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Thread: Shredded on Other Forums...

  1. #16
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Synthesizers are cool, cheesy is not. As far a metal, Doom or Melvins speed garage grindcore would be better, but people always use the same thing, new metal. That has nothing to do you though, Reese.
    I think the movie looks cool, though if you just ripped off NOTLD and changed the name you would get more play and less criticism that has nothing to do with your film. People dont mind ripoffs so much because every single zombie ghoul movie is a rip off of GAR of sorts. Getting Dogged out sucks, but it's what happens when you put work out in public.
    Are you surprised at some of the venom? People have been complaining about remakes for the last few years. Hopefully, the work will do the talking and the haters (Valid or not) dicks will be in the dirt.
    I saw some trailers, thought it was a good take and looked good cinematically and the acting actually seemed good. I would suggest, next time, change it up a bit and save yourself the grief.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    somethign i should post, look up hellsing on zombie nation, yes thats me there too, with like 25 posts, that forum sucks balls, its allways just twogunbob and that jhon ****ing titor "the fastest man alive" bitching at everyone like ****ing cesear.
    Hasn't that guy got like over 27,000 posts? Man, that forum hasn't been going longer than a couple of years. Makes you wonder. I don't normally diss other sites but just looking at the pathetic way he tore into one of the members in that link just made me feel sorry for him. Completely uncalled for. Completely un-professional.

  3. #18
    Fresh Meat CrazyKid.kiTTie's Avatar

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    Undisclosed are you an idiot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fleshmunch View Post
    I just watched the new trailer and it's bad. You've committed a cardinal sin, adding crappy heavy metal music. Reese, that is a sign of a bad amateur movie. An unwatchably bad amateur movie. Todd Sheets fills his zombie movies with terrible heavy metal music, thanks Batman and Jesus in his credits, and has no talent whatsoever. Please tell me you just F-ed up and used that music as a favor to a friend in a band, that you didn't put that garbage on your soundtrack! I don't hate heavy metal music (although I hate it in horror movies), but I do hate BAD metal, and that, my friend, is some of the worst, most obnoxiously irritating crap I've ever heard. Dump that music and your movie will improve, at least enough to not make people hit the "eject" button right away. Horror movies should have horror music, not horrible music. There's a difference. Look at the NotLD 30th anniversary edition--they added crap music to that and got trashed for it (among all their other mistakes, like ever doing the new edition in the first place).

    Other problems with the trailer are too many to mention, but to name a few: the freeze frames are bad, the titles look weak and are poorly written, the whole thing is too long, there's not enough action, it fails to tell the audience how your film is new and different, and did I mention the music? It renders it unwatchable. Not everybody who likes horror likes heavy metal, and not everybody who likes heavy metal likes it in their horror movies. You just aliennated a big percentage of your audience, choosing to play to the "pinhead" crowd (and I'm not talking Hellraiser!). This is in addition to the people you aliennated by calling your film NotLD...

    I'm not a fan of your remake and won't bother to get into all the reasons why I think it is a terrible idea, that's been done to death elsewhere. Instead, I thought I'd swallow my venom (as much as possible) and offer some constructive criticism on your new trailer, because you are hurting your film's image further by releasing crap trailers like that... You could have the best film ever, but with that trailer, people would pay NOT to see it. Anyone who tells you that trailer is "good" or "kicks ass" is blowing smoke up your butt or delusional. Throw that trailer away and strip out any music by that band that you may have put in your movie. They suck and will hurt your film.

    I don't remember your original trailer looking (or sounding) as bad as this. You only need one good trailer, not a bunch of bad ones. Quality over quantity.
    Thats because he didnt make it. Unfortinutly if you havent realy noticed, on the site, if you have entered, you would actually see well MY NAME Theresa -website maker. Maybe if you just took the time to look at who teh web master is, then you just might not make a fool out of yourself. And no for a matter affact its noton the sountrack. and secondly, I enjoy that song very much. Not because of the instraments because ofthe lovely message. Now lets see you make a movie with only windows media player... no wonder why its crappy. so suck it... Im too peeved and wayy too busy to worry about some intro page... It was short simple and easy.... oh and its not a trailer dummy.

  4. #19
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Hasn't that guy got like over 27,000 posts? Man, that forum hasn't been going longer than a couple of years. Makes you wonder. I don't normally diss other sites but just looking at the pathetic way he tore into one of the members in that link just made me feel sorry for him. Completely uncalled for. Completely un-professional.
    yeah, he posts like more a day than me you mz, and dj combined then doubled, officially no life and anythign from comic books to videogames, he knows more than you ever could never before nor since have i disliked a guy on a forum as much as jhon ****ing titor.

    ahh...good to vent sometimes

  5. #20
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyKid.kiTTie View Post
    Thats because he didnt make it...
    Don't be such an asshole towards someone who just offered constructive critisism.

    If you guys don't WANT any constructive critisism, then stop making movies. Better yet, stop remaking movies.

    I'm not saying you guys are doing anything wrong. But it's very annoying when you sting back like a scorpion if someone says they don't agree with you.

