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Thread: Ok-- if JC (James Cameron) found J.C....

  1. #31
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    If you deny that any large political entity cannot stand the test of time, you're denying history. If you have something against the EU, that's your beef. Infact, I'm glad you do because there are so many people who hate the US out there that a certain balance has to be kept.
    when I said that your comments did not reflect reality I was only referring to the specific issue I mentioned. I didnt mean the US couldnt collapse, it just wouldnt immenently. You sort of lumped me in with tju1973's comments and that is not really correct becasue you can scan all 1200 or so of my posts and I have never said anything negative about Europe specifically in regards to US superiority.I dont believe Europe is superior or inferior. Its just different.
    btw I know lots of people hate the US. Lots of people hate lots of things. It does not mean we are bad.
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  2. #32
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    when I said that your comments did not reflect reality I was only referring to the specific issue I mentioned. I didnt mean the US couldnt collapse, it just wouldnt immenently. You sort of lumped me in with tju1973's comments and that is not really correct becasue you can scan all 1200 or so of my posts and I have never said anything negative about Europe specifically in regards to US superiority.I dont believe Europe is superior or inferior. Its just different.
    btw I know lots of people hate the US. Lots of people hate lots of things. It does not mean we are bad.
    I do not mind individual European nations- I don't mind the EU really-- except in the fact that it is a step in th whole One World Government thing. I also do not support the UN-- talk about ineffective...

    To think all member stated of the EU are treated as equals, then you are living in a fantasy world. That you have to admit..

    Most will admit that besides the pure economical reasons for that alliance, it was a direct outgrowth of the fall of the Warsaw Pact and the lessening importance or need for NATO. If there was still a Soviet Union backed and led Warsaw Pact, then the EU would never have been born. I also know that many may fear the fact that there is one superpower with China fast becoming one. The EU as a military alliance will have problems, and teething issues from internal jealousies of member states. Old hatred have always had a knack of creeping back up.

    I do support the continued superiority of the US military-- especially as the world hates us one day, then begs us to come in and restore order...

    On the subject of Iraq (the current war)-- should we have gone to war there-- hindsight tells me no. As evil as Saddam was, he sure knew how to keep those people in order. Plus he was a good check on Iran. Iran and Syria should have been our target-- especially Iran. N Korea? Nope, CHina would not have allowed it-- but N Korea as a real threat is laughable--I fear Cuba more than those wack jobs north of the 38th...

    Ned, I will only agree that you and I have different opinions, and yours are wrong..(JUST KIDDING!!! ) We both "know" what we believe-- if anything I value, it is one's right to their own opinions. Freedom has no meaning if you cannot express yourself.

    So be it Cuban Cigars, or cheap weapons--- we are both free in our own ways.

    let us pray it stays that way..
    War to the knife...the knife to the hilt.
    The end is f*cking nigh!!!

  3. #33
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    geez off topic much guys?

  4. #34
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    when I said that your comments did not reflect reality I was only referring to the specific issue I mentioned. I didnt mean the US couldnt collapse, it just wouldnt immenently.
    Well, it's either split or decentralization. Preferably the later one, of course. As states grow, populationwise, it's going to be harder to controll them from one single political entity (the senate and congress) on such a major scale. Also collapse is a bit of a strong word, I guess. Sorry about that.

    As for Europe as a military power, I believe it has the power to become very powerful, with Germany as a major military power. And as an economic power, it could get really scary. There's 500 million people in the EU alone. That's kind of a scary thought...

    Being the eurocentric that I am, I definetly want the Western world to keep the east in check. Don't want to be racist, but I don't particulary like the advances China is making in third world countries. They invest large amounts of money there and share the profit, while the people in those countries suffer. Me no like.

    Oh, and Hellsing: There's two kinds of threads. The threads that are On-Topic, and the threads that have me and Tju in them.

    Love ya, tju.


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