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Thread: "offensive" photo

  1. #16
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I don't even know what else to say

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  2. #17
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, a funny quote ... where the heck did you read that? I was kinda thinking it was a joke or a comedy routine, but as you read it then perhaps it's actually someone being serious ... but there's a bit of truth in it perhaps.

    Now, yes, one of the plotters for this week's carry on was a white guy who converted ... kinda makes you wonder why he converted to Islam ... but whatever I guess (for a normal person anyway) ... but it makes you wonder what on earth made him convert to radical Islam extremism against his own country...weird.

    Now, whoever that lawyer is that DEFENDED hamza (!!! I know !!!), she'd jump up and down on me for this ... but (not to offend, just sayin' is all), surely it would make sense to bring in a bit of "profiling". Because, well, the majority of the terrorists we're "facing" are ... actually ... *whispers* muslim. So surely...that'd make some sense, right?

    Get a shedload of security staff (rope in Army surplus, the TA, the Salvation Army, anybody damnit! lol) and look out for suspicious behaviour - ANY suspect goings on by ANYBODY though.

    But as the terrorists we're facing are mostly muslim extremists, then it'd make sense to keep an eye on muslim people going by - because, after all, the spotters don't know ANYBODY from Adam, so surely they should be "bullet point number one" on their list, and then everybody else.

    Now that's not being racist, that's just making a statement that seems kinda obvious to me, because after all, if we were facing white terrorists in say a mostly black populated country, then it'd be completely politically correct to keep the closest eye on any white folk running around airports etc. We're all equal - in ALL aspects of life, after all, good or bad.

    Getting some more folk on the ground would also help the situation, speed things up a bit, because how the heck can you blow up a plane with a BOOK. I mean really. Just flip it upside down and flick through the pages from start to finish a few times as you check through and bingo bongo - something to read on the plane whilst you try and ignore the screaming toddler whose chav parents won't tell it to shut up, because the staff took your Xanax off you as it might be a chemical bomb or something...

    And indeed, it's this bastard vast minority of the Muslim community who are giving the bunch a bad name, and that's a shame and sadly it happens in all facets of society. There's always some bad apple who's gotta ruin it for everyone...

    If only terrorists would just shut up and go live on their own terrorist island and leave us alone and we'd leave them alone (and secretely film them and make a new reality show: Big Terrorist Love Island Brother In The Jungle) ... of course, that's not what terrorists are about.

    And speaking of the theory of terrorists, do they ever just give up and think - you know, us small and merry band of home-made body-bombers are no match for an entire country/world of people run by multiple, professional, know-everything agencies ... so come on lads, why bother eh? Let's go on that Terrorist Love Island thing and get us some dynamite-wrapped-ass.


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