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Thread: Are our laws getting dumber or what?

  1. #1
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    Are our laws getting dumber or what?

    A fine or community service seem fitting, not two f**king years!


    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]

  2. #2
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    wow, that is dumb, and prosecution must be pretty vengeful, vindictive gits for seperating a mother from her two children for two years over so little.

    you guys must have room in your jails, over rapists get off with like a ten pound fine... (well maybe not that bad but yknow)
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  3. #3
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    That is ****ed up. I mean so she threw a McDonald's cup. It did not hurt anyone all it did is put gook on the car. Two years is way way out of line for throwing a paper cup. It is so sad that this day and age you could go to jail over stupid **** and get sued over frivolous things. You almost can not leave your home without the fear of being sued by someone or going to jail for nothing.

  4. #4
    Just been bitten Dtothe3's Avatar

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    I would say I'm thankful my country isn't like that, but we're going that way.

    What kind of judge would uphold the 2 years though? Do they need an asshole rating of 80% or something?

  5. #5
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    That's completely farked. The person was driving like an arse and it pissed off Momdukes. They probably deserved it. 2 years in jail? Rediculous. Try 2 weeks community service; that would be a lot more sensible.

  6. #6
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    It seems like you can get a huge sentence for nothing now. The answer for every problem is take someones freedom and throw them in the joint.
    What is the difference between The Soviet Union, Iran, China and the US?
    Not much if you get caught in the system
    Under Stalin the average sentence for a "crime" was a "tenner" and that was 25 years. How long until we are there? Not long.

    That said, while 2 years is super harsh, if you were driving and got hit in the face with a cup of ice, you might wipe out and there could be deaths. But cut off type aggresive drivers need to be executed anyway

    Funny. Rape a child get 2 years. Throw a cup, get 2 years. Sell a quarter pound of weed get 7-10 years maybe 25 to life.
    thats just sick and not even close to 'freedom"
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  7. #7
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    if you were driving and got hit in the face with a cup of ice, you might wipe out and there could be deaths.
    But you have to realize they were stopped in traffic when this happened... it's kind of hard to lose control of an idle vehicle.

  8. #8
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    She broke the law, she got the punishment for breaking the law. Sure it's a lot for so little, but then again she did break a law. I think the judge will use common sense when he sentances her and probably give her time served plus probation as 2 years is a bit much for throwing a McDonalds cup, but if she ends up with 2 years then so be it. Maybe after all of this she will learn not to be such a b*tch in the future and control her actions in front of her kids.
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  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    doesnt matter if its the law throwing a cup does not warrant losing two years of your life, no matter the cuicumstances. and dont take this as an "anti american" thing, but your law system really does seem to be the wierdest in the world, cant you get the chair in texas for smoking weed?

  10. #10
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    This case never should have gone to trial. The woman should have pled guilt to a lesser charge and paid the fine instead. Her lawyer sucks.

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  11. #11
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    doesnt matter if its the law throwing a cup does not warrant losing two years of your life, no matter the cuicumstances. and dont take this as an "anti american" thing, but your law system really does seem to be the wierdest in the world, cant you get the chair in texas for smoking weed?
    Not the chair, but any amount of bud is a felony there. a felony is over a year in jail. Used to be 10 years for a seed.
    Our system isnt the wierdest but as far as "democratic industrial nations" it is by far the harshest. Rather than try any real solutions they just imprison people . And its not just losing your freedom. If you are not actually a criminal you are sentenced to two years of sexual and physical abuse too. You can never forget that.

    I missed that it was in traffic.
    When i was young I did some stupid stuff, but if I got time in prison it wouldve ruined me. People who are all super gung ho for prison are not thinking of what it is. You put them in that position they change your views really quick.
    A common quote when someone gets an overreactive draconian sentence.
    "I used to believe in the system, but now I think its crap"
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  12. #12
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Mc Rocket ... or Mc Missle ?

    Missile ? It was a cup of ice , not an explosive device . Its a damaging incident , but lets not misuse our language . Are we just going to let language prosecute this case ? Now , I understand that her husband is on his 3rd tour in Iraq , but thats even more of a reason for her to have taken some time to collect herself instead of throwing something at a unconcious lane changer . She should've thought that if she did this , nobody would be there for her kids if she got caught . People change lanes w/ out using an indicator all the time . I myself turn on my signal , look and if the vehicle is far enough back that they are in my center view mirror , then I change lanes . Sounds overbearing or over cautious ? I also dont let careless driving rent space . One piece of advice , if you want to avoid trouble on the road , never make eye contact with another driver in most situations . I like to let people in front of me , I would expect that of other drivers in most cases. She needs help , not jail time . She is going to come out (of jail) more screwed up than she was before the road rage took control of her actions . Psychotherapy has made progress for people like her ... xanax to the rescue !
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