Next to the Hobbit, this is the most anticipated movie debut for me over the holidays( IMHO ), and this is only from the international trailer.

To be honest, I know Victor Hugo's massive tome only by reputation and I've never seen Les Miz performed on the stage - and, of course, there's Susan Boyle's version of I Dreamed A Dream from Britain's Got Talent (2009 ).

But what with the actors actually performing their numbers on set ( as opposing to lip-sincing to playback ) and a couple attractive song-birds in Amanda Seyfred and Samantha Bark ( along with Helena Bonham Carter and Sasha Baron Cohen ) I'm there.

Now I'm singing Russell Crowe's part of One Day More: "One day more to revolution, we will nip it in the bud, we'll be ready for these schoolboys, they'll wet themselves with blood. "

So, yes, I'm hyped for this one.

Wayne Z