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Thread: TWD 6x03 "Thank You" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #16
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    I do not think he is dead, and while I do feel it is a red hearing and that can be kind of lame... the episode was called thank you and I see Nicholas repaying Glenn by sacrificing himself for Glenn as the writers attempt at redemption for that character... that said a lot of that as played out on screen does not make a lot of sense.

    I do not remember a fake death scene in the show yet, unless you count Tyrese surrounded by walkers while exiting the car that one time so I could forgive it easy enough...

    As for no survivors as tough as Rick's group as alluded to above, that remains to be seen.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Wow, that some serious television! This season has been so brutal.

    Rick was almost overwhelmed with fear in that last shot...something we don't see a lot.

    Rest in peace, Glenn.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Lol the hate is real in this thread. I will never understand why people complain but still watch every week.
    I've never been anything less than supportive of this show, but if they try and pull any "glenn somehow survived" kind of crap, I will be pissed off.
    Last edited by Legion2213; 26-Oct-2015 at 04:43 PM. Reason: .
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *BAM! Right in the feels*

    The Glenn situation - considering that Steven Yeun wasn't on Talking Dead this week (why would you kill off a main, Season 1 character without having them on Talking Dead?), and that Gimple alluded to the story being wrapped up/concluded/whatever (next week) and saying things like "flash backs", "a version of Glenn", "or parts" makes me think this:

    1) Nicholas' body fell on top of Glenn - the gore was from his body (in one shot the 'chest cavity' does seem too high up as it seems to block Glenn's chin from the view of the camera briefly in a way that wouldn't make sense from that particular camera angle). However, in other shots it seems more convincing that they're Glenn's guts.

    2) My theory goes like this: Glenn survives the alleyway herd but doesn't get out unscathed. Somehow he manages to scrabble away (perhaps a distraction draws the alleyway herd away, or at least the bulk of them) - but he's wounded (bitten), perhaps severely. Knowing Glenn, he'd likely stumble off in the direction of Alexandria to try and help somehow (or at the very least stand a chance of saying goodbye to Maggie). I think he'll get close to Alexandria - but succumb to his wounds - then he'll resurrect and join the herd that will (you'd imagine) attack Alexandria. I think in amongst the chaos Maggie will see Glenn as a walker - he'll certainly stand out as super fresh amongst all the gloopy rotten ones - and Maggie will have to put Walker Glenn down.

    3) While we've had a few misdirections and red herrings here and there, we've never had a 'psych, they're actually just fine!' moment - people, please, let's wait and actually see what happens next week! We saw Hershel's watch, we got a callback to the first/second episode with the "dumbass" line over the walkie talkies, and we had Rick being so sure his guys would survive and the others wouldn't - I don't think you'd waste these things (and score the scene so emotionally) on a 'psych out'. While I'd desperately want Glenn to stay, I knew that - at some point - it was inevitable. It's sad and all, but it's The Walking Dead. Lori's death - for example - was horrific in all regards.

    4) I also think that Glenn's death will play into Maggie's character in a significant way. The psychological toll will be huge!

    5) The "In Memoriam" bit on Talking Dead didn't include Glenn - but technically we don't see conclusively. I think, especially considering the extended run time of next week's episode, this cliffhanger around Glenn's fate will be resolved in 6x04.

    6) We've not seen one of our protagonists shambling about as a walker in a long time. We did get Hershel's decapitated head reanimated, but a full-on walker shambling about - who was once a member of our gang? We've not had that in a long time.


    Other aspects - the alleyway scene in general was flippin' terrifying! No way out (although yeah, I also thought "TRY THAT BLOCKED STAIRWELL!" ... but it was quite blocked, you could easily get bitten while trying to climb over it, and Nicholas was trying to open up a gap in the fence to the left side) and all those groaning corpses coming at you - the stuff of nightmares!

    Michonne giving Heath both barrels was excellent. Yeah, he's seen a few things and is far more capable than the majority of the Alexandrians, but compared to Team Rick? He ain't seen nothing yet - I loved his arc in this episode and how Michonne was wrapped up in it.

