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Thread: If Shane didnt die

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

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    If Shane didnt die

    How do you think Shane would have handled the prison and/or Woodbury? Think he would have came to his senses or was he destined for going crazy.

    He didn't really seem like a bad guy at the beginning of the series. He just got a bad hand dealt to him.

    I think if I was in his shoes I would have backed off or tried to and talked to Rick about what happened. Might have been hard but he is your best friend. Anyways...Think he would have went and hung out at Woodbury and drunk some beers with Merle and the gov.

  2. #2
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Its funny you made this post because I have been thinking about what Shane would have brought into these new scenarios. I have never forgiven Shane regarding what he did to Otis. I didnt like it. I hope that I would never take that type of action to another person in the same circumstances. I believe I wouldnt/couldnt. Back to topic Shane would be one hell of an asset if he returned to sanity and calmed down a tad.

    Regarding the prison, I believe he would have absolutely been on board with taking the prison and an extreme asset in doing so. The problem with him would have been the first encounter with the prisoners. Knowing Shane he would have been 'all in' in killing them in the cafeteria. In hindsight we can see that as probably a sound decision. But thats what makes Shane, Shane. Shane believed in self preservation and protecting Lori and Carl and baby and if something stood in the way of it....well look out.

    Woodbury and the Gov. Sure Shane would drink a beer with the Gov until he discovered he is a sick twisted pervert. He wasnt ok with Hershel keeping walkers in the barn so the Gov's daughter and fish tank of heads wouldnt sit well with him. As far as going after Glen and Maggie I would refer back to his self preservation and protecting Lori Carl and baby. As he preached to Rick everytime he left the quarry camp and the farm he would want to stay at the prison. But if he was somehow convinced to infiltrate the town he would be an absolute bad ass asset. The guy was tactically sound and a fighter.

    I must admit that I miss Shane and Dale on this show. They were great characters and it sucks not having them along this journey.

  3. #3
    Fresh Meat

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Its funny you made this post because I have been thinking about what Shane would have brought into these new scenarios. I have never forgiven Shane regarding what he did to Otis. I didnt like it. I hope that I would never take that type of action to another person in the same circumstances. I believe I wouldnt/couldnt. Back to topic Shane would be one hell of an asset if he returned to sanity and calmed down a tad.
    You have a point about otis and I do feel like it was wrong. However, If it was me and a kid I in my group that I was close to like shane was carl I would do anything to save him. If it was me and I my daughter was in the same situation I think I would have done it too even though I would have made damn sure it was the last resort and yes I dont like saying that but my family is my world. Besides, They didnt know Otis from Adam so later they could have turned on Shane's group. Otis is the one that shot carl. It was on accident though I realize this.

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Regarding the prison, I believe he would have absolutely been on board with taking the prison and an extreme asset in doing so. The problem with him would have been the first encounter with the prisoners. Knowing Shane he would have been 'all in' in killing them in the cafeteria. In hindsight we can see that as probably a sound decision. But thats what makes Shane, Shane. Shane believed in self preservation and protecting Lori and Carl and baby and if something stood in the way of it....well look out.
    If he would have killed the prisoners though then maybe T-Dog would still be alive and Lori might have had a chance. Remember, Rick didnt make sure Andrew was dead and Andrew is the one that let the Walkers go. Shane only went nuts cause Rick and Lori treated him like crap. She never bothered explaining to him about what how she felt how she did. It was like what some guys do to some girls these days. Use them and loose them. And when rick came back rick treated him like a bitch, ordering him around. Never gave him a real thanks. I think he said it once but I never thought it was really heart felt.
    Last edited by Saurian; 27-Nov-2012 at 09:44 PM. Reason: bad penmenship

  4. #4
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    What if Shane fell in with the Gov?

    Shane was losing it but that was due to the Lori situation. The Otis situation was a desperate act of survival, to save himself and to save Carl. If he hadn't of done it, He, Otis and Carl probably all would have died that night. If Shane had ditched the group and had a chance to clear his head he probably would have been OK mentally.

    With the Gov, initially, he'd agree with the Gov's dictator-like leadership, that was Shane's philosophy for how to survive. Shane probably would have been the Gov's right hand man instead of Merle.

    However, Shane wouldn't have agreed with or taken part in acts like the Soldier ambush and zombie daughter would led to another zombie barn massacre.

    Shane could be militant but he wasn't criminal.

    Cliffs: Shane wouldn't have lasted very long in Woodbury.

