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Thread: Grand Theft Auto V (video game)

  1. #211
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    I can't be the only one playing this, looking at the world and thinking, GTA:Undead Nightmare...

  2. #212
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rancid Carcass View Post
    I can't be the only one playing this, looking at the world and thinking, GTA:Undead Nightmare...
    I bet we'll see that shortly...

    I'm currently stuck with Trevor when he goes to the inbred brothers' farm to kill them all and burn it down. They keep coming from every direction and killing me. Anyone have any pointers for this?

  3. #213
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I bet we'll see that shortly...

    I'm currently stuck with Trevor when he goes to the inbred brothers' farm to kill them all and burn it down. They keep coming from every direction and killing me. Anyone have any pointers for this?
    It's best to pick off the guys outside using a silenced sniper rifle, and usually a couple more will drive away in a van. Then approach the farm and go in from the back - be sure to use cover AND Trevor's special ability to dish out the pain. It's also good to have a good bit of body armour on.

    A couple of niggles with the game:

    1) Instructions popping up in the top left AS YOU'RE DOING THE TASK/EVENT/ACTION FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME - it's always been a silly thing. The game needs to pause and show you the instructions clearly in the centre of the screen, then allow the player to 'press continue' to do it. It's like juggling and riding a unicycle at the same time the way it currently is (and has been for a very long time with the series).

    2) Constantly having to buy body armour. Same thing in GTA IV, same thing here. At the very least we've got the bottom 50% of health to be replenishable, but still ... I feel some of the enemies have very accurate aim, which is a bit annoying.

    I just had a glitch-out - going into the menu it just stuck on the spinning circle, so I had to just exit, so hopefully my save game slot is alright (if not, it'll be frustrating, but it'd only be like 3% lost if so ... but I shouldn't think so, so we'll see).

    I got a video guide off YouTube which shows the locations for the letter scraps - why does it need to be fifty of the damn things? There's only 10 'alien ship parts', so why FIFTY letter scraps? Anyway, the person who did the video did it well from making it clear where to go etc, but what they messed up on was ordering the scraps - the way it is in the video it has you crossing all over Blaine County for each scrap, rather than organising them into quadrants of the map to make things quicker ... good to have the guide anyway, though.

    I got annoyed earlier when I'd spent thousands customising a car for Trevor, left it in the golf club car park for a side-mission, and came back to find it gone and not in my garage - however, there's a Car Impound on the map - I went there and it was in there. The club must have had it towed (I parked it rather poorly, lol) - although not knowing the names of the cars, they really should have done it so you could SEE the car that the cops had, as they had two for Trevor. You get a text when they've impounded one of your cars - so keep an eye out for that.

    And GTA: Undead Nightmare? Yeah, I'd go for that.

  4. #214
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    such a great game, worthy of the hype in every sense so far. the mission variety is so much better, as are the graphics, characters, plot, etc compared to all the prior gta games. that first heist job was so incredible. and as franklin, i went out afterwards and celebrated by banging a stripper after a crappy conversation with my ex.

    just now getting around to meeting trevor, been doing some gun-running missions with him and just causing a lot of collateral damage. looking forward to his reunion with michael. and i'm taking my time with this baby, but i really can't wait to find the "fuck off" vehicles such as the fighter jet and the tanks.

    and what i'm really jazzed about is the gta online mode, that it's gonna be bonkers. 1 week from tomorrow!

  5. #215
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    As Trevor, I was wandering about the wilderness collecting letter scraps (up to 15 out of 50 so far), and had to pinch a ruddy golf cart in the middle of nowhere (I was fed up of waiting for taxis to arrive) ... anyway, there was a hitch-hiker out and about so I picked her up and good lord, what a nutjob. She lived at the place by the lighthouse and she's now a contact in my phone - I'm not sure for what purpose as yet - but it was just another one of the random moments in GTA V that bring a smile to my face.

    It's also hilarious any time someone brings up Trevor's slight Canadian accent and he gets mad. He really is a character and a half - intimidating, psychotic, hilarious, surprising.

    Although I do think they missed a trick by not having one of the three characters be female.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 24-Sep-2013 at 09:52 AM.

  6. #216
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Haven't got the game yet. Was supposed to be here yesterday.

