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Thread: So which Night film is canon to George's series, original or remake?

  1. #76
    Dying beat_truck's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    We don't expect the majority of viewers to understand or accept why viewing Land as happening after Day does not make much sense, as most people are not critical enough to plainly see such details. The fact that the average viewer keeps on so casually trying to dismiss all the logical arguments and observations brought forth to show why it makes little sense to try to view these movies in such an order is more than enough to prove this. No amount of logic will convince them, instead they just keep on denying what the more critically-minded minority can plainly see and have no problem accepting (like the cities and average zombies being obviously more decayed in Day than in Land; this is not an "opinion", as they claim, but a plain objective observation. All you have to do is compare them side-by-side.) You have to be a good "nitpicker" to appreciate why Land happening after Day has quite a number of problems which are just not going to go away by any amount of denial or beating imaginary "dead horses". Critical viewers will plainly see them and point them out no matter what. The cold, hard fact is that Romero messed up quite a bit with Land, if his intention was indeed to have it happen after Day. He should have put more thought into ironing out several details before presenting this movie as such.
    Hey, it's a free country and you can believe anything you please. No matter how intelligent you claim to be or how dumb you make those who don't believe your crack pot theories sound, it is absolutely still an OPINION, though. So, go ahead and keep grasping at straws to make a handful of observations fit your beliefs. I for one don't really give a shit. Not many others seem to, either.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    However, back in the year 1491 A.D. if you had polled the entire population of the planet and asked them if the earth was round or flat, almost every single person in the world would have said they thought the earth was flat. Polling is not an absolute indicator of the truth...sometimes polls can be vastly different than what is actually true.
    Being that only Romero himself knew the absolute truth, and he is gone now, this is all pointless speculation anyways.
    Last edited by beat_truck; 09-Apr-2018 at 01:34 AM. Reason: .

  2. #77
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    I think as EvilNed said, there was a poll back in the day, and most people said that they thought Day was before Land.

    However, back in the year 1491 A.D. if you had polled the entire population of the planet and asked them if the earth was round or flat, almost every single person in the world would have said they thought the earth was flat. Polling is not an absolute indicator of the truth...sometimes polls can be vastly different than what is actually true.
    Nobody in 1491 believed the earth was flat.
    People have known the earth to have a spherical-type shape since Babylonian times. I get your point, however...

    And the Night after Day comparison is still fitting because dismissing exposition meant to convey information pertaining to where we fit in the universe at large because it is not explicit is pretty much the definition of grasping for straws.

    You can claim that Day takes place more than 3 years after the outbreak - and thus takes place after Land. But you cannot make a serious claim that Land takes place less than 3 years after the outbreak - because it's in the film.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 09-Apr-2018 at 10:46 AM. Reason: fsdsdfsdf

  3. #78

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    Quote Originally Posted by beat_truck View Post
    Hey, it's a free country and you can believe anything you please. No matter how intelligent you claim to be or how dumb you make those who don't believe your crack pot theories sound, it is absolutely still an OPINION, though. So, go ahead and keep grasping at straws to make a handful of observations fit your beliefs. I for one don't really give a shit. Not many others seem to, either.
    You could have fooled me with your repeated puerile denials of obvious things.

  4. #79
    Dying beat_truck's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    You could have fooled me with your repeated puerile denials of obvious things.

  5. #80

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    And the Night after Day comparison is still fitting because dismissing exposition meant to convey information pertaining to where we fit in the universe at large because it is not explicit is pretty much the definition of grasping for straws.
    It is hardly fitting. It is a kind of "reductio ad absurdum". Claiming that Night happens after Day in order to try to ridicule the points Philly_SWAT was making is pretty absurd, unlike pointing out the many logical problems that present themselves by trying to see Land as happening after Day. We don't need any explicit statements in Night and Day (and there in fact aren't any) in order to be able to know the chronological order of those two movies. We can easily deduce that Night must happen before Day (one very pertinent reason for this conclusion has already been explained.) But the same cannot be said regarding Land and Day, though, where things are nowhere nearly as clear-cut. Neither movie explicitly says exactly when the events are happening, yet when we try to deduce it by means of other details from each movie, it doesn't seem to favor the idea that the still relatively safe, functional and less decayed world of Land can possibly be happening after the utterly dangerous, devastated and decayed world of Day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by beat_truck View Post
    If you had any counterarguments, that graphic would very likely pretty much describe them.

  6. #81
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    It is hardly fitting. It is a kind of "reductio ad absurdum". Claiming that Night happens after Day in order to try to ridicule the points Philly_SWAT was making is pretty absurd, unlike pointing out the many logical problems that present themselves by trying to see Land as happening after Day. We don't need any explicit statements in Night and Day (and there in fact aren't any) in order to be able to know the chronological order of those two movies. We can easily deduce that Night must happen before Day (one very pertinent reason for this conclusion has already been explained.) But the same cannot be said regarding Land and Day, though, where things are nowhere nearly as clear-cut. Neither movie explicitly says exactly when the events are happening, yet when we try to deduce it by means of other details from each movie, it doesn't seem to favor the idea that the still relatively safe, functional and less decayed world of Land can possibly be happening after the utterly dangerous, devastated and decayed world of Day.
    Well, agree to disagree. I think it's a completely toothless argument to make because if we're only allowed to take explicit information into account, then anything can be anything. Ben can be John from Day of the Dead but who changed his name. It's never explicitly stated that this isn't the case... But it is presented as if he isn't. Just as Land is presented as taking place 3 years after the outbreak.

