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Thread: possibly the worst stephen king adaption yet?

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    possibly the worst stephen king adaption yet?

    1408, for those that havent read it is a short , 4 ,maybe 5 chapter long story in the collection of Kings works called "everythings eventual", and this took me about 15 minutes to read and i seriously have no idea how this can be made into a full length feature film, sounds kinda like , to quote the lord of the rings "butter scraped over too much bread" to me.
    im also surprised this one whent striaght past aint it cool without em noticing.

    im looking forward to romeros adaption of from a buick 8 way more. and i hear theres talks between King adn Romero for romero to adapt Cell, least according to one of my horror sources, though i could have sworn it was allready ebing adapted, but it just makes sense to ahve the guy who inspired it and it was dedicated to to direct it.

  2. #2
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    I think the ONLY way Cell will end up being a movie worth watching is if King himself is involved.

    I still stand by what i've always said: if King isn't involved in his book-to-screen adaptations, it won't be worth a sh*t. The only two exceptions to that rule are Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. Other than those two, every single one of the adaptations that he didn't have his hands in sucked horribly.

    That being said, I still wonder WTF he was thinking with that whole Kingdom Hospital stuff. That was horrible on a level he's never accomplished before. I guess ya can't always hit a home run with everything you do.

    About 1408 - a fantastic read, but I have to agree hellsing, I have no freakin' idea how they'd capture that almost-acid-trip-like story into a movie. It would have to have on boatload of CGI to make it happen, and that right there would turn me off.

    I guess we'll see, but I don't have high hopes for 1408. I hope I'm wrong.

    ...and John Cusack??? In a Stephen King movie? Give to me a large break.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 02-May-2007 at 12:00 PM.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    The only two exceptions to that rule are Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. Other than those two, every single one of the adaptations that he didn't have his hands in sucked horribly.
    I think we can soon add The Mist to that list. Anything King that Darabont does is gold. Here's to hoping for 3 in a row.

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    hey kingdom hospital was the ****, i loved that show, but spielbergs taken was better.

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    ...and John Cusack??? In a Stephen King movie? Give to me a large break.
    What's wrong with John Cusack? I think he's an awesome actor and it seems from the trailer that he knows how to play this character well. The trailer makes me want to check it out. Could go either way from there, though.

  6. #6
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombie04 View Post
    I think we can soon add The Mist to that list. Anything King that Darabont does is gold. Here's to hoping for 3 in a row.
    I'll believe it when I see it. I'm VERY excited to see the adaptation of The Mist to the big screen. I remain 'cautiously optimistic' that it will be a good film. My fingers are crossed.

    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    hey kingdom hospital was the ****, i loved that show, but spielbergs taken was better.
    Really? Man, I watched the first 3 episodes of Kingdom Hospital and it, to me, was just horrible. Apparently lots of other people felt the same way 'cause it seemed like it was cancelled quite quickly.

    I dunno, I watched those first episodes and was just lost. That's not the Stephen King I know. I've been reading his books for around 20 years now and I just could not stand KH. Maybe I didn't give it enough time to sink it, who knows, but my initial impression after those first 3 episodes was "SH*T! NEXT!"

    I see they released it on DVD with ALL of the episodes, including the ones not aired after it was cancelled. Maybe I should give it another shot.

  7. #7
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    What's wrong with John Cusack? I think he's an awesome actor and it seems from the trailer that he knows how to play this character well. The trailer makes me want to check it out. Could go either way from there, though.
    Agree'd. I thought this movie looked like it'd be worth seeing in theater's... let's hope it is.

  8. #8
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    John Cusack may be a great actor - and I agree, he is for certain films - but keep him in movies like Serendipity.

    IMO, he doesn't belong in a Stephen King movie. Maybe he'll prove me wrong with this one, but until then...

    BTW: I heard Room 1408 read as an audiobook on the Blood & Smoke audiobook King released a while back. That and the 10 O'clock people really freaked me the hell out.

    There was another story on that audiobook about a waiter in a restaurant that kinda went.. well.. nuts. That was a great story too.

    *scurries off to find the title*

    "Lunch at the Gotham Cafe'" - that was the name of it. Weird, but great story too.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 02-May-2007 at 06:02 PM.

  9. #9
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i saw the trailer for this and i think it'll be worth the time.

    btw, can anyone name the movie based on a stephen king story that john cusack had a role in?

    "Stand By Me"

    i think the worst king adaptation has to be "the lawnmower man", which was totally untrue to the actual story
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 02-May-2007 at 09:40 PM.

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    y'know kigndom hospital aired in its entierty over here in teh u.k, guess it was just more popular over here, i for one really enjoyed it, it doesnt pick up till later on in the series, when all the smoke and mirrors stuff just comes right out and then carrys on, too bad the ending hinted at a 2nd season, guess since it wasnt popular in the us it was ****canned.

