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Thread: Come on everybody...

  1. #16
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by axlish View Post
    I had a question re: the PAL version of the DVX that anyone that feels like it can answer.

    The preferred setting on the DVX is 24p. How does this apply to the PAL model which will need to be set at 25 fps?
    Try this thread

    "How To Use 25p With Dvx100b"

  2. #17
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    With the Canon XL2 and the DVX100 using 24P on the NTSC models not so many people are going after PAL cameras like they used to, like before 24P mode. This is how I understand it from what I read.

    When someone bought a Canon XL1 or any other camera before 24P mode, they usually bought PAL because they could get 25fps which is very close to the NTSC standard of 23.976 fps. The PAL XL1 and other cameras helped bring everything closer to a more film like look. Mostly people making low budget films in the NTSC region bought the PAL versions of these cameras.

    Once 24P was unleashed, the Low budget US and NTSC standard filmmakers stopped purchasing PAL cameras and started gobbling up the 24p DVX100 and Canon XL2.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  3. #18
    Fresh Meat

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eyebiter View Post
    Try this thread

    "How To Use 25p With Dvx100b"
    Be careful there is some misinformation on that thread.
    The pak version of tthe dvx will not do 24p capture. It does 25p capture, and since your main audience will mostly be viewing it on pal systems, that will be fine. It is actually cleaner than with ntsc, because there is no need for pull down proccessing. 25p-501 as as opposed to 24p-30i-60i. simplified description, I know. One thing a lot of people don't realize, this maybe discussed on the thread, I just skimmed over it, is that with proggressive capture you have to watch out for "judder" I would bet that that is the "stutter" that the other guy was complaining about. You have to make sure all your camera movements are very slow and steady when using proggressive capture or you are going to see it. It can be very difficult to execute a move steady enough without a geared head, and very difficult to get one that is slow enough, especially at longer focal lengths. Basically it is a stuttering movement in the frame that is caused because the camera moved through to great an arc in between recording frames. It doesn't happen with interlaced recording because there is no "in between" frames. the camera is always recording odd or even scanlines, so the movement appears connected. Avoiding it is a matter of practice and carefully selecting your moves. If anyone is interested you should easily be able to find a chart online somewher that will tell you how long a 90 degree pan should take at a given focal length and framerate.

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Just got word, apparently the camera is coming in tomorrow, got word from Preston's themselves. Previous times when they've said it's going to be in, we've run them and the camera hasn't been in ... this time they've rung me when I've been looking for other options.

    I even changed some of my anal obsessive/compulsive "things" that I do in a day - for example, this morning I put my watch on the tile to the left of the one I usually put it on in the bathroom. I also slightly altered my "turning the light off for bed" routine slightly ...

    Now that you've all stepped back slowly from me and my tweaked weirdness, it's just something I find myself doing a lot (a lot of specific ways things have to be done - in an order for instance, with specific amounts of pressure etc - for example the other day I was making a post (in response to Andy's new colour scheme) and I edited it about 10 times until I had it perfect...

    Anyway ... back to the point ... oi, you can step a bit closer, you won't hear me from all the way over there being those sandbags...

    In my tweaked head, changing the order of things slightly triggered the cycle of DVX disappointment ...

    Now hopefully Mr Sod's Law won't find this post and screw me over again, but the dude wouldn't ring unless he was sure it was ... ooooooooooh, it's like tickling a boner!

  5. #20
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Not to get off topic here, but MZ, has anyone ever told you that you have a hell of a way with words?

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, why thank you Lou, I have to say I was rather excited when I posted that, so it's not up to my usual standards of grammar etc ... but when you're on tender hooks for a month thinking it's merely a couple of days away you do feel like your balls are being tickled, but not by some hot chick, by some rubbered up German bulldozer called Claus ...

    Fortunately though - come and stroke me, for I am the new, proud owner of a DVX100BE! Let's all have a LouCipherr style "woot", eh?

