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Thread: Second Sight Dawn of the Dead 4k Ultra HD Limited Edition Set

  1. #46
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    You find it dull, because the characters are doing dull things. That was the point he trying to make. Their lives in the mall have become dull, while outside everything is still going to hell.
    No, sorry, can't agree with you there.
    That's actually not all of it, and that's not why I find it dull. I do think the Cannes cut loses steam when they start cleaning up the mall.
    And in any case that's irrelevant because a film should never be dull.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 30-Nov-2020 at 09:22 PM. Reason: dfs

  2. #47

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    You forget to add imho

    I completely disagree. It drags and the soundtrack is nowhere as good. Theatrical cut is leaner and far more entertaining.
    That's rather a matter of taste, though. I have no problem with the soundtrack of either. My main complaint is with the sometimes sloppy editing of the theatrical cut. Since Romero did not re-shoot some of the sequences he wanted to alter for the theatrical cut, he was forced to work with the footage that was used for the extended cut. This resulted in some parts of the movie not making as much sense as in the extended cut.
    Last edited by JDP; 30-Nov-2020 at 11:15 PM. Reason: ;

  3. #48
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I don't find the section of the film where the characters are just meandering about the mall, now that they've 'won' it, to be boring at all. The characters themselves may become bored over time, as is clearly shown, but that material in the film itself isn't actually boring at all. It's part of the story, it's the Act II low point before all hell breaks loose.

  4. #49
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I don't find the section of the film where the characters are just meandering about the mall, now that they've 'won' it, to be boring at all. The characters themselves may become bored over time, as is clearly shown, but that material in the film itself isn't actually boring at all. It's part of the story, it's the Act II low point before all hell breaks loose.
    I agree that the material itself isn't boring. But it does drag, i.e. the film spends a lot of time on-not-a-lot-happening. It's a pacing issue. Especially since the first 30 minutes are brilliant.

    Do I still love the film? Absolutely. It's just the reason for why it'll never top Day as my favorite Romero-film.

  5. #50
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I agree that the material itself isn't boring. But it does drag, i.e. the film spends a lot of time on-not-a-lot-happening. It's a pacing issue. Especially since the first 30 minutes are brilliant.

    Do I still love the film? Absolutely. It's just the reason for why it'll never top Day as my favorite Romero-film.
    I've never really found the pacing to suddenly sag, either. It actually comes as a pretty welcome respite. We have a little breather after the relentless opening 30 minutes, then we're fairly swiftly back into the action - the initial raid on the mall, then quite quickly we're into the whole door blocking mission (inside and out) - and then, while not necessarily action packed, there is a lot of story material (the stuff that makes everything worthwhile, the stuff that hooks audiences into the characters) squeezed into a section of the film that isn't too long-winded. In terms of pacing I think it's pretty spot on. Even after watching the film, what, forty times or something now, I was never thinking it needed to speed up in the extended cut. Sure, not everyone's gonna feel like that, but they're idiots who are wrong.

    Seriously, though, the pacing in the extended cut is aye fine if you ask me. The climax is pretty darn full-on, so you need that 'down time' where we focus on the characters slipping into malaise over the months following Roger's death. They've taken this mall, but they've lost a valuable member of the team in the process, and the more they linger the more hollow the victory becomes. This in-turn ramps up the power of Stephen's choice to start shooting at the raiders, his greed over the mall having taken over.

    Indeed, Stephen's got a really interesting arc in the film. At times he's like the Beta male, or the kinda uncool little brother trying to be as cool as the big kids, but then other times he's brave and smart - and, of course, he's the chap who can fly the ruddy helicopter. He steps beyond his own abilities out of pride at times, or clumsily gets himself into a scrape, but then other times he's on it (like when they're roaring about in the Scirocco sealing the doors off). He's flawed and complex, and I got to thinking about when he leads the zombies up to their secret living quarters - I got to wondering, being that Romero's zombies have memories of their past lives to some degree, if he just wanted to get back to Fran ... ... or, indeed, does the zombie virus corrupt any memories that are remaining. Could the virus corrupt them to a degree of malicious intent?

  6. #51
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Hey guys... any other US folks still not receive theirs yet? I’m on the east coast and still haven’t gotten mine. I’m pretty worried. This would be the first time ever that I may have some sort of emotional reaction to not receiving a movie in the mail, simply because of how much this movie means to me and the fact that this is a limited release (and apparently already sold out in the US). I’m also pretty pissed off that Zavvi didn’t provide any sort of tracking - what the hell?!?!

