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Thread: World War Z (film)

  1. #631
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    $368,640,821 worldwide, $161,240,821 domestic in 18 days.

    Expect this one to top out around $200 million domestic and $450 million worldwide.

    From potential financial disaster to surprise hit. Look forward to a sequel coming soon to a theater near you.

  2. #632
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Jon View Post
    $368,640,821 worldwide, $161,240,821 domestic in 18 days.

    Expect this one to top out around $200 million domestic and $450 million worldwide.

    From potential financial disaster to surprise hit. Look forward to a sequel coming soon to a theater near you.
    Surprise? Nope. Once the early buzz came in after the re-shoots, this was on a solid path to make money. Even likely before then.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  3. #633
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Spoilers below, but who cares.


    I saw it yesterday, right before I saw The Way, Way Back. If I had to sum up my feelings about WWZ in one sentence it'd: "Don't see it, see something else".

    I realized that I was all over the subconscious disdain I had for this film for shitting all over the book. That's good. Two minutes into the film, once we see the first zombie and Brad Pitt counts to "twelve" (a nice touch, by the way, but really stupid, like the rest of the film) I had come to a second revelation: I hate these zombies. These zombies are lame, and they suck and they fucking pounce like they're feline predators. This is so stupid, I thought. But I decided to put that behind me. "Ok", I thought, "So let's see if I can just enjoy this as a movie, rather than as a zombie movie. Let the zombie fan boy in me take a back seat".

    Well, turns out this this is not only an affront to the book, it's also one of the dumbest films I've seen in the cinema since Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith. I could say Avatar, which was also grade A Moron-stuff, but this is on a different level of dumb.

    Apart from the fact that I'm probably growing too old for these stupid, fucking, piece of shit Hollywood 200 million budget family friendly rollercoasters, this film was also really just fucking stupid. But let's deal with the pace first. Ok, so the zombies invade in the second scene. All the sudden, they're on top of everyone, messing up their shit. The film makes it look like downtown Philly is overrun in a matter of five minutes. This is ridiculous. I laughed so hard at this, because there's like an overhead shot of Philadelphia panning backwards to leave us with that "OH MY GOD" feeling, but all it makes is makes the film feel like a parody of Michael Bay films. This is ridiculous, I wanted to shout. Who the fuck wrote this?

    So they escape into an Apartment block. It gets overrun by zombies pretty soon after they arrive. So Brad Pitt goes to a military base in South Korea. It gets overrun by zombies pretty soon after he arrives. So Brad Pitt goes to Israel. It gets overrun by zombies pretty soon after Brad Pitt arrives. So Brad Pitt goes on a plane. Guess what happens? It gets overrun by zombies pretty soon after he gets on that plane. Cut the shit, people, let us see something new. You've show the exact same stuff three or four times now. WE GET IT. It's all over the place. But these scenes are all fucking boring, because it's just a bunch of shaky camera shots, a shot into a crowd where you can't tell who's a zombie and who's just a panicked whatever and the occasional (yet way to frequent) CGI animated landscape with a PIXAR-quality wave of zombies running across it. This film never, ever settles down. Name one good film. Ok, so you probably thought of Terminator 2, I know I did. How much action IS there in Terminator 2? Well, there's plenty, but there's way more character moments. There's plenty of scenes that let the characters just interact. We remember the action scenes because of good pacing. There's NONE of that here. It's all action amped up to 11 from the second scene, and boy at the end I was so fucking tired of it. None of them, not a single one, of the action scenes is even any good. There's no scene where you go "oh, that was cool" or "Clever and interesting move on the part of the scriptwriters!" because the scenes mostly just consist of Brad Pitt running and CG-zombies chasing.

    Ok, so the pacing is way off. But you can only partly blame that on the movie. This is the way big budget films are heading, and they're not going away soon. But today, it's quantity over quality. "More scenes. More plots. More stuff. Just throw more locations in there! Make it feel epic! Who cares if it's good?"

    So there are so many things in this film that just don't make any sense whatsoever. This script is, in my mind, Asylum worthy. It's as stupid as that Sharknado trailer being thrown around.

    The zombies in this film turn in 10 seconds. Some character said an earlier strain of the virus clocked in at 5-10 minutes, but we never see that. But Ok, let's say 10 minutes, just for arguments sake. Another character said that the infection spread fast "Thanks to Air travel". Really? Air travel? Most air routes take no less than an hour. Most international flights way more. If you, by any chance, happen to get a zombie on your plane (which is unlikely, considering they turn so fast that nobody would want to bring one to begin with). During the time that it takes to fly a plane from A to B, the zombies would've infected them ten times over. Yet somehow, we're supposed to believe that the planes then land, safe and sound, and spew out zombies that just, simultaneously all over the world, start turning people into zombies? Isn't that a little bit far-fetched? No, strike that, but isnt' that just a little bit retarded? What is this, Nightmare City 2: Electric Boogaloo?

    And don't get me started on that whole Israel scene. A minute after Brad Pitt arrives, some asshole starts singing and the zombies hear it and start climbing. Oh. How convenient. Or is it just your bad luck charm you keep bringing with you, Brad Pitt? Or should I say Brad Dick, cause that what you are. You probably started this whole apocalypse, considering the kind of shit you keep getting people into.

