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Thread: Day Remake TRAILER!!!

  1. #76
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's always the way isn't it. A trailer gets out there they didn't intend for and it sucks, then they say "oh but it's going to be actually awesome" - erm, NO - have they learnt nothing from the leaked Contagium crapfest? You can throw as much "extra" gore in it as you want, like throwing a wedding dress on a lump of dog sh*t - it's still dog sh*t.

    Day of the Remake - guaranteed, 100%, will be utter tosh.

  2. #77
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    You can throw as much "extra" gore in it as you want, like throwing a wedding dress on a lump of dog sh*t - it's still dog sh*t.
    Another classic MZ quote. I think I'm gonna start keeping track of these and make a list..

    Yeah, this is gonna suck, but what do you expect? What pisses me off is these bozos get all kinds of money for a budget, and we (dj and I) with little-to-no budget can probably make a better film than what this is going to turn out to be! Hell, some people at another website said deadlands was going to be worse than contagium - until they saw it and said "welp, we were wrong"

    meh, I think it'll be worth watching just to laugh all the way through it. I do that with sucky movies sometimes (just gotta make sure you have an ample supply of HPotD to get through it).

  3. #78
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    After viewing this turd again I have to wonder if they didn't mislabel the town they were in. It says "Leadville, Colorado" but surely with the super zombies that they show, especially those jumping out the windows of the building, they must be in Colorado Springs, CO at the U.S. Olympic training facilities. That building must have been where the pole vaulters & long jumpers stay during training. Could also have been the ski jumpers as well.

    Everytime I hear the wonderful thespian that is Nick Cannon say "It's a bad day to be a zombie.", I almost lose the contents on my stomach .

    Why have I subjected myself to the torture of watching this again ?? I think I may need professional help .

  4. #79
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I don't understand why all these people who like Dawn04 are complaining about this trailer.

    1.The dead's aggressive, velociraptor screaming? That was in Dawn04.

    2.The dead that can run faster than "The Flash". That was in Dawn04.

    3.The mucho powerful dead that can leap much higher than they could when they were alive? That was in Dawn04.

    4.Gratuitous use of sexual images in trailers/teasers in order to fill more seats in the theater? That was in the trailers/teasers for Dawn04.

    This trailer reminds me a hell of alot of Dawn04. But the weird thing is, I'm willing to give it more of a chance than some of the people that really like Dawn04. I admit that the trailer doesn't looks too great.....but it still deserves a chance.

    And this is coming from a guy who sees nothing more in Dawn04 than a MTV action flick.

  5. #80
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Another classic MZ quote. I think I'm gonna start keeping track of these and make a list..
    By all means, please do. I aim to bring joy with my wordage.

    Indeed, Deadlands rocked nuts - and it's great for many reasons, including:

    1) It's original, not a friggin remake.
    2) It's indie, made by people who truly love the genre.
    3) Has pure, uncut independent filmmaking spirit.
    4) Doesn't rape the good name and hard-earned cult success of someone else's work.
    5) It's just awesome.

    How could it ever be worse than Craptagium? Whoever said that must have been on crack. I'd rather get kicked in the nuts a thousand times before watching Craptagium.

    If I ever make it through the entirety of Day of the Remake, I'll for one thing be wanting the time I wasted back, but I'll just sit there and take the piss out of it endless, as I'm sure there'll be a long, long, long list of very bad things about this waste of time by the name of Day of the Remake.

    DOTR is certainly not gonna be a 'technical lava lamp', that's fer damn sure.

  6. #81
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    I just wish it had that 'pure, uncut independent filmmaking spirit' but with a million dollar budget!

    How could it ever be worse than Craptagium? Whoever said that must have been on crack.
    you don't even wanna know.. let's just say it was another zombie fan site, and i'll leave it at that. I do, however, give them kudos for actually admitting that it's not as bad as they expected.

    (oh, and my "MZ list of fantastical wording" list is already started, so keep it up! )

    I admit that the trailer doesn't looks too great.....but it still deserves a chance.
    Just out of curiosity, did you give Contagium that same chance?