    Yes, we do get a series of 'who are you anyway?' deaths of Alexandrians, but it serves a purpose - both narratively, and in terms of misdirection - the one/two punch of Nicholas and Glenn shook things up in a big way. Even the scene with Rick in the RV looking distraught (a very worrying sight) got me really tense - however, I'm pretty sure he gets out of that RV as there was a shot in the Comic-Con trailer in which he was running down a road clutching the AK-47 in his good hand (which, IIRC, we've not seen yet). Still though - I was screaming at Rick to get the hell out of that RV!

    Also - Morgan's going to have to change his ways. The folks who attacked Rick are the same ones Morgan shooed away at Alexandria.

    Glad that even the fodder characters had a bit of something to back them up (e.g. David's tale of how he met his wife - and how his experience, in some ways, mirrored Michonne's - plus the note he wrote to his wife ... also, the husband/wife dynamic feeds in to Glenn/Maggie ... so while there were some red shirts, which is frankly necessary in a show like this, there were some who did actually get some story to go along with them).

    Just when you thought this episode was going to be a slightly more relaxed affair to provide build up to next week's extended episode ... you get kicked big time!


    TWD 6x03 Memes:

  4. #19
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    It is not my wish that Glenn died but since they gave us that scene I sure hope he is in fact dead. Not because I dislike Glenn. Rather its the opposite. But the implausibility of him surviving that is just too far fetched. Granted we have seen Walkers leave a fresh kill full of meat to chase after other moving victims so is it possible something major distracted them as soon as the cameras left Glenn? Ok sure its possible. But I really dont like the idea of him surviving.

    So we lost alot of characters that are meaningless. I'm not gonna rip the show for that. Meaningful deaths happen on this show. Quite alot actually. This show can't kill a main cast member at the frequency that some here may desire because then we wouldnt have much of a show left. Now I will agree that we see alot of cheap thrills and kills. It can be eye rolling at times but the whole completely out weights the complaints and nitpicks. The sneak attack zombie bites are a recycled bit no doubt. Wish we could get some more creativity.

    I loved Michonne confronting Heath and proceeded to Michowned him. I really wish they'd sit the entire Alexandria town down by a campfire and tell them who the Gov was and the story of Terminus. These people just dont get it. Now I gotta say when the woman with the injured foot falls down on the sidewalk and the guy is pressed against the fence being devoured, is there anyone else here that is thinking MERCY KILL. I cant think of a more agonizing death then a Walker herd. One bullet through the skull is not much to ask. Our gang just pauses and watches. Have a heart guys/gals. Michonne is the most competent and lethal warrior of the entire group. Ever since her epic fistfight with the Gov, I consider myself a Michonne disciple.

    If I heard right, Rick's mission was a 5 mile run to the RV? Thats a long friggin way. Looks like Morgan's gang of wolves nearly killed Rick. I enjoyed the AK through the wall. It was satisfying. I can only hope the RV has some good locks on it. The ignition on the RV should serve as a reminder that a plan that involves putting Sasha and Abraham in an old beat up car merely feet in front of a violent death is probably not a good idea. With as many deaths that have happened over this walker march I can see much resistance to Ricks leadership.

    Overall after 3 episodes my favorite element is that the Walkers have become the threat that they should always be.

  5. #20
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    So we lost alot of characters that are meaningless. I'm not gonna rip the show for that. Meaningful deaths happen on this show. Quite alot actually. This show can't kill a main cast member at the frequency that some here may desire because then we wouldnt have much of a show left. Now I will agree that we see alot of cheap thrills and kills. It can be eye rolling at times but the whole completely out weights the complaints and nitpicks. The sneak attack zombie bites are a recycled bit no doubt. Wish we could get some more creativity.

    The ignition on the RV should serve as a reminder that a plan that involves putting Sasha and Abraham in an old beat up car merely feet in front of a violent death is probably not a good idea.

