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Thread: sqaure CEO: 360 and ps3 not worth it

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    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    sqaure CEO: 360 and ps3 not worth it

    Square Enix CEO: 360, PS3 too complex
    Talking up the DS and Wii, Yoichi Wada believes that the two next-gen consoles are 'over-engineered' and 'mismatched' to gamers' needs.
    By Emma Boyes, GameSpot UK
    Posted Jun 12, 2007 4:35 pm GMT
    Square Enix dropped the bombshell in December that the latest in its Dragon Quest role-playing game series, Dragon Quest IX: Guard of the Starry Night (working title), would be coming exclusively to the DS. As the last installments of the game--which is very, very big in Japan--were on Sony's PlayStation 2 and original PlayStation, the news was a head-scratcher for many.

    Square Enix's president and CEO, Yoichi Wada, has now explained the decision, which he says was made so that the "widest array of people" could play the latest installment in the RPG series, reports the Financial Times. He believes bringing the series to the DS means the game could find fans outside of its current audience.

    Wada appears not to be a fan of complex next-gen consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, which he calls "over-engineered." He told the newspaper, "There are too many specs--and you also need a high-definition TV, a broadband connection, and a deep knowledge of gaming--these consoles are mismatched to today's environment. In a year or two years, they will fare better."

    you would not believe that once again the comments box below said article has once again degenerated into fanboy bitching about how "one console is gayer than the pwning one i own" and so on and so on, anyone else sick to ther eback teeth of fanboys?
    ...aaaanyway, its cool that there spending time on churning out games on a platform like the ds you can have wireless online games, and they'll take a damn site less time wise to actually make.

    The Square Enix executive believes that the ground has shifted in the gaming industry. "[Whereas] in the old days,we could just focus on the PlayStation or the Game Boy," he said, "the environment has changed completely." A new breed of gamer has also emerged on the back of the release of Nintendo's marketing push to embrace nontraditional gamers--including women and older people--and this means, Wada says, "we have to make games for all kinds of people."

  2. #2
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    Square Enix CEO: 360, PS3 too complex
    Talking up the DS and Wii, Yoichi Wada believes that the two next-gen consoles are 'over-engineered' and 'mismatched' to gamers' needs.

    Square Enix's president and CEO, Yoichi Wada, has now explained the decision, which he says was made so that the "widest array of people" could play the latest installment in the RPG series, reports the Financial Times. He believes bringing the series to the DS means the game could find fans outside of its current audience.

    Wada appears not to be a fan of complex next-gen consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, which he calls "over-engineered." He told the newspaper, "There are too many specs--and you also need a high-definition TV, a broadband connection, and a deep knowledge of gaming--these consoles are mismatched to today's environment. In a year or two years, they will fare better."

    The Square Enix executive believes that the ground has shifted in the gaming industry. "[Whereas] in the old days,we could just focus on the PlayStation or the Game Boy," he said, "the environment has changed completely." A new breed of gamer has also emerged on the back of the release of Nintendo's marketing push to embrace nontraditional gamers--including women and older people--and this means, Wada says, "we have to make games for all kinds of people."

    I agree with the fact that games are becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to make. This is making it less and less likely that third party developers will grant any exclusivity to a particular console. They indeed NEED to offer it to as many people as possible and that means cross platform. The fanboys of their respective consoles are just going to have to man up and handle it.

    I do find it odd that nintendo would knock systems for being too advanced being that they were not advanced enough (lack of online gaming, mature themed titles) last gen. However, I do agree that it will be a couple of years before most people are able to afford hd tvs and other things that will help them get the most out of their consoles. I believe that most people who own a 360 or ps3 don't have hd tvs. But what happens when most people are fully upgraded, what will nintendo say then?

    With respect to them developing games for old people, women etc. that's great and all, but just because you got someone interested in gaming doesn't mean they'll want to do it all the time. They coined the phrase themselves "casual gamers", which by its very definition means people who don't game that often. I realize that they had to come up with a new stategy inorder to stay competitive with Ms and Sony's gaming divisions, but they can't escape they fact that the bulk of consumer gamers are in the male 16-35 year old demographic. They must be catered to also, something nintendo has failed to do since 2001 with the introduction of the gamecube. I give them a pass before that because in the mid to late 90's there weren't that many mature theme games out there. It was a niche market. But all that has changed with the last gen and the current one.
    Last edited by darth los; 13-Jun-2007 at 09:20 PM.

  3. #3
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by darth los View Post

    I do find it odd that nintendo would knock systems for being too advanced being that they were not advanced enough (lack of online gaming, mature themed titles) last gen. But what happens when most people are fully upgraded, what will nintendo say then?
    It wasnt Nintendo saying this stuff it was Square Enix's CEO
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  4. #4
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Oops!! I really should fact check better. Anyway, it does sound like the company line Nintendo has been putting out there. "it's not about the graphics but the gameplay.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, gameplay is indeed a major factor to making a fun game, they don't need to look flashy, just as long as they're a hell of a lot of fun to play.

