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Thread: TWD 4x05 "Internment" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 4x05 "Internment" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

    The fifth episode of season four!

    Please keep all talk of episode 4x05 "Internment" specifically inside this thread.

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    Episode 4.05: “Internment” - Assorted enemies pressure Rick and the group; the survivors and the prison may reach a breaking point.

  2. #2
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Ya know I love this show. This was a prison episode I was happy with. I really liked Carl and Rick kicking ass. The Gov is back and it's about to get nasty.

  3. #3
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    A ponderous first two thirds to this episode, but it did end with some solid insanity and action.

    Hershel was killing me with not closing those doors, though. I get it, he's hobbled, over-tired and overworked, but damn...

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  4. #4

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    Now that's what I'm f*cking talking about. That was pretty much a perfect episode of Walking Dead. This episode is arguably the first time since the pilot aired that I felt it captured the tone of the comic dead on. Such a great episode.

    - Hershel taking center stage and selflessly tending the sick. Making quips about taking advantage of half the council being gone.
    - Near death scare with Sasha, wasn't sure if that zombie he walked by would attack him when he was trying to revive her.
    - Carl and Rick wasting zombies with automatic weaponry? And then walking amongst them afterwards to kill any survivors? Epic
    - Still on the fence about Lizzie, creepy little girl playing with zombie blood with her foot. Treating zombies like pets. Bitch is crazy.
    - The Governor at the end of the episode was totally unexpected and a pretty damn good ending.

    Did anyone else spo Dr. Tongue? There was a zombie that looked like it was THE SAME MOLD as Dr Tongue. Wonder if Nicotero would do something like that....recycle an actual prop from Day.
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 11-Nov-2013 at 02:24 AM. Reason: asdgfhgd

  5. #5

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    Things are getting quite grim,
    And here we're seeing the critical flaw in Rick's call last week. Maggie took the news surprisingly (unrealistically) well. Herschel hasnt been depicted as giving his opinion, but given the way he answered Daryl doesnt seem to have a problem with Rick's handling of the situation. But there's Daryl, and Rick delaying fessing up to the party most concerned with the principal decision. Now of course they'll cop out, and not have Daryl bail to go look for Carol like he WOULD.

    Plus, look at how its going with the illness. Rick's entire "They could have lived. Karen and David, they could have lived" is COMPLETE NONSENSE. The BEST case of someone who has become seriously symptomatic who HASN'T ended up hacking huge amounts of blood up is Sasha. Seriously, thats our current "best case recovery model" from this illness. Someone losing consciousness intermittently, becoming half-delirious and needing IV-rehydration in order to regain consciousness.

    Doc Caleb, and what happened in the Sick Ward tonight backed up and vindicated Carol completely. FACT: The healthy man who came out with the gun to try and protect Herschel, who was subsequently bitten/killed would be ALIVE had Carol had charge of the worst-case-sick. There wouldnt have been dead bodies lying in open cells long enough to reanimate, get up and come out to attack, because they woulda been knifed.

    Though truthfully after Lizzie's "Here boy, here boy" routine with Intubated Walker, and her swirling her bootsole around in Glenn's puddled blood, I am almost positive the reason Carol BURNED the bodies was NOT to stop the disease, but to conceal the non-terminating mortal wounds Lizzie inflicted. In Lizzie's logic "At least they get to come back as SOMETHING." (Direct quote) She quite probably stabbed them in the chest or throat, so they could "Come back."

    Either way, the Prison was critically undermanned when it was just disease and Walkers fence-breaching to worry about. Add the Governor to that mix and it's a bad, BAD thing that there's just Rick & Carl on Outside Duty.

  6. #6
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Hershel is beyond exposed to this virus and yet at the end of the episode he is hanging out with the other members. Also sure was shaping up for Hershel to die this episode. Glad he's still with us.

    The gov isn't gonna make his presence known without taking some serious casualties. I love that music, the pulse. I eagerly await the Hell the gov is gonna bring.

    More Maggie please. I love her and think she is one of the best characters and actors. She hasn't had enough screen time this season and tonight was a good start at focusing on her. I repeat, more Maggie!!!

