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Thread: Naggin really needs to shut up.

  1. #1
    Dying Tied2thetracks's Avatar

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    Naggin really needs to shut up.,2933,210406,00.html

    When questioned about flood damaged cars still on the streets he replied that its taken New York 5 years to fix a hole in the ground.

    This guy is a true chocolate asshole.
    I know youd rather see me gone,Than to see me the way that I am. But I am in the life anyway.

  2. #2
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    Yeah, he makes me uneasy. I can understand his frustration with the glacial rebuilding of Nola, but that was a bad analogy on his part.

  3. #3
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Let's see what Ernesto does

  4. #4
    Just been bitten MapMan's Avatar

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    I can't believe he said that

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Now, not to say this in the wrong way, but with cleaning up New Orleans is like cleaning up any other natural disaster, it takes a damn long time, but what are the people on the street doing? What about the residents of New Orleans?

    I'm not negating the possibility that support has been crap, but it's weird how international aid is so swift and generally well crafted, and yet when it comes to support at home (not just in America, same here in the UK), it's a balls up.

    Also, with 9/11, that had worldwide effects. These effects have caused many further deaths, a war has become of 9/11. The whole world has changed because of 9/11. New Orleans was a terrible situation, but (again, don't take this the wrong way), but it wasn't an earth-shattering event that has seeped into every facet of our society and culture...

    Another thing with 9/11, it's one specific plot of land, a very specific point, which is the specific grave for 3000 people who died live on air. Rebuilding New Orleans is just that, rebuilding, renovating, putting things back to normal. With the WTC plot it's replacing a considerable, world renownd landmark. A point of great contension between two sides - those who wish to leave well alone and those who wish to build something right there to commemorate (I'm in the latter camp personally).

    Hope I made sense, not trying to cause offence, I think this Nagin guy is a bit of a loon ... perhaps with a hefty chip on his shoulder?

  6. #6
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Can you imagine if the mayor of Biloxi, Mississippi had said that he wanted to return the city of Biloxi to a "vanilla city"? I hate to pile on, like some people tend to do, but Nagin is an absolute joke and a failure of the highest order. And on 60 Minutes last night when asked by the interviewer about the new stronger levee walls, he replied "where they gonna go?" Meaning that they are indestructible...Talk about famous last words. This guy loves the taste of feet I guess.

  7. #7
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tied2thetracks
    This guy is a true chocolate asshole.

    well said.

    Minion. fair points all around. but i think an important distinction here is the fact that catagoricly Nagin has been just useless. he failed at heeding the ample warnings to evac NOLA. he failed at assisting survivors of the storm. he's failed at promoting any regrowth in Nola except corporate. in short all he's done is issue more soundbites in his enivitable bid to run for govenor of louisanna.

    rebuilding New orleans will without a doubt take decades. anyone with the expectation of a faster schedule is living a lie, or uninformed. nothing more or less. and honestly given the geological properties of the region it's questionable if the city should be rebuilt as it was before the hurricane. Especially since the army corps of engineers isn't even close to rebulding the levees.

    so much of this "1 year after" coverage is social bull****, that i couldn't care less what happens to the city. everyone i knew in Nola is gone and happily resettled with no intentions of returning. so i'm content to watch Nagin much about in his city sized tepid mudpie.

    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo
    Can you imagine if the mayor of Biloxi, Mississippi had said that he wanted to return the city of Biloxi to a "vanilla city"? I hate to pile on, like some people tend to do, but Nagin is an absolute joke and a failure of the highest order. And on 60 Minutes last night when asked by the interviewer about the new stronger levee walls, he replied "where they gonna go?" Meaning that they are indestructible...Talk about famous last words. This guy loves the taste of feet I guess.

    Vanilla city, bwahhaah. good one.
    Last edited by p2501; 29-Aug-2006 at 02:04 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  8. #8
    Dying AssassinFromHell's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tied2thetracks,2933,210406,00.html

    When questioned about flood damaged cars still on the streets he replied that its taken New York 5 years to fix a hole in the ground.

