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Thread: Slow/Fast Zombies Give your true thoughts.

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The fastest a zombie should ever move is a swift, almost wafting, shamble - like a baby learning to walk and letting their body get ahead of their legs, so they shamble faster to keep upright...

    Or a zombie can shamble faster if going downhill, so they've got gravity working for them.

    Why zombies should be slow - their brains are essentially reset to almost zero, so they have to re-learn how to use their bodies ... you know what it's like when you're completely bladdered, so how the fudge is a fresh zombie with no recollection of their mall-bound lives going to be able to sprint off after you? And of course, even after learning that a mall is a good place to go, or what a book might be and then ultimately leading your kin to go and raise some heck in a building still doesn't mean you've mastered your body to the point of running - which is a demanding physical feat ... hell, plenty of humans can't even run!

    It all comes down to mind/body communication and capability for me, nuff said, and in the immortal words of Zombie Man himself...

    "Zombies can't f*cking run, end of story!" - and the dude's a friggin' zombie himself!

    Click here to watch "I Am Zombie Man", by me, MZ...

  2. #17
    Just been bitten Chakobsa's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Svengoolie View Post
    Thanks, Maitreya....

    But, like I said--while I do think the runners are more realistic, and I do enjoy them in flicks...I still prefer the shamblers.

    They're what I was born and raised on.
    I think that Svengoolie has probably said all that you can say on this topic.
    There are sound physiological reasons why the runners are scary, human beings and probably most other animals experience something called pain, yeah, I know it's not very nice but it stops us from damaging ourselves too badly.
    Lack of pain due to nerve damage is what leads to the disfiguring injuries you see in those unfortunate enough to suffer from Hansons disease (leprosy).
    The musculature (sp?) of the human body is very powerful, remember, our design is best suited to chasing down game in Africa.Our genes know that the creatures that carry them have to be strong and smart but not reckless.
    Pain tells us to stop before we damage the body. The dead don't care, they'll keep going 'till your barricade fails or you machete their heads off or they eat you.
    Shamblers are scary 'cause in the event of an outbreak human folly and our crowded planet would equal a dismal future for any survivors. Slow and steady wins the race.
    I think that the aggregate damage to the race would be the same, though with runners the eventual prevailing condition of zombie domination of most of the earth would occur a wee bit faster.
    Btw, I prefer shamblers.
    The reasoning man who scorns the prejudices of simpletons necessarily becomes the enemy of simpletons; he must expect as much, and laugh at the inevitable.
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  3. #18
    Banned Svengoolie's Avatar
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    First, to my new buddy, Ned:

    Exactly, it makes no sense.
    Why does that not make sense? The almost exact same thing is featured in the GAR mythos--if a person is bitten by a zombie, that person will die and become one themselves.

    The only difference here is that a concrete, scientific-type explaination is given for the plague in Dawn 04, as opposed to GAR's unknown catalyst.

    Why zombies should be slow - their brains are essentially reset to almost zero, so they have to re-learn how to use their bodies ... you know what it's like when you're completely bladdered, so how the fudge is a fresh zombie with no recollection of their mall-bound lives going to be able to sprint off after you? And of course, even after learning that a mall is a good place to go, or what a book might be and then ultimately leading your kin to go and raise some heck in a building still doesn't mean you've mastered your body to the point of running - which is a demanding physical feat ... hell, plenty of humans can't even run!
    While I see where you're trying to go with that, I've gotta disagree.

    By your rationale, zombies really shouldn't be able to even walk right away--they'd have to crawl around like babies until they learned to walk again.

    If basic motor skills remain, then that includes running. Even a toddler with Down Syndrome that can walk can also run.

  4. #19
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    cmon you know fast ones would be mutch scarier in reality, but who cares either way, be it fast, slow, palnt/parasite zombies or even.....*sigh*.....flying.... ts all zombie films and its all good man!

  5. #20

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    Sprinting Zombies belong in the Olympics

    Call me a wet blanket, or a burning bag of poop on an old man's door step in the middle of the night....but I just don't like running zombies. When I first saw that little girl in Dawn 04' in the theater, I about crapped myself! Before that, I had even considered them as able to sprint or jump....because they are dead! But, hell, they are up and around after all...but in my mind I think they should be slow, weak and the real threat should come as they grow in numbers. Perhaps the movie should have concentrated on putting some of them on the next American team going to the Olympic Games.

    The whole idea about being able to 'infect' the entire U.S. in 20 hours is complete nonsense. I remember from the original Dawn, the doctor on tv in the very beginning in Fran's studio (I can not recall his name right now) says something to the effect of "you have not listened to us for the past three weeks..." Even 48 hours is off the mark in a modern society where instant communication dominates and covers our every move. Word would spread of this fairly easily. Of course, despite the upgrade in technology from 1978...the same problem would exist in either decade...getting people to believe that the DEAD ARE RISING! Who the hell trusts the media anyway?

    While we're on this topic, something else popped into my mind. If the dead in Dawn 04' are faster and stronger (and apparently able to jump) why couldn't they break into the mall on their own? As I recall, the security staff simply locked the opposed to Roger and Peter placing 18-wheelers in front of the doors so the zombies couldn't get enough leverage to cause any damage in the original movie. I went to the mall the other night; it definitely wasn't Fort Knox....
    Last edited by jim102016; 08-Sep-2006 at 02:59 AM.

