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Thread: Deadscapes on Amazon and Deadscapes II

  1. #1
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

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    Chicago, IL

    Deadscapes on Amazon and Deadscapes II

    Greetings from Cereval y'all,

    I know I don't come around much anymore. But that may change. For now, I wanted to drop by and share some good news with other zombie-minded folk ...

    Quote Originally Posted by me on
    [I was saving the good news for today, Friday the 13th of October. With Halloween looming near and the death of nature around us, it's the right mood for the dead to rise.

    And rise they will! The first episode of Deadscapes is now available on Amazon! CLICK HERE to order your copy - no more homemade DVDs! I will however, still be giving away the free VCDs until I run out. And the remainder of the homemade stash will be used as screeners and gift copies. Thanks to everyone who's shown support for this project - it's greatly appreciated. I've also upgraded the Broken Road page. Aside from the new purchase link, you can see screenshots from the film and behind-the-scenes stills from the shoot.

    The other half of the good news is that Deadscapes II: By Mourning Light is officially under way! October will be spent wrapping up pre-production and shooting may begin as early as November! The production will continue into Spring, hopefully for a summer completion and release. Sign up for the mailing list to stay up to date on news and info for this upcoming installment.
    Thanks to DJ for the heads up on Custom Flix - I'd known about this site for a few years but had never gotten the rundown on their services.

    For anyone curious about The Disappearance of Sir Evil, besides a bit of filmwork (CTD, Deadscapes, etc.) I had to return to my roots for some good old fashioned HEAVY METAL!

    Take care friends and foes - keep supporting the indie scene with the likes of DJ and Dawg and everyone else busting their asses to make some good zombie cinema. Maybe I'll see you soon ...


  2. #2
    It's the first time I've heard of this so I took a peek at the trailer. Looks like a blast! I think I'm going to investigate Deadscapes further.

  3. #3
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    Congrats, dude! Question about Amazon:

    Okay, from what I remember, isn't Customflix one of the companies that allow you to set up your movie for sell and all? So how do you go about getting it for sale on Amazon?

    Thanks, man.


    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]

  4. #4
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

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    Chicago, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by CapnSpaulding View Post
    It's the first time I've heard of this so I took a peek at the trailer. Looks like a blast! I think I'm going to investigate Deadscapes further.
    I hope you get to check it out - let me know what you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dawg View Post
    Okay, from what I remember, isn't Customflix one of the companies that allow you to set up your movie for sell and all? So how do you go about getting it for sale on Amazon?

    Thanks, man.

    The Amazon listing is part of the deal ... pretty sweet.

  5. #5
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    Definitely cool.

    I checked it out last night. Sad to say that the free setup is set to expire on Dec. 31st, 2006.

    Doesn't help me since part one is through Brain Damage Films/Pendulem Pictures and part two won't be finished until at least next year.

    Hopefully it won't cost an arm and a leg once they set a price. I may decide to go that route at first or try and get another distributor, who knows?


    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]


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