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Thread: TWD 3x10 "Home" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #31
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Liked it a bit better than the previous episode.

    However, the Woodbury stuff was as clumsy/unbelievable as ever. Not in what goes down there as such but in how it is staged and written. Place doesn't feel real to me,..
    Also: Andrea was her annoying self, again. Why they don't stay a bit more true to the spirit of the character from the comics is beyond me. Andrea was never this stupid.
    And while the action was done quite well it's best not to linger on the details too long as Neil already pointed out. It's all so pulpy that to apply real life logic to most of these characters and their actions is futile.
    Also: where the hell is Tyreese? Missed him.

    Still: Michone speaks! Finally.
    The Daryl/Merle scenes were great. Funny how the most stereotypical, over the top character of Darabonts first season is quickly turning into one of the show's best characters. Great lines, good acting. Glad he's back.
    Last edited by krisvds; 19-Feb-2013 at 03:33 PM. Reason: .

  2. #32
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    As for the truck full of walkers - I'm down with that - it fits Woodbury's M.O. what with those arena games and so on. They frequently catch walkers and use them as entertainment or weapons. It wouldn't be hard to round some up into a van - plus it gives Team Prison even more to worry about.

    Did you get the feeling at the end Rick is about to go postal?

    ps: Rick really needs to wash his hair
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  3. #33
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post

    Did you get the feeling at the end Rick is about to go postal?

    ps: Rick really needs to wash his hair
    The gloves are totally off and shit's most definitely on - that's what Rick's look suggested to me.

    They could all do with a duck under a shower, but yeah, Rick's looking a bit wiffy ... it's a shame he didn't hallucinate Lori in the vicinity of the shower block.


    Been up to my usual tricks again - put them in spoiler tags so they don't take up too much space automatically, although they do contain a 3x10 spoiler, but we all know which one.

    TWD 3x10 Memes:



  4. #34
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    "permission to shit yourself granted". Good one...

  5. #35
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post

    "permission to shit yourself granted". Good one...

    I was properly cacking it at that moment ... I knew they wouldn't do it, but I was so wrapped up in it that I was half-believing they might (although they'd be damned foolish, not-to-mention totally stupid and moronic and non-sensical, to bump him off ... but they still had me on-edge!) ... even still, just the idea of having one, then two, then THREE ravenous walkers pinning you against a fence, their teeth gnashing at your bare flesh, as you struggle helplessly with an empty gun ... remember the pile-on (or "bundle" as some folks in some areas say) from "18 Miles Out"? Scary stuff then - but he did have bullets.

    So yeah - properly scary situation right there. A very tense battle.

    Another couple below, and inspired by Neil's comment on that final shot of Rick.


  6. #36
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    So yeah.. Daryl and Merle turning up just in the nick of time to save the day when the governor attacks the prison..

    Who called that in the episode 9 thread?

    Yeah thats right

  7. #37
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Well feck that anyway. Poor old Otis. At first I was all laughy at his joke and then I was like, Ah Bollocks!

    A better episode than last week, that's for sure. Some duff bits still, that I would have directed differently (with my excellent directorial skills) especially the Gov's Rambo act. Jesus, make an effort lad.

    I actually thought that the firefight was realistic enough and the casualty list was about right. The zombie truck was great, even though I knew about it before hand from that last episode thread. But, yeh, as Neil said...ahem, drive out? Unless the driver is supposed to infiltrate.

    @Min - I actually thought they were going to let one of the zombies bite Rick on the hand and then have Michonne whack it off!

    Poor Otis. I sadfaced.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  8. #38
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post


    I think I may be pregnant with Rick's love baby off that one. Where's my "Morning After" pill?

  9. #39
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Poor old Otis. At first I was all laughy at his joke and then I was like, Ah Bollocks!

    @Min - I actually thought they were going to let one of the zombies bite Rick on the hand and then have Michonne whack it off!

    Poor Otis. I sadfaced.
    You mean "Axel".

    I didn't have time to even think of them maybe biting his hand, I was so wrapped up in the moment. The more I think about it, the scarier that situation is - I'd promptly brick it and be devoured, no doubt.

