business what programs I watch or what kind of porn I prefer.

    I pay my county, state and federal taxes on everything I buy, on my vehicle and home.

    I consider myself a fairly well adjusted almost 30 year old dude who loves his girl, his pets and his mom. I don't hunt, have never danced around a bonfire in ill-fitting overalls while sodomy took place and even have multiracial and several homosexual friends.

    I think disliking someone based on their skin color or education level is tantamount to masturbating in a public street: shameful and embarassing.

    I dunno..I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't hurt anyone with my choices. I don't view my rights as any better than anyone elses. But your civil rights end where mine begin and vice-versa. I will respect you and yours if you do the same. If you don't, then you better at least have the courtesy to run, because I need the exercise.

    I'm deathly afraid of losing sovereignty. I don't think my government has the right to tell anyone else how to live, and I'd like the same in return. I don't think it's fair for the EU to bail out Greece, nor do I think it's fair that my taxes go to corrupt politicians for their little porkbarrel projects and kickbacks for their campaign donors.

    I just don't feel up to the ongoing discussion anymore, guys. The Walking Dead just seems..laughable compared to everything else going on in my life right now and frankly, I've watched the Romero movies so many times that I'm burned to the nubs on them.

    I don't want to dredge up bad memories and worse feelings by expressing my views on an issue that is as important to me as my right to vote or be guaranteed due process.

    Rights are eroded over time. They can be taken away in an instant or chipped away at over periods of years. It's okay in this country to vote without having to show ANY photo identification proving that you are who you say you are, but it's not okay for me to own weapons from the second World War as a collector and enthusiast?

    I dunno man..if that's the sort of country you think is admirable, I think I may just start my own or something.
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los

  13. #148

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    Quote Originally Posted by childofgilead View Post
    Well folks, it's been fact, a little too real..think I'm going to have to take a step away from the computer and enjoy the real world for a few months..nothing personal against anyone on here, but the whole gun control/conspiracy debate has just overloaded my palate one too many times.
    People here seem to have an aversion to discussing anything political. Well, aside from a few of us anyway. And it makes alot of sense really. You don't really watch zombie movies, or come to a discussion board about zombies for a dose of reality. It's directly the opposite. That's why most people would prefer for political discussions to be outright banned here. So when you start mixing politics into the discussion too much you're messing with peoples avenue of escape.


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