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Thread: just thought this'd get around fanboy arguments...or make more

  1. #16
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    yeah but mines got a crap graphics card and its an emachines office type and it cant be upgraded so the best i can play is black adn white and warcraft 3, as opposed to my consoles which can play games like half life 2 and oblivion.

  2. #17
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    There's no contest, the PC will win every time, hands down. There isn't a single console on the market that can touch a good PC rig.

    As far as gaming systems, my preferences, in order, are as follows:

    X360 (already have), PS3, Wii

    I won't be buying the PS3 or Wii though. Don't see the need.


  3. #18
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I'm sure you're right about the PC thing. But the only difference is you would have to pay through the nose to get it to be top notch, I'm guessing.

    Personally, I would rather stretch out on the couch to play a game with surround sound rather than sit in front of an office desk and use a keyboard....

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Mmm ... and this is the problem with PC gaming, it's for hard core types mainly - not necessarily ass-stompers - the sorts of people who upgrade their rig specifically for a game. The people who stress about if their rig will give them a good frame rate and resolution ... and "can I have HDR lighting?" and all that wank.

    PC is still my top, but after years and years of exclusive PC gaming, I wanna get my ass a 360 and go back to the relaxation of just knowing all the games will work to their maximum capacity ... and I can move it to different TVs ... and I like bassman's suggestion of lying down and playing games ... you can't really do that on the PC, it's a much more intense experience over all I find.

  5. #20
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I'm sure you're right about the PC thing. But the only difference is you would have to pay through the nose to get it to be top notch, I'm guessing.

    Personally, I would rather stretch out on the couch to play a game with surround sound rather than sit in front of an office desk and use a keyboard....
    You're right, bassman. It does take a considerable investment to make a decent gaming machine, but with PS3 and these nextgens getting soooo expensive - especially the PS3 - they're not that far off from the price of a good core of a gaming pc. I mean, PS3 is $700 - I could come close to building a damn good gaming rig (cpu and everything in it only, i'm not counting the monitor, keyboard, mouse) for that kinda price. I mean, a nvidia 7900Gt is only about a 1/3 of that price, so if you're willing to pay for a PS3, you might as well make the jump to a good PC - that is, if the highest-end gaming is your bag. It may not be, so to each his own.

    However, playability does play a factor in these decisions. A lot of people can't wrap their head around using a keyboard in conjunction with a mouse for playing games, however, I don't think it's that difficult - I mean, if you can use a handheld controller with 15-20 buttons on it, it shouldn't be that hard to adapt to a keybaord - but like you said, you can't play a PC game while sitting on your couch. I guess that's the sacrifice you make when you choose PC's for your gaming.

    Of course, you could always hook your PC up to your widescreen tv, get a wireless keyboard and mouse and play from the couch but it just doesn't seem to have that same 'feel' as a console though.

    Therein is the issue I take with consoles. If I'm spending $500-700 on a machine that just plays games, it bothers me. I don't mind spending $1500 or more on my PC, because I can do a whole hell of a lot more than play games on it too, so it's worth the investment from my perspective.

    Your milage may vary.

    I say, buy whatever entertains you the most. Don't listen to anyone else about what's "better" and what's not. Read about each system, learn their pros and cons, and decide for yourself what suits your gaming needs the best. I would never push a PC on someone just because it's "better" than any particular gaming system. I think it's all down to personal taste - and many may not even pick the 'best' system for that taste. Take for example the Wii. We all know it's not the most technologically advanced nextgen system, but it caters to a certain game playing crowd, and if that's what they dig, then that's what they dig and more power to 'em.


  6. #21
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    However, playability does play a factor in these decisions. A lot of people can't wrap their head around using a keyboard in conjunction with a mouse for playing games, however, I don't think it's that difficult - I mean, if you can use a handheld controller with 15-20 buttons on it, it shouldn't be that hard to adapt to a keybaord - but like you said, you can't play a PC game while sitting on your couch.

    The other day my dad came over to hang out and watch the game. Well, I was playing 360 when he first got there and when he looked at the control he said "HOLY SH*T! How long did it take you to memorize where all those buttons are and what they do?!?!" He hadn't played or seen a gaming system since the NES.

    I can imagine that would be one hell of a mind f*ck about gaming. It sure has evolved since then.

  7. #22
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    but like you said, you can't play a PC game while sitting on your couch. I guess that's the sacrifice you make when you choose PC's for your gaming.

    Of course, you could always hook your PC up to your widescreen tv, get a wireless keyboard and mouse and play from the couch but it just doesn't seem to have that same 'feel' as a console though.

