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Thread: VHS - good news...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    VHS - good news...

    Just got a letter from the organisers of the local Viewfinder Film Festival (to whom I submitted VHS) that they're showing "VHS" in the festival!

    It'll be showing on March 23rd (Friday) in the Courtyard in Hereford (I'll go to that screening) and then again on Wednesday 28th March at the Market Theatre in Ledbury.

    Rather spiffingly good news, had a shiite day yesterday with technology around me failing to work properly, and then today I get this good news. My belief in the balance of the universe and My Name Is Earl style Karma, has been given further strength.

  2. #2
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Awesome, congrats MZ! *does a happy dance for MZ*

    I've always liked VHS and the idea/premise behind it. : D


  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Why thank you, Lou.

    Hopefully those watching it will "get" it. Not sure if I'll do the Ledbury screening, even though it's no further afield, but I'll definitely make an appearance for one of them. I did preceed the film with a disclaimer stating both the circumstances (cheap equipment, £0 'budget') and the final scene at the end of the film - hopefully this time they won't turn it off too soon! (like what happened at the Bloodbath Festival showing of it).

    Since Capn said something about 'what about a sequel to it?' I've been thinking about that idea now and then, lol ... not sure what the fudge I could do with it, but if I did have a good idea for a sequel I might do one...though that's just a tiny little thought at the moment, nothing more ... I guess we'll see what happens eh?

    First off really is IAZM3 ... well, actually, to get technical, the IAZM2 DVD.

    Anyway, woot! Another festival showing!

  4. #4
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Congrats, good news to hear. BTW, when it played at the last festival did you win anything?
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    At Bloodbath is was just a part of the "Sharp Shorts" segment of scheduled films being shown, not for competition like, however I did in fact win something at the same festival in a separate part of the day - The Omen Trilogy box set, proper poncy black box with those three films in with art cards and shiite thrown in. Cost like £45, and as I only spent £10 (or "a Nigel" - Capn) on a ticket, I came out on top, haha!

    It was a long ass day though, got up early, drove to Bristol, and spent about 12 hours straight in this little art house theatre watching horror movies, hehe ... it was tiring alright, and by mid-afternoon when "Boy Meets Girl" was shown I actually felt sick and kinda repulsed (it was a tough film in itself, add a lack of food and water to that and you've got one freaked out MZ, haha).

  6. #6
    Toppas notchas Amigo. And there I was diggin' it up not to long ago, I think it's my favourite film of yours MZ.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Went to the screening this afternoon, it was a disaster narrowly averted ... ... let me explain.

    They had a lot of technical difficulties (either the DVD player was playing up, or the DVD of the content itself, was a shiite one - perhaps one of those cheap-ass white covered ones you can write on with a biro). There was a lot of glitching and f*ck ups, which was a real shame, but the majority of the content was shown eventually and without much fuss.

    Fortunately, after fretting the entire time that another screening of "VHS" was gonna get messed around a bit (last time, in Bristol, the plonker operating the DVD stopped before the final scene was shown - so this time I added a disclaimer at the start saying the final scene is after the credits! )

    Anyway, I was fretting away, but fortunately, my whole film played without any glitches. It was probably over the head of the majority of the audience, who were either middle aged or older...the audience was mainly either filmmakers or people there with the filmmakers, but still, it's public exhibition.

    The competition wasn't overly challenging, not to sound arrogant, although there was a really well made film ... it made no sense at all (I think it was based on a dream, at least that's what I figured explained the bizarre storyline - the guy who made it said that the humour went over the audience's head ... yep ... I think it did - it's called Parcel and can be seen on the website, linked below). Then of course, there were other films in the same 'category', but from very different genres/styles.

    Anyway, it was good to get my work shown again, of course, ever the filmmaker, I see all the things I'd do differently, or wish I could improve on ... but nevermind about that stuff, because those 'on the outside' of it, don't generally see that, at least not as much.

    Anyway, I've got a few ideas for short films I wanna do, so I'll be looking to shoot one or two (like 5 minute films) specifically to further my filmmaking, but also make something for festival entry that's 'up to date' on my filmmaking.

    Anyway, nice to see it screened again, and their 16x9 (over the original 4:3) mask wasn't too bad, fortunately, not sure whether they went "Vegas" and moved the image around underneath, I doubt it...anyway, it's getting screened again in Ledbury, but I won't bother going along again ... I'll be too busy playing STALKER/putting my feet up after another filming sesh. (though they don't list everything being shown, weird ... anyway...)
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Mar-2007 at 10:20 PM.

  8. #8
    Good stuff MZ, nice to see your stuff get recognised man.

    Btw, I watched Parcel and thought it was f**king brilliant also. That guy needs a handshake, either you get it or you don't. A marmite movie of the highest order.

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I didn't "get" Parcel, but I figured it must be based on a dream the guy had ... although it did remind me a bit of "Tales from the Gimli Hospital", just got a slight vibe of that when watching it...anyway, it was a very good film, nicely put together too, the credits were done nicely too.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    the credits were done nicely too.
    Indeed, very eye-pleasing.

  11. #11
    Just been bitten suicide22's Avatar

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