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Thread: Your Movie Sucks: The Walking Dead

  1. #1
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Your Movie Sucks: The Walking Dead

    the series of videos below might take a while to get through, but they really highlight the numerous problems that have plagued this show. it's gonna be tough for some of you walking-dead apologists to sit through, as it really doesn't hold back any punches on the writing, lack of character development, inconsistencies with the abilities of the walkers, etc.

    while I do enjoy the show, it really has grown stale and lost my interest, and I found these videos to be hilariously entertaining and actually quite informative, particularly concerning the shitty behavior by amc and their greedy actions.

  2. #2
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post

    while I do enjoy the show, it really has grown stale and lost my interest...
    Watch the first half of the new season.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  3. #3
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i did, and my opinion is pretty much the same. not really digging the show anymore, although i am glad they are finally out of the prison. i'll set the dvr to record the last part of the season once they air all of them before the finale, but this show is already past its expiration date with me.

    hate to sound like a hipster, but i loved zombies and romero's classics long before it was such a mainstream thing to be a living-dead head and it seems to me that there's just so much zombie-related crap out there, and most of it is poor quality. TWD started off great but has quickly turned into a boring slog of ignorant and unlikeable characters making stupid decisions and having dumb conversations, heavily surrounded by gag-zombie kills. glad they got off the prison setting though, maybe it'll get interesting again now that they show is moving instead of just spinning its wheels.

    did you watch the videos?

  4. #4
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    I'll never understand why people who claim to not like The Walking Dead keep watching it and complain about it. Seems that time would be spent better doing something else.

  5. #5
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    it's called critiquing, dude. these videos aren't just hating on they show, by the way, they really do bring up some valid points.

    a big focus of these videos concerns the shady-dealings of amc and how they f*cked darabont over and how that has impacted the show, which i found rather revealing.

    i really liked the show at first, and still think it has potential, but it's really not as good as it could be, if you catch my drift.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 21-Dec-2013 at 02:55 AM. Reason: .

  6. #6
    Just been bitten Harleydude666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    I'll never understand why people who claim to not like The Walking Dead keep watching it and complain about it. Seems that time would be spent better doing something else.
    Because these posters are full of shit. Who knows what their senseless motivation is but I personally feel they just want to try to sound smarter than the next guy by acting like the story is "stale" please, gimme a break already. They also act like the writing is beneath them and are holding onto some Romero dream that he's gonna come out of the woods with another classic. No bigger Romero fan than me, but his career is over. But I love how they all keep posting here and funnier that they keep watching. If a show got "stale" for me I would not watch anymore let alone spend my valuable time complaining about it.

  7. #7
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Harleydude666 View Post
    Because these posters are full of shit. Who knows what their senseless motivation is but I personally feel they just want to try to sound smarter than the next guy by acting like the story is "stale" please, gimme a break already. They also act like the writing is beneath them and are holding onto some Romero dream that he's gonna come out of the woods with another classic. No bigger Romero fan than me, but his career is over. But I love how they all keep posting here and funnier that they keep watching. If a show got "stale" for me I would not watch anymore let alone spend my valuable time complaining about it.
    Excuse me sir, but that reads like it's coming from someone who, himself, feels smarter than people with a different opinion than theirs. Exactly the kind of people you are mocking.

    Besides, this place would be a whole less fun if we would suddenly all agree on everything. I enjoy reading different opinions on a subject we all hold dear. This is a zombie forum afer all ...

    To me it's also more than that. I don't post as much as some other guys and girls (are there any ) on here but it's the only place on the internet that I feel kind of comfortable in doing so. That is because there isn't as much passively agressive or even heated pubescent bickering ...
    Last edited by krisvds; 22-Dec-2013 at 05:06 PM. Reason: .

  8. #8
    Just been bitten Harleydude666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Excuse me sir, but that reads like it's coming from someone who, himself, feels smarter than people with a different opinion than theirs. Exactly the kind of people you are mocking.

    Besides, this place would be a whole less fun if we would suddenly all agree on everything. I enjoy reading different opinions on a subject we all hold dear. This is a zombie forum afer all ...

    To me it's also more than that. I don't post as much as some other guys and girls (are there any ) on here but it's the only place on the internet that I feel kind of comfortable in doing so. That is because there isn't as much passively agressive or even heated pubescent bickering ...
    Sir, your argument with me makes no sense, of course everyone has their own opinions, but people here just constantly kill the show in every post and it's always the same thing "writing" "pace" blah blah, but I'm still standing by what I said, why watch and complain about a show if you don't like it or "lost interest" in it? Makes no sense

  9. #9
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    le sigh....has anyone actually watched the videos? that's kinda why i started this thread, to share these videos that some might glean some information from or enjoy watching, and possibly discuss people's impressions of these.

    i didn't watch the show this season till all episodes aired, and stayed out of those individual threads since i didn't have anything constructive to add, and this series of vids pertains to the first two seasons.