    So the zombies climb the walls, and we're supposed to think "Oh shit! They're going over the wall!". All I'm thinking is, "Oh, this could be interesting. That wall is 50 meter high maybe, when the zombies fall down on the other side they are going to break their legs, necks, spines, whatever and maybe we could get a nice, slow zombie invasion here". Nope, don't think so. Those zombies, or should I call them Superzombies from Krypton, hit the ground running. That's when I just stood up and yelled "Come on!". That's so stupid! Who the fuck wrote this travesty!?

    Think this film couldn't get any dumber? Think again, ding ding, next stop, Surpriseville! In 5 minutes, tops, Jerusalem is turned from the only safe haven on Earth (except for picturesque Wales) into a city overrun by zombies. This is so stupid! Even the writers of Nightmare City, which is the only film that comes close to how ridiculous this shitfest is, had more sense than to have the zombies overrun a city that fast. And those zombies could shoot AND drive cars!

    Ok, so then they get on a plane, and I think "Ok, maybe the film's gonna give us that breather from either action or exposition that we need right now". Nope, turns out Surpriseville has two stops. Our characters sit down and bond and talk about shit nobody cares about. Stuff like "Do you have a family?" or "You really should let your hair grow out, cause you look like shit". So we get about five minutes of this. Remember, five minutes. Then suddenly, zombies.

    Wait a minute. Five minutes on a plane? But it's been clearly established at this point that it takes 12 seconds for somebody to turn. So it's not as if somebody got on board, settled in and then turned. That's impossible, we know that, cause Brad Pitt has been on that plane longer than 12 seconds. But there's a zombie in a cabinet. What the actual fuck? So was it there the entire time? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. What - so -fucking -ever. Who cares, we left Surpriseville long ago, we're in Retardtown now!

    So the plane crashes and the only survivors are Brad Pitt and the useless Israeli girl who we don't really give a shit about (convenient, I know). What's her deal anyway? Stop looking so mopey. You lost your hand, everybody else just lost everybody else. We saw a graphic earlier in the film that clearly established that 3,5 billion people died within the first day of the outbreak and you're whining about your hand? Get real, bitch. 'Murrica.

    The final act of the film, set in Wales, is the one I assume they had to re-shoot. Thank god. I read on IMDb about what the original ending was, and apparently they go to Russia, they're depicted as evil, soulless people who kill the sick and old, and then Brad Pitt is drafted into the Russian army and starts pondering on the finer philosophies of zombieism right before he leads an invasion of the US, Omaha beach-style. Yeah, that's right, more or less, the original third act was more of the same.

    So they're at the WHO center in Wales. And the final act, by far the most sensible one yet, is about finding a disease to infect everyone with so that the zombies won't chase them, because the zombies just chase healthy people. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but at this point I just don't care. I can feel the end of the movie around the corner and like a zombie craving it's meat, I want to get there as soon as possible. But the final act, while still pretty dumb, is still the best of the film. This is not saying much, and it truth it's kinda boring. But boring is better than a sensory overload of shit and loud pixar-effects. There's this one scientist girl who Brad Pitt has a conversation with about his idea of getting a disease, and the dialoge we're treated to is on such an elementary level that you have no trouble buying the fact that this was written in a short matter of time where no time for research was allowed. Bravo.

    Anyway, then Brad Pitt finds a disease, or shall we call it a cure, because that's what they start calling it (or a vaccine, rather), which still doesn't make any sense and they inject the world with it. For whatever reason, at this point, Brad Pitt starts having a monolog. He never had one before. Why now? And he starts to talk about how we together can fight this threat to humanity. Who are you talking to Brad? Some fictional audience in this fictional universe of yours? We're talking about fighting zombies here! They don't exist! Stop talking about them in that "If everyone chips in, we can create a better future for our children"-voice that you hear in documentaries with George Clooney about Darfur. This is not Darfur! It's World War Z! AND IT'S SHIT!!!
    Last edited by EvilNed; 15-Jul-2013 at 09:42 PM. Reason: fix

  4. #634

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    Everything I've heard has gelled my initial feelings,
    Travesty of a movie, too big to fail, and due to some measure of fiscal success it will undoubtedly open the door to more super-zombie films, in the same way 28 Days Later paved the way for ever more fast-zombie movies. Frankly, anyone who doesn't agree that Day-Remake zombies proliferating throughout a significant % of future zombie flicks is an awful, AWFUL thing is either too stupid, or has such poor taste I wouldn't want to communicate with them anyways.

    This movie is all downside for the genre, no upside.

  5. #635
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Oh, Ned ... while I skimmed your review to avoid spoilers (even for a film I've not bothered to see yet, and won't for some time, I still want to remain ignorant of the plot until I see it), I certainly got a good chuckle from what I did read, particularly the last little bit.

    Stop talking about them in that "If everyone chips in, we can create a better future for our children"-voice that you hear in documentaries with George Clooney about Darfur. This is not Darfur! It's World War Z! AND IT'S SHIT!!!