    Wylde you are completely wrong about vindication. FACT everyone in that cell block would be dead if Carol carried out her plan. If glen pulls through does that count for anything? And why is Maggie's reaction questioned? She was noticeably upset and saddened but she understands that Glen would have been knifed by now as well. Sans Daryl it seems the entire counsel is gonna agree with Rick. So counsel plays Monday morning QB and agree with Rick. Team Rick wins!!!! I feel vindicated. I'm kidding. Just really happy with this seasons story.
    Last edited by facestabber; 11-Nov-2013 at 03:09 AM. Reason: Addition

  7. #7
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Terrible episode for 2/3rds of it. The Rick/Carl stuff was great but the rest of it was poorly executed. Not sure if it was the direction, editing or both but I won't be rewatching this.
    Great to see the Gov at the end. I hope he has a tank with him
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  8. #8
    Just been bitten zomtom's Avatar

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    I thought it was a great episode. I was sitting on the edge of my seat through a good portion of it. I was also yelling at my television, every time Rick was in a scene. I kept saying, " that's what you get for getting rid of Carol!!" They were pretty much down to a skeleton crew in this episode and they could have used her help, either at the fence or in the isolation ward. And NO, I don't believe she would be killing the sick. I think it's obvious, Karen and etc.;s death didn't stop the virus. Besides, I'm still pretty sure we're going to find out Lizzie is the killer in a few more episodes. Rick has irked me a number of times in the past but I am officially going to say I do not like his character any longer. What he did to Carol was wrong and I want him to suffer a little for that decision. He got off a little too easy with Maggie and Hershel. I can only hope Daryl rips Rick's ball-sack in the next episode.
    Also, I think one of the reasons Hershel hasn't gotten sick is because this flu was based on the "Spanish Flu" of 1918. That flu only took out people in their prime. It didn't affect the very young or old. That's why Hershel is still pretty chipper after having blood spit across his face.

  9. #9
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Boo! Hiss! Governor!!!

    That guy is just smouldering with psychopathic hatred and ill intent...what a great villain!

    Just this second watched the episode, so no real thoughts yet apart from the fact that season 4 is just kicking my arse with every episode...really enjoying this season.

    Oh, okay, will echo a few other peoples thoughts...zombie breach was great, I wanted to be there with Rick and Carl pumping hot leaden death into those walkers and that little girl is creepy as fuck! she always puts me in mind of the kid in this meme...

    Last edited by Legion2213; 11-Nov-2013 at 05:51 AM. Reason: .
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Yep, Lizzie is creepy as all get out ... weird little girl.

    Walker breach! *GASP!* That was some tense stuff, alright! I was locked-in tight to that scene as it played out, and combined with all the chaos in the flu-wing, it was pretty relentless when it all kicked off.

    Ooooooooh ... The Governor's back! I wonder if we'll get to see a sort of montage of what he got up to over those intervening months, that'd be cool to see.

    I also liked how they did a kind of call back to episode one with Rick coming out. They think they've got things handled again, time to calm down ... but then that music. I loved Carl and Rick going side-by-side with assault rifles taking out those walkers, that split-second zoned-in vibe from the both of them, Carl tossing the magazine to Rick and so on, that was some capable stuff ... ... although is it such a good idea to have a big box of guns out in the open where they could get rained on?

    A little bit slow up-front, but then it really cranked up - lots of tension - I was really thinking they might snuff out Glenn and/or Sasha. Those two were right down to the wire. Have we pretty much run out of Woodburyites now? There can't be many left now!

  11. #11
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Very tense episode, I liked it! I was convinced Hershel was going to meet his maker during this episode.

    I had thought about the cache of guns being kept outside, apparently not even under a tarp or something, as being unwise until I thought that maybe they were just recently moved outside, to be easily accessible to the few remaining "defenders". A move that certainly saved the day with Rick and Carl.

    All in all, I thought it was a fun episode.

  12. #12
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    Very tense episode, I liked it! I was convinced Hershel was going to meet his maker during this episode.

    I had thought about the cache of guns being kept outside, apparently not even under a tarp or something, as being unwise until I thought that maybe they were just recently moved outside, to be easily accessible to the few remaining "defenders". A move that certainly saved the day with Rick and Carl.

    All in all, I thought it was a fun episode.
    TWD will never win praise for their gun handling knowledge. I have just found a way to let it slide. And actually I will greatfully accept your explanation as to the guns being moved outside.

    I too thought Hershel was going down. He has really been a strong character for this show. A little goofy upon introduction(the barn) but I really like Hershel. Group is lucky to have him.

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    I had thought about the cache of guns being kept outside, apparently not even under a tarp or something, as being unwise until I thought that maybe they were just recently moved outside, to be easily accessible to the few remaining "defenders". A move that certainly saved the day with Rick and Carl.
    That's a fair point - I'll take it.


    This was a great episode for Hershel, lots to do, and various different hats on during the episode - wise old sage, medical man, and even a broken down tired old guy who's just been through some serious shit and is - perhaps - losing his faith.