  11. #11
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    John Cusack may be a great actor - and I agree, he is for certain films - but keep him in movies like Serendipity.

    IMO, he doesn't belong in a Stephen King movie. Maybe he'll prove me wrong with this one, but until then...
    I take it you've never seen Identity. It's a psychological thriller/horror; real good stuff. Cusack was great in that. I think he'd be fine in a King film.

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    yeah identity was a great summer horror movie trype film, with a dash of silent hill thrown in for good measure, i recommend looking it up if you havent seen it.

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    Ok...couple of things about King adaptations

    They seem to be better when King's NOT involved.

    Having said that...Eli Roth is going to direct Cell, from a screenplay adapted by Scott Alexander (Man on the Moon, People Vs. Larry Flynt) and Larry Karaszewski (same movies).

    Cell was, IMHO, a great beginning, a boring middle (the part in the boys school was like a speeding car hitting a stationary wall with NO damn give) and a too-fast wrap up. Not for nuttin', that's kind of how I think of the movie 28 Days Later. I mean, what was Dr. Who and his buddies doing in that mansion exactly? Can't remember...but I've heard (from AICN) that 28 Weeks Later is supposed to be good and I'm very much looking forward to it.

    1408 is supposed to be terrific, a great script and early word is that its the scariest movie in years. in shaking in your seat. Don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I was scared at the movies.

    John Cusack is terrific in pretty much everything I've seen him in. All the way back to Better Off Dead to Grosse Point Blank (a personal favorite which is getting the unofficial sequel War Inc. later this year) he has consistently entertained me, made me laugh.

    Also IMHO: as to bad King adaptations, there is the recent Salems Lot, Rose Red, Desperation, Riding the Bullet (better story than tv movie) and Dreamcatcher (which was both a bad movie and a bad book). Good Stephen King includes Dead Zone, Apt Pupil, The Stand (actually a good adaptation of a terrific novel), It (which I hear is being remade), Salems Lot (the originial with Hutch), Christine and The Shining (Kubrick's version which doesnt have a lot to do with King's book but was still a terrific movie).

  14. #14
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Things are better when King is NOT involved? I want what you're smoking.

    Lets see, things he wasn't involved in:

    Graveyard Shift, The Mangler 1 & 2, Riding the Bullet (he was exec. producer, but it still sucked), the Nightmares & Dreamscapes series (ugh, terrible with the exception of maybe one story), Dreamcatcher, Children of the Corn parts 1-124 Sleepwalkers, The Tommyknockers, Needful Things, The Lawnmower Man, Sometimes They Come Back, Thinner, Secret Window, The Night Flier, It (I read the book, saw the series, and HATED the series), Apt Pupil (sorry, did not care for it)... c'mon man, the list goes on FOREVER of horrible adaptations of his books when his hands aren't in the project.

    Then, when he is involved, we get things like:

    the mini-series of The Shining (yes, Nicholson was a batter Jack Torrence, but the mini-series King did was WAY better than Kubrick's movie version. At least King stuck to the fu*king novel's storyline!), Pet Semetary, Creepshow, Storm of the Century, The Stand, Rose Red, The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer...

    One I will say he was involved in and it sucked was Maximum Overdrive. The written story, "Trucks" was much better.

    And, one movie I DID like that he was not involved in: Misery - even though it deviated from the book a bit (breaking his ankles? in the book she hacked them off and cauterized them with a goddamn blowtorch!), but still, decent movie thanks to Bates.

    That being said, it's obvious his direct-influence on a movie makes it much better than if he just leaves it up to someone else. So, this is what worries me about 1408. KILLER story, seems almost impossible to capture on the screen after reading the book, and King isn't involved. 2 strikes against it already, imo, but I am more than willing to give it a shot as 1408 is one of the better stories i've ever read by King.

    ...and the problem with Cusack is he makes me laugh too - every time I see him. That's the problem for me. How that'll fit into a King story, I dunno, it just sounds like a odd/bad combination to me - BUT, like I said, it remains to be seen.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 03-May-2007 at 01:49 PM.

  15. #15
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Being a John Cusack fan I am really looking forward to 1408, so whether or not King is involved makes no difference to me. From the trailer I watched I was impressed and that is all I need to get my ass in a theater seat. (However, i was impressed with the Grindhouse trailer and concept and that turned out to be so-so for me. PT great DP horrible)

    I can't believe you, Lou, of all people listed Needful Things as a bad King adaption/film. That was a great film I loved it. Even Night Flier for how low budget and cheesy it was caught my eye, but I agree with you on everything else in the bad category.

    In the good you can chuck out Rose Red, and The Stand was iffy, it could go either way.

    However, i am behind John Cusack and I think 1408 will probably deliver as promised.
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