    You raise a good point about T2 - it feels action packed, and the action is fairly frequent, but there's plenty of time in-between to delve into the characters and get some emotion out of the film (e.g. when they attack Dyson's home and discover he has a family, and then they talk it all out and bring him round to their way of thinking, or seeing Sarah for the first time, or while they're at that road-side rest stop and there's the whole "in it's your nature to destroy yourselves" talk). It all adds depth and meaning to the action that follows - as well as creates not only a goal to aim for, but a sense of jeopardy.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 15-Jul-2013 at 06:26 PM. Reason: I forgot to visualise my LOLs! Oh, the panic! Have mercy, Lawd...

  6. #636
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    Here's my super quick review of WWZ for those in a hurry! On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being sux & 10 being a lip-puckered love affair) ,I Ragnarr give this movie a....
    [drum roll + cymbal crash]


    -They never should have cast Brad Pitt in this movie even as a dead dude.
    -10 seconds from healthy human to ghoul is just plain nuts.
    -Zombies being able to tell who is "healthy" and who is not instantly is beyond the nuts level the 10 second change over is.
    -Zombies having physical abilities beyond what their living selves were capable of just 10 seconds ago is more nutty than my previous two points.

    Nice CGI though!
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 16-Jul-2013 at 12:13 AM. Reason: edit
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  7. #637
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Spoilers below, but who cares.


    I saw it yesterday, right before I saw The Way, Way Back. If I had to sum up my feelings about WWZ in one sentence it'd: "Don't see it, see something else".
    ...and you didn't even mention the squeaky bike scene? ie: Why didn't they just get in the fuel truck with the soldier(s)?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  8. #638
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Well, this was utter rubbish (as expected). It's absolutely criminal, the amount of money that was wasted on this piece of crap. Most of it is interior scenes, where the bloody hell were the millions spent?

    There's not a single drop of blood spilt in the whole show either and the effects work was fairly minimal, on the whole.

    The zombies, or "zombies" are terrible. Probably the worst incarnation of the monster that we have yet seen. The hit all of the most awful of the nouveaux zombie characteristics, the worst being the raptor-scream gibberish. Their speed is stupid and the agility they possess is just absurd, and belongs solely within the realms of a computer, because it certainly wouldn't be possible in realms of physics. The zombie pyramid in Israel is ridiculous, beyond words. It wouldn't be even remotely possible by living people.

    I'd rather have to sit through an eternity of 'Zombie Creeping Flesh' than have to watch 'World War Z' again.

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  9. #639
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yikes....thanks for all the warnings, fellas. i really hadn't planned to see this, and my interest hasn't even slightly increased now that it's in the cheaper theaters.

    and these scathing reviews from trusted sources such as yourselves are just reaffirmation that it'd be a waste of money to pay a single dollar to see it, and a total waste of time even when it makes it to the movie channels on tv.

    such a great book and concept, totally ruined by hollywood and dolts like brad pitt. oh well, nothing new, i suppose.

  10. #640
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Theres an unabridged version of the audiobook now

    Also an addon for the original version to make it complete
    Last edited by kidgloves; 29-Jul-2013 at 08:35 PM. Reason: ..........
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  11. #641
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Thanks for all the reviews fellas. Despite all my misgivings, I almost caved and went to see this.

    Now I know for sure without even seeing it that I would give it a 'shit sandwich' rating.

  12. #642
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rightwing401 View Post
    Thanks for all the reviews fellas. Despite all my misgivings, I almost caved and went to see this.

    Now I know for sure without even seeing it that I would give it a 'shit sandwich' rating.

    Well, let us know what you think of it when you catch it on cable or as a rental, RW!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Theres an unabridged version of the audiobook now

    Also an addon for the original version to make it complete
    The audiobook was fairly well done, IIRC. I had received a copy from a friend one Christmas some time after reading the book and the voice talent is quite solid.

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  13. #643
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    It's up on YouTube if anyone wants to check it out.

    I was listening to it in work last week.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #644
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Apparently there's a chance of an "unrated" version on home video formats ... no doubt a way to try and grab a few more buyers for the disc, but to also try and attract some of those who've not seen the movie yet.

    I can't imagine it'll be a proper unrated cut though ... I envision CGI gore splats pasted on top, and the odd bit of effin' & jeffin' when someone's back is turned to the camera, a la Die Hard 4.

    Also, it's raked it something like $474m worldwide.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 02-Aug-2013 at 05:46 PM.

  15. #645
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Apparently there's a chance of an "unrated" version on home video formats ... no doubt a way to try and grab a few more buyers for the disc, but to also try and attract some of those who've not seen the movie yet.

    I can't imagine it'll be a proper unrated cut though ... I envision CGI gore splats pasted on top, and the odd bit of effin' & jeffin' when someone's back is turned to the camera, a la Die Hard 4.

    Also, it's raked it something like $474m worldwide.
    I agree. WWZ doesn't look like a movie that was shot with blood intact then watered down so I doubt the "unrated" version will be much different. All the potential gore moments happen off screen so it would need to be an alternate take version rather than a restored version.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.



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