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Thread: What is the general Opinion of Americans in the UK?

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    well im sure your not gonna leave your country and lets say go to egpyt and say egyptians suck. its just common sense.

    just to add something. the only time I meet or hear people from another country are on the xbox. some americans can be idiots to the english by saying stuff about the war in the 1700s. I dont have a problem with anyone from any country. its just the way the culture is.
    Last edited by Cody; 22-May-2007 at 12:24 AM.

  2. #17
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    ha ha khardis

    being from RI you are right

    as far as what english people think of americans

    i am not worried about that

    i am worried about what this country is becoming with all the illegal immigrants

    it would be impossible for a british person to judge an american
    when more and more of them speak other languages than english?

    question: in england when you call a business does an automated answering machine come on and say " for english press 1" for spanish press 2, for a menu of other languages press 3. this is the norm when you call any place here

  3. #18
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    good point kortick but

    I think we have illegals here pursuing the American dream who would prolly become Americans if they thought they were able to ... so in a way they're Americans. They're also Americans because they're a great deal of the people who've been building this country and picking the crops that feed this countrys legal citizens. America today wouldn't be half of what it is without them. As far as i'm concerned they're honorary citizens and thus... could be part of the question... what do brits think of us?
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  4. #19
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissJacksonCA View Post
    I think we have illegals here pursuing the American dream who would prolly become Americans if they thought they were able to ... so in a way they're Americans. They're also Americans because they're a great deal of the people who've been building this country and picking the crops that feed this countrys legal citizens. America today wouldn't be half of what it is without them. As far as i'm concerned they're honorary citizens and thus... could be part of the question... what do brits think of us?
    I disagree, in fact I think America would be 100X better off without them, since the costs of medical care etc in the west would go down what without the millions upon millions of illegal aliens using it up for free, that real citizens get to pay for. You telling me we cant find Americans to do farm work and construction? I say we can, they're just being rubbed out of the job market because they refuse to work for slave wages.

    Now unless you dont mind us reducing our standard of living to that of Mexico and Mexicans (10 to a room, 1 bathroom, no flushing etc) then we can do it easy.

  5. #20
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    true in part

    Rising medical costs aren't entirely due to illegals taking advantage of any free healthcare. Its because doctors and hospitals charge obscene rates for their services and products they give to you. For instance charging 25 dollars for two Tylenol pills. I could supply my own for 50 cents if it was legal to undercut the hospitals. It may be... I may just pursue that.

    Unfortunately we also pay higher insurance costs to support illegals when they crash into our cars and run from the scene. I had a friend die that way and another friend had her car totaled in a similar incident.

    But illegals save us money when they construct homes and pick fruits and veggies. Farmers can't always pay minimum wage to their employees without going for broke themselves. The farming industry isn't exectly one known for good money. And also the working conditions on farms for those illegals isn't exactly grand either. They're spending 8 to 10 hours a day in the sun in sweltering heat to give us food that's expensive anyway. I dont even think a lot of Americans would reduce themselves to that kind of work without top dollar pay. Its like cotton picking. Ever tried it? Its not pleasant. And home prices in this country in some places are obscene. If I could pay my bilingual builder less and have him use illegal labor heck i'd be all for it.

    I dont think we're going to turn into Mexico just by letting in some illegals. But they keep this country growing. I'm not trying to get everyone to endorse them but just to say... I understand. Heck I dont like my homeland being overpopulated by people but my family is from another country so I at least have to appreciate other people who come here to seek a better life. Granted there's no huge diff between Canada and the U.S. but still... I just think its important to appreciate certain things like illegals even if we dont want them here...

    Our country has to find an alternate solution to the illegal population besides killing them... imprisoning them... sending them back to Mexico (anyone watch that show on the MS 13 gang?)... or building a wall to keep them out. We should be focusing some effort on liberating Mexico or something... of making that a better place for its citizens to live to keep them from wanting to come here and to live here.

