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Thread: UK Teens the worst behaved

  1. #31
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    "hug a hoody" is how the tabloids and TV comedians interpreted an idea by Conservative Party leader David Cameron. What he was trying to get at was "understand the youth" - which makes a lot of sense. They feel disaffected and ignored - understand why they do the things they do, and then you can figure out a solution. It doesn't mean go and actually hug one, geez (that geez wasn't aimed at you Coma, by the way).

    Also - guns ... in the UK? Oh there's a great idea. It's blatantly obvious that if you flood a country with guns, legal or illegal, the death toll rockets. Death-by-bullet in the USA is rather hefty. Yes we have guns in the UK, but not many and the ones we do have are limited to specially trained police officers (or similar), farmers or the like who have hunting rifles and the underworld - but then again, the underworld, anywhere in the world, has everything anyway - so there's no surprise there.

    However, death-by-sprayed-lead in the UK is not too bad, it's pretty low. Heck, more people probably die from lead poisoning (e.g. bad water pipes/paint etc) than bullets.

    Back to hoodies - it's annoying because the bad crowd (minority) have taken it over because the hood hides their face from CCTV (and yet the press haven't made the link between hoodies and Muslim veils versus CCTV...interesting) - anyway, the hoody has been taken over by a handful of wankers and now hoodies in general are vilified and feared for no rational reason by non-hoody-wearing people.

    Heck, I'm wearing a hoody right now, am I out raping and pillaging? Er ... no.

    Thugs are thugs, irrespective of clothing. How about getting some coppers on the streets giving these punks the beat down. Forget guns, knives are Britain's problem ... that and binge drinking/teenage sluts getting knocked up (which probably is a result of said overdrive alcohol imbibing).

  2. #32
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    You accidentaly added a sentence to the quote in the 1st paragraph about A welfare state, which I did not say. I would appreciate if you could please correct that.

    You COULD Shoot anyone, It doesn't mean you will.
    As a kid I frequently carried a weapon (not a gun), though I never used it. I prefered to use my fists, or run.
    States without much Gun Control are way more violent from what I understand. And Legal Guns become Illegal guns. Though the "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns" is true. iT's obvious on it's face.

    Firearms are not the solution to social discontent.

    Thugs have to face real consequences, combined with real social solutions to remove the reasons for "chavism" . Sreet Crime is often the product of economic distress and alienation.oh yeah, and stupidity. Can't forget that.
    Thats is not about coddling criminals, its more about providing reasonable choices so being a botard seems much less attractive.

    I find it hard to believe that The UK has even close to the levels of shootings we have here. Sounds like hype to me, but I do not live there and I can be wrong. If almost every shooting is reported. it's hype. If 99% are ignored, it's not.
    I have personally witnessed many gunfights in the street, Drive bys (and an automatic waepon walk by) got shot at once and almost got blasted in the calf by a stray bullet.
    And I AVOID trouble. Most of that between 1986-1996. Its mellowed considerably since then
    Actually states WITH gun control are MUCH more violent. DC, NYC, LA etc are incredibly dangerous cities and guns are all but illegal. States like CT where I live have the highest gun ownership rate in the US and our crime rates are reletively low.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Also - guns ... in the UK? Oh there's a great idea. It's blatantly obvious that if you flood a country with guns, legal or illegal, the death toll rockets. Death-by-bullet in the USA is rather hefty. Yes we have guns in the UK, but not many and the ones we do have are limited to specially trained police officers (or similar), farmers or the like who have hunting rifles and the underworld - but then again, the underworld, anywhere in the world, has everything anyway - so there's no surprise there.

    However, death-by-sprayed-lead in the UK is not too bad, it's pretty low. Heck, more people probably die from lead poisoning (e.g. bad water pipes/paint etc) than bullets.
    You have less gun death in the UK, true, but your crime rate has gone astronomically high. Youre much more likely to be beaten, robbed and raped in the UK from what I understand per capita than in the United States.