    Even though it's all make believe, if I was in the shoes of Lincoln or Riggs, I'd have shat myself when that fence came down and the walkers started spilling in ... it was so chilling to see them out there at night, nothing but walkers, fence, and a big black void beyond. Quality stuff.

    TWD 4x05 Memes:

  14. #14

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    Carol (If she even did it, which I doubt very much at this point) knifed Karen and David to try and prevent the disease's spread. NOTHING she has said or done indicates she would kill anyone else now that the disease is rampant. What she WOULD DO is stop the needless RISKING OF LIVES by Herschel's ridiculous "Lets move a body that could reanimate at any moment and spring into action like the Walker that cost Herschel his leg, just so people dont have to see the dead being knifed to prevent reanimation.

    You all do understand that the death of the man who came out of the cell to try and protect Herschel when the Walker grabbed him, his blood is on Herschel's hands. Had a) Herschel done as Doc Caleb suggested and started carrying the shotgun, no problem. b) If they weren't being so prissy about disposal of the dead, there wouldn't have been a near-repeat of the Patrick-Walker-overrun of Cell Block D. Glenn nearly died because of Herschel's policies. The man is selfless to a fault, and has admirable humanity, compassion and wisdom in many areas...but his hesitancy when it comes to dealing with Walkers directly just cost the life of someone who wasn't sick.

    I strongly believe that had she returned to the Prison, Carol would've been right in there with Herschel, allowing desperately needed rest on Glenn and Sasha's part...and would only knife those who were already gone. I believe it's very difficult to deny that Herschel's moralizing, coupled with his understandable fatigue, just cost a life that didnt need to be lost.

    That's without even getting into the fact the Prison is so critically undermanned that Rick's pre-apocalypse moral code is becoming more of a hindrance with every passing moment. Carol is not a serial killer, and even if she DID do it, and even if it was a bad call, exile is the same as slow execution. Look at how things went for Michonne and Andrea, and they had each other. But Rick has a penchant for if not pulling a trigger or thrusting with a blade somehow makes him less a killer.

    I'm still holding onto hope that Rick's eventually going to get a clue, but right now his pre-apocalypse moralizing is annoying to watch, and his judgmental behavior when it suits him is downright ruining the character. What Rick is essentially saying is this: "I don't want to be responsible for the heavy decisions....until something happens and I change my mind, then I want to be free to exercise unilateral punishment in a way I am willing to kill others for doing."

    Rick can't have it both ways. Either the buck stops with him, or he has to stop making calls that are life and death for others. In a very unfair, very arbitrary apocalypse, its a sort of unfair the group shouldn't have to deal with, having Rick just jump in and do what he wants whenever he feels moved to do so.

    I could make an argument that Shane could, using the EXACT SAME reasoning, said "I'm making the decision to bust open the barn and eliminate the Walkers inside for ME."

    How's it different? Rick perceived Carol as a threat, so he got rid of her via his sense of entitlement to make such calls. Shane perceived that creaky-ass barn with its mini-horde of barely-contained Walkers as an imminent threat, and made a unilateral decision that was actually more valid than Rick's decision to oust Carol, because Shane announced his intentions prior to taking action, armed everyone, and let their willingness or unwillingness to participate in the Walker extermination speak for itself.

    Watch the Mythbusters episode they referenced in last night's Talking Dead. Adam and Jamie empirically proved that the depicted # of Walkers in the barn could NOT ONLY breach it, but that a single surge of the majority of the Walker-bodies (you know, the type of behavior they exhibit ALL THE TIME at the Prison fence) would in Adam's words "Snap that 2x4 like a twig."

    It's the SAME principle, like it or not. Worse, let's say that every major character recovers...Rick's actions have invalidated the Council. He's saying "If logistically speaking you guys aren't immediately available to weigh in on a major issue, I reserve the right to go over your heads and do whatever I think is best." Why have a Council if that's the case? Rick didn't even TRY to work within the system they've created. Carol could easily have been incarcerated until such time as the Council members either recovered and could address the situation, or various Council members die and replacements are voted in to address the issue.

    Frankly, the Tyreese is going to rage out argument doesn't hold water either. He's such a loose cannon presently that he's a CLEAR AND PRESENT danger to himself and others.

    A very good episode in so many ways, but I feel they're straying into non-fun territory with the Rick he now does the very things he's killed others for doing, and doesn't seem to have any internal realization of that fact.

  15. #15
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Wow.. best episode of the season so far! i loved this one guys, seriously.. everything about it, it was perfect!

    i was on the edge of my seat, i was sure glenn was a dead man and i was sure herchel was a dead man!

    And rick and carl walkerbusting? yes please!

    And the governor..

    bring on next week!!


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