  7. #52
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Hey guys... any other US folks still not receive theirs yet? I’m on the east coast and still haven’t gotten mine. I’m pretty worried. This would be the first time ever that I may have some sort of emotional reaction to not receiving a movie in the mail, simply because of how much this movie means to me and the fact that this is a limited release (and apparently already sold out in the US). I’m also pretty pissed off that Zavvi didn’t provide any sort of tracking - what the hell?!?!
    I've been seeing pictures online of people only just receiving their orders for a while now. Seems delivery times vary greatly, and yeah, Zavvi don't do order tracking. I'm kinda surprised they even ship internationally, but I have seen plenty of posts from people who have recently received their international order from Zavvi.

    Did you get a confirmation that it had been shipped, and if so, how long ago was that?

  8. #53
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I got an email back in early November, saying my expected date of arrival was Nov 16th, with Nov 20th being the absolute latest. When I emailed Zavvi asking if I could have tracking info, as I'm nervous about my package getting stolen, they told me they don't provide it and to just wait until December 13th... if it doesn't come by then, contact them. I bet it just had a shipping delay with customs or something, but I'm freaking out over here!!!

  9. #54
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I got an email back in early November, saying my expected date of arrival was Nov 16th, with Nov 20th being the absolute latest. When I emailed Zavvi asking if I could have tracking info, as I'm nervous about my package getting stolen, they told me they don't provide it and to just wait until December 13th... if it doesn't come by then, contact them. I bet it just had a shipping delay with customs or something, but I'm freaking out over here!!!
    Well it wouldn't have got to you by November 16th no way - that was the day of release here in the UK.

    Those who ordered directly from Second Sight got theirs a week early (but international buyers took a while longer, I think, to receive theirs from them). Yeah, it can take some time for international shipping to come through due to various factors, so I wouldn't worry just yet.

    Have you specifically had an email notice of the item being despatched?
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 03-Dec-2020 at 04:02 PM.

  10. #55
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I got an email back in early November, saying my expected date of arrival was Nov 16th, with Nov 20th being the absolute latest. When I emailed Zavvi asking if I could have tracking info, as I'm nervous about my package getting stolen, they told me they don't provide it and to just wait until December 13th... if it doesn't come by then, contact them. I bet it just had a shipping delay with customs or something, but I'm freaking out over here!!!
    I don't want to be an alarmist or anything, but I ordered a few international orders back in Spring and some of them took up to 2 months to arrive. But that was when the world was in an absolute panic over Covid, things seem to have calmed down a bit.

  11. #56
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Well, I just contacted Zavvi, as I still haven’t received it. I’m worried that I’m going to have to resort to getting a refund and then dish out $200 to get it off eBay.

  12. #57
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Well, I just contacted Zavvi, as I still haven’t received it. I’m worried that I’m going to have to resort to getting a refund and then dish out $200 to get it off eBay.
    I can see it still for sale on sites for the original price.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  13. #58
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Who's read the book of essays on the film? Some pretty good stuff in there, especially concerning the making and release of the film ... although mid-way through you get a chunk that are all kinda wanky gender studies film school essays, some dreadfully-so, that just made my brain hurt they were so stodgy and forced and aggressively formal (i.e. no personality and no fun to read at all). However, the majority of the writings on the film were quite good ... but they could have used a bit of editing, as so many of the essays had similar introductions talking about the basic things about the film (e.g. the shopping mall as a take down of consumerism) - yeah, we get it, you don't all need to say the same damn thing in your introductions!

  14. #59
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Who's read the book of essays on the film? Some pretty good stuff in there, especially concerning the making and release of the film ... although mid-way through you get a chunk that are all kinda wanky gender studies film school essays, some dreadfully-so, that just made my brain hurt they were so stodgy and forced and aggressively formal (i.e. no personality and no fun to read at all). However, the majority of the writings on the film were quite good ... but they could have used a bit of editing, as so many of the essays had similar introductions talking about the basic things about the film (e.g. the shopping mall as a take down of consumerism) - yeah, we get it, you don't all need to say the same damn thing in your introductions!
    You like spam, MZ?
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    You like spam, MZ?
    Well, I did knock it until I found out it had its own key.


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