    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    I think I may be pregnant with Rick's love baby off that one. Where's my "Morning After" pill?

    Glenn's gone off on a run to get you some, but he might be a while, he'll either be kidnapped or get lucky in the process, but he'll be back by nightfall probably.

  10. #40
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    You mean "Axel".
    Well caught my deliberate mistake there.

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  11. #41
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    There were some off parts, but I liked the pacing of this episode better than last, even if some of the predictability is still there. Though I can't fault them for some of the predictable stuff, when they do try and throw an occasional curve ball. Dialog was a bit uneven in certain spots, but not bad and I won't get too hung up on the firefight idiosyncrasies of the show.

    Overall, a pretty good episode

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  12. #42
    Just been bitten zombieparanoia's Avatar

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    This episode was pretty good, nice to Daryl get some screen time and dialogue finally. I hope he kills Merle in the season finale. I'm getting tired of Ricks constant weakness, he was the always conflicted white knight for most of season 1 & 2, hardened up a bit for end of season 2 and first half of season 3 and now is back to being a liability to the group.

    The firefight bothered me a bit with the "A-team" esque accuracy of everyones firing, I don't expect everyone to be sniper but it just got a little silly there. I'm also still disappointed at how nobody makes it a rule of thumb to carry some kind of melee weapon at all times, except michonne, they should all see how effective her weapon is and take their lead there, it's not like they didn't conspicuously find an entire kit of Gerbertm edged weapons a while back.

    I think Rick and co. should repay woodbury for the zombie-gram with a dozen molotov cocktails from outside the wall. Hell, the wall itself is made of tires, tires burn nicely too.
    Last edited by zombieparanoia; 21-Feb-2013 at 04:00 AM.

  13. #43
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Really liked the episode (just watched this one and the previous back to back) but agree with what others have said, the Woodbury scenes seem a little disjointed and out of place when compared to the gritty realistic storytelling around the prison. The way I see it is Woodbury is most things I dislike about zombie movies while Ricks group and the prison is everything I love about them. Woodbury needs to happen as without it the story couldn't follow the arc it does in the comics which fans would be in uproar about, but it has that whole "Mad Max beyond thunderdome" vibe going on in stark contrast to the emotional survival rollercoaster of Rick and his group as set up by the first & second season.

    My favourite part? - Daryl Dixons car boot zombie head slammer kill, brutal! Daryl is THE man!
    Last edited by Tricky; 23-Feb-2013 at 01:51 PM.

  14. #44

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    Few things really drove me nuts about this episode,
    1) Except for the shooter in the woods, who I think was the Gov's current right hand man Martinez, NONE of the Governor's people, or even the Governor himself made ANY effort WHATSOEVER to take cover. I absolutely CRINGED at the # of salvoes it took to drop that idiot in the guard tower. He was skylined, not even bothering to use the guardhouse to pop in and out of, and it took FOUR characters a total of TWELVE distinct 4-12 round salvoes to down that moron. Make excuses for people's aim degrading when other people are shooting at them all you like, but Maggie had a friggin automatic weapon, cover, and a clear line of fire. In the most forgiving realistic scenario imaginable, Maggie shoulda tagged the guard tower guy with 2-3 short bursts close together almost as soon as she was settled in behind that box thing.

    Same goes for the driver of the Walker-truck. WTH!?!?! He hops out, with a PISTOL, and dashes the length of the outer yard while popping off a few blind shots and a couple to keep Michonne pinned down as he neared the gate. I don't even want to get into the Governor's statue-like positioning during the attack.

    Axel getting nailed made perfect sense. First shot of a surprise attack. EVERYTHING from that point onward can be summarized as "Rick & Co. suddenly lost all skill with firearms so as to make the impact of the Governor's attack so severe."

    2) Where the Hell is the Governor finding enough thugs!?!?! From the look of things when Walkers were getting in and attacking Woodbury Sheeple, there was Martinez, two other guys and an armed woman who I'd never seen before now atop the gate. Ie: A force barely sufficient to hold and resecure Woodbury. Martinez was in the woods, one of his thugs in the guard tower, and the other in the Walker delivery truck, + the Governor. Now the Gov. is -1 more Thug. Ok, forget the battle's logistics. HOW DOES HE HAVE THE MANPOWER TO POST SPIES OUTSIDE THE PRISON, AND HOLD WOODBURY!?!?!