    I'm just throwing ideas out there kids it beats just complaining about how ya hate 'em or dont want 'em.
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  6. #21
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissJacksonCA View Post
    Rising medical costs aren't entirely due to illegals taking advantage of any free healthcare. Its because doctors and hospitals charge obscene rates for their services and products they give to you. For instance charging 25 dollars for two Tylenol pills. I could supply my own for 50 cents if it was legal to undercut the hospitals. It may be... I may just pursue that.

    Unfortunately we also pay higher insurance costs to support illegals when they crash into our cars and run from the scene. I had a friend die that way and another friend had her car totaled in a similar incident.

    But illegals save us money when they construct homes and pick fruits and veggies. Farmers can't always pay minimum wage to their employees without going for broke themselves. The farming industry isn't exectly one known for good money. And also the working conditions on farms for those illegals isn't exactly grand either. They're spending 8 to 10 hours a day in the sun in sweltering heat to give us food that's expensive anyway. I dont even think a lot of Americans would reduce themselves to that kind of work without top dollar pay. Its like cotton picking. Ever tried it? Its not pleasant. And home prices in this country in some places are obscene. If I could pay my bilingual builder less and have him use illegal labor heck i'd be all for it.

    I dont think we're going to turn into Mexico just by letting in some illegals. But they keep this country growing. I'm not trying to get everyone to endorse them but just to say... I understand. Heck I dont like my homeland being overpopulated by people but my family is from another country so I at least have to appreciate other people who come here to seek a better life. Granted there's no huge diff between Canada and the U.S. but still... I just think its important to appreciate certain things like illegals even if we dont want them here...

    Our country has to find an alternate solution to the illegal population besides killing them... imprisoning them... sending them back to Mexico (anyone watch that show on the MS 13 gang?)... or building a wall to keep them out. We should be focusing some effort on liberating Mexico or something... of making that a better place for its citizens to live to keep them from wanting to come here and to live here.

    I'm just throwing ideas out there kids it beats just complaining about how ya hate 'em or dont want 'em.
    If a farmer cannot do business legally then he needs to go out of business so someone else can buy out his land and do it legally. We need to stop subsidizing all this failure and let these people just fail. I dont buy it for 1 second that all the farms would close down if they had to pay minimum wage to their workers. I don't understand what that even has to do with anything anyway. So they cant do business legally and exist, so we should just let them do it illegally? I wish drug dealers could say that, then I could buy cheap pot. If I have to pay 5 dollars for a package of tomatoes instead of 2 dollars I accept that, ill probably still be saving more money because my taxes, healthcare, and insurance will be cheaper.

  7. #22
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    khardis I was just looking at your profile and your into mycology? cool man random I know.

  8. #23
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Depends on which Americans you meet I guess... Most New Englanders (Myself included) as elitist asses, who look down on anyone and everyone outside of Connecticut, Massachusetts or Rhode Island. I am still struggling with not labeling anyone outside of CT a redneck, its hard, but I am getting there.
    Fair play to you for admitting that. Hardly anyone will openly admit they are prejudiced and that they are trying to improve. So kudos to you

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie View Post
    Nothing wrong with that, I grew up in a naturist home.
    I wouldn't go as far as to say that I had a naturist upbringing, but it was certainly okay to be nude when I was a kid (at home!). I certainly spent most of my summers before I was about 7 with nothing on but a pair of socks and shoes. I think it's good to avoid shyness and embarassment about bodies etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    they're just being rubbed out of the job market because they refuse to work for slave wages.
    Couldn't this problem be solved by paying everyone the same?
    La freak, c'est chic!


