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Thread: Ahhh...Battlefield Vietnam...

  1. #16
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Holy sh*t! The memories you're bringing back!

    FarCry, I have that and played it quite a bit - that game looks awesome, very very good graphics.

    Grim Fandango - dude, I played this when it first came out and haven't even thought about it since then! Now I gotta go find it, dammit...

    In BF1942, my favorite maps were the close-combat maps like Berlin and Stalingrad, but there was nothing quite like storming Omaha Beach! That damn "Battle of the Bulge" is a bitch of a map too, but I like to get at the top of the one hill where that windmill is (I think it was a windmill), grab the tank right behind it, and fire it on the other side of the windmill and keep smashing the AI's advancements. That is, 'till the shell me with one of their tanks.

    One of the best mods for BF1942 was the Desert Combat mod ( - if you install any mods whatsoever, this should be the one.

    Ahh, the memories. That's it, I'm gettin' out my BF1942 disc.


  2. #17
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Something you should check out - it's a "machinema" movie (films made using computer games) for Battlefield Vietnam. It's called "The Fallen One" and it's 15 minutes long, and it's really friggin' good, watched it last night. Just Google it up and download it (it is a hefty 330mb-ish, but well worth it).

    Indeed, the close range maps are much better, case-in-point that El Alamein map, each position is really far away from the other so you're forever trapesing back and forth capturing the same damn post you just liberated. Although it is fun to go charging around in a jeep though, I was doing that yesterday and no-joke-of-a-lie I was actually thinking of Dj's driving as I was yomping through the dunes.

    Will see about some of these mods, I'll have to get an account with FileShack or whatever it/they are as I keep coming across it...

    *Dad comes in with the Total Film magazine he took to read days ago and I forgot about - still only a third into it myself, damn!*

    ...all these great mods but I keep forgetting my account details for these free download sites, *sigh*, such a nuisance to keep setting up new accounts.

  3. #18
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    That was one of the things that drove me nuts about BF1942. You capture a point, move to the next, then the point you just captured originally gets taken. You go back, capture the point, then the new point you captured is now gone.. back and forth and back and forth - it's enough to drive a shell-shocked vet into hysteria!

    Y'know, speaking of videos, there were some HILARIOUS videos made by a guy named KoiN that were "stunt" videos of BF1942. Basically, they messed with the gravity settings, and they would lay down some TNT on a hill over water.. then, grab a jeep and get it going full speed and just as it gets to the top of the hill where the tnt is, they would blast the stuff and the jeep would go flying for MILES over the water.. AWESOME stuff to watch! If you google "BATTLEFIELD STUNT VIDEOS KOIN" you'll find 'em - there were two he did. One was the stunt video, the other was one called "Hero" that was a mini-movie (much like you described) of a guy in BF1942 fighting his way through the mass of enemies.. awesome stuff.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 02-Oct-2006 at 12:33 PM.

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I also recently watched a "machinema" video called "Top Gear: The BF2 Parody" - basically, it takes the audio from a feature on Top Gear (where Jeremy Clarkson road tested the new Range Rover on a mock battlefield, by racing it against a Challenger 2 tank, which had to try and lock on to "kill" him) ... but replaces the video with BF2 footage. It's a great little machinema video, check it out if you can...I'm gonna go google the one you said.

  5. #20
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    you might have to sign up for Fileshack again (free) but here's the Koin video called "Owned" (it's the BF1942 stunts video, with some kickass music to boot)

    Koin - BF1942 Stund Video - OWNED!

    I believe it's on YouTube too if you search for "Koin battlefield"

    Here's a link to Koin's FAQ, explaining how exactly they do their stunts:

    How to do 'stunts' in BF1942 by: Koin

    Good stuff!

    The "Hero" movie Koin did is also on fileshack:

    The Hero - BF1942 video by Koin

    I'll check out these machinema videos when I get home - can't view 'em here at work, dammit.