    Thats what Ive done....hooked up a PC to a large screen HD TV with progressive scan....

    Wireless Keyboard ....Wireless mouse.....Wireless internet....I can sit in a lazy boy and play PC games.....All I need to do is find a good wireless console like controller to hook up to the PC as well....

    People are already busy hacking the maybe Ill be able to play my Wii games from the PC soon as well...
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  8. #23
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Voted for PC because the types of games I play aren't available on non-PC platforms.

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  9. #24
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    I just wanted to voice my opinion on this topic, because at least those on the comments sections on *** forums just can't stand anyone who likes the PS3 over the 360.

    To start, I wanted to say. I do NOT hate the 360, I don't think it's a crappy system at all. All I'vever said was that I like the PS3 more and because of that I'm going to get one. It really shows insane insecurities when I try to voice my opinion and all I get is "SONY FANBOY" and crappy, and I mean CRAPPY connections. When I say crappy, I mean crap like "these bad Cell yields for Sony are huge trouble, Sony will be bought by 2010". I hate those comments. People just make these terrible, naive connections, it's almost painful, seriously.

    Now to more in depth stuff.

    PS3's controller has a tilt function...that does NOT mean that Sony sucks and is a bunch of copy cats (a third grader word, but a word I've heard from people here non the less). The tilt function is an amazing idea, it could change FPS forever. Instead of two joysticks, you can tilt the controller to aim and the joystick to move around. Why would Sony not want to implement a great idea? God knows. Too bad Microsoft didn't think of it huh? I would also say that it's really lame to diss the boomerang-shaped PS3 controller, then when it's changed back search for resons to diss the new one (like, Sony is a copy lol)

    Regarding the PS3 price. It's high, it's unfortunate and it let everyone who wanted a PS3 down big time. Was it expected? yes and no, because of all the rumors floating around. However, why does every site maintain that the PS3 is more expensive because it's more powerful and has more features? BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. Pro-360 users always try to steer away from the fact that the PS3 is just more powerful and has better features. Um hello? Blu-ray? It's going to be $100 for an HD DVD drive for your 360...that makes the actual price difference just $100. Then you factor in how incredibly high the prices were on eBay because of the 360's *ahem depondant release (no one could get one.) Then there's the's more powerful. You can talk about the G71 being slower in the 360 GPU, but realize that the Cell does work on the graphics, right? Like...the graphics engine? I could launch into a huge debate about what the Cell does, but most of you either wouldn't understand or would lay down some techno crap of your own.

    So it's obvious that the PS3 is more powerful, because a lot of people say it won't make a difference. Then when I say it does they say to prove it, saying the console's not out yet. All I can say to that is 1: with 7-8 months left, we'll see MUCH better in-game videos (that's a DUH) and 2: The difference between the two will more likely become apparent later, when these consoles are really unlocked.

    Regarding pro-PC people...if you think that a PC is worth the money for gaming compared to a console, you're just stupid. If you want a computer that can run games like those of the PS3, 360, and Wii, you're going to be paying THOUSANDS of dollars! How is that a better deal than $300-600 max? Makes ABSOLUTELY no sense. Especially since the next-gen consoles have USB ports, so you can use the console with a mouse and keyboard, just like a PC. I have nothing else to say to PC kids.

    I don't have a whole lot to say about the games for these consoles except that, from what I've seen, the few games that are PS3-only are just too good to pass up. The 360's got Halo 3 now. Ok for one thing, Halo is a kid game. Complete with crappy story, a macho shiny armor guy as a main character, and lots of flashes of light and lots of color. Enough about Halo. PS3's games just look better. Gran Turismo, Virtua Fighter, FF13, etc. All the 360 counterparts of PS3 games are just bad. Project Gothem is a kiddie racing game, for people that like Lambos and other million-dollar cars. Gran Turismo is a more grown-up racer. Forza is ok, but it's just not as good. Enough about games though, since it's mostly opinion.

    Let's not leave out the Wii. The Wii looks great. It'll be cheap, and a great console for younger folks (like the 360.) I'm getting the Wii for my little brother, he's excited about it. The controller idea is amazing, and I'm definately stealing my bro's Wii to play any new Zelda title that comes out. Wii's not only for little kids, it has lots of other cool games coming out. Of course, there's lots of bathroom jokes one can make about Wii, like "play with my Wii" and stuff. If you think that's funny, you probably play Halo. There's also the fact that the controller is shaped like a...certain tool used by woman and some men. Then there's the fact that it vibrates. Ok that's kind of funny, but it's no reason not to buy one.