    However, am I the only one who isn't that crazy about the idea of having to control three separate characters? Not from a concentration POV, but just cos it takes you out, as it were. I prefer handling just one character in these type of games.

    Really doesn't fill me with much "wow".
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  7. #217
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Really doesn't fill me with much "wow".
    It will do!

    Actually the three character thing works really well, it's not like you have to juggle between them when on missions, they've worked it so that it transitions from one to the other in a very natural, organic way without tripping you up. Not sure how I ever got on without it now!

  8. #218
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Aye, I've heard that's what it does. But, I much prefer the idea of focusing on one player than spreading across three. I know GTA is not really an RPG, but to me, if I am switching out of a player in a game it takes from it somehow.

    'The Last of Us' was a prime example of that. You play Joe (or whatever his name was) all game and then all of a sudden switch to Ellie. Didn't really work for me.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  9. #219
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    I much prefer the idea of focusing on one player than spreading across three. I know GTA is not really an RPG, but to me, if I am switching out of a player in a game it takes from it somehow.
    Yeah, this is what pretty much has me noncommittal and unexcited about the game. I like character progression and building in a sandbox game.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  10. #220
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I rather like this 3-character mechanic. You can have instant variety - you're not playing just one single personality, you get to try out three different guys living in very different worlds with very different friends. I've not felt that the characterisation has suffered at all - it's very efficiently done. We get who they are, why they are (more is revealed as the game progresses), what they're up to, and so on very swiftly - we don't have a lot of filler - we get right to the point (without ever feeling short-changed), and it's cool to see these three guys both alone and as part of a group/team. They've got different styles, different attitudes, and different strengths.

    When I get a bit bored of Michael's Vinewood life (my favourite character of the three), I hop over to Trevor and usually find him chasing someone or eating garbage in the street, and off I go on a chaotic adventure. Then if I want a taste of GTA: San Andreas I hop over to Franklin - and even have a jaunt down to Grove Street, which is looked fairly similar, but not entirely (indeed there's a mission that takes place there).

    You first get to play Franklin, then we move into Michael, and then Trevor - but it's always via a mission that makes for a smooth hand-off, and with two or three of them taking part in certain missions you get to know them a little more as the plot moves forward. I've still got a lot left to play, but trust me, the three character thing isn't a distraction, it isn't a problem, it's easy to use, and it adds variety and spice to matters - particularly in missions where you get to play all the best parts of a particular heist or job.

    Each of them have stats that can be built up, but each of them have strengths and weaknesses that are different from the others (e.g. Franklin can't fly for shit, while Trevor is already fairly well versed). I've also found that the three characters encourages me to have different lifestyles for them - with Michael, for instance, I've made him be quite the ladies man down at the Vanilla Unicorn. His phone is full of 'sext' messages and he's got a bevy of strippers on-call for a good time.

    It's also just really entertaining to find out what each character is doing when you hop over to them - I went over to Trevor today and he was chasing someone through the storm drains screaming 'I promise not to get my dick out again!' - the guy I was chasing crashed his car and ran away in terror. Michael on the other hand might be dropping off his kids - e.g. his daughter at a nightclub in a slutty outfit, or he might just be found head-on-the-steering-wheel ruing his life decisions.

    I've really enjoyed the paparazzi missions, as well as the Nigel missions, which are all to do with the world of celebrity - from stealing someone's clothes from their own back garden, to filming a sex tape, to chasing a starlet as she's pursued by the cops in a thrilling chase that takes you all through the Vinewood Hills.

    As Franklin I held up a convenience store, and to escape the cops I jumped my car off a hillside way down into the storm drains and lost the cops in a run-off tunnel.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Garage bug:

    This has happened to me with Trevor - I modded out a sweet ride, parked it in the garage under my Verspucci Beach pad, and when I came back it was gone - I then found it in the Car Impound for no good reason, paid the $500 to get it back, parked it there again, saved, and when I came back it was bloody gone again.

    On the other hand, Michael's car is fully tricked out ... although I temporarily don't have access to it because of a mission-related event ... but I do have a tricked out Mustang-alike parked safely in his garage. Likewise with Franklin I've not had a problem when it comes to cars - if anything I can't get rid of the damn things. For some reason at his Aunt's house I had two copies of the same Franklin car ... maybe because I put one in the garage, not knowing that I didn't need to (just have it on the driveway).

