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Thread: The Walking Dead (video game) - Telltales

  1. #181
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Just finished up episode 5 - a solid entry to the game, and moving in more ways than one.

    Fingers crossed for a second season.

    Danny - do you have a link to those pictures and details which suggest a concurrent story in the background etc?

    Although I would hope season two returns to some of the characters we know from this run...

    With Clementine on her own in some field with just a gun and then two figures walking on the horizon - could they be Omid and whats-her-name? - I can't be having them leave Clem's story at that point and not return to it.

  2. #182
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    It's funny to read back in this thread and see how many people here were immediately hating on it. It's also funny to see those same people praising it now! I play this game when I can, though I wait for my fiance to be with me so she can watch me play it...she actually likes to watch, and has gotten into it more than I have. Gonna finish episode five tomorrow...cannot wait!
    I remember the really, really shitty jurassic park one from them left me really goddamn wary of this. I figured it'd be basically the inside of the chemists from episode 1 for the whole game and im damn glad i was wrong, but their previous work really didnt inspire confidence at the time. for me at least.

  3. #183
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Think I was drunk when I wrote this post, nothing to do with the thread :/
    Last edited by LoSTBoY; 17-Dec-2012 at 04:54 PM. Reason: Pissed.

  4. #184
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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  5. #185
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    They also won an award for the best character, for Lee.

  6. #186

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    Quote Originally Posted by LoSTBoY View Post
    Although Jon has bought the game, it sounds like he only got to the start of chapter 2:

    A lot of people disliked Duck and definetly hate Lenny. It's part of the story, you are not expected to get on with every character in it.

    Play the game. All the way through. Then come back here and tell me I'm wrong.

    Played through more of the game and - survey says - it still sucks. I wanted to EXPLORE, not walk along a single track with no option to change my story. It's "Choose Your Own Adventure" except, your choices don't have any consequence to the way the story plays out, and it doesn't really feel like an adventure.

    My thoughts on the game (unrightfully) winning game of the year:

    Don't think for a second because I don't like this overrated pile of hack-gameplay, I am only into "Button Mashers" like Call of Duty. That's the weakest argument people can have for something - instead of defending the game, they attack the credibility of the critic. Same crap happened with Dark Knight. I hated that movie, and everyone's all like "You just didn't UNDERSTAND it." No, I understand the movie perfectly fine, apparently it is the defender that doesn't understand the movie enough to defend it properly.

    I WANT to be proved wrong by this game, and will continue to trudge through the remaining chapters. But if things don't get interesting in both gameplay and story by the end of Chapter 2 (the voice-acting is horrific - not quite as bad as Dead Island, but pretty damn close) I'm abandoning this thing altogether.

    PROVE ME WRONG. Tell me why this wouldn't work better as a Saturday morning Cartoon Network spin-off of the comic. This feels like "The Clone Wars" or "Godzilla: The Animated Series." It doesn't even break 2/10 as far as gameplay is concerned, and no amount of good story-telling will detract from the fact this doesn't feel like a legitimate game. Give all the credit in the world you want to TellTale for gripping narratives, but they're completely hacks at making video games. They've done the same crap with Back to the Future and Jurassic Park: cash in on a popular franchise, claim to focus on 'story' as an excuse to sacrifice actual gameplay, and make profit off someone elses ideas. They didn't create a universe. They sure as hell didn't make a FUN game, in an actual game sense. And the element of the game that received most of TellTales attention - the story - falls flat because both the art direction and the voice acting detract from all ability to get lost in the plot. Feels too cartoony, not gritty enough for the story to pack that emotional punch.

    The potential of a Walking Dead game is astounding, and it boggles my mind people are impressed with THIS. But I'm gonna trudge forward, finish the rest of the chapters, hoping things pick up in 3 and 4. As it stands, this is one of the biggest failures in gaming, as far as I'm concerned. I guarantee no one would give a damn about this game if it didn't have the Walking Dead name attached.

    I had more fun with Operation: Raccoon City. And that game was pathetic. But at least it was actually a game. Even if it was a cash-in (just like this game is), the gameplay was OK. Perhaps if they combined forces, TellTale and the hacks that made O:RC could consolidate to make ONE slightly above average title.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 14-Dec-2012 at 09:40 AM. Reason: efgrh

  7. #187
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    ^^ Can you not accept, it's really not your cup of tea, while some other people enjoyed this 'interactive cartoon'?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  8. #188
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's a pile of shit. Like Neil said, it isn't your cup of tea. I don't know why you get so mad because honestly, It isn't that big of a deal. You should calm down before you have a heart attack man

  9. #189
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Well i left this one, mostly because i literally had a family member die irl this month and wasnt in the mood but i finally got around to it and fuck thats the goddamn game of the year.