    Like SWAT4, that came out and was a bit behind the times graphics wise, just a bit, but it was so PLAYABLE and enjoyable, so it was awesome. Same with Outlaws way back when, the graphics were inferior to what was out at the time, but it was so much fun to play and was putting something out there that hadn't been touched properly before.

    Mind you, you can also have excellent graphics and have a lot of fun. I've been binging on Dead Rising/PGR3 and Saints Row for 3 weeks now, and they all look brill.

    Saying they're "not worth it" is rather daft, because according so sales figures (at least with the SexBox anyway) that it clearly is worth it to the punters, but so is fun - hence why the Wii is in second price is also a key factor.

    Bit of a silly statement all round from that CEO chap, I feel.

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    sales wise the wii may be 2nd place but tahts cus the number one spot is the nintendo ds, nintey cleaned up with that little dual screened sum-bitch.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    And of course the thing with the DS is it's suitable for a wide market range, of both sexes, whereas the SexBox and such are generally a more male target audience, and particularly with the PS3 and the SexBox369 the target is generally an older gaming audience more interested in racing stuff or blowing said stuff up.

    And of course, the DS is portable, so it's ideal to distract kids on the road ... or bored adults on the road. Also, the variety of different games (like that lawyer game for instance) is quite interesting and would attract an audience not necessarily into gaming, as well as attract all the way up to hardcore gamers seeking something as a breather from the racing and action and fighting.

  8. #8
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    so price is also a key factor.


    It's probably the main reason why they're doing so well. Sony just fails to realize that the bulk of the people who play these things hardcore don't have alot of money. It's alot of parents buying them for their kids. If you were a parent (who probably don't know the difference between the consoles, but do know the difference between $600 and $250) which you you buy your kid?

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    That's a good point, there's more likely to be more parents who know squat about gaming right now (although this looks certain to change as gamers get older and older and end up having kids, the average age is about 28 now or something, for gamers after all). So aye, 'rents will know the difference between monies...

    Then also, if you've got twenty-somethings buying consoles for themselves (i.e. like I did last month), then cost is still a factor, especially in the UK where the cost of living is very high and people in their 20s definitely don't earn enough to live comfortably on, every purchase is something to think about, so cost is a very big issue...unless you're loaded, or are the sort of numpty to be taking out fat loans for everything, not caring cos the gubment will bail you out in the end anyway...

  10. #10
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Then also, if you've got twenty-somethings buying consoles for themselves (i.e. like I did last month), then cost is still a factor, especially in the UK where the cost of living is very high and people in their 20s definitely don't earn enough to live comfortably on, every purchase is something to think about, so cost is a very big issue...unless you're loaded, or are the sort of numpty to be taking out fat loans for everything, not caring cos the gubment will bail you out in the end anyway...
    Touche', good counterpoint. It's definitely a big difference between your parents buying you something and you spending the money that you busted your hump for. Makes you appreciate the value of a dollar let me tell you. Like i said, the best and smartest thing that sony could do is a price cut. There's really nothing that appealing about their console. They just figured the namebrand would carry them through. They were wrong.

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    the bit my mom would get is "so if i pay for those (wii and 360) im getting 2 for the price of one?", shed be sold there quite frankly

  12. #12
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    I think that's actually more common than we might think. What the hell was sony thinking charging that much for the ps3 when you could get the wii and 360 for basically the same price? Ah, the never ending battle to pull one over on our parents. I used to think the same way until i became one.

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ooooh good point there Hellsing, that is true actually, parents are notoriously distracted by the holy grail of "two for one". (nope, no sar-car-zum here)

    That makes the Wii and 360 look more attractive to parents indeed, they're individually cheaper than the Sony, but together they're still cheaper, so if they get both their kids will love them, they'll be forever distracted so the folks can rest easy about having "that conversation" with their kids about winkys and woo-hoos, and it makes them look more successful than their neighbours who are still gaming in "current gen".

    Parents, eh?

  14. #14
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ooooh good point there Hellsing, that is true actually, parents are notoriously distracted by the holy grail of "two for one". (nope, no sar-car-zum here)

    That makes the Wii and 360 look more attractive to parents indeed, they're individually cheaper than the Sony, but together they're still cheaper, so if they get both their kids will love them, they'll be forever distracted so the folks can rest easy about having "that conversation" with their kids about winkys and woo-hoos, and it makes them look more successful than their neighbours who are still gaming in "current gen".

    Parents, eh?

    * Furiously taking notes *

    I am a parent now you know.

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I am a parent now you know.
    Oooh-hoo, parents eh?

    I'd imagine you're one of the ones who know about games though, so you're the future.


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