    I can accept the Governor didn't lose more men than the one killed, but no one else even INJURED? C'mon now. As others have said, there were a LOT of rounds fired at guys who didn't seem to comprehend the concept of taking cover. Letting them act like that, and have their plan still work perfectly IMO devalued the entire scene. I could go on and on. Such as why Michonne didn't shoot into the windshield of the Walker-truck just before it hit the gates. She had a perfect line of sight to the target, cover and was less than twenty-five feet away at the point the truck hit the outer gate. Why not spray the windshield instead of using that same timeframe to fire aimless bursts into the woods at a far more distant and much more obscured target? It wouldn't have stopped the fences from being smashed, but it would have stopped the Walkers from being released. However, it would just be belaboring the obvious.

    Bottom line? Personally, I thought it was one of the weakest scenes in the entire show and absolutely HATED its execution, results, and vast demands for ridiculously stupid amounts of suspension of disbelief. TWD is better than this. Season 1, Episode 1. The car crash shootout where Rick got shot...a picture perfect example of just how deadly, just how fast death or grave injury can come if your concentration wavers or you drop your guard too soon. The absolutely tragic thing? I LOVED the entire structure of the Governor's overall surprise attack. Sneak a guy into a sniper's nest, another setting up in the treeline, pin them down with suppressive fire, and let the Walker delivery truck's payload do the work of sowing chaos and destruction in his enemy's ranks. All they had to do was have the Governor firing over the hood of the truck beside him and hunkering down behind it when he wasn't shooting. Have the guy in the guard tower pop in and out of the tower guardhouse, and have Martinez dip back into the woods before moving further down the line in either direction before returning to the treeline edge in another position and it could have WONDERFULLY explained the complete ineffectiveness of Rick & Co.'s defensive efforts. Had they done that, the driver's brazen dash after dropping off the Walkers would've been well within my suspension of disbelief comfort zone. Simply because one could have said Rick & Co.'s accuracy was shit because their opponents had the initiative and used it to gain strong positions from which to attack.

    Instead we got 4 jerkoffs standing out in the wide open, unmoving and demonstrating all the concern about the bullets being shot at them as Superman does when nameless criminals shoot at him.

    Be honest, and tell me it didn't make you all a bit nuts when the Governor was just standing there unmoving, and ever 7-10 seconds just idly fired off his weapon. Sometimes even into the air 1-handed. Didn't you feel like the writers were rubbing your noses in the out-of-story logistical reality that the Governor is currently just as unkillable as Rick due to the ongoing needs of the story. They could craft the illusion of the primary protagonist being in mortal danger. So why no more risk for the Governor than a single Walker strolling up to him and negligently getting headshot while the Governor smirked at the corpse as it fell.

    Wouldn't the scene have just FELT BETTER if Martinez took a slug in the thigh, the Delivery truck driver got winged, half spun around but barely managed to keep his balance and continue his dash...and then seeing that the Governor waved em in to pull back, job done?

    Don't really think of this stuff as nitpicking, as it absolutely WRECKED the last 10 mins of the episode for me.

    Just my .02

    Wow, nobody had an opinion about the actual details of the Governor's opening sally versus the prison? "It's pulpy, and no need to consider their actions in realistic terms" is the general consensus?

    Why? Help me out here. If one cares about the future of the show, and the entire impetus of the show is currently orbiting the clash between Woodbury and Rick & Co., doesn't it follow that the future quality of subsequent episodes/seasons is determined by the pivotal actions occurring now in the storyline? Even if I'm wrong there, I genuinely meant what I said when I asked for help understanding why that scene didn't really seem to drive anyone else nuts. Is it because it's what you expected, or do you consider the attack fine as it happened?

    I mean, I understand that obviously bitching about it won't change it. Yet isn't discussing what we do and don't care for and why at the heart of talking about the show and its current episodes?

    Genuinely puzzled here.
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 26-Feb-2013 at 06:55 AM. Reason: Some afterthoughts and more questions.


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