  5. #5
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yeah, awesome thread, as me and my buddy from work were actually discussing this on the road to a jobsite the other day.

    we came to the consensus that if shane had just moved on about the lori thing and started a relationship with andrea, he may have came back to his senses and realized that he could be a vital member of the group. lori's pregnancy and the fogginess about who the father was pretty much drove the nail in the coffin for this scenario, though, along with shane's own alpha-male tendencies.

    had shane just left, i could see him being a problem if he'd found his way to woodbury. he would've likely clashed with the governor, as cj said, and ended up getting himself killed over insubordination.

    i do miss the shane dynamic, like facestabber said, but shane was living on borrowed time from season one. had he lived, the internets would probably be melting over the fan-reactions about him not meeting his destined fate. i am glad, though, that they drug his story out and allowed him to make it to the farm. jon bernthal really did an amazing job with the character and turned him from a cliche in the comics to a very complex character on the screen.

    dale can plain just rot, though. he embodies the other end of the spectrum, another character who was better in the comics than on television (yeah, i'm talking about you, andrea). i can almost hear his whining and moping about every choice made so far during season three:

    "but we can't do things like that!"

    "what would that say about us?"

    "i've got sand in my vagina again!" etc etc
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 28-Nov-2012 at 12:42 AM. Reason: .

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    dale can plain just rot, though. he embodies the other end of the spectrum, another character who was better in the comics than on television (yeah, i'm talking about you, andrea). i can almost hear his whining and moping about every choice made so far during season three:

    "but we can't do things like that!"

    "what would that say about us?"

    "i've got sand in my vagina again!" etc etc
    Agreed! I couldn't stand Dale. All of his moral crusading was just annoying. He made everything more difficult by trying to force people through emotional manipulation to do what he thought was the "right thing". If he were to have survived longer, his bullshit would've cost lives. he had no business in that world! Surviving in that world is hard enough without having someone there constantly trying to make everyone believe that being the shining light of humanity and morality is the most important thing. You only survive in that world when survival is the absolute most important thing.
    Dale had to die. Otherwise this season would be a repeat of season 2, with everyone constantly going in circles over survival vs morality. There's alot of people here and all over that loved Dale, and would love to see him still with the group. I don't really understand that. What was so likeable about him? Alot of people subscribe to that view, and see themselves as that same moral crusader type. Those are the people that loved Dale.
    To me, that would be a living hell, to be caught in a zombie apocalypse surrounded by a bunch of Dale types! Man, I wouldn't be able to handle that.

    Shane would be an incredible asset to this season. But only if he could keep himself in check, and not have everyone else struggling to reign him in for the good of the whole group instead of just himself Lori and Carl.

  7. #7
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    I can't stand to even think about it....maybe he would have attempted to kill Rick while clearing out the prison or make a plan to blame it one of the inmates but he still had to die somewhere at mininum around that point. I haven't seen much of season 3 so I am a little uneducated on current events for the show but basing it on the comics + Season 3 ep 1.....That's my prediction.

    Wish they would have got rid of him as fast as the comics did....but him killing Otis was a well written turn of events and blew my mind so I won't bitch too much about his little hissy fits against Rick's leadership during the course of the show.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 28-Nov-2012 at 09:04 AM. Reason: ....

  8. #8
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Dale. I'm a supporter. I see value in him and consider him a good man. An honorable man. If individual survival is the only trait that matters everyone becomes expendable. A soldier or cop whose partner is down and still in the line of fire. Individual survival would say leave them. Better them than me. I guess some people would rather die believing in something than selling out who they were or what they stand for. I can respect that.

    But to the topic it would have been cool to see Shane unleashed on the Gov. Guy was a certified badass.

    Regarding Dale it is clear he is very polarizing. Many like many despise. Sure I'd rather be forced to survive with members of sEAL team 6 but I could deal with Dales speaking his mind because he is a good man. Misguided at times like all of us but a good man
    Last edited by facestabber; 28-Nov-2012 at 02:12 PM. Reason: Thought

  9. #9

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    Dale was a good man. No doubt. But he wasn't really conducive to even group survival. You can't be focused only on individual survival in that reality, you have to be focused on group survival or individual survival is moot. But Dale had the effect of making others 2nd guess their decisions because of his moral crusading. This could've had disastrous consequences for many people.

  10. #10
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Just when you thought the forum was free of epic Shane debating this happens ...

    Have fun guys

  11. #11
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Just when you thought the forum was free of epic Shane debating this happens ...

    Have fun guys
    I honestly think it's a great idea for a topic, though a bit open-ended. I mean, the question must have been at the back of everyone's mind at some point this season And yes, Shane would probably have killed someone else with a pulse, by now. It would be interesting to see how things would have developed (and probably kept escalating) were Shane and Rick both alive as part of the same group and Lori got further along in her pregnancy.

    Anyone else think that a season 3 Shane could have presented a great emotionally-divided sort of character who could have ultimately chosen Woodbury over the group for his soon-to-be child and unwilling(?) woman? A nice dramatic stab in the back! How would that have been for a mid-season finale?

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  12. #12
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Just when you thought the forum was free of epic Shane debating this happens ...
    InShane in the membrane.


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