    So really, I've only had this problem with Trevor at Verspucci Beach. A recommendation, from a comment on the article, is to only use stolen or default cars when doing a mission. That might explain why I've never lost Michael's Audi-alike, which I've fully modded-out.

    Thankfully not a game-ending bug, and not a properly serious bug, but it's still an annoying bug that seems rather inconsistent. Just a heads up.

    To be fair, if this was another company like Ubisoft, it'd be kicked out the door filled with bugs, some of them game-ending or save-corrupting, so an inconsistent garage bug in a game this vast is pretty good going.

    Otherwise, I had a fun time last night because of this:
    I drove Jimmy to the burger joint to pick up his drugs, and he gave me a sip of his drink - everything goes weird as it's spiked, he boots me out of the car, and I'm then hallucinating about an alien abduction and that I've flying above the city with music playing and all the lights blurring and such like a Max Payne 3 cutscene - when I finally hit the ground, after flying around for minutes chuckling my nuts off, Michael wakes up in just his boxers on a grass verge and pukes his guts up - an event that some "Bleets" about online.

    Also - Trevor's encounter with the 'legalize marijuana' guy was hilarious - much like Michael wigging out over invading aliens, Trevor's fear of clowns comes to the fore and it's damn funny ... and damn creepy.

    While my favourite character is Michael, Trevor never fails to make me laugh ... good lord, just what he's done to his borrowed pad in Verspucci Beach is shocking - the toilet's blocked with a horrendous arse explosion, there's graffiti all over the place, and poor old Mr. Raspberry Jam has had an awful time of it (you can interact with the teddy bear and Trevor says a bunch of things to it).

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 25-Sep-2013 at 10:47 AM. Reason: flurbydoodah

  11. #221
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm doing a lot of side things in the game at the moment, I started out going hard and heavy on the main missions, but for a while now I've been spreading out into other areas of the game, including just pissing about and looking at locations, visiting some sights, and yomping around the Los Santos river. I've been doing a bunch of store robberies too - and interestingly, I went back to one I'd recently done over, and the clerk recognised me, began to cower behind the counter, and the tills had barely any money in them. One thing though, it is annoying when you shoot the second register that the money bag always pops out on the other side - it's never on the side of the counter you're standing, which costs valuable seconds for making your getaway.

    Oh yeah, and I figured out that "Ursula", the nutjob hitchhiker that you pick up as Trevor, is in your contacts list for him. You can pick her up, take her back to her gaff near the lighthouse in Blaine County, and roger that nutter.

    I must remember to take another unsuspecting victim over to the Altruist Cult in the mountains as I think that thread goes somewhere if you do it enough times.

    Currently just shy of 60% progression in just over 40 hours of gameplay.

  12. #222
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm somewhere around 45 hours of gameplay now, and the game is still throwing out new and unseen things - random events, strangers & freaks, that I've not encountered before - in previous GTA games I would have seen everything new it had to offer (aside from main story missions) by this point, but GTA V is still tossing out little surprises.

    While Michael is definitely my favourite character (played by Ned Luke - who was in episode 4x04 "All In" of Boardwalk Empire, by the way - I knew I recognised his voice!), Trevor is the most surprising. I walked into Trevor's trailer one day and he was right there in front of me, in the bathroom, with the door open, heaving out a massive shit.

  13. #223
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Played a fairly long session on this yesterday. Didn't really bother with the actual missions, I'm just 3% in. But I spent most of my time just dicking about. Getting chased by muscle-bound idiots on Venice beach and crashing through the barriers of an army base and a sinister chemical plant.

    Getting chased by the cops is great. I usually have a mini. Very zippy.

    The mission involving LifeInvader is gas. I actually LOL'd.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #224
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Finally got your copy, eh?

    I'm at about 67%, but then I have been playing it hard and heavy since the 17th of September.

    Yeah, I rather enjoyed the Life Invader mission with the porn pop ups and what not.

    This game has brought a smile to my face numerous times.

  15. #225
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Got it last Thursday, but I only fired it up yesterday. Funny old game.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....


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