    This guy is a true chocolate asshole.
    Can you blame him for being an asshole? You have every person in the country riding his ass over his lacking ability to make New Orleans the glowing piece of history it was with the snap of his fingers. This country runs on stupidity. New Orleans is going to take years. Keep in mind more natural disasters will occur. Hell, they haven't even fixed up all their defenses for natural disasters, drains and such. So if another Katrina comes? Add more years. Things cost money. And when all this country is too busy acting like some kind of liberal extremist on the side of some busy street, nothing is getting done because instead of possibly donating to relief and rebuilding efforts, we're playing the blame game. I'm not trying to slam liberals, nor am I trying to rage political mass hysteria.

    Why aren't people riding Bloomberg's ass? Look how long the recovery from 9/11 took. And in all fairness, it was smaller damage in comparison to the widespread New Orleans disaster. That's awful unfair for Nagin, if people will ride his ass but not Bloomberg's for the long time taken for 9/11 recovery.

  9. #9
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell
    Can you blame him for being an asshole? You have every person in the country riding his ass over his lacking ability to make New Orleans the glowing piece of history it was with the snap of his fingers. This country runs on stupidity. New Orleans is going to take years. Keep in mind more natural disasters will occur. Hell, they haven't even fixed up all their defenses for natural disasters, drains and such. So if another Katrina comes? Add more years. Things cost money. And when all this country is too busy acting like some kind of liberal extremist on the side of some busy street, nothing is getting done because instead of possibly donating to relief and rebuilding efforts, we're playing the blame game. I'm not trying to slam liberals, nor am I trying to rage political mass hysteria.

    Why aren't people riding Bloomberg's ass? Look how long the recovery from 9/11 took. And in all fairness, it was smaller damage in comparison to the widespread New Orleans disaster. That's awful unfair for Nagin, if people will ride his ass but not Bloomberg's for the long time taken for 9/11 recovery.
    Naggin had plenty of time to evacuate that city.
    He didn't because he didn't have the "smarts" to do it.
    He sits behind his desk and screams "Me me me!"
    He has the same mentality - "Everybody owes me because I'm black" attitude.
    He lives in a past long forgotten except by those that use said past to mooch.
    There was plenty of transportation he could have used at his disposal. He didn't.
    Naggin is a knuckle dragging idiot.

  10. #10
    Dying AssassinFromHell's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    Naggin had plenty of time to evacuate that city.
    He didn't because he didn't have the "smarts" to do it.
    He sits behind his desk and screams "Me me me!"
    He has the same mentality - "Everybody owes me because I'm black" attitude.
    He lives in a past long forgotten except by those that use said past to mooch.
    There was plenty of transportation he could have used at his disposal. He didn't.
    Naggin is a knuckle dragging idiot.
    Didn't we have plenty of time to stop 9/11? No? Because people say we get terrorist threats all the time.

    Well, don't we get hurricane threats all the time? So why react because somehow this one is going to be bigger.

    Both natural and manmade attacks, had fair warning but were ignored. Sure, Naggin needs to shut the hell up about the racial imbalance emphasis.

  11. #11
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell

    Well, don't we get hurricane threats all the time? So why react because somehow this one is going to be bigger.

    the technology for tracking Hurricanes is far better than tracking terrorists.
    They knew it was going to be bad in NO on Friday and Saturday (days before it hit). I have a friend down there that saw that info and got out......get this, she's a schizophrenic that believes aliens are watching her! If she had the since to get out???? come on! They all could have gotten out. There were plenty of buses.
    Naggin was screaming, "Da gubmint gawna hep us, yo!"
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 29-Aug-2006 at 02:52 PM.

  12. #12
    Dying AssassinFromHell's Avatar

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    All those buses would just create bumper to bumper traffic and create a slow evacuation and for all we know, could have been too late. What's safer? People in a safe basement or shelter area or in a bus which could be toppled over like a twig.

    I agree, yes, more should have been done ahead of time. And it wasn't. People should knock him for that then. Not rebuilding efforts. They're too different things. He'd have to rebuild even if everybody had been evacuated. So that still doesn't back up everybody's criticism of his reconstruction progress.