  6. #21
    Fresh Meat CrazyKid.kiTTie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Don't be such an asshole towards someone who just offered constructive critisism.

    If you guys don't WANT any constructive critisism, then stop making movies. Better yet, stop remaking movies.

    I'm not saying you guys are doing anything wrong. But it's very annoying when you sting back like a scorpion if someone says they don't agree with you.

    Its not because of his critisism, its just that made the webpage and I'd rather have him talk to me about the site and not with Reese, because he and I are dealing with other things, he deals with the movie, I deal with the sites. Thats why I have a link to my email for others to email me to well tell me about the site. Its just he needs to get his facts straight before he can truely critisise anyone.
    "Are you seriously that stupid to trash talk about something you can probably never get your hands on, or wont beable to do? Heh, I didnt think you had the guts to bother trying. "

  7. #22
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyKid.kiTTie View Post
    Its not because of his critisism, its just that made the webpage and I'd rather have him talk to me about the site and not with Reese, because he and I are dealing with other things, he deals with the movie, I deal with the sites. Thats why I have a link to my email for others to email me to well tell me about the site. Its just he needs to get his facts straight before he can truely critisise anyone.
    He didn't critisize the website, he critisized the trailer. Thus, I fail to see why you should trashtalk him.

  8. #23
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Hey guys ease off the staff at Zombie-Nation, particullarly john titor, ive spoken to him personally and he has apologised for any offense caused to HPotD and our forum integrity, he's also agreed to close the topic on Z-N so i think the least we could do is show them the same courtesy, ok?

  9. #24
    Twitching jdog's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    yeah, he posts like more a day than me you mz, and dj combined then doubled, officially no life and anythign from comic books to videogames, he knows more than you ever could never before nor since have i disliked a guy on a forum as much as jhon ****ing titor.

    ahh...good to vent sometimes
    i agree the guy seems like a goof, he comes across like he is the man. no class
    we keep it real gangsta down here in canada. ehh

  10. #25
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Wow, this whole topic really escalated into a full blown thing while I was gone for the day. I am just going to tie this all up now:

    First off, I posted this thread because I have a forum to write whatever I want to about this flick. And this seemed like an issue to bring up, actually it was more like a little footnote leading to the fact that In the end, this movie is just being released online.

    I still stand by what I say, constructive criticsm is one thing, this ---> "Reese, that is a sign of a bad amateur movie. An unwatchably bad amateur movie." and a whole other paragraph of why the movie looks like it will be awful, is not, if there is value in your words, then I'm sorry but I just don't see it. But as you said, whatever, dead issue.

    As for what Andy said, I agree, I am just going to drop this thread after this post. Shouldn't have posted anything about the zombie nation thread in the first place, and sorry if it caused them any problems.

  11. #26
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by livingdeadboy View Post
    As for what Andy said, I agree, I am just going to drop this thread after this post. Shouldn't have posted anything about the zombie nation thread in the first place, and sorry if it caused them any problems.
    No worries man, you got a place to vent here and im not trying to stop that, you got alot of backup from our members which is cool... myself, if im honest with you, i have mixed feelings from what ive seen of your film, but im waiting to see it before i cast any judgements.

    Now my issue here is NOT that you were venting here, dont worry about that man, my issue is that some comments on both sides have turned personal.. the moderator i spoke to on Zombie Nations has admitted some of the comments were out of line and has apologised, he's also going to the lock the topic over there so it cant continue.

    Now the last thing i want and he wants, is this escalating into a full blow **** slinging conflict between HPotD and Zombie Nations, thats my concern here man.

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Now the last thing i want and he wants, is this escalating into a full blow **** slinging conflict between HPotD and Zombie Nations, thats my concern here man.
    Completely agree. Never meant to get personal with the guy but, on an internet forum, I can only judge but what I read. No offense intended.
    Last edited by capncnut; 19-Feb-2007 at 12:31 AM.

  13. #28
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Debbieangel View Post
    Kor and HLS BRAVO!!!! AGREED!!!
    Kor you said it all baby!!!
    NOW dont let them Shred you anymore and if that site bothers you so much dont go there, dont let all your hard work go down the drain!!!
    Remember ALL of us HERE are are HERE for you!!!
    There are alot of filmmakers here you can contact that you can talk to that will help you get thru these feeling you are having about your film...I am sure they go thru the same thing!!!
    Like I have said before when someone put Dj's movie down...people that put down a filmmakers film need to go and pick up the camera themselves and just see how hard it is making a flick!!!
    Heck, an idea for you filmmakers! ya need to just make a couple of hours attached to your film just to show these jokers just how hard it is to make your film!
    You put that in words well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Hey guys ease off the staff at Zombie-Nation, particullarly john titor, ive spoken to him personally and he has apologised for any offense caused to HPotD and our forum integrity, he's also agreed to close the topic on Z-N so i think the least we could do is show them the same courtesy, ok?
    I dont think anyone mentioned HPOTD on the ZN board? But then again i have not been there reading the post since last. John Titor seems to be an ok guy

  14. #29
    Fresh Meat Fleshmunch's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyKid.kiTTie View Post
    Its not because of his critisism, its just that made the webpage and I'd rather have him talk to me about the site and not with Reese, because he and I are dealing with other things, he deals with the movie, I deal with the sites. Thats why I have a link to my email for others to email me to well tell me about the site. Its just he needs to get his facts straight before he can truely critisise anyone.
    The trailer is on the site and is intended to promote the movie. It's an easy assumption to make that Reese either cut the trailer personally, supervised its creation, or approved its use. I can't be expected to know who did what; that's a bit unfair, don't you think? It is Reese's movie and the trailer reflects on him as well as the film. I pointed out that, IMO, it did a disservice to the film (and, by default, to Reese as director) and pointed out why it was flawed and how to improve it. Trailers are an important marketing tool, and if you release bad ones out there, you will lose sales and draw criticism.