  9. #24
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    ha ha khardis

    being from RI you are right

    as far as what english people think of americans

    i am not worried about that

    i am worried about what this country is becoming with all the illegal immigrants

    it would be impossible for a british person to judge an american
    when more and more of them speak other languages than english?

    question: in england when you call a business does an automated answering machine come on and say " for english press 1" for spanish press 2, for a menu of other languages press 3. this is the norm when you call any place here
    Great, now its an immigration thread, press 1 for self-destruct.
    One solution : legalize pot. Now its a pot thread.
    Two solutions: press 1 for legal weed, press 2 for the nearest bakery.
    Press 3 if you would like to know what British people think about Americans.
    Press 4 if you have been bitten by a zed...
    Last edited by DVW5150; 22-May-2007 at 12:06 PM. Reason: Had siezure
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  10. #25
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    how ironic is it that people who live in america now bitch about other people immigrating there?, i bet the people of native american descernt are getting a feeling of deja-vu'

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    how ironic is it that people who live in america now bitch about other people immigrating there?, i bet the people of native american descernt are getting a feeling of deja-vu'
    lol, I know, it's a major case of the ironies.

  12. #27
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    What do Brits think of Americans...?

    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    how ironic is it that people who live in america now bitch about other people immigrating there?, i bet the people of native american descent are getting a feeling of deja-vu'
    I once heard a saying,"America is the best country thats ever been stolen."

    If you visit Ellis Island in NY Harbor, you get a true sense that this country has been made up of all types of races.

    I was brought up around musicians & artists.My mum sang jazz gigs and ex-step dad (still rather famous in NY) plays jazz piano in NYC. So with that upbringing was instilled an acceptance of people of who they are as an individual.
    My high school was filled with racist swine, not just your regular Lynard Skynrd crowd, kkk wanna beees.
    I went to high school with Fredricka Worthington, presently a news anchor on CNN, she and I barely ever spoke back in 11th grade.
    Once , I came out to have a smoke(they had smoking lounges back then), and she was being messed with by a bunch of sexually-repressed-football hooligan-redneck-thowback cowards. I stood up to them (I think there was 4 of them),and they beat the sh!t outta me , but they left Fredricka alone & that was ok by me.
    Her mum baked me a cake, Fredricka & I never became really good friends after that, but she was really greatful I stepped up to help her.
    Lesson, sometimes the right thing to do is not always the easiest thing to do.
    Even if your reward is just a thank you.

    The following year, I was challenged by the leader of the 'little gang' to chicken ( drive at eachother head on, the one that doesnt turn away wins) . I had a 76 Grand Torino with a shift kit and I think it was a 424 in there... Anyway, the guy started at me , me the same. I just drove at him. With a solid knowledge that his Ford truck was not going to kiss my front end, he swerved at the last second , hitting a fence going into a drainage ditch.I kept going, went home.I owe my determination in that incident to a fictional character, MAX.

    Btw, my Torino was painted flat black, and was a rather simular black car mock up. Wrecked on New Years eve 1982, in a patch of black ice I missed, totaled wrapped around a tree. I was listening to "Breaking the Law" by Judas Priest. That song always reminds me of that. All I got was a broken ankle.

    The next monday , nobody was mean to me , even seniors were cool and wanted to be my friend. The guy that challenged me was ok,(still a douchebag) his truck was totaled.But I stayed to my self, but made a few new friends.When I was a senior, I was really friendly to sophmores because its a scary thing to be in a big place with so much social cruelty.

    My point is , I was not brought up to hate irrationally .Because Fredricka was a black girl, they thought they could f*ck with her, I wont stand for that sht.

    Are schools in the UK so cruel?
    Last edited by DVW5150; 22-May-2007 at 02:13 PM. Reason: pulled arm out of disposal
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  13. #28
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    I don't know. I went to quite a posh school so it was all talk, I never really saw any proper fights at school or anything. The social hierarchy was grotesque and the people were ignorant and mean, but I never felt like I was in any real danger.
    La freak, c'est chic!


  14. #29
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    i dont care who lives here and who doesnt

    just learn the language

    i am sick of people coming up to me cuz i have dark
    hair and dark eyes and automatically speaking to me in spanish
    or whatever language it is

    you want to come to america-fine welcome
    learn to communicate with the rest of the country

    and how can english people judge americans
    when the country is not what it was demographically
    even 10 years ago?

    its like asking them to tell you how a soda tastes
    that isnt even made anymore

  15. #30
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    so everyone in america is under 10 years old?, people remember man, for good or ill people remember.


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