  13. #13
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell
    I agree, yes, more should have been done ahead of time. And it wasn't. People should knock him for that then. Not rebuilding efforts. They're too different things. He'd have to rebuild even if everybody had been evacuated. So that still doesn't back up everybody's criticism of his reconstruction progress.
    That's exactley what I've always knocked him for.......this new crap is just him being himself.
    if you go to (better luck here - you MAY still be able to find the tackings of Kat. There were warnings days before that Fri and Sat(which was when the official warnings went out). There was plenty of time to arrange an evac.
    NOAA cannot be wrong.....yes, they can "predict", but they're always spot on. (I use them with my storm chasing everytime)

    So, yes....Naggin needs to shut up!
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 29-Aug-2006 at 03:05 PM.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell
    Didn't we have plenty of time to stop 9/11? No? Because people say we get terrorist threats all the time.

    Well, don't we get hurricane threats all the time? So why react because somehow this one is going to be bigger.

    Both natural and manmade attacks, had fair warning but were ignored. Sure, Naggin needs to shut the hell up about the racial imbalance emphasis.

    what? seriously what? you've officaly broken the last "idoit" straw i have.

    what ****ing paralells exsist between 9/11 and Katrina. i am so ****ing tired of this myopic monogloidian line of thought that all disasters fall into a lumpable catagorey for ready arguementative sciting.

    what paralells exsist between a simplisticly cunning plot tot create terror and mayhem, that was had pretty much no ample notice of. and a slow moving storm system the size of Michigan? please site me something.

    flat out, Ray nagin's blunderfukking incompitence cost lives. there's not room for debate there. as for advance warning. the head of the national Hurricane center advised city planners along with local and county emergency ops commanders that this was bar none the worst hurricane they'd ever seen. and that Evacing NoLa was highly advised. this was done 30-24 hours prior to landfall.

    so while the outside localities evaced and the surrounding conties followed. Nagin sat on his ass. the fact of the matter is, even 24 hours hell 12 hours before the storm hit. mandatory evac points would have saved lives.

    I've worked with civil and local emergency planning, i can tell you in a pinch it takes at most an hour to locate an available point and staff it for incomming displacements. after that it's just a matter of advising the red cross and the Nat Guard on where to show up.

    the bottom line is Nagin failed completely. his office was the first response to a disaster within the city limits. and their response was to do nothing, then scream "why aren't you helping us?" after the fact. yes teh state and Fedgov failed miserably. but Nagins office is what got the clusterfukk ball rolling.

    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell
    All those buses would just create bumper to bumper traffic and create a slow evacuation and for all we know, could have been too late. What's safer? People in a safe basement or shelter area or in a bus which could be toppled over like a twig.

    I agree, yes, more should have been done ahead of time. And it wasn't. People should knock him for that then. Not rebuilding efforts. They're too different things. He'd have to rebuild even if everybody had been evacuated. So that still doesn't back up everybody's criticism of his reconstruction progress.

    traffic jams? seriously?

    if the city disaster planners had Operated their city evac plans, i'm skeptical of that even remotely being an issue. but sure.

    as for safe basements and shelters. were talking about flooding. from the onset the predominate concern was about flooding. wind damage and debris were considered secondary tothe fcat the entire city is set 6 feet below sea level. so that safe basement is worthless when the flood waters are up to your second flood. unless of course you opted for that "Stanley home water tight bulkhead" option when you finished the basement.

    the city should have been evaced friday or at the latest on saturday. looking at the track, i just can't see how that point was even debatable.

    as for rebuilding. how much of that is the news reiterating soundbytes? I tend to think within reason almost everyone with an IQ above room temperature, understands rebuilding the infrastructure of a city will take longer than 11 months. having said that i also realize the news exsists to make **** up. as opposed to Nagin freaking out and being reactionary to an vapor story, he should have demonstrated some level of poise or atleast intelligence by pointing out what has been recovered, and where they intend to go in the next 6 months.

    this "giant hole" business is just more verbal diareha from a guy that seems barely qualified to run the prize counter at a chuckecheese.
    Last edited by p2501; 29-Aug-2006 at 03:39 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


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