    Just been down to Preston's this morning, picked it up, along with extra battery, microphone, tripod and got a rather sturdy carrying case (not a metal one, fudge that on my budget, but a rather sturdy - ironically SONY branded - carry bag). I'm just about to go upstairs and commence drooling over it as I pour over the instruction manual ... now that I've got it, the tense "will I get it" anticipation has gone ... so you feel a bit "hmmm..." ... but woot, I've now got a serious bit of kit! To infinity and beyond, and all that jizz.

    Now all I need to do is learn how to use it...

  7. #22
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Now all I need to do is learn how to use it...
    Congrats on the Camera. Now you need to start a thread that only you and LD-50 can talk in. He will teach you young padawan.

    So now that you have your new cam... do we get I AM ZOMBIE MAN 2 in the next 3-4 weeks?
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  8. #23
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Fortunately though - come and stroke me, for I am the new, proud owner of a DVX100BE! Let's all have a LouCipherr style "woot", eh?

    Dammit, I hate that word but I keep using it - what's wrong with me?!?!

    Anyway, this is awesome MZ. Hurry up and do the crash-course and get us a new IAZM episode!

  9. #24
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, I was sat there all afternoon pouring over the book, somewhat understand what it was jabbering on about (), but blimey guvnah, this kit's got a lot of bells 'n' whistles dunnit?

    Here's a picture festival from this afternoon - excuse the not-so-great quality as I took them on my phone, my digital snappy camera doesn't "do" 'low light' situations.

    (Top row first, left to right and then the bottom row, left to right):

    1) Everything boxed up fresh from the shop - camera, camera bag (ironically it's "Sony" branded ), the microphone and the tripod.

    2) Close up of the box-o-jizzy-goodness.

    3) DeadShed Productions - the hub-o-activity, as I pour through the instruction manual.

    4) My camera history - furthest away, my very first - Sony TRV27E (Hi8), the middle one is my Canon MV700i (IAZM 1 was shot on that, as was the majority of projects I did after "my NIGHTMARE" funked up the Hi8 one - in terms of capturing at least - up until, well, now ... will still find a use for the Canon though ... and of course, foreground - the new DVX100BE!

    5) My Canon MV700i side-by-side to my new DVX100BE ... now that's a size difference!

    6) Same as #5, but showing the new phat width-age. (not pictured, the spider under a plastic cut by my radiator which I caught for someone else to dispose of ) ... take some of that shotgun mic to the eye!

    *2nd edit - just for Deej*

    Sadly no, you rapscallions will have to wait until around about New Year for IAZM 2 ... sad but true I'm afraid, that Zombie Man has gone off on such a coke bender I can't get him back until Xmas - pencilled in for filming IAZM 2 between Xmas and New Year. The fruition will possibly even extent to a mighty 5 weeks from starting the script to finishing the edit ... ... an epic in comparison to the original's one month start-to-finish conception/term/birth.

    This way I can amp you guys up, and don't forget, I'll be getting you guys involved...keep 'em peeled for eventually my need of you lot will come to light...

    *whisks cape up over face and disappears in a cloud of "Coovan's finest" HPOTD*
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 27-Sep-2006 at 08:33 PM.

  10. #25
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Man, those pictures make even me drool! Maybe that's just from the overdose of HPotD though...

    That's great man, i'm very happy for you, ya lucky bastid.

    Now get yourself on a serious bender and write the script for IAZM2!

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Believe me, I'm already formulating some ideas since last night, I usually like to brainstorm for 2 to 6 weeks (depending on schedule/project type) on average and then I start gettin' it owhnnnnn...that is something I really enjoyed with IAZM - I just let my mind blow and just go nuts and really loose, as well as bring out the inner bastard in me for comic effect.

    Good news too, I will get to watch Deadlands today after all, because my meeting has been moved to tomorrow, a-woot-woot!


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