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Thread: Romero's Empire Of The Dead (comic)

  1. #16
    Just been bitten

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    I already read the first issue.

    It’s like an extension of land of the dead in it’s setting. Uses the “zombie circus” temes and there’s a similar class system, with a “Kauffman type” of villain in the top. That’s exciting for me, because it extends the concept of land in wich other characters refers to other settings and the refences about that “every place it’s the same”, that enchances well with land mitologies so it’s settled in the very same universe. The principal character it’s Barbara from night sister as well. I don’t like the idea of vampires , but it’s a comic book, so it’s nice to see a crossover like that, for fun.

    the art it's amazing and the anrrative of mr Romero it's top noch,

  2. #17
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    ^^ Interesting!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  3. #18
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I actually got a little excited now.

    But yeah, them vampires...

  4. #19
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Yeh, I'm the same way.

    It just shatters the "realism", if you know what I mean.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  5. #20
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    The vampires thing is a bit of a shocker.

    That's true, eh?

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  6. #21
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    So there's nothing really to Empire which mirrors Preservation of A Species to any degree.

    An earlier post had me worried there for a sec. but so far my short story and novel (in progress) is still unique among the handful of zomb/vamp stories already out there. It just means I'd better get the larger work out there all the sooner, before it isn't. Still, I wish George well with Empire, though the plot doesn't necessarily peak my interest right now.

    Wayne Z
    Last edited by wayzim; 31-Jan-2014 at 06:54 PM. Reason: B'cuz

  7. #22
    Just been bitten zombieparanoia's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by sirjacktorrance View Post
    I already read the first issue.

    It’s like an extension of land of the dead in it’s setting. Uses the “zombie circus” temes and there’s a similar class system, with a “Kauffman type” of villain in the top. That’s exciting for me, because it extends the concept of land in wich other characters refers to other settings and the refences about that “every place it’s the same”, that enchances well with land mitologies so it’s settled in the very same universe. The principal character it’s Barbara from night sister as well. I don’t like the idea of vampires , but it’s a comic book, so it’s nice to see a crossover like that, for fun.

    the art it's amazing and the anrrative of mr Romero it's top noch,
    You just nailed everything I hated about Land. Ok, so this comic will suck balls hard, and not in a good way. For me.

    I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, or bad or anything. It just saved me a bunch of time. It's like someone described a comic as "Like an extension of the first three episodes of star wars, but with a stronger emphasis on the jar jar storyline, a lot more detail on the specifics of the trade federations political dealings at the senate and a really extensive explanation of the science behind midichlorians."

  8. #23
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by wayzim View Post
    There have been a few recent fan e-mails that commented on similarities between characters from my stories, and those in George's newer films. One kid thought it was funny that Big Daddy from Land was a pump jockey, the same as my zombie in Dead Fall: the novel ( who I splatted before he could get smart ). And I winced slightly as Cholo took out the garbage to a landfill that reminded us of the one in Tuesday Morning Pickup.
    And I did get fan mail for Preservation from a guy named George ( ), back in October of 2000, who stated that Zombies and Vampires were his two favorites and it was great to see them mixed. Still, fourteen years later, and what's going with Empire that made you think of Preservation? Details, Man! I need details!

    I think I may have emailed you after reading Preservation (on the old HPotD) to say you should develop a screenplay and put the idea out there. I used to read a lot of the contributions in the fiction section, all were entertaining but some a bit more special than others. I just thought the idea of surviving the apocalypse through the eyes of the vampire was a clever little twist to the genre. I personally don't like crossovers and do not wish to see vampires and zombies on screen on a regular basis. I just thought your story was a clever idea for a one-off.

    I am still awaiting my EotD because I got some heartbreak story from my seller on eBay about the courier damaging a box, so I haven't read it yet nor do I know what part the vampires play in this part of the GAR universe. I just instantly thought of your story when I saw the vampire placed in the GAR universe.
    I am sure I read that the vampires may not be vampires as such, but a different kind of zombie. There was mention of another zombie type that retained a fair bit of its more human abilities. I am sure that sounds a bit like the story in the fiction section (by Neil?) from a free-thinking zombie's perspective. I am sure the zombie's in the story wielded weapons and farmed humans. I may have two stories mixed up here.
    Are you expanding on the Preservation idea?

  9. #24
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicMoonMonkey View Post
    I think I may have emailed you after reading Preservation (on the old HPotD) to say you should develop a screenplay and put the idea out there. I used to read a lot of the contributions in the fiction section, all were entertaining but some a bit more special than others. I just thought the idea of surviving the apocalypse through the eyes of the vampire was a clever little twist to the genre. I personally don't like crossovers and do not wish to see vampires and zombies on screen on a regular basis. I just thought your story was a clever idea for a one-off.

