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Thread: The zombie game I want.

  1. #1
    Being Attacked

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    The zombie game I want.

    I am new here but I thought I would participate...

    If I could make a game it would be a strategy game. Have any of you played WarCraft(yes old but just using it as an example)? I love those types of interfaces for games and really like the idea of having a little control over what you do in the game. I could see it now...

    In WarCraft 2 you build a farm and your can provide food for peasants. Then if I remember right you make your peasants from the Town Hall. What if you made the game that the town hall would be a graveyard and the dead could be raised from it. Food would be the your defeat a "living" or kill a random "living" walking around it would become a soldier for your force or could just be considered food to make them strong. Basically you could also make it that you could play as the living or the living dead.

    What do you all think? Or is there a game like this already?
    Last edited by BlueRoseRomeo; 17-Mar-2006 at 12:03 AM. Reason: opps type-o


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