    Overall after 3 episodes my favorite element is that the Walkers have become the threat that they should always be.
    Yep. If we were losing main characters constantly they'd barely qualify as main characters, nor would we actually get enough time with them to gain the shocking power of their demise. In this world a lot of people would die - and a lot of extraneous (to our show, but not in real life) Alexandrians would also die because they're not properly qualified to survive in this world. The ones who are more adept are sticking around (at the very least for a while in the case of Nicholas).

    On the RV - the dashboard got riddled with gunfire - so the engine will have damage all riddled through it with the bullets and the fragments etc. That was why Rick couldn't get it started. As for the shitty car Abraham and Sasha are riding in, to be fair it only looks awful. It's the same car Aaron used when going out on runs to search for new residents - I'd imagine that functionally the car is in good working order. Perhaps they picked it because, when Aaron would leave it somewhere, it'd look abandoned to any possible passers by.

    On the subject of Glenn - while there's been some speculation here and there - there was this video where Norman Reedus, seemingly quite sleepy, seems to confirm that Glenn is dead (or will be dead shortly).

    He says "Glenn" when they're all getting asked about people they'd want to bring back on the show and everyone gets a bit "oh shit!" nervous about it. He then says Michonne, but I'd wager that's a sudden attempt to try and cover up his blurted out spoiler. We don't see Reedus' face, but the reaction on the face of the others seems to suggest that Glenn dies ... we've just not seen the full evidence of it yet.

    Clearly, heading in to a "90 minute" fourth episode (it'll be 65 minutes without the ads, I reckon), they want to try and make sure their ratings are good for 6x04 - so what do you do? You have a massive "what really happened?" cliffhanger in 6x03 that'll be answered the following week.

    I've seen some people elsewhere saying "hide under the dumpster", but I don't know if there's enough room under there. It's hard to tell from the footage, but there might be a space you could fit in under there ... although you'd still be somewhat exposed, but it could provide a bit of shelter until the walkers move on (if you've hidden under someone else's body) ... but the walkers could easily see you go under there ... ... maybe knife one in the head and use it's body to cover the entrance to the under-the-dumpster cubby hole? That could allow Glenn to survive in terms of not being devoured completely.

    I still think he's going to escape from there - but bitten and severely wounded - and die during next weeks' episode trying to head back to Alexandria. That's my theory, at least.

    I saw speculation on MTV's site about mirroring references to the end of the first episode being a clue that Glenn will survive - but to be fair, Rick had far better chances of escape (and assistance, and he was safely ensconsed within a frickin' tank!). I see the similar imagery, but I think it'll only get Glenn so far. I'm sticking by my aforementioned theory.

    Another thing I dug about this episode - Daryl's quandary over whether to help Rick or help Abraham/Sasha (ooh, FYI, the guy who gets shot in the leg is Sonequa Martin-Green's real-life husband) ... so another twist of the tension knife in that Daryl decided to return to A/S.

  6. #21
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Wow, that some serious television! This season has been so brutal.

    Rick was almost overwhelmed with fear in that last shot...something we don't see a lot.

    Rest in peace, Glenn.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I've never been anything less than supportive of this show, but if they try and pull any "glenn somehow survived" kind of crap, I will be pissed off.
    Oh don't get me wrong I won't like it either, I was commentating on those that still complain about the writing and logic in the show.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    *BAM! Right in the feels*

    The Glenn situation - considering that Steven Yeun wasn't on Talking Dead this week (why would you kill off a main, Season 1 character without having them on Talking Dead?), and that Gimple alluded to the story being wrapped up/concluded/whatever (next week) and saying things like "flash backs", "a version of Glenn", "or parts" makes me think this:

    1) Nicholas' body fell on top of Glenn - the gore was from his body (in one shot the 'chest cavity' does seem too high up as it seems to block Glenn's chin from the view of the camera briefly in a way that wouldn't make sense from that particular camera angle). However, in other shots it seems more convincing that they're Glenn's guts.