  7. #82
    Dying beat_truck's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    If you had any counterarguments, that graphic would very likely pretty much describe them.
    As others have mentioned, you could be given the most intelligent, well thought out response and you'd just automatically dissmiss it. So why would I waste my time writing it? You are obviously an attention starved troll that has to have the last word and will continue to argue your point as long as people are responding. I'm done.
    Last edited by beat_truck; 09-Apr-2018 at 12:04 PM. Reason: .

  8. #83

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    Quote Originally Posted by beat_truck View Post
    As others have mentioned, you could be given the most intelligent, well thought out response and you'd just automatically dissmiss it. So why would I waste my time writing it? You are obviously an attention starved troll that has to have the last word and will continue to argue your point as long as people are responding. I'm done.
    Funny, that's exactly what you and other naysayers usually do. That's called "projecting".

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Funny, that's exactly what you and other naysayers usually do. That's called "projecting".
    You just proved my point in my last post.

  10. #85

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Well, agree to disagree. I think it's a completely toothless argument to make because if we're only allowed to take explicit information into account, then anything can be anything. Ben can be John from Day of the Dead but who changed his name. It's never explicitly stated that this isn't the case... But it is presented as if he isn't. Just as Land is presented as taking place 3 years after the outbreak.
    Even stranger comparison & scenario, since Ben in fact died in the first movie when the zombies were still a novelty! So how could he be around flying a helicopter in the obviously much later time of Day??? See how these kinds of "reduction to absurdity" arguments are not very valid?

    The 3 year thing in Land is not 100% specific either, since it is not clearly stated if those mentioned 3 years appertain exclusively to the start of the zombie outbreak or they actually go back to some time prior to that. Is it really so "impossible" that Cholo and Kaufman had a business relationship that extended back to some time prior to the zombie crisis? That was one of the points he was making, and it is perfectly fine. There also is no 100% specific time-frame reference in Day either. This is one of the things that contributes to make these two movies conflict with one another. They are not as clear in that regard as Night and Dawn are.

  11. #86
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    This is getting silly now lads.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  12. #87
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    The 3 year thing in Land is not 100% specific either, since it is not clearly stated if those mentioned 3 years appertain exclusively to the start of the zombie outbreak or they actually go back to some time prior to that. Is it really so "impossible" that Cholo and Kaufman had a business relationship that extended back to some time prior to the zombie crisis?
    No. It's certainly not impossible.
    Which is why Ben and John are the same character. Not impossible! Never explicitly stated that they are not!

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    This is getting silly now lads.
    This discussion has never not been silly.

  13. #88

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    No. It's certainly not impossible.
    Which is why Ben and John are the same character. Not impossible! Never explicitly stated that they are not!
    Apparently you are missing the point that it is not a comparable situation by any means. There is nothing impossible in Cholo having known and worked for Kaufman since before the zombie outbreak, while it is totally impossible for Ben and John to be the same person if for no other reason than Ben has been dead (and on top of that then burned in a bonfire!) for quite a while by the time of the events we see in Day. Again, reducing things to absurdity is not a good way to try to counter someone else's reasonable arguments.

    This discussion has never not been silly.
    If you keep bringing "reduction to absurdity" as "counterarguments", of course it will devolve into that.

  14. #89
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Apparently you are missing the point that it is not a comparable situation by any means. There is nothing impossible in Cholo having known and worked for Kaufman since before the zombie outbreak, while it is totally impossible for Ben and John to be the same person if for no other reason than Ben has been dead (and on top of that then burned in a bonfire!) for quite a while by the time of the events we see in Day.
    Night takes place after Day. Haven't you been following? There's nothing that explicitly states that it doesn't.

    If you keep bringing "reduction to absurdity" as "counterarguments", of course it will devolve into that.
    This entire discussion is an excercise in absurdity, and has been for a long time.

  15. #90

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Night takes place after Day. Haven't you been following? There's nothing that explicitly states that it doesn't.
    Again, not possible. The events in Night are self-explanatory: we are witnessing the very beginning of a zombie plague. The events in Day also are self-explanatory: we are witnessing a very advanced stage of the zombie plague. The chronology of these two movies (and of Dawn as well), cannot be put into question. Land is a pretty different case, though. It certainly takes place after Night, but where exactly does it fit with respect to the other two movies??? This is the crux of the problem. The movie does not do a good job at establishing this by any means.

    This entire discussion is an excercise in absurdity, and has been for a long time.
    It is if you try to use such arguments as obvious and self-evident impossibilities. Otherwise it is just an exercise in logic and common sense.


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