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Thread: GTA IV Excitement Thread (nee Anticipation)

  1. #151
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    ProfC sounds like he's having a hard time of it! Only a few hours dude....

    MZ: you don't get evening post? That's a travesty...I've never lived in an area without a 12pm post...You never know dude!

    You could always splash out for it then return your pre-ordered version with a damning letter of complaint to the company...?
    lol, nah can't be arsed with that, knowing my luck I'd do that and then it'd be here tomorrow, so all that hassle for a few extra hours of gaming time...not worth it...I'll just go cold turkey, hold up in some fortress somewhere and wait it out...

    Exactly, self-touching tuckers you out, but I know what you mean about sleepless nights or trouble sleeping what with GTA IV coming so soon and such, for the past week I've been tossing and turning and having endless GTA IV dreams ... obsessed much?

    I've been getting up earlier these past couple of days too, because I just can't stop thinking about how ghey it is that my copy hasn't turned up yet (which I've been doing since Friday )...

    Geeeeeez we're a bunch of videogame junkies, just imagine if the Daily Mail or Jack Thompson or some other freak of nature got a hold of this thread.

  2. #152
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I have classes until 2:30. After that I'm going to attempt to write a paper. Then begins my frantic search that consists of calling every place around me seeing if anybody has a single copy left, like I had to do when Skate came out.

  3. #153
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I'm hoping to pick it up this afternoon on lunch and play when I get home. If there are any in the area, that is.

    I've noticed that a few websites are reporting some problems with the game freezing on the 360. Something about after the first cutscene the game freezes and the console has to be rebooted. Anyone heard anything about this?

  4. #154
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I'm hoping to pick it up this afternoon on lunch and play when I get home. If there are any in the area, that is.

    I've noticed that a few websites are reporting some problems with the game freezing on the 360. Something about after the first cutscene the game freezes and the console h
    as to be rebooted. Anyone heard anything about this?
    That's news to me. Haven't heard or read that anywhere.
    This game is INCREDIBLE. Little Jacob cracks me up
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  5. #155
    Last night I just had a couple of hours tearing it up and, oh boy, does this game cook. After my first save point, I wandered around my apartment and found a television. I was still watching this television one hour later and it was playing different stuff. And it has flippable channels.

    As for the road damage, holy crap! I was driving towards a mission and thought I'd slow down for some copper I nearly rammed up the arse. All of a sudden, a black hoody gentleman went flying over my bonnet (complete with denting sounds) - not me but some dips**t in the opposite lane knocked him over. This sent the copper off and that was that. I even paused the game and applauded.

    Right now, I am about 10 missions done with Roman, took me bird bowling (and whipped her ass) and just about to start my first mission with Vlad. F**king game rocks, mate!

    See y'all in a month!
    Last edited by capncnut; 29-Apr-2008 at 04:26 PM.

  6. #156
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Sorry to do this to you MZ but i got home from work today and i came in my pants.. i had the special edition in its glorious black safety deposit box waiting for me in my living room

  7. #157
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    so anyone had it crash yet? its occuring on ps3 AND 360's and rockstar tech support only says "we dont know whats causing it so we cant suggest what will help"

  8. #158
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I briefly read one or maybe two people report freezing, but to be honest, I just think it's as likely in any game on the 360 or PS3, considering the amount of data being streamed and so on, meanwhile tons of others aren't reporting any issues whatsoever.

    For example...I've read people go on about their GOW discs burning up a storm at a million miles an hour in their 360's, meanwhile when I got it, it ran so slow almost all the time and was really quiet ... seems completely random.

    I'd better not have any bullsh*t issues after waiting all this f*cking time as well as having to wait past launch to get my mits on my copy - which was PRE-ORDERED OVER A F*CKING YEAR AGO!!!

    I saw a report on Sky News about it, people lining up, the news readers going on about the rating and the content and such, funny stuff.