    I'm not going to make a conclusion, read the whole post and respond as you see fit. I didn't use the word fanboy (I don't think) here so I'd rather you all not use it. It's an angering word. We're all part of a gaming community here, there's way too much flaming going on in the comments sections.

    i voiced my opinion in another topic.

  10. #25
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    I've always thought of PC gaming as multiplayer and console gaming as nothing more than story or campaign modes, with the 360 I get both pretty easily, so I can play a couple of missions on CoD3 and then meet my friends on Live or play 4 player on the widescreen downstairs.

    So, though I still play PC games, it's mainly just crazy slugfests on games like CSS (ZombieMod) or DoDS.

    No one except one of my rich, game-fanatic friends has really mentioned getting a PS3, and even he said he might just stick with his PS2 because he thinks 360 is crap for some reason.

    I just wish one of my friends had Wii, looks like wicked fun!
    Last edited by Craig; 11-Jan-2007 at 10:29 PM.

  11. #26
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Craig View Post
    I just wish one of my friends had Wii, looks like wicked fun!
    Beer+Friends+Wii Sports=Sports betting... Its a lot of fun...

    "I bet you five bucks I can beat you in Nine Holes of golf"...

    Golf and Bowling is what I generally up playing at my house those ones are the easiest to get people into too....and takes a decent bit of skill to be really good....and no skill to be able to play so its guests favorite as well
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  12. #27
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    first off i cant believe how much the 360 is ebating the wii, i know i voted for it but damn i thought only the pc would get teh same amount of votes.

    i dont like pc games purely cus playing with a keyboard and a mouse feels too much like work compared to a controller, be it a regular, a light gun or even a wiimote.

  13. #28
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    As far as not liking playing PC's using a keyboard/mouse - ya'll know you can get controllers just like the PS2/3 & X360 for the PC, right? Just remap your keys to your controller and you've got the best of both worlds: pc power with console playability.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    The other day my dad came over to hang out and watch the game. Well, I was playing 360 when he first got there and when he looked at the control he said "HOLY SH*T! How long did it take you to memorize where all those buttons are and what they do?!?!" He hadn't played or seen a gaming system since the NES.

    I can imagine that would be one hell of a mind f*ck about gaming. It sure has evolved since then.
    lemme tell ya, the first time I grabbed a playstation controller, I said to myself "WHAT THE HELL?!" - I couldn't believe how many buttons were on the damn controller! Remember, i'm an older fogey (well, 35), and my first gaming system was a pong machine (two 'dials' and a few switches) then graduated to an Atari 2600 (a single joystick and single button) then went to Nintendo and Sega Genesis - this is when it got weird. Some of the 'better' Sega controllers had SIX buttons and two 'shift' or 'shoulder' buttons - a hell of a lot compared to the few on the Ninteno and the single button on the 2600 joystick.

    Then, along came the PS2, the Xbox, and I got even more confused. I watch my son playing X360 now and I'm amazed and the number of button/stick combos he's able to pull off and memorize - it's amazing. But what's even stranger is I seem to adapt to the keyboard/mouse thing one heck of a lot quicker than 20 buttons on a controller. I'll never understand that. My brain must be wired strangely.

    Thats what Ive done....hooked up a PC to a large screen HD TV with progressive scan...
    Ok, now THAT rocks! I'd love to see my PC hooked up to my 50" LCD. Wow.. Battlefield 2 on a massive widescreen.. I can just smell the C4... it smells like....victory! At the moment, the only think hooked up to my widescreen is the kids X360 and the original Xbox. Lemme tell ya, Dead Rising on a 50" is sweeeeeeeeeeet.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 12-Jan-2007 at 12:40 PM.

  14. #29
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's a mix of both worlds with controllers.

    Keyboard + Mouse is suited to FPS and 3rd person shooters. Pads are suited towards fighting/skating-type-things/racers and I guess things like Sonic.

    Playing an FPS on a joypad is retarded, you can't get the accuracy or respond that you can get from a mouse and keyboard - especially the mouse when it comes to accurate sniping. Trying to snipe on Halo 2 with one of those wiggly-wobbly stick things was just the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

    W-S-A-D forever!!!

  15. #30
    I know what you're talking about MZ but I find the keyboard and mouse over simplistic and waaay too easy when it comes to FPS titles. The joypad gets the balance right I think and sometimes the analogue controls are configured to provide a more realistic gameplay element. Saying that, there are FPS games that work better on the PC (Half Life 2 being one of them) but Halo is a console game, end of. Wouldn't have it any other way.


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