    I cut my arm off, lost my shit with kenny, gave up my weapons, didnt kill the stranger and told klem to leave me - since no 9 year old needs to kill two dudes in one day.

    On the whole i loved it but there was some minor gripes with this one. First and foremost this is exactly how i thought it would end, thats no bad thing when i kinda chocked up a little at the ending, but still it would be more of a twist if lee just had a infection or something and didnt die like every bitten character ever just to think outside the zombie trope box a little. That and for my path choice everyone knew omids girlfreind was pregnant, but its never said by her, nor hinted at, you just get it yourself early on if you aint dense, then kenny gets it in the attic then lee just knows for no apparent reason. bad writing? or i got a weird set of choices?
    Aside from that i felt it was a bit short but at 12 hours in total its a good length for a game that cost me £15 and i love how all the "clementine will remember this" stuff is clearly setting up a season 2, something i will be ready and waiting to buy at the first chance

    On the whole it was a refreshing change to a medium get increasingly lowbrow and trope filled the closer it gets to movies since most devs seem to think a game is just a movie, it was nice to see one balance that with being an actual videogame instead of 'kill waves of dudes between cutscenes' timewaste like most games today. Loved it and eagerly await more.

  10. #190
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    Don't think for a second because I don't like this overrated pile of hack-gameplay, I am only into "Button Mashers" like Call of Duty. That's the weakest argument people can have for something - instead of defending the game, they attack the credibility of the critic. Same crap happened with Dark Knight. I hated that movie, and everyone's all like "You just didn't UNDERSTAND it." No, I understand the movie perfectly fine, apparently it is the defender that doesn't understand the movie enough to defend it properly.
    Apologies, I should not have put that. I was like a fanboi with his jimmies truly russled. However I would like to say that you are playing a genre of game you apparently don't like. This is not the games fault but your preffered game playing choice.

    This is an interactive game like Sam & Max and Broken Sword, which are very story driven with puzzle solving in between. I feel you are looking for more of a platform game with a lot more action gameplay.

    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    I guarantee no one would give a damn about this game if it didn't have the Walking Dead name attached.
    Do you mean us as zombie fans or everyone in general as Walking Dead is popular at the moment with the TV series?

    Either way, a quick Google search shows plenty gaming non-zombie forums that enjoy the game for what it is.

  11. #191

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    ^^ Can you not accept, it's really not your cup of tea, while some other people enjoyed this 'interactive cartoon'?
    The world is too politically correct. It's like negative opinions are frowned upon, and everyone prefers fake smiles and pats on the back. I enjoy expressing my opinion and validating said opinion by illustrating points relevant to the discussion. This game was a waste of my money, and as such, I will CHOOSE to discuss it in the forum. I already stated in another post I understand why the game would appeal to others - but I'm not gonna hold peoples hands and sugar coat my opinion so they don't get offended because they disagree with my opinion on the game. I didn't tell anyone else their opinion was wrong, or not worthy of being shared for being too optimistic - is it possible to a share a negative opinion these days without people taking it all seriously and getting offended?

    EDIT: I just read through the last page of the thread, and we were having a fine discussion about the merits and pitfalls of the game before, now that I'm looking back. I think the response I posted last (the Rantlister article) was copied and pasted from IGN after someone attacked me for disliking the game. We were actually cool in here, not sure why an argument even broke out now that I'm looking back. We've been civil in this thread, not sure what changed that?

    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's a pile of shit. Like Neil said, it isn't your cup of tea. I don't know why you get so mad because honestly, It isn't that big of a deal. You should calm down before you have a heart attack man
    I'm not "So mad," I enjoy expressing my opinion. I don't need to "CALM DOWN," telling people to "CALM DOWN" for expressing a passionate opinion is annoying - don't patronize me. Believe me, I'm "CALM" and I'm not gonna have a heart attack. Maybe you should take less stock in what other peoples opinions are and instead express your own. I don't remember attacking anyone that LIKED the game for their opinion. Condescending to people with passionate opinions is an even lamer cop-out than "YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THE GAME." This forum isn't fascist, I can say what I want about this crappy, overrated game. And I can also defend my opinion when people, for some reason, feel the need to attack me for having a negative opinion. Point out to me where I attacked other people for LIKING the game. Wait, what's that - you CAN'T? Well maybe that's because I RESPECT OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna elaborate on why this game disappointed me so much.

    This isn't about me, this is about the game - if you want to defend the game, do it. If not, ignore me, no need to get juvenile because my opinion hurt your feelings.

