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Thread: The Bay

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Mar 2006
    simply walking into mordor

    The Bay

    So i heard about this ages ago, pretty sure i saw a thread about it here in fact, and forgot about it till it showed up on netflix.

    At first glance it looks like a set up for a zombie found footage flick but turns into an eco-horror fuax documentary that i found pretty disturbing by the end. Its basically a fake documentary where bits of footage from multiple sources, cctv,handycams, skype conversations and more are stitched together as this town begins to celebrate its 4th of july festival as an "outbreak" occurs of something they try to puzzle together the source of as it goes on. -That parts pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain, but the latter half basically pulls off what some scenes from the crazys remake tried to do and its pretty creepy to see elements of body horror, mass death in such a hometown envrioment and just this one eerie scene where a couple who have been out on the lake all weekend pull their boat into dock at midnight and stumble through the aftermath of the chaotic days events. Its all told very in your face with a total of 2 semi jump scares in the whole flick which i found made it far more unnerving than paranormal activities "ritch white people house with expoding cupboards" approach.

    The endings pretty weak and it leaves you wanting more but ultimately i found this one of the more effective horror films in recent years in a industry very stuck on the supernatural right now. I would definitely check it out on netflix streaming.

    -dont let that trailer fool you its not straight handycam all the way through and much more subtle than that. Expect more pontypool than 28 sdays later.

  2. #2
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    NW Arkansas
    United States
    Yeah, I rented this way back. I'm not going to lie, I didn't get very far through it before I killed it. I thought it was going to be that same crap throughout. I may try to burn my way through it some night, right after I finish the My Name is Earl marathon I currently have happening...


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