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Thread: bam's unholy union (watch it here since overdrive sucks if your not american)

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    bam's unholy union (watch it here since overdrive sucks if your not american)

    not sure what to make of this one, if youve been of fan since the CKY:landspeed days and dig the radio bam thing its worth watching but i notice this missy womans actually sorting this guy out and toning down on the "dennis the menace" type stuff, wierd show, but newleyweds was wierder i guees, just thought id post ti since it probably wont come out in the uk till like september anyway.

  2. #2
    It ain't a patch on the old CKY stuff. Not in a million years. BUT it's Bam though, it's worth watching.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    nah but on radio bam a lot lately he's been talking with the guys about doing a cky 5, heres hoping cus that was some funny ****.

  4. #4
    If Bam went back to his roots and done a new CKY movie? Damn, I'd squirt across the room braah. About f**king time an' all.

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    there still filming the haggard seqeul/spin off/something or other kiss a good mans ass and then there gonna film the dream seller, that one based on novaks life, i kinda like margeras directing style and haggard was funny so im gonna check em out.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I think Dream Seller is first, then Kiss A Good Man's Ass (which was apparently the original name for Viva La Bam - prior to the other working title of BaMTV).

    I nabbed myself a copy of Unholy Union episode one. It's enjoyable, it certainly isn't Viva La Bam, but then again that's not the point of this show. It's one for Bam/CKY Crew fans only methinks.

    And totally, CKY 5 would be a great idea, we need another one damnit, the dude must have an assload of great footage just hanging around unused, particularly stuff that was too much even for the unrated VLB DVDs!

  7. #7
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who thought that CKY 2 and 3 weren't that great? The 1 and 4 were absolutly great. But the ones inbetween were nothing special. It was all the same thing over and over again.

    Haven't seen Haggard yet, but I got it on my computer. Viva La Bam I hated because it was so "MTVized". Definetly the worst he's ever done. All those "glob" effects and the fact that it was scripted.

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    blastazoid and homewrecker were worse, and cky2k is great but cky 3 sucks its just parts of 2 and 4 put together. plus if you havent seen it check out the documentary, it's as much a movie in its own right by itself. and damn funny.
    from what i heard on radio bam novaks books sounds pretty interesting, that seems like worth checking out too.
    oh and mz, did you see that bit were it said "summer 2006"?, it was said on radio bam they have enough footage like that to film cky5, maybe these are little teasers thrown in.

    but i notice MTV aint lettin' don vito back on there cahnnel

  9. #9
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    The documentary is sweet. I only watched it once, I might have to rewatch it. Never saw Blastazoid or Homewrecker.

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    fake as hell.

    id prefer to watch wildboyz, sure its gay as hell but its still funny sometimes and not faked.

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Viva La Bam, like I said in a previous thread, was not all scripted. It was more a story based show anyway, something to hook the events around. Jackass is just a bunch of random stunts thrown together, and Viva La Bam isn't like Jackass.

    Yes, the paint splat things were freakin' annoying as hell (fortunately they used them less and less as time wore on, but the first two seasons were hell for those damn paint splats).

    Wildboyz is just a lame duck, simple as. It just doesn't have "it".

    Homewrecker was atrocious, plain and simple.

    And what are people on about?! CKY3 being parts of ones before?! Have you not seen CKY4?! The thing drags on for about 80 minutes and half of it you've seen in previous CKY films or on Jackass, and then he does that really annoying "let's make old footage black and white", which is just utterly g-h-e-a-y.

    CKY 1, 2 and 3 are the ones you want, 4 is good - but you have to dig through all the old, repeated (and now black and white) footage before you get to anything decent.

    A CKY 5 would be great.

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    just so people know what were on about

    ...yes this is cky2k in its entirety, id look up the documenary too, though i still bought the dvds 'cus there funny as hell, and the origional edits are damn hard to find.

  13. #13
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Minion I think CKY3 is lame and just a rehash of pretty much everything previously seen on CKY. It lacked any orginality and does actually incorporate a bunch of old footage.

    Then again, so does CKY4. But at least CKY4 mixed it together with lots of new stuff. Like the Beastman/Skeletor music video, Chester County (I laughed my ass off the first time I saw that) and that stuff. It's up there with the Santa Claus video in the first CKY.

    As for Viva La Bam, that was like 80% scripted man. I just thought it was so lame when such an obvious scripted event as the bulldozer (or whatever it was) tearing down the house and everyone just goes "WOAH" and "I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DID THAT!" as if they didn't see it coming - which they did.

  14. #14
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    it WAS scripted as hell but it was the most entertaining thing on mtv for a good while, dico and vito stoel the show, like when dico filled the house with plants and snuck around in complete camoflauge jumping out at phil and pril with them going "thats it hes really lost it this time.

    edit- this ones for you new,lol.

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ned, you're so damn negative and angry.

    By the looks of the credits on CKY3, some of the stuff in CKY4 was actually intended to be in CKY3, but was edited out for some reason.

    Half the point in Viva La Bam is that it's scripted, some of the shows aren't scripted so much (such as Fort Knoxville), but such a show in that style has to be pre-planned and prepared in advance, nobody could make a show like VLB and do it unplanned. As for "scripting" they don't give people lines, they just structure a show so it makes sense and isn't a complete pile of nonsensical clips, one after another.

    Hellsing ... you spend entirely too much time on YouTube.


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