    A quick note on gun deaths in the USA, its bloated by statistics. I am sure youre referring to the 10,000 gun deaths per year figure most people got from Bowling for Columbine. The fact is, that of those 10,000 deaths MORE than half are due to self inflicted suicides. And of the remaining half the majority is the death of criminals from other criminals, or death of criminals from persons defending thier homes with legal guns.

    Since the UK outlawed guns, the crime rate has grown in leaps and bounds. And now the citizenry is completely unarmed. Good luck fighting off a tyranical government or defending yourselves from armed home invaders. I personally think they should repeal those facist anti gun laws, it will reduce your crime rate and also reduce the number of these happy slapping chav bastards. Remember, an armed society is a polite society.

    Everywhere country with strict gun control laws and bannings that is still a free society are more dangerous than places with legal gun control. the UK crime rate is much worse than much of the US for example. And the Swiss are near required to keep a weapon in thier homes at all times.

    Gun control disarms those who follo the law and arms those who do not. This increases crime. Its been proven.
    Last edited by Khardis; 07-Nov-2006 at 10:49 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  3. #33
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Actually states WITH gun control are MUCH more violent. DC, NYC, LA etc are incredibly dangerous cities and guns are all but illegal. States like CT where I live have the highest gun ownership rate in the US and our crime rates are reletively low.
    Check your facts, bro. NYC is now one of the very safest large cities in the US.
    Most of the Most dangerous cities now are in the Midwest and South. And I think Oakland is way more dangerous than LA. I think DC is dangerous because it's incredibly poor.
    And, though I may be wrong, Ct is pretty rich in general. I know there are pockets of bad areas (Hartford I think) but it looks pretty upscale whenever I have been there. I really like CT. To me, it's like heaven (sorta).

    Here is a list Of Safest to Most dangerous cities

    I asked to fix that quote where you added something I did not say. I asked nicely and clearly. I would like to to fix that and not just ignore that I aksed that.
    Last edited by coma; 07-Nov-2006 at 10:57 PM.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  4. #34
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    those UK teen girls though are a whoa...wild ride.

  5. #35
    Being Attacked 7feet's Avatar

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    Board seems to be a lil' busted for me, so a little more ad hoc

    "A quick note on gun deaths in the USA, its bloated by statistics. I am sure youre referring to the 10,000 gun deaths per year figure most people got from Bowling for Columbine. The fact is, that of those 10,000 deaths MORE than half are due to self inflicted suicides. And of the remaining half the majority is the death of criminals from other criminals, or death of criminals from persons defending thier homes with legal guns."

    What part of dead do you not understand? Dead is unfortunately dead. Please point me to the specific studies for those statistics. I don't know about any numbers from Bowling for Columbine, but its pretty old now and and where do they stand now? I'd much prefer hard numbers as opposed to any "about this many" tripe.

    More than half of all gun deaths in this country are due to suicides? Are you out of you friggin' mind? Unless you are defining self inflicted as "he ran in front of the bullet, yer Honor", find a new horse, kid, that one's lame.

    Any specs on gun related injuries. That might be more indicative. I've only seen maybe 2 folks die in front of me from gunshot wounds, but I've seen a good number of shot people, mostly kids who never did dick to anyone.

    States like CT where I live have the highest gun ownership rate in the US and our crime rates are reletively low.
    So, you spend your days off wandering through Hartford, do you? Emminently safe area, I hear. Not anywhere on the list of the countries scariest cities.

    dangerous because it's incredibly poor.
    Worth quoting, that is.
    Last edited by 7feet; 08-Nov-2006 at 06:47 AM.

  6. #36
    Just been bitten prettycorpses's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Hull eh? Now excuse my piss poor geography/topography, but that's not super far from Herefordshire is it? And Tricky, not far from there? Hmmm ... here I was thinking I was the only one representin' my area of the country...
    Yeh your not too far from Hull, about couple hours Id say, your slightly more north then I am!
    Hmmmm Toast....YES it is called a crelbow!


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