    I am still awaiting my EotD because I got some heartbreak story from my seller on eBay about the courier damaging a box, so I haven't read it yet nor do I know what part the vampires play in this part of the GAR universe. I just instantly thought of your story when I saw the vampire placed in the GAR universe.
    I am sure I read that the vampires may not be vampires as such, but a different kind of zombie. There was mention of another zombie type that retained a fair bit of its more human abilities. I am sure that sounds a bit like the story in the fiction section (by Neil?) from a free-thinking zombie's perspective. I am sure the zombie's in the story wielded weapons and farmed humans. I may have two stories mixed up here.
    Are you expanding on the Preservation idea?
    Yes to the last question. I actually have several rough drafts for a novel, which spins the conceit of the short story even further off center. Of course in mine, Vampires are the main characters; carrying a genetic twist within them that links all three groups ( Human, Vampire, and Zombie ). They are also presented as more believable creatures, Super Nature, not Supernatural. Haven't quite found the right payoff to wrap all these good ideas around though.

    I've been looking through my saved correspondences, fan e-mail from way back, but I might be missing your stuff, especially if you had a different handle attached to it. Still, thanks for the thumbs up.

    Wayne Z

  10. #25
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by wayzim View Post
    Yes to the last question. I actually have several rough drafts for a novel, which spins the conceit of the short story even further off center. Of course in mine, Vampires are the main characters; carrying a genetic twist within them that links all three groups ( Human, Vampire, and Zombie ). They are also presented as more believable creatures, Super Nature, not Supernatural. Haven't quite found the right payoff to wrap all these good ideas around though.

    I've been looking through my saved correspondences, fan e-mail from way back, but I might be missing your stuff, especially if you had a different handle attached to it. Still, thanks for the thumbs up.

    Wayne Z
    Are you going to incorporate the original short story in to the larger work, or is it all new? I was known as Wildee on the original HPotD.

  11. #26
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicMoonMonkey View Post
    Are you going to incorporate the original short story in to the larger work, or is it all new? I was known as Wildee on the original HPotD.
    So I missed your e-mail, or it got mislaid over all these years. But to answer your question; the original story is the ending to the book, I just have to get there. It's also a history spanning some sixty to one hundred thousand years, where the rise of a hybrid species is almost derailed by an unfortumate mutation. Genetics is a bitch after all.
    Still, since this is a thread about Empire, we can probably take further discussion to PM ( which I read, thanks for the offer. ) or something.

    Wayne Z
    Last edited by wayzim; 03-Feb-2014 at 12:17 AM. Reason: cuz

  12. #27
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombieparanoia View Post
    You just nailed everything I hated about Land. Ok, so this comic will suck balls hard, and not in a good way. For me.

    I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, or bad or anything. It just saved me a bunch of time. It's like someone described a comic as "Like an extension of the first three episodes of star wars, but with a stronger emphasis on the jar jar storyline, a lot more detail on the specifics of the trade federations political dealings at the senate and a really extensive explanation of the science behind midichlorians."

    Yes, i still smell the land hate in this forum. the thing is that dead series Are not star wars. And i’m not a “deadfan” like starfans are. I love movies, and I love the genre. I love GAR movies because are different to the others. If you don’t like land it’s ok for me, but I still find it the last great theatrical zombie movie done in 9 years. I love the Universe and land expand it. Empire it’s more of that for ones who like hawksian dialogues, GAR shades of grey treatment to their characters and the things that do his movies the work of an author.

  13. #28
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    I am all for the Romero universe expanding, I didn't hate Land as much as some but it clearly had it's issues. The thing is, we all have to accept that George has always intended for his zombies to become more intelligent and more self aware. This is just George doing his thing, we do not have to like it.

    As to the comic, I am not okay with Vampires. Not in the GAR Universe, it does not work for me and it turns me off to this project.

    In terms of the comic as a stand alone offering, as a former comic book colorist I can say that I like the art style a lot it is clean without lacking soul. Line work is tight but not cookie cutter, and the inks and colors are decent. Writing is what it is, and I see we are still giving all of our characters superhero style code names. Way to go George.

    /slow clap

  14. #29
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombieparanoia View Post
    It's like someone described a comic as "Like an extension of the first three episodes of star wars, but with a stronger emphasis on the jar jar storyline, a lot more detail on the specifics of the trade federations political dealings at the senate and a really extensive explanation of the science behind midichlorians."

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
    As to the comic, I am not okay with Vampires. Not in the GAR Universe, it does not work for me and it turns me off to this project.

  15. #30
    Being Attacked Skold's Avatar

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    i just read it. A bit of background: i *love* comics that are well done. Watchmen and Dark Knight of course, but The Manhattan Projects and Trillium are great examples of comics that are done right and being published right now.

    i love GAR.

    So, i have no idea what to think of this. The art is downright amazing. i'll be buying anything Alex Maleev does from now on. As for the story...


    i absolutely *loved* the call-back to Day. "Scary, isn't it?". Awesome. The Night call-back, not-so-much. He dragged her back? Instead of biting her? Ugh.

    Loved the Land set-up again (yes, i like Land). But the zombies actually fighting each other? They should just go for the meat. Ugh.

    People calling them "zombies"? Holy fuck George what!?! Yes i know Ken Foree accidentally says it it in Dawn and it's the punchline for Hopper in Land, but come-the-fuck-on.

    And fucking vampires. Holy shit. What.

    If there is any proof for an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" invasion, this is it. They got GAR.

    That said, i'm buying the whole series. i loved the "Day" thing!
    Last edited by Skold; 08-Feb-2014 at 02:55 AM. Reason: tags


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