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Thread: The Devils Rejects...

  1. #16
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakobsa View Post
    Neil, if you found the film disturbing and hard to watch in places then didn't it do it's job, partly at least? After all, any piece of art, be it film, painting or whatever demands a response from it's audience.
    I enjoyed the way the film got me to like the Firefly family despite them being a bunch of psychos capable of and actually inflicting all kinds of hideous atrocities on their hapless victims.
    Wolf Creek rocked BTW, the bad guy was totally credible, remember Hannah Arendt's famous comment on the "Banality of evil"?

    As I said, I just found the majority of TDA, gore for the sake of gore... A couple of favourite bits was the rapor between Clowny and Ken Foree though, they really held their scenes well.

    But again, the violence seems to be there just to shock, and as such sort of didn't really. I think this was because there was little reason for it, and the story didn't really carry any character building in it. At times the relentless swearing also got a little on my nerves.

    I think the only "oh" I exclaimed during the film was when (not to dish out a spoiler) tiny met the sherif. I was annoyed it rampage of the familiy didn't continue as they soooo deserved it!
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  2. #17
    Just been bitten Chakobsa's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    As I said, I just found the majority of TDA, gore for the sake of gore... A couple of favourite bits was the rapor between Clowny and Ken Foree though, they really held their scenes well.

    But again, the violence seems to be there just to shock, and as such sort of didn't really. I think this was because there was little reason for it, and the story didn't really carry any character building in it. At times the relentless swearing also got a little on my nerves.

    I think the only "oh" I exclaimed during the film was when (not to dish out a spoiler) tiny met the sherif. I was annoyed it rampage of the familiy didn't continue as they soooo deserved it!
    Neil, re your last paragraph, have you just got back from the pub?
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  3. #18
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Debbieangel View Post
    Sorry guys I am a horror movie lover from a way back and those movies of Rob Zombies in my opinion suck snot!! ewwwww
    I almost went out and bout the movie House of a 1,000 Zombies purely becauese it was a zombie movie but thankfully it came on HBO and viewed it first..wowww saved some money there!!!
    Hey that movie reminds me of another movie I saw years ago maybe you have seen it..its called "American Gothic" ya it sucked too! Just as out there but not a zombe movie!
    BTW..I have posted many times a zombie move is a zombie movie and I will watch any and all but that House of a 1,000 Zombies is the exception! lol opps had to go back and edit left a word out lol
    house of 1000 corpses did not have zombies. but ya i did not like the devils rejects. it was not a bad movie but it did not do anything for me. but i am still a rob zombie fan

  4. #19
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    ok I worded that wrong..when I heard about the movie it had the word zombies in it thats why I was going to buy it! So, that is why I was soooo very glad it came on HBO so I could not make the mistake of buying the DVD. LOL Finally got what ya all were saying....another blonde moment!

  5. #20
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    When LouCipherr get back from Ocean City he will fill this thread with how much he loves this flick. I think this is a well done film personally and proves RZ can handle Pyschological stuff along with a horror element.

    Plus the whole scene with SID HAIG and the little kid was AWESOME.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #21
    Just been bitten Fulcifan91's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    When LouCipherr get back from Ocean City he will fill this thread with how much he loves this flick.
    I was about to say the same thing... so i'll second that!

  7. #22
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Debbieangel View Post
    ok I worded that wrong..when I heard about the movie it had the word zombies in it thats why I was going to buy it! So, that is why I was soooo very glad it came on HBO so I could not make the mistake of buying the DVD. LOL Finally got what ya all were saying....another blonde moment!

    First, I love ya!!!

    It is call House of 1000 Corpses. Not 1000 Zombies. The movies title does not have "zombies" in it anywhere. The only reference to zombies with this movie is the fact that the director's last name is (Rob) Zombie. And it's a stage name at that!

    Lucky you didn't drop your money on it thinking it was a zombie movie!
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  8. #23
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    When LouCipherr get back from Ocean City he will fill this thread with how much he loves this flick. I think this is a well done film personally and proves RZ can handle Pyschological stuff along with a horror element.

    Plus the whole scene with SID HAIG and the little kid was AWESOME.
    Ok, I may be in the minority, but I'd like to go on record and say that personally, for me, this was one of the best films I have seen in the past 5-8 years. Seriously.