  7. #82
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Just out of curiosity, did you give Contagium that same chance?
    Haven't gotten around to seeing it. Haven't seen the trailer, either. I've been told to avoid it like the plague, but should I ever have the opportunity, I would at least try to watch it.

    I try to watch films with an open mind. Regardless how many times i've been told it's crap.

  8. #83
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Might as well tell you once more - Contagium is nothing but crap, you'll feel utterly violated and you'll be demanding your time that you wasted on it, back. It's that bad ... oh dear ... the horror ... the horror.

  9. #84
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    If it wasn't a remake...

    If this didn't carry the title of "DAY OF THE DEAD," would we really be that hostile about it? Honestly, I like the idea of a zombie movie that covers the time from infection to the military response. IF this didn't have the DAY OF THE DEAD title, we'd probably be thrilled.

  10. #85
    Just been bitten

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    no way. i saw the automaton transfusion trailer yesterday , who is a ultralow budget rip off of the dawn remake and has a better photography.and the movie was shooting in dv.(with 35mm lenses) .the "at" movie has also more zombie extras that this "18 dollars movie"(i dunno of that budget.)i am more anxius to see AT than day of the dead.

  11. #86
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I've heard this argument before .

    Nope, the film would still suck irrespective of title. So no matter what, it's gonna be choking copiously on the amount of balls it'll be sucking.

  12. #87
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I try to watch films with an open mind. Regardless how many times i've been told it's crap.
    After you watch it, I think you will agree with everyone else. This will be the one you wished you accepted as the 'exception' to your own rule. We may not agree on Yawn04 and Bland, but man, this one I think we'll both agree on with the same amounts of enthusiasm.

    Seriously, it is that bad.

  13. #88
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    After you watch it, I think you will agree with everyone else. This will be the one you wished you accepted as the 'exception' to your own rule. We may not agree on Yawn04 and Bland, but man, this one I think we'll both agree on with the same amounts of enthusiasm.

    Seriously, it is that bad.
    Oh yeah....I'm just about positive that I won't like it. I think that may be the reason I want to check it see how much I vomit like everyone else. I'm going to go into it expecting to be let down.

    It happens. I was told over and over again that ROTLD was the greatest dead film outside of Romero's.......I wanted to jump off of a tall building after it was over. And I barely made it through the movie without stopping it.

    So at least with Contagium I will know to expect the worse.

  14. #89
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Oh yeah....I'm just about positive that I won't like it. I think that may be the reason I want to check it see how much I vomit like everyone else. I'm going to go into it expecting to be let down.
    Well, make sure you keep a vomit tally - we wanna know how many times you wretch during the viewing.

  15. #90
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I don't understand why all these people who like Dawn04 are complaining about this trailer.

    1.The dead's aggressive, velociraptor screaming? That was in Dawn04.

    2.The dead that can run faster than "The Flash". That was in Dawn04.

    3.The mucho powerful dead that can leap much higher than they could when they were alive? That was in Dawn04.

    4.Gratuitous use of sexual images in trailers/teasers in order to fill more seats in the theater? That was in the trailers/teasers for Dawn04.

    This trailer reminds me a hell of alot of Dawn04. But the weird thing is, I'm willing to give it more of a chance than some of the people that really like Dawn04. I admit that the trailer doesn't looks too great.....but it still deserves a chance.

    And this is coming from a guy who sees nothing more in Dawn04 than a MTV action flick.
    Oh you were finished, well allow me to retort.

    1. Agreed
    2. Agreed
    3. Not one instance of that happening in DAWN 04--- (siren blares loud, BM311 gets thump on head with baseball bat
    4. Nowhere in the DAWN 04 trailers did they show a couple HAVING sex as blatantly as DAY remake so, you get half a thump for that.

    DAWN 04 looked like a $100,000,000 film and was done on $4 million more than the DAY remake (DAWN 04 budget $22,000,000). The DAY remake cost $18 million and has the same crap look and acting as Contagium and it's supposed $9,000,000 budget. So if COntagium cost 9 mil who snorted the 8.5 worth of blow, and if the Day remake cost $18 mil, who snorted 17.9 mil worth of blow)

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    You didn't get a reply did you!?
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 25-Oct-2006 at 06:03 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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