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    I went to go watch the videos, then the horrible sound of this guys dainty voice completely shut down any chance that would happen. This tool actually released 4 videos around 20 - 30 minutes in length each, just bitching about the Walking Dead, with absolutely zero humor to offset his snooty, irritating narcissism? Can't stand hipster douchebags like this.

    Now I'm all about rants, but ranters aren't supposed to take themselves too seriously. Most of us here taking the piss out of World War Z, for example, injected humor into our tirades....but this knob literally takes himself so god damn seriously, and you can tell. How can someone critique a TV show despite having no creative output to share with the world other than....uh.....critiquing other peoples stuff? That's not talented, that's being an asshole.
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 23-Dec-2013 at 03:47 AM. Reason: fsadhng

  11. #11
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Harleydude666 View Post
    Sir, your argument with me makes no sense, of course everyone has their own opinions, but people here just constantly kill the show in every post and it's always the same thing "writing" "pace" blah blah, but I'm still standing by what I said, why watch and complain about a show if you don't like it or "lost interest" in it? Makes no sense
    Ok. I just might have taken the full of shit part a tad too seriously being one of those guys who at times feels the writing and pacing of TWD isn't all that.

    On topic: those videos. Sorry Prof. Can't watch 'em for longer than five minutes on end because the guy is getting on my nerves.

    The AMC is a greedy evil corporation angle is probably right but then again it hasn't stopped season 4 from being far better than anyone was expecting.

    Especially for someone who felt the series was growing stale and all kinds of stupid by season 3.
    Last edited by krisvds; 23-Dec-2013 at 06:29 AM. Reason: .

  12. #12
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    I watched all the videos, and I agree with his points. However his tagline and tendency to use stupid noises like "huuur duuur" or fart noises does hurt his argument. Most people think the second season was worse than the first no surprise there. And AMC are dicks for cutting this shows budget to produce their crime groupie and pro psychopathy shows.

  13. #13
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yeah, his presentation can be a bit irritating at times, i concede that, but there are some moments that are gut-bustingly funny, like when he is using that monotone voice to imitate the numerous (and pointless) 2-person conversations that tend to dominate entire episodes.

    his points about carl's sudden transformation to a super dick-wad in just one episode towards the end of season 2 had me rolling too, particularly about how it was going to wind up getting somebody else (dale) killed by a walker....a walker who was too weak to get out of ankle-deep mud earlier in the episode, but suddenly became strong enough to take down and devour a full-size cow and disembowel dale with it's bare hands. and geez, the whole aspect of daryl's gun that carl stole....don't get me started.

    so many conveniently inconsistent and stupid plot devices...
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 26-Dec-2013 at 10:37 PM. Reason: .

  14. #14
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Remember back in the day when we all wanted a zombie show...?

    Testify Brother Spock. Testify.

  15. #15
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    Look guys just because we criticize the show does not mean that we want it gone. The show lost a great deal of quality when the AMC guys kicked off Darabount. It is just a fact. It does not mean that the actors are bad or that the show can not have any good episodes. But the direction they tried to take the show in with season two and some of three with "typical" TV series way of doing things did not work out at all. The fourth season is more of a come back to form in my eyes than anything else. We "true" zombie fans that think of the genre in terms of character DRIVEN tales of being isolated, being hunted trying to survive through the horror by exploration and rebuilding have a say as well. Not just the guys who jumped on the bandwagon with their "guns and gore is cool" attitude. I am well aware that AMC can just deliver some gore and zombie headshots and it will keep or increase the numbers but the walking dead was and still is to some extent something more. I am not accepting the "support AMC or gtfo" attitude I see growing here on these forums. Most of the posters here were hard core zombie fans before there was an internet before we knew that there were a thing as a zombie fan. Now the Snyder remake of day, Zombie land the walking dead have let the mainstream audience share in the horror genre we kept alive through years and years and its good. But just as it was back in the day we must not let the gore hounds nor the fascists-nihilists-banditgroupies take over our genre. Kirkman made the comic for us, Daroubount made the series for us. We have a right to speak our opinion. Its not cool that Rick lets hikers be eaten by zombies "because its cool" its not okay that the zombies are too weak to break through glass and that you can just lean up on it "because it looks cool" and the governor should not be able to just destroy zombies williy nilly just "it looks cool" The zombies dropping through the roof bit was silly in the extreme. Even though the fourth season have taken great strides forward in terms of quality one element is still lacking and that is horror.


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