    Every movie I've ever seen that has included metal on the soundtrack has suffered as a result, and completely unnecessarily, from Agento's Phenomena to Dead Men Walking. There is an exception, and that is for good metal, rock, punk, whatever, to be placed in the main or end titles, but kept out of the film proper and in its advertising. Look at The Cave; they had Nemo by Nightwish, a beautiful goth-metal song, but they stuck it in the end titles where it did not affect anyone's enjoyment of the movie. Dawn of the Dead '04 had Down With The Sickness and some other songs on the soundtrack but they were relegated to the titles.

    The vast majority of people who stick metal into their movies are young and/or operating under the delusion that it makes their movie more "extreme" when all it does is give viewers a headache and make them reach for the remote. No one will bother to listen to loud music they hate, they won't listen to the lyrics to reflect on the songwriter's message, or whatever. They will scream, "ARGH! This song sucks! Fast forward or shut this movie off!" I can't tell you how many movies have gone from merely bad to unwatchable because somebody just had to insert scenes of their favorite band into the movie, or put songs that didn't belong on the soundtrack.

    Your film will be better if you stick to horror music. Again, I bring up NotLD 30th Anniversary Edition as an example of ruining a movie with bad music. Or the silent vampire classic Nosferatu (1921) scored by Type O Negative. It just doesn't work. It takes people out of the moment, out of the movie, and makes them focus on the music, not the scene. It's one thing to have the song playing in the background on the radio or MTV or whatever, then shut it off. That works, because it lets you know something about the characters who are listening to it--like the Michael Madsen ear cutting scene in Reservoir Dogs (not metal, but still applies).

    At your budget level, you're not going to be able to afford to license good music, so your best bet is to use either stock music or hire/convince someone with talent to do it. And the band on that trailer are NOT who you should be using--that kind of music will badly date the movie--artistic quality (or lack thereof) aside.

    If you care anything at all about making this a good movie, you'll at least consider the possibility that I'm right and not scream, "You just a**-raped me, you're a Nazi!"

    Will music choice ultimately save NotLD '07? The answer is probably not, but it sure the hell can't hurt. Look, you guys are young and have taken on a monumental challenge, not just making a movie, but remaking a classic with a microscopic budget. On the one hand, I applaud you for getting out there and making a movie. On the other, I'm upset that you are remaking one of my favorite movies, regardless of motives, because what I've seen so far looks about as good as a Todd Sheets backyard movie. That's my opinion and it must be a majority opinion, because you turned off comments on YouTube and are flipping out whenever someone criticizes or questions your decisions. Granted, some of them have been mean, maybe unfair, but you are messing with people's dreams, with a movie that gives their lives meaning, and you are gonna catch hell for that, regardless of how your movie turns out. If it ends up good, then some of that vitriol will vanish, and NotLD '07 may earn some grudging acceptance.

    In the end, it's your movie, do what you want, but you shouldn't discount constructive criticism out of hand and try to shift blame. If you've got some 17-year-old metalhead cutting your trailers, this is what you're going to get: inexperienced, shoddy work, no matter how enthusiastic or well-intentioned. He may be a great guy (and I'm sure he's cheap, as in free), but he ain't any good at cutting trailers, at least not yet.

    I think your best bet for a trailer that will win people over is to do a slick 30-second spot (60-seconds, tops) that crams as much zombie action as possible with scary instrumental horror music. Really build tension and horror. All this long, drawn-out stuff with words on the screen is not working. It's NotLD, you don't need to rehash what everybody already knows. Cut the trailer to the beat of the music. I'm sure you can put something halfway decent together. You've got all the zombie crowd scenes--those are your one big strength, it makes your film look bigger in scope that most SOV backyard movies.
    Last edited by Fleshmunch; 19-Feb-2007 at 01:50 AM.

  15. #30
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    There is no heavy metal, or rock music of any kind in this movie, come to think of it, I am pretty sure I have never cut a scene to any rock music before. The soundtrack was finished awhile ago and is a horror soundtrack. The intro to the website is what it is, it was made without me, but does not feature any music like that in the movie. For the type of trailer you are looking for --- > WATCH HERE

    And you can check out this as well --->

    Its a teaser that plays before our last movie ESCALATION. If anything, we've used un-original music in trailers, but our movies have scores that were made strictly for the movie.
    Last edited by livingdeadboy; 19-Feb-2007 at 04:35 AM.


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