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Thread: Email from tony blair..

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Most definitely, a major backlash is coming (and the current polls are even suggesting such a thing). I'm shocked (and ashamed) that this country has put up with the amount of bullsh*t it's already put up with, but even for the generally polite (or drugged up/drunk/glued to TV/too busy working to pay ALL the bloody bills) British public, if you push hard enough you'll get a big clobbering fist right back in the bollocks.

    It's typical really, that's what Labour are at heart - all about controlling you, doing "what they think is best" and finally - one rule for them, one rule for the rest of us. They live in a complete fantasy land, all politicians do, but Labour takes the f*cking biscuit well beyond the bloody pale.

    They completely forget they are there to serve us, not the other way around. I sincerely hope they get ousted at the next election (and I feel it's a strong likelihood - but no reason to get complacent, that's the problem with the current climate in this country - complacency) ... because, and this is a terrible thing to even contemplate, I'm going to start looking at ways I might be able to get the hell out of this country and find work elsewhere ... somewhere more chilled out and not occupied by a gubment who ignore the public completely with utter contempt, it's f*cking sickening.

  2. #17
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Most definitely, a major backlash is coming (and the current polls are even suggesting such a thing). I'm shocked (and ashamed) that this country has put up with the amount of bullsh*t it's already put up with, but even for the generally polite (or drugged up/drunk/glued to TV/too busy working to pay ALL the bloody bills) British public, if you push hard enough you'll get a big clobbering fist right back in the bollocks.

    It's typical really, that's what Labour are at heart - all about controlling you, doing "what they think is best" and finally - one rule for them, one rule for the rest of us. They live in a complete fantasy land, all politicians do, but Labour takes the f*cking biscuit well beyond the bloody pale.

    They completely forget they are there to serve us, not the other way around. I sincerely hope they get ousted at the next election (and I feel it's a strong likelihood - but no reason to get complacent, that's the problem with the current climate in this country - complacency) ... because, and this is a terrible thing to even contemplate, I'm going to start looking at ways I might be able to get the hell out of this country and find work elsewhere ... somewhere more chilled out and not occupied by a gubment who ignore the public completely with utter contempt, it's f*cking sickening.
    I must admit being tempted by the thought of Vancouver at times!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  3. #18
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    So i just read the second email i have received about these petitions,this one being on the subject of road pricing (ironically it had ended up in my junk email box )
    By the sounds of it mr blair is determined to bring this idea in,but is dressing it up as something else for now to try and make it more palatable for the public.But i just dont see how road pricing is going to reduce congestion!it wont stop people having to drive to work,or haulage been driven up and down the country,all it will do is stop low/middle earners going for days out or holidays within the country in their free time,yet again punishing people!i drive 25 miles to work every day & there are no buses or trains running along that route,and if there were it would likely cost me more than i spend in fuel.Road pricing will not cut rush hour traffic,all it will do is stop people going places in their own leisure time,balls to it!

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I think I might join you Neil, that sounds like a rather nice idea.

    Tricky - tell me about it, it's complete and utter fascist nonsense, they don't venture out of London so they don't know how it would completely f*ck up the entire country and everyone living in it. Two thirds of the country don't live in the city, therefore two thirds most definitely need their cars.

    I know I need the car I use. In my line of work (which is admittedly sparse at the moment, but it's starting to build up a little bit of pace) requires me to be on the go at any time of the day on any day at sometimes quite short notice traveling to various places around my neck of the woods. Recently I made a couple of trips to a place called Bromyard, a small town out in the sticks, it's a 60 mile round trip and there's not a single bus - in fact, in my area of the country, they're cutting the amount of buses available!! And it's not like they're getting shot of one people don't use, they're cutting out one that people actually use!

    It's just another tax, it won't stop congestion, it won't save the planet, all it's there to do is:

    1) Tax people who are already miles worse off than they were before Blair and Co set foot in #10
    2) Spy on you with that bloody black box

    It's a clear violation of basic human rights to privacy and it's yet another barmy idea that involves the public lashing out yet more cash, it's sickening.

    And it won't replace fuel tax or other duties, not on your life, it's nothing more than another tax on top of all the taxes already in place, it won't replace a damn thing - it'll add to an already f*cked situation. 80% of fuel cost is one form of tax or another, that's already barmy (I'd love to see how the Americans would react to such a thing at our prices).

    Congestion is simply caused by the roads not being big enough, those who built the motorways back in the 60s had piss-poor thought for the future and we're stuck with 3-lane motorways for the most part (the odd 4-lane is like wonderland) all over the country. Back in the 1960s, yeah fine, there were about 8 cars on the road, now we have many more cars because there are many more people...and these people are all forced to work in the cities, but they can't afford to live in the cities (or there's flat out no room in the cities to live), so they live outside the cities in the countryside and suburbs.

    They have to commute at their own pace and time to their own places of work at various points in and around the cities all over the country. They will most likely be working to completely different schedules (9 to 5 flat out doesn't exist, my sister is testament to that fact, she currently slogs her guts out working many more hours than that, and so do her colleagues). Then, there's the kids to take to school, millions of the blighters.

    That is why there is congestion, everybody has to be in the same place at the same time Monday through Friday.

    Another tax won't stop congestion, aside from the fact the public transport system is a complete joke, the option is simply not there and it's not safe. All that will happen is the very hard working lower and middle classes will be hit with another fascist tax they have to work even harder to pay for, rather than spending the money on their family or *SHOCK-F*CKING-HORROR* ... save the money for the *gasp* future.

    This crowd makes me sick to my stomach, if Blair came knocking on my door complaining about my hatred of his entire gubment I'd not think twice about punching the bastard right in his gittish nose.


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