    2) My theory goes like this: Glenn survives the alleyway herd but doesn't get out unscathed. Somehow he manages to scrabble away (perhaps a distraction draws the alleyway herd away, or at least the bulk of them) - but he's wounded (bitten), perhaps severely. Knowing Glenn, he'd likely stumble off in the direction of Alexandria to try and help somehow (or at the very least stand a chance of saying goodbye to Maggie). I think he'll get close to Alexandria - but succumb to his wounds - then he'll resurrect and join the herd that will (you'd imagine) attack Alexandria. I think in amongst the chaos Maggie will see Glenn as a walker - he'll certainly stand out as super fresh amongst all the gloopy rotten ones - and Maggie will have to put Walker Glenn down.

    3) While we've had a few misdirections and red herrings here and there, we've never had a 'psych, they're actually just fine!' moment - people, please, let's wait and actually see what happens next week! We saw Hershel's watch, we got a callback to the first/second episode with the "dumbass" line over the walkie talkies, and we had Rick being so sure his guys would survive and the others wouldn't - I don't think you'd waste these things (and score the scene so emotionally) on a 'psych out'. While I'd desperately want Glenn to stay, I knew that - at some point - it was inevitable. It's sad and all, but it's The Walking Dead. Lori's death - for example - was horrific in all regards.

    4) I also think that Glenn's death will play into Maggie's character in a significant way. The psychological toll will be huge!

    5) The "In Memoriam" bit on Talking Dead didn't include Glenn - but technically we don't see conclusively. I think, especially considering the extended run time of next week's episode, this cliffhanger around Glenn's fate will be resolved in 6x04.

    6) We've not seen one of our protagonists shambling about as a walker in a long time. We did get Hershel's decapitated head reanimated, but a full-on walker shambling about - who was once a member of our gang? We've not had that in a long time.


    Other aspects - the alleyway scene in general was flippin' terrifying! No way out (although yeah, I also thought "TRY THAT BLOCKED STAIRWELL!" ... but it was quite blocked, you could easily get bitten while trying to climb over it, and Nicholas was trying to open up a gap in the fence to the left side) and all those groaning corpses coming at you - the stuff of nightmares!

    Michonne giving Heath both barrels was excellent. Yeah, he's seen a few things and is far more capable than the majority of the Alexandrians, but compared to Team Rick? He ain't seen nothing yet - I loved his arc in this episode and how Michonne was wrapped up in it.

    Yes, we do get a series of 'who are you anyway?' deaths of Alexandrians, but it serves a purpose - both narratively, and in terms of misdirection - the one/two punch of Nicholas and Glenn shook things up in a big way. Even the scene with Rick in the RV looking distraught (a very worrying sight) got me really tense - however, I'm pretty sure he gets out of that RV as there was a shot in the Comic-Con trailer in which he was running down a road clutching the AK-47 in his good hand (which, IIRC, we've not seen yet). Still though - I was screaming at Rick to get the hell out of that RV!

    Also - Morgan's going to have to change his ways. The folks who attacked Rick are the same ones Morgan shooed away at Alexandria.

    Glad that even the fodder characters had a bit of something to back them up (e.g. David's tale of how he met his wife - and how his experience, in some ways, mirrored Michonne's - plus the note he wrote to his wife ... also, the husband/wife dynamic feeds in to Glenn/Maggie ... so while there were some red shirts, which is frankly necessary in a show like this, there were some who did actually get some story to go along with them).

    Just when you thought this episode was going to be a slightly more relaxed affair to provide build up to next week's extended episode ... you get kicked big time!


    TWD 6x03 Memes:

    Always on point, my friend.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #22
    Being Attacked

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    Here's a theory...

    Maybe Glenn does die and yet Gimple say's we'll be seeing a "version" of him later on...

    Maybe not next episode, hell maybe not even until next half of the season (closer to season finale) a certain Mr. Negan happens upon a zombified Glenn and dispatches him with Lucile...

    With all this talk about Glenn I am surprised nobody is talking about the other big development in this episode - Rick's injury...

    Does this set into motion events that will culminate in Rick losing his hand??