    EDIT: I actually just looked back through the thread, and we were being civil the entire time, I must be thinking about IGN where people were polarized in their responses to my opinion - people either told me to "Preach on" or to "OD on Tylenol." I'm not trying to be a dick, I just get passionate and over-the-top when I express my dislike of something.

    Quote Originally Posted by LoSTBoY View Post
    Apologies, I should not have put that. I was like a fanboi with his jimmies truly russled. However I would like to say that you are playing a genre of game you apparently don't like. This is not the games fault but your preffered game playing choice.

    This is an interactive game like Sam & Max and Broken Sword, which are very story driven with puzzle solving in between. I feel you are looking for more of a platform game with a lot more action gameplay.
    I can understand the appeal of the game - story over gameplay - and have said nothing to insult fans of the game. I simply illustrated what I find contrived and boring about the game - namely, the art direction felt too cartoony, the plot is filled with cliches, the voice acting is awful, and the fact the company that makes it are lazy and cash-in on other peoples ideas. I was somewhat upset I wasted $25, sure. But I never told people that liked the game "YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" Meanwhile, everyone's attacking me for attacking the game.

    It's not just that the game is an "Interactive Game" that bothered me. I could've dealt with that and had fun. But the areas that NEEDED to be stellar for that game format to work all fell flat. The graphics look like "The Walking Dead: Fisher Price." The voice acting is over-the-top and goofy. The plot is filled with cliches. The characters, besides Lee, are all caricatures. All of this makes it very hard to immerse myself into the gameplay, and makes the whole affair feel shallow, lacking in depth, and completely tacky.

    I'm not trying to convince people NOT to like the game. But when games like this get Game of the Year, it simply lowers the bar. I don't think TellTale should be able to cash-in on franchises and make half-assed games, sacrifing imagination for "an in-depth story herpaderp." Many elements are necessary to make a good game. Ignoring 9 out of 10 of these elements because the "story is all that matters" is a cop-out, in my opinion. Where's the exploration? Where's the dreadful feeling? I love the QTE's in games like God of War, because I'm completely invested in the game, enjoy the gameplay, love the exploration, and can immerse myself in because of the graphics and execution of the story.

    My main point is this: The Walking Dead has so much potential to be an amazing game. Reducing a rich, expansive universe to an on-the-rail point and click game without any exploration or depth, with choices that are supposed to make a difference not even mattering in the long run, is a slap in the face to the source material. I have friends that loved Back to the Future: The Game AND this Walking Dead game, and they laugh along when I rant about the game, and they understand my gripes, and they agree with me the game could have been A LOT better. I also give them the benefit of the doubt, realizing they aren't cynical pricks with ridiculous standards, impervious to media hype. We coexist and respect each others opinions without getting butthurt that we disagree. I can't see why negative opinions aren't allowed in this thread.

    I mean, the reason I went into so much depth with my response to the game was so the fanboys could see I'm not just trying to lash out against the popular opinion, and that we can reach a "agree to disagree" compromise. I wish I could enjoy the game like everyone else, but it fell flat for me. Not reason for us all to not get along because we have different opinions. I attacked TellTale and padded my argument with examples. I didn't condescend to fans of the game because they had a different opinion.

    Do you mean us as zombie fans or everyone in general as Walking Dead is popular at the moment with the TV series?

    Either way, a quick Google search shows plenty gaming non-zombie forums that enjoy the game for what it is.
    What I'm saying is TellTale used the Walking Dead brand-name as a cash-in. Number 1 show on TV? Check. Easy to make game? Check. They were shooting fish in a barrel calling this "The Walking Dead: The Game." No one would have played any of their crappy games if they weren't merely cashing in on other peoples ideas. They did it with Back to the Future, they did it with Jurassic Park. Call me crazy, call me an asshole, call me whatever you want, it's not gonna change the fact that it seems like a REALLY LAZY way to make games - borrowing other peoples ideas and making sloppy, linear click-and-pointers.

    EDIT: Looking back through the thread we had been having a civil and amicable discussion the entire time. My last post before this was copied and pasted directly from IGN, where people were attacking me for my opinion, so it read as unnecessarily harsh. No one did that here, until as a response from my last post, so my bad if it came across mean-spirited. Reread it, though - I'm actually asking people to prove me wrong and give me a reason to finish the game.
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 24-Dec-2012 at 04:32 PM. Reason: rabblerabblerabble

  12. #192
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Episode 1 free on Xbox Live and all other episodes 50% off this week

  13. #193
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Action Trip have given it one of their highest scores ever - 9.6/10
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  14. #194
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    Well... The ending...

    Seems a bit of an open ending not knowing if after all that Clem is OK or not?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  15. #195
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Neil - a cliffhanger for the second season of the game no doubt. I've heard that your save game will continue over into the next game, so we'll see a continuation don't you worry.


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