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Thread: New Horror Con - Hagerstown, MD

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Deadlands, USA
    United States

    New Horror Con - Hagerstown, MD

    1st ever Horror Cinema Con is kicking off thier debut by having a reunion of the cast ofboth F13 Part 2 and Slumber Party Massacre 2. In addition to the reunion, Conrad Brooks from Plan 9 from outer Space fame will be attending and doing the introduction to Plan 9 when it screens after Deadlands: The Rising at the Hagerstown 10 Cineplex.

    For more info visit:
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Deadlands, USA
    United States
    Hey everyone,

    new news to report. If you plan on attending this convention... I ask you don't. After extending us an invitation to appear the prodcuers of this film festival tried to Torpedo the theatrical screening of Deadlands, by trying to make thier first time, convention more important.

    The screening of Deadlands was planned for the last 3+ months, suddenly these producers show up two weeks before the screening and want the theater to run horror films and asked that Deadlands share its reserved auditorium with other indie films. I of course in that meeting declined to share the auditorium as we planned a 3 hour event and need the whole 3 hours, and I am already showing 3 indie shorts. Of course the theater agreed with my position but the producers of this convention have continued to hammer at me and suggest the theater move my screening because they have Warrington Gillette as a guest and he will draw a crowd.

    Now lets keep a few things in mind. Warrington Gillette had 30 seconds of screentime as Jason in F13 part 2, the remaining 90 minutes were played by Stunt Man Steve Dash. The official wesbite for this con is ona My Space page, and the producer was already caught in a lie in stating he rep'd Judy O'Dea of NOTLD fame (he tried to impress the theater owners by saying he rep'd but didn't know I am friends with a Virginia director who has her working on his film.)

    As of last night at 2:30 am (04/06/2007) I have received 32 emails, from the cons representative threatening to torpedo the screening and release of Deadlands if I did not share the stage with other local indie horror films. So I am suppoed to give up 3 months of promotion to let one of his fly by night buddies in on my theater time... I don't f*cking think so. When I stil decline he threatened to use his A-List Star power (Most of the celebs haven't worked since 1988 or since F 13 part 2) to again torpedo the screening.

    He also threatened if I didn't say nice things about his convention he would come after me, and he still demanded I attend to promote his screening and his con. The list goes on and on. I literally have over 30+ emails from this pyscho. Anyway, I ask those in Maryland or Pa thinking of attending this con in Hagerstown... not go. Don't support jerk offs like this. Support a real convention with real celebrities like Horrorfind.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  3. #3
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    May 2007
    Screw that jerk. First come first serve. Glad the theater sided with you.
    I hope this is their last convention.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    He also threatened if I didn't say nice things about his convention he would come after me, and he still demanded I attend to promote his screening and his con. The list goes on and on. I literally have over 30+ emails from this pyscho.
    Seriously Deej? That's some scary s**t brother.


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