    Fantastic cinematography? check
    Memorable characters? check
    Lots o' violence? check
    Lots o' psyological playing-with-your-mind elements? check
    One of my favorite actors ever in the cast (Bill Moseley)? check
    Directed by one of my favorite musicians? check
    A sequel that is 100 times better than the first one? check
    Scenes that will make you squirm (hotel scene)? check
    A cast of known characters from other great horror films? check
    Sherri Moon Zombie and her hot friggin' body? check
    Sid Haig terrorizing children (Dontcha like clowns? Aren't we f*ckin' funny?!) check
    A fantastic storyline about a sheriff trying to walk the line and becoming more evil than the people he's hunting? check

    ...and last but not least, one of the most psychologically sadistic characters ever put on film (one mean motherf*cker named Otis)? check!

    Ok, there's so much more I can say about the film, but I think you can probably tell how much I enjoyed it. For me, it was one of the most entertaining films I've watched in years. Based on what i've seen by RZ so far, I don't think we have anything to worry about when it comes to the Halloween remake - if anyone has a grip on the "70's look" on film, it's RZ. One peek at TDR would show anyone that.

    "We came all the way out here so this prick could pull a gun on us? Nice f*ckin' plan, Daisy!" -Otis
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 19-Sep-2006 at 01:03 PM. Reason: to fix spelling errors

  9. #24
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    I am sorry, but Rob Zombie is a hack and his HTC and DR were dreadful awful pitiful excuses for films. I rate them up there in terms of suck with Ghoulies 4 and Troll 2.

  10. #25
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Really? Who do you consider to be non-hack filmmakers that are new to the scene in this day and age? Wow, how anyone can watch TDR and think it was made by a 'hack' is beyond me.

    For his first 2 films, I think RZ did a damn good job. I didn't like HOTC (too campy for my taste, and too much of a TCM ripoff) but TDR was LIGHT YEARS from HOTC as far as acting, production, and story.

    To each his own I guess.

  11. #26
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    I am sorry, but Rob Zombie is a hack and his HTC and DR were dreadful awful pitiful excuses for films. I rate them up there in terms of suck with Ghoulies 4 and Troll 2.
    Now there's a constructive post, backed up with solid facts as to why your OPINION of Rob's films suck!

    Thank you for that, I feel so enlightened!
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  12. #27
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    I am sorry, but Rob Zombie is a hack and his HTC and DR were dreadful awful pitiful excuses for films. I rate them up there in terms of suck with Ghoulies 4 and Troll 2.
    You want to talk Hack... Uwe Boll, John Russo, and the once great Tobe Hooper... all just plain hacks, with Uwe topping the list.
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  13. #28
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Really? Who do you consider to be non-hack filmmakers that are new to the scene in this day and age? Wow, how anyone can watch TDR and think it was made by a 'hack' is beyond me.

    For his first 2 films, I think RZ did a damn good job. I didn't like HOTC (too campy for my taste, and too much of a TCM ripoff) but TDR was LIGHT YEARS from HOTC as far as acting, production, and story.

    To each his own I guess.
    Does someone have to be new to the scene for Zombie to suck? I personally think he does, I think he is a total hack and his films lack cohesion and plot to link the scattered scenes together. He is IMO the epitome of the rich bastard who lives like a sterotype and is trying to bring his MTV horror sillyness to the screen. I get mad when I see his films somewhere because in order for it to be made the producers would have passed up 100s if not 1000s of possible projects from young directors with real talent, to go with a named commodity for $$$ reasons.

    Zombies films lack (again IMO) taste, style, intelligence, cohesion, acting, quality, proper air quality...just everything.

    He rips off other horror icons and TRIES hard to incorporate them into his work, but it has the semblance of a 2 year old banging a round peg through a square hole with his toy hammer. Hack city.

  14. #29
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    You want to talk Hack... Uwe Boll, John Russo, and the once great Tobe Hooper... all just plain hacks, with Uwe topping the list.

    Agreed. when HOTC was released, I thought Zombie would be a hack. I immediately took that back after seeing TDR. Great film. Rob is definitely not a hack.

    Speaking of heard about his boxing matches with critics that make fun of him and his films?

  15. #30
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    You want to talk Hack... Uwe Boll, John Russo, and the once great Tobe Hooper... all just plain hacks, with Uwe topping the list.
    I will give you those, but my list would also include Zombie, M Night Shamalamadingdong and probably several others not coming to mind right this second too.

    Quote Originally Posted by dmbfanintn View Post
    Now there's a constructive post, backed up with solid facts as to why your OPINION of Rob's films suck!

    Thank you for that, I feel so enlightened!
    Dude I am sorry if my opinion hurts you, I didnt realize that your self esteem was so low that it could be shattered by me not liking something you like.
    Last edited by Khardis; 19-Sep-2006 at 01:39 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


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