  6. #21
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Svengoolie View Post
    First, to my new buddy, Ned:

    The only difference here is that a concrete, scientific-type explaination is given for the plague in Dawn 04, as opposed to GAR's unknown catalyst.
    To be fair it isn't the only difference. I think what he was getting at was in the original series if you die from say bleeding to death from a gunshot wound, you would become a zombie. If you were bitten, you would most certainly die and by simply being dead, you would rise as a zombie.

    The unknown catalyst is a pretty cool thing as far as I'm concerned.

    Both make "sense" as far as the dead rising to devour the living goes.

  7. #22
    Banned Svengoolie's Avatar
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    To be fair it isn't the only difference. I think what he was getting at was in the original series if you die from say bleeding to death from a gunshot wound, you would become a zombie. If you were bitten, you would most certainly die and by simply being dead, you would rise as a zombie.
    Oh, I know that, bro. That's why I threw that "almost" in there.

    The unknown catalyst is a pretty cool thing as far as I'm concerned.

    Both make "sense" as far as the dead rising to devour the living goes.
    Agreed on both points.

    I prefer the "no explanation" angle myself.

  8. #23
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Svengoolie View Post

    Agreed on both points.

    I prefer the "no explanation" angle myself.
    same here man same here only 28 days later should explain "its a virus" sotryline, oh and resident evil.

  9. #24
    Just been bitten TheWalkingDude's Avatar

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    All views and points well made.
    Member of the Pittsburgh Pimp Squad....... Playersssssssss Pimpin Aint Easyyyyyyyy

  10. #25
    Just been bitten ngm231's Avatar

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    F*** runners

  11. #26
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    "Zombies can't f*cking run, end of story!"
    Obviously it isn't the "end of story".
    And why should it be? Because zombie man says so?
    Who cares what he says?

    I say zombies CAN run, and I think that's pretty logical as has been pointed out.
    It is actually the idea that they CANT run that's illogical, and somehow based on personal emotion or something.

    It's only those who are closed minded who approach the situation as you are.
    Why does it bother you this much that others see things differently?

    I'll never understand why some have to appoint themselves the authority behind zombies, and totally reject any ideas that stray from their own.
    I'm willing to bet that the same patterns that create this phenomenon here, exist in other parts of your life and subsequently cause problems there too.
    Were you a bossy toddler? The type that wouldn't play a game unless it was your idea?
    Tell the truth...
    I mean it all makes sense when I look at your sig, at your status of "king of the undead", the whole "I am zombie man"-watch it NOW thing and HPOTD FAQ-read it, bitches.
    You might be a really decent guy, but here you remind me of a spoiled child.
    Last edited by placebo; 08-Sep-2006 at 07:05 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  12. #27
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Placebo, I suggest you get off your high horse and realise I'm merely stating my own opinion, which last time I checked, I'm allowed to do. I talk in jest, and was quoting a little film I made that the users liked, to illustrate my own personal opinion.

    I suggest you back off with the attitude.

  13. #28
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    NO!!! You aren't allowed to state your opinion!

    You're only allowed to state MINE!!!

    I'm just gettin your goat man.
    No disrspect intended.

    I get annoyed when people get so opinionated about the running zombie thing.
    I just think it's stupid how people are so dead set against it, I just don't see the logic.
    Ahh, well.

  14. #29
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Svengoolie View Post
    First, to my new buddy, Ned:

    Why does that not make sense? The almost exact same thing is featured in the GAR mythos--if a person is bitten by a zombie, that person will die and become one themselves.

    The only difference here is that a concrete, scientific-type explaination is given for the plague in Dawn 04, as opposed to GAR's unknown catalyst.
    Yes, but what's silly is how fast the zombies spread in Dawn, infesting the entire world within 20 hours. If everyone who died became a zombie, this would be fairly logical. But when it only transfers by bite, it's nigh impossible!

  15. #30
    Banned Svengoolie's Avatar
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    Yes, but what's silly is how fast the zombies spread in Dawn, infesting the entire world within 20 hours. If everyone who died became a zombie, this would be fairly logical. But when it only transfers by bite, it's nigh impossible!
    Yes and no, bro.

    You're assuming that the 20 hour window is based on the initial release of the virus--as if that within 20 hours of one person being infected, the virus spread throughout the world. You're also assuming that they knew what was going on right away, and were able to pinpoint the plague's exact origins.

    While they were able to determine that it was a virus, they never knew how it was created, who created it, or how it was initially leaked.

    What if it was leaked on purpose at several points on the globe, like in 12 Monkeys? Or, what if it was going on for quite a bit of time before they knew exactly what they were dealing with...and by then it was too late?

    Personally, I'd go with number two--I liked how in the very beginning of the flick, you had that guy up in IT, Solomon Edward, who was bitten on the hand in a bar fight but had become infected with something serious and unknown. I could just see scenarios like that going on for hours, maybe even days...before the **** really hit the fan and the outbreaks became so widespread. It starts out first as simple violent crime that rises at an alarming rate, leading to massive civil unrest...and all the while, it's not known that the cause is this virus--until it's already too late.

    In a way, there's just as little explanation behind the plague in the Dawn remake as there was in the GAR mythos. They know about as much about what's going on in the remake as they did in the original....and that ignorance is just showcased in different ways.


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