  8. #23
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Dang Minion you're right. I forgot that wolves bullets struck the dash and is probable cause of RV's failure. Regardless I still don't like the idea of leading a herd like that. Especially with one car. If Daryl's bike fails he can jump in the car. But abraham and sasha arent fitting on the bike. Thats a 2 car job minimum. And lead car has second set of eyes on rear car at all times.

  9. #24
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Dang Minion you're right. I forgot that wolves bullets struck the dash and is probable cause of RV's failure. Regardless I still don't like the idea of leading a herd like that. Especially with one car. If Daryl's bike fails he can jump in the car. But abraham and sasha arent fitting on the bike. Thats a 2 car job minimum. And lead car has second set of eyes on rear car at all times.
    Funny you mention that -- during some of those scenes with Abraham and Sasha you can see a couple of red indicator lights on the dashboard...I was thinking "hmm...check engine light must be on!"

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by slayerized View Post
    Funny you mention that -- during some of those scenes with Abraham and Sasha you can see a couple of red indicator lights on the dashboard...I was thinking "hmm...check engine light must be on!"
    Good spot. I'm ashamed when I miss things like that. That is an example of why thats a shit job. I dont know how many top mechanics and autozones are left in that world but relying on an automobile with death 50 or so feet behind you is bad. If something starts to go wrong with the car the 2 people have seconds to decide to drive through problem or bail and pray they have the cardio to escape.

  11. #26
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Great episode, great series, great show.

    Did anybody spot the retro blue "dawn of the dead" walker during the Glenn scene.

  12. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    ]Other aspects - the alleyway scene in general was flippin' terrifying! No way out (although yeah, I also thought "TRY THAT BLOCKED STAIRWELL!" ... but it was quite blocked, you could easily get bitten while trying to climb over it, and Nicholas was trying to open up a gap in the fence to the left side) and all those groaning corpses coming at you - the stuff of nightmares!
    That stairwell was hardly very well blocked. It was just a mattress and some wooden pallets. They could easily have pushed them aside, go up the stairs and then try to enter the building from there. Much better to take your chances with whatever might or might not be inside that building than the almost guaranteed death from an oncoming horde of zombies.

    Always seek the path of least resistance. Climbing up a tall fence with barbed wire on top while a zombie horde is approaching is definitely not the easiest way out. Moving a mattress and a few wooden pallets to gain access to a stairwell that might offer you a way to escape is a much easier task.
    Last edited by JDP; 26-Oct-2015 at 10:49 PM. Reason: typo

  13. #28
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheZ View Post
    Great episode, great series, great show.

    Did anybody spot the retro blue "dawn of the dead" walker during the Glenn scene.
    No, which Walker?

    Edit: Nevermind yes! I noticed you mean the one that was actually painted retro and very fresh compared to the others right?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by slayerized View Post
    Here's a theory...

    Maybe Glenn does die and yet Gimple say's we'll be seeing a "version" of him later on...

    Maybe not next episode, hell maybe not even until next half of the season (closer to season finale) a certain Mr. Negan happens upon a zombified Glenn and dispatches him with Lucile...

    With all this talk about Glenn I am surprised nobody is talking about the other big development in this episode - Rick's injury...

    Does this set into motion events that will culminate in Rick losing his hand??
    I doubt it. Rick's hand is always getting injured and to me that is just a homage or a scare for the comic book fans to pick up on. Also, part of Glenn can be baby Hershel? Perhaps.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 26-Oct-2015 at 11:33 PM. Reason: Yes!
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  14. #29
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    No, which Walker?

    Edit: Nevermind yes! I noticed you mean the one that was actually painted retro and very fresh compared to the others right?
    Yes thats the one. Its kind of stuck out to me but a nice nod at the same time.

  15. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I doubt it. Rick's hand is always getting injured and to me that is just a homage or a scare for the comic book fans to pick up on. Also, part of Glenn can be baby Hershel? Perhaps.
    Also, in this series we have already seen characters get cuts with blades that have been used to kill zombies, and they did not die or lose any body parts as a result. It would be strange if Rick's hand becomes so infected that it has to be amputated.


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