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Thread: More labour crap...

  1. #1
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Feb 2006

    More labour crap...

    It would seem that gordon brown is going to change the law because he didnt get the conviction he wanted for BNP leader nick griffin!whether or not you agree with the BNP doesnt matter,the fact is that mr brown seems to think he can make laws up to suit what he wants which is a frightening thought in our so called democracy.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The Mandatorium
    lol, you've no idea how directly my eyes flicked to this topic when I clicked into the GD forum link.

    Not surprising from a gubment that sets up consultations against medias it finds distasteful. Now, I don't "do" extreme porn - but extreme or not, it's LEGAL, yet Labour want to criminalise the possessors of porn - I'm not talking kiddy porn - that's already legislated against - I'm talking like a chick getting spanking or some S&M type stuff. Not my bag, but it's legal (not the kiddy bit, that was an aside point being made) and to simply distract the metronome-like attentions of extreme-thinking-backwards-ass-voters via tabloid politics, they come up with an incredibly rushed together "consultation" - the public answered said consultation and the numbers revealed that *shock horror* the British public don't want the legislation.

    Yet the gubment persists. The real kicker is that politicians behind it ignore the reality of the response which is completely against them. They ignore rational, adult arguments and stand beside irrational right-wing-religious-rants. The second real kicker is that they even ADMIT in the ACTUAL CONSULTATION that they have NOT ONE SHRED OF SUPPORTIVE EVIDENCE!!!

    And yet they persist ... *blinks in shock*

    So to cut my story short, this is exactly the bollocks they come up's like their retarded theory (on which they've wasted over £18 million) about forcing motorists to put little black spy boxes in everyones car (which WE have to pay for) so they can be charged £1.34 per mile.

    Now, the government forget that there is an economically-supportive reason everyone is stuck in rush hour - they're going to WORK and communting because they can't afford to live in the cities where their work is. Children are also being taken to SCHOOL by parents driven to fear of all the paedophiles which are suddenly out there waiting to fiddle some kids.

    They also forget that the oil companies just write a big fat cheque straight away and give it to Darth Brown, job's a goodun. Labour want to change the system entirely - cutting fuel prices and road taxes, and introduce a system that actually costs the motorist more. It's also a system that would entail sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much civil servant and so forth work, that the money matters would be a complete disaster.

    They also say it's to "fund public transport" by forcing us out of our cars ... erm ... if we're not in our cars having hopped on busses as we can't afford to drive cars, then that means no money for a public transport system that is now super-duper-over-loaded AND incapable of working.

    You really wonder, is this gubment having a complete and utter laugh? See, this is typical Labour, no real ideas, no gumption, no staying power and no attention to detail. They've no desire to do any actual work or make decisions that work and they completely forget there's something called "the future" coming, which their legislation doesn't understand in the least.


    I'm fed up of talking about these wankers in power...f*cking useless wankers.


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