    Anyway ... tomorrow ... fingers crossed ... but if it didn't turn up, I wouldn't be at all shocked, I guess someone or something has developed a vast conspiracy surrounding me to stop me from playing GTA IV ... and it all begins with a poo in a urinal ... bet ya.

    Hopefully I'll be joining the jizz fest tomorrow, but I honestly don't know ... the only comfort is that there's a bunch of other people in the exact same boat as me, still waiting for their copies because of late (i.e. day before) dispatch and sent SECOND CLASS - second class?! It's the GAME OF THE FRIGGIN' YEAR, you don't put that out second class!

    As for that freezing thing, no doubt it's just a couple of people have it happen to them, perhaps their boxes are shoddy, who knows. I'm damn sure Rockstar wouldn't put a game out (that had an extra 6 months development time) that was shonky - especially considering the sheer amount of hype, anticipation and so on surrounding it.

    None of the online reviews have mentioned anything regarding stability either...who knows, could be fanboys of either side, or some kid being a dick...I'd rather not pay attention, I'm focussing as much as possible on King Kong Disc 3 and touching myself whilst looking at porn to keep my mind focussed on other things.

  9. #159
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    HOLY ****!

    I was playing a free roam multiplayer game with about 5 other people, and I was above the action in a chopper. I noticed 3 of them were getting in to another chopper below me, so I decided to take a nose dive and crash in to them.

    Now, usually in a game, when you do this, the helicopters simply blow up.

    But no.

    I bring her in, nose down, and my propellers CHOP OFF the tail end of their helicopter, before catching 2 bodies and flinging them across the map. Both choppers tumbled in to the water, and I swam to shore, laughing my ass off.

    I can't believe how awesome this game is! Oh, and:
    Last edited by CoinReturn; 29-Apr-2008 at 05:09 PM.

  10. #160
    Chasing Prey

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    You GTA players are getting me wet...

  11. #161
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Got my copy during lunch break. Now i'm sitting at my desk looking over the map booklet and sweating as the clock ever so slowly reaches toward quitting time.

    I figured copies might be a bit limited, but my local Wally World had a f*ck load of them....

  12. #162
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    My local Gamestop has AMPLE copies of GTA IV, thankfully. So I just strolled in and picked up a copy after class.

    Only, can't play it yet... I have a stupid Western Civ II paper to write before I touch the game. Because I know I'll probably spend at least an hour alone going over the booklet and map, then who knows how long I'll be lost in Liberty City just gazing at the sights.


  13. #163
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Symphonic - lol, damn straight.

    Coin - holy sh*t that sounds awesome.


    I honestly think I'm going to cry tears of joy when I get this game ... and jizz all over myself ... ... ... come on, I had to lower the tone somehow, I almost got emotional for a second there!

    I've just seen the UK trailer (as seen on YouTube etc) twice in the last 15 minutes, the cock teasing knows no bounds.

    Even my folks are getting in on the act, my Mum was teasing me about how she saw loads of copies just sitting there waiting to be bought in Woolworths in a nearby town, she tried to make me believe they were going for under £39.99, but I wasn't having any of it ... but I was still gutted to be sitting there sans GTA IV while there's an awesome report on it on Sky News doing the rounds on the "Showbiz" part of the interactive feature...


    I just hope I don't have a happy-overload heart attack or something when I get my mits on it... ...and I certainly hope there isn't some other lameness heading my way like it exploding in my face or something.

  14. #164
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    it's fun, but i'm not too into it right now. Some parts are awesome (the scene that coin described happens alot) and hitting pedastrians is fun as f*ck, but i'm taking a break from a little boring, even doing the missions and generally just screwing around.

  15. #165
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    it's fun, but i'm not too into it right now. Some parts are awesome (the scene that coin described happens alot) and hitting pedastrians is fun as f*ck, but i'm taking a break from a little boring, even doing the missions and generally just screwing around.


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