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Thread: Tell us about your zombie dreams!

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    Tell us about your zombie dreams!

    Thanks DeadJ. for reminding me...

    I've had some sweet zombie dreams over the years but occasionally I have like very similar dreams. I have this one where i'm in a mall i've never been to and occasionally I have it over and over... Generally when i'm out and about i'm very observant and i'm always thinking of ...if something happened how the hell would I escape... so... here it goes

    I'm in a mall in some store (it could be summit hill mall) and I hear screaming coming from the escalator and see fast moving people with blood on them attacking others and just being ravenous. Of course the store i'm in happens to have glass panes for walls (Its like murphys law of the undead) so I close the doors and prop them shut with a mannequins leg as the sales girl stands there crying and screaming... jump onto the sales counter and take out a square of the celing and start climbing up into it just when the windows break and of course the sales girl dies.

    Quickly and gently trying not to fall down to the welcoming committee below I crawl through the celing to a (ironic) movie theater that's basically empty with only a few folks and no zombies... in the theater I come down as the zombies break through and start jumping over the chairs (I have running and highly skilled zombies in my dreams lol) to get to me and the 8 other people in the theater. I start climbing the curtains and jump into the balcony section and kick through a door that takes me to an empty innocuous hallway and of course the bloody door wont shut and lock.

    In the hallway the horde of zombies comes after me again like adoring fans and chase me down to the exit door where I find the parking lot... lucky me now i'm out in the open with tons of zombies. I'm actually able to outrun the zombies and find my car but by the time i'm in it I have some unwelcome vandals trying to get into it and hitting it like savage beats. I manage to drive off and its like the rest of town hasn't been effected yet. I debate between where the hell to go.... home or the unknown? I end up going to the gas station filling the tank and getting back in... too freaked out and unsure if I saw zombies to tell anyone else... Eventually I get home and grab some emergency items before heading out... hearing on the radio somethings happening and heading out to the highway where its bumper to bumper gridlock and having to run because now the zombies have reached the highways...

    and yeah thats as far as i've gotten i hope all the zombie talk will make me dream scary stuff !!!
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  2. #2
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Rooftop insertion...

    I am with some vaguely familiar service buddies,riding in UH-60m and being dropped on the roof of a high-rise building in a dark city.
    We maintain a silent file to the roof door.
    One of the other guys in the squad is sort of like a high school buddy of mine , says "Shhhh..." Uses his suppressed m4 to kick the lock.
    We peer into the black of the stairway, there is little moonlight.
    Everything is bathed in a dim blue of the night. Its weird.
    We hear some shambling way down the floors.A scream from below, and we rush steady & silently downward.
    This was like the 2nd or third time I have had this dream, I seldom have recurring dreams.
    This time I was ready, because I cognitively knew it was a trick, but we had to check it out.They had some kind of intuition (the zombies that is) that they could have a female zed scream, and make us think someone was alive down there and needed help.
    They attack us from above & below , after we descend past a few floors, passing doors that we check to see if they are unlocked.All were locked.
    I remember a child zed : starving & yawning fierce shriek as it scrapes its bony hand across the wall dragging with what looks like part of another child.
    My buddies shooting one of them & falling after being bitten in the eye.

    ( I posted about this dream the last time Zombies in your Dreams has been brought up. Since then I had a simular dream again. )

    I woke up though, the alarm went off.Why does that happen? 99% of the time you are at a great part of a dream , and POOF! The friggin alarm goes off or some thing loud awakens you.

    My imagination is very real in dreams, but this was like real in a way I cant explain.I was friggin' dead on fer headshots in that tiny little stairway illuminated by few mag lights from our weapons, and the subtle blue of the moon.
    Blood looked black...
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    you should be a story teller dvw

    You make me think of those crazy neighbors that went to war and saw the atrocities of war and every now and then snaps into those moments and lives in that little world. But yeah you should write stories. Great scene setting.

    This actually reminds me of this boof of creepy stories to tell your kids I bought lol... i'd be a horrible parent i'll be there sitting next to my childs bed and going ... WHAM the zombies were surrounding the survivors... child crying himself to sleep at night terrified lol
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  4. #4
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    my dreams are very random at times. so i can never have a full zombie dream. but I A L W A Y S get eaten

  5. #5
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    my dreams are very random at times. so i can never have a full zombie dream. but I A L W A Y S get eaten

    I haven't had one in a long time myself, but I do remember that for some reason my guns never are effective against them.

