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Thread: My incredibly sick obsession with..... BACON!

  1. #211
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Yeah, I had a feeling you might like that little guy. I was tempted to ask Andy to add him to the emoticon list.
    DO IT!

    I like this little guy. A hell of a lot better than the 'dancing banana' it's based off of.

  2. #212
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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  3. #213

  4. #214
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Aww hell yes,that's what I'm talkin' about! BK is finally catching on!

    I wish they made them like Denny's did when they had their "Baconalia" month - with maple syrup (instead of caramel as BK is doing). *drools*

    Regardless, I'll be getting a few of these.

  5. #215
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Actually, Lou, I'm hearing that we have been in an artificially induced bacon bubble for some time and this bubble is showing signs of bursting.


    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  6. #216
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Actually, Lou, I'm hearing that we have been in an artificially induced bacon bubble for some time and this bubble is showing signs of bursting.


    My response?


  7. #217
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Actually, Lou, I'm hearing that we have been in an artificially induced bacon bubble for some time and this bubble is showing signs of bursting.

    actually Aces, i see nowhere for bacon to go but down - into Lou's mouth and into his stomach.

    Q: Why did the pig go into the kitchen?
    A: He felt like bacon.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #218
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    actually Aces, i see nowhere for bacon to go but down - into Lou's mouth and into his stomach.

    Q: Why did the pig go into the kitchen?
    A: He felt like bacon.

  9. #219
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    an egg and a rasher of bacon walk into a bar. the bartender says, "hey, we don't serve breakfast here." ba-doom-boom (cymbal crash)

    instead of NO TRESPASSING, Lou's house has sign out from that says: ALL YOUR BACON ARE BELONG TO US.

    instead of band-aids, Lou's first aid kit has these:

    Lou's dream beverage:

    Last edited by Mike70; 26-Jun-2012 at 01:09 AM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  10. #220
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    an egg and a rasher of bacon walk into a bar. the bartender says, "hey, we don't serve breakfast here." ba-doom-boom (cymbal crash)

    Ok, I see your bacon humor and raise you one slice of ham:

    A French couple, an Italian couple, and a Polish couple go out to dinner.
    The French husband says to his wife "pass the honey, honey."
    The Italian man says to his wife "Pass the sugar, sweety."
    The polish guy, not quite understanding the situation, says to his wife "pass the bacon you fat fucking pig".

    I always get the Bacon Brothers confused, so I made myself this cheat sheet:

    Kevin N. Bacon - Actor
    Michael A. Bacon - Musician
    Chris P. Bacon - Delicious

  11. #221
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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  12. #222
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    "strip club"

  13. #223
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    All this talk of bacon reminds me of Kevin Smith recently coming to the UK for a podcast tour - he discovered British bacon - which isn't those strips you guys in America get (which are half fat anyway), but proper cuts of meat that are 'like ham' to Smith. He discovered the joy of one of national institutions too - the bacon butty/sarnie/roll/bap ... ... good lord, there are few things tastier than a bacon roll.

    Christ, I could so go for one of those right now ... bacon in a roll, be it crusty or soft, or in bread, be it soft or toasted ... oh man ... slap some salt, pepper, and tomato sauce on that and dig in ... ... I'm seriously so up for one now, but there's no bacon in the house!

  14. #224
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    All this talk of bacon reminds me of Kevin Smith recently coming to the UK for a podcast tour - he discovered British bacon - which isn't those strips you guys in America get (which are half fat anyway)
    "British bacon" and "Canadian bacon" are ham. Period. Don't even start with me - you know it'll end badly!

    TRUE "bacon" from a pig belly comes in fatty little strips of god-like goodness that don't even compare to that... that... "ham" stuff you guys call bacon

    Check this out:


    American bacon is invariably made from the belly of the pig, which is not actually its stomach but the fat-streaked padding on the side of the animal. If you've eaten anywhere in the last 5 years you've probably managed to order pork belly as a main course, and if you grew up in America you definitely have eaten pork belly (unless your vegan parents shielded you from one of life's highest pleasures).

    Canadian bacon is a product you might see in the U.S. from time to time. It is made not from the belly, but from the loin of the pig, which is the lean medalion of meat you see above. That's why it's a very lean cut, and is reminiscent of slices of ham. It is generally trimmed of fat and, in my opinion, not all that tasty, especially when they coat it with meal made from peas to make peameal bacon. But that's not the subject at hand.

    British bacon is a bit like a combination of American and Canadian (though obviously Canadian bacon evolved from the British style and not the other way around). With British bacon, you take the loin but leave lots of lovely fat on it, especially the fat cap, and include the part where the loin attaches to the same cut American-style is made from: the belly. So a full rack of British bacon is the pork loin with plenty of pork belly attached to it: the loin section is the rasher (what [this glossary of British food terms] calls "a thin, floppy slice of fatty ham") and the belly is the streaky. Then you take your pick.

    And that "half-fat" thing? Simple explanation. This reminds me of people who order steak but say, "ewww, cook my steak well done! I don't want to see blood coming out of my steak" Let me ask you this: you ever had a well-done steak? It had zero flavor and had a consistency like tough shoe-leather, right? Y'know why? The blood gives the steak it's flavor! So many people just do not understand that. At the most your steak should be warm and pink in the middle. Me? I prefer mine to sit up on my plate and go "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" when I stick a fork in it! (ie: bloody as all freakin' hell!)

    Now, back to the American bacon: Guess what gives American bacon it's juicy, yummy, god-like flavor? That's right, the combo of meat and fat. Try taking an American bacon strip and eat only the meat - not quite as good when you eat the meat and fat together, right? It might as well be a strip of beef jerky without the fat.

    Hey, at least you Brits leave the pork belly in with your ham. You're closer to the real thing than those <ahem> Canadians.

    MZ - is it even possible to get the equivalent of "American Bacon" over there? We can get Canadian bacon here, but I've never seen British bacon around, ever.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 27-Jun-2012 at 04:50 PM. Reason: .

  15. #225
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    No British bacon in the USA at all? Sheesh, what is it with you Americalanders?

    I do believe we get 'American style bacon' over here - i.e. fatty and crispy - and we also get "Danish bacon" which gets a good reputation, but which is filled with so much water, that when you fry it it all sizzles away (the sizzle is part of their marketting, too) and you get this comparatively shrivelled-up wee naffy bit of bacon. We don't get the Danish stuff in our house though - we have the nice big juicy bits of bacon - and let me tell you - there's flavour galore in there. British bacon can also be made crispy and have edible fat on it - you just fry it for longer ... ... although not as long as I used to do in first year uni, when I'd practically cremate the stuff (and get numerous fat burns on my arms as the juices spat everywhich way ) ... but damn ... those Sunday afternoon lunches of crisp British bacon sandwiches (sometimes toasted) were lush ... and about the most nutritious thing I ate in my entire first year at univeristy (which was mostly Pringle sandwiches, really terrible microwave pizza, and some bowls of tinned spaghetti).

    Where was I? Oh yes - British bacon - it's lush, Sir - you should try it.


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