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Aye, pretty cool vids, the stunt one was pretty darn cool. I love things like that, games such as the GTA games are great for pulling off stunts, so it's impressive to see stunts in games such as BF2...

  7. #22
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Yeah, they modify the game a bit to actually create the stunts, but that one called "owned" that Koin did was so kick-ass. I mean, they got what, 30 people on top of a B2 plane and took off and created their own paratrooper unit!

    The best was the damn jeep jumps though - some of the jeeps go flying for MILES over the water.. awesome stuff! I think they also mod the damage done to your player so you can drop TNT, stand on top, blow it up, fly up 100 ft. in the air (without dying) and parachute to your destination - helpful if you wanna get on top of an unaccessable building rooftop.

    Last edited by LouCipherr; 02-Oct-2006 at 03:45 PM.

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I've now uninstalled BF'42 having been through it again and have re-installed BF2, and it's better than I remember it from my first outing ... mainly helped to the fact I went to FileFront and downloaded a shedload of modder maps, which are really good, there's a lot of city maps, which are great for close quarters infantry fighting...some crashed the game (3 of them from my first sesh of downloads), but there's also remakes of BF'42 maps - like Bocage, pretty cool stuff.

    I'm starting to have withdrawal ... I think I'd better go shoot some more goddamned MEC or whatever the other baddies are called in it ... "ali-a-mus-teff!"

  9. #24
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Maaaaan,ive not played BFV,but i love BF2,its just the perfect war game!at times its frustrating because of certain idiots on the game,such as those who just lurk around the hangers ALL the time,teamkilling anyone who goes near the jets/choppers,and the lag on some servers has me bashing my keyboard,but when its good its good,really good!i love the wake island map when your trying to defend the airfield,ive had so many good moments on that!well placed claymores & AT mines do the job,as well as the mounted machine guns,but watch for snipers ive recently got good at flying on it as well,barrel rolling away from missiles & dive bombing tanks while raking foot soldiers with the cannon getting on a server with people who are prepared to work as a team is the best way to enjoy it

  10. #25
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    w00t! Another BF player! I'm glad ya walked in, Tricky, I was beginning to think MZ and myself were the only FPS game players on this forum.

    The one thing I am decent at in all the games is sniping. I like hanging way back, picking off people one by one with headshots. Nothing better than lining those crosshairs up on someones head, clicking the mouse button and watching them drop to the floor.

    The one thing I don't care for in BF2 is it's really setup for multiplayer action, and not really for someone who just wants to play by themselves with computer players. I love me some online play, but sometimes I don't wanna deal with the idiots online and want to play a game all by myself.

    Once I got my flight stick, I became pretty good at flying - but still no good at hitting the targets I need to with bombs & MG fire! I suck at that, but it's fun to jump in a plane, fly to where you need to then bail and parachute to your destination. I've stolen many an enemies flag by doing that.


  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Was on BF2 again last night, this time till 2am, was playing some more new maps I'd downloaded (they're ten times better, heck, even twenty times better than the ones Dice/EA included with the actual game!).

    One I was playing last night was called El Alamein: Day 1 - desert map based on the one from BF'42 - quite a big expanse (fudge loads of "tickets" for each side too, geez), but hop in one of those really fast jeeps (either the go-kart-ish American one, or the skittish - but ever so fun - MEC jeep) and just jet around the free flags and it's actually quite easy to get all the available flags, your men position themselves nicely at each point so you're defended and just need to survive.

    The MEC stuck to mainly tanks, but then switched to air combat - jets and choppers - and were pummelling the flag I was defending every now and then, I tried taking them out with the AA, but it was a hit & miss affair and I died several times, tilting up just in time to see those bombs falling towards me with that slo-mo "oh sheeeeeiiit" moment, trying to jump out of the way to "ride the blast wave" ... but that never worked.

    The sandbag-covered watch tower was a great place to hang out though, protected me from all bombs whilst some other men (who FINALLY turned up after I was calling them for bloody ages as I Rambo'd it) stayed in the tanks etc. When a chopper pased nearby I'd use my anti-take rocket launcher and chaff a cheeky kill.

    Gonna have to go and play some more after I'm done checking the forum for today, oh wicked fun.

  12. #27
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    It's almost as addicting as HPotD, ain't it MZ?

    I'm gonna have to whip out my BF2 disc tonight and get crackin'. I've been stuck on playing this Company of Heroes game (it's a real-time-strategy game) that I seriously need to get back into some FPS action.

    I'm tellin' ya, between you, dj, myself and maybe Tricky if he's up for it, we should start a HPotD clan in BF or BF2 and SMASH SOME SKULLS!

    Oh, and while you're on the subject of being bombed by aircraft, ain't it a bitch when you're standing near a flag, you hear the plane coming - then that 'whistle' of the bomb heading your way? That gets my adrenaline up so high 'cause I'm trying to run like hell for cover, but it usually ends up the same way as always: a dead soilder on the field, and me waiting to spawn again.

  13. #28
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, oh indeedily-do, that moment of "hey ... what's that noise?" and then "oh sheeeeeiiit" and then "ACH! ... damn..." *respawn*. At least respawning is faster in BF2, playing '42 again, bloody hell, AGES and AGES you have to many flags were lost because of that clock, damn you old man time!

    And yes, addictive is indeed the word to use. Was playing the remake map for Battleaxe, and bloody hell it's difficult, the enemy bombardment from tanks and APCs is constant, that was a tough-ass map. Once you get BF2 installed, go here:

    I downloaded a bunch of these and they're excellent. A couple don't work, and some I had to move into the correct folder/rename the file to look like the other files in the folder where they're supposed to be (to make them show up on the map select menu), but aye, they're damn fun. I was having such a ruck on a level called "Last Stand" and managed to push the Chinese right back to their hilltop flag, having pwned the whole town, I tell you...there was much panicked side-arm gunning going on after that deadly, empty *click* of the magazine sounds...daaaayyymn.

    Man, I've gotta get back on BF2, there's still maps I've haven't played to check out!

    One I had a go at (but got my ass handed to me) was on "Dehli River", I tried to do the old scoot to their furthest outpost to take them from behind (ooh err missus) but bailed out and the parachute didn't open in time, so there was a dead marine on some shack's roof...any subsequent attempt to fly over in a chopper (managed to get my skills back ) were scuppered by AA, those damn bastards.

    ............*jonesing for BF2*.............

  14. #29
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    lol, oh indeedily-do, that moment of "hey ... what's that noise?" and then "oh sheeeeeiiit" and then "ACH! ... damn..." *respawn*.
    Amen, brother. That scenario has played out so many times on my battlefield it's not even funny. That 'screeeeeeeeeeeeech' of the incoming bombardment just makes me flip the hell out. I usually start gettin' really nervous and try to run like hell, but it's usually for nothing as I end up dead anyway..

    I'll check out those add'l maps and all when I get home. Work is stingy about their bandwidth usage, and, well.. I need my job.

    Y'know, there was a setting in BF1942 where you could change the length of the spawn time. I think it defaulted to around 20 seconds, which is WAY too long. I used to play with another friend and we would set the re-spawn timer to like 4 seconds. It was nice, until there was ONE flag left and the enemy keeps spawning right there every 4 seconds while you're trying to capture a point/flag!

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The additional maps are highly recommended, especially the city maps as they make for some great infantry fighting with the odd bit of transport madness chucked in for good measure.

    Oh man it's such a fun game, I'm getting used to the aiming on the game again ... although sometimes it's just retarded - for instance, using the support M60 type gun, firing DIRECTLY at a target and not hitting them at all - and they're pretty close. Ridiculous!

    I usually stick to being the special weapons geezer with the remote control bombs - excellent for the bridge on Last Stand.


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