  6. #6
    Being Attacked sgrosse's Avatar

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    zombie dreams

    I have very vivid dreams. And have always had vivid zombie nightmares. They used to scare me, but now the zombies are more like in the back drop of things. But every once in a while a real doozy will come along and just scare the pants off me. All though I am a big fan of Romero and have been for a very long time, the slow moving zombie's have ceased to scare me. Truth be told, the fast moving zombies in the Dawn of the Dead remake scare me to death.

    I saw that damn movie when it first came out. The movie as a whole did not scare me, probably because it really slowed down after they got to the mall. But the first ten minutes or so, well, thats a whole other story. My brain pretty much captured those first ten minutes and constructed an entire universe around it. After that movie, I did not dream of slow moving zombies any more. Now they were all fast. I still remember the first one like I dreamt it yesterday.

    It was like the world had exploded into chaos. That is how the dream started. I was in a car with some people(and in true dream fashion, they were my best and dearest friends, while in reality I have no idea who they were) and we were trying to get out of an unknown town via a dry creek bed. Dont ask me why. I was doing the driving when we struck a big rock and blew the tires out of my car. The people in my car all got out and all but two scattered away. Now, up untill this point in the dream, I had not seen a Zombie. Not one bloated belly, not one soulless eye. And I realized this. Maybe we had gotten far enough away from the outbreak. With this in mind I started climbing the side of the creek bed and took a peek out through the underbrush. What I saw, if seen through waking eyes, would have probably stopped my heart and thrown my soul straight into the afterlife before I even hit the ground. It was a parking lot. A big one. And it was full of distruction. People were fleeing, only to be chased down and torn to shreads. I saw people on bended knees, begging, or praying, as they were plowed over by approaching zombies charging at a speed that would have made Carl Lewis hang up his shoes. It was carnage that surpassed even a biblical scale, and I witnessed it. I saw it, and somehow, they saw me. And as one, the whole rithing lot started my way, not at a shambling pase, but at a blistering sprint. I slid down the hill into the creek bed, and scarmbled up the other side only to be greeted by a similar site of fast approaching zombies. I slid back down and jumped back into the car to start it, but it was to late. They shot out over the sides the creek bed like human shaped bullets and started hammering my car. It wasnt untill the fist shot through the window that I woke up, fightened, but alone. That was one of them. scary huh

  7. #7
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by sgrosse View Post
    I have very vivid dreams. And have always had vivid zombie nightmares. They used to scare me, but now the zombies are more like in the back drop of things. But every once in a while a real doozy will come along and just scare the pants off me. All though I am a big fan of Romero and have been for a very long time, the slow moving zombie's have ceased to scare me. Truth be told, the fast moving zombies in the Dawn of the Dead remake scare me to death.

    I saw that damn movie when it first came out. The movie as a whole did not scare me, probably because it really slowed down after they got to the mall. But the first ten minutes or so, well, thats a whole other story. My brain pretty much captured those first ten minutes and constructed an entire universe around it. After that movie, I did not dream of slow moving zombies any more. Now they were all fast. I still remember the first one like I dreamt it yesterday.
    I feel about 99% the same as you. I hated Dawn '04 zombies cause they turned my zombie world around.

    When I saw Day for the first time back when I was in the 5th grade, I had nightmares seemingly everynight for like a year, then after that about 3 or 4 times a week for the next 10 years. The scenerio was always typical: Me in a escape from the zombie horde scenerio. Sometimes I would get bit and turn into one. A bit surreal but dreams typically are. Most of the time I was always able to get away due to the zombie's speed.

    The zombies from Dawn '04 pretty F'd my zombie world up, as I mentioned before. All the zombies are runners now and make my dreams end a bit quicker.

    But lately I've been having very few zombie dreams. If I do have them, they don't start out with a zombie scenerio. The dreams start out "normal", then evolve to a zombie scenerio. And always I "feel' zombies gathering somewhere before they actually appear in my dream. As if their essence is looming somewhere in the air.

    Guess after repeated zombie experiences in my dreams, I'm getting disensitized to them.

    Sounding words out 4tl =/

  8. #8
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    and how does that make you feel?


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