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Thread: Grand Theft Auto V (video game)

  1. #226
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    There's been a lot of talk in some quarters about certain shocking moments - such as a torture sequence, however, something that I found rather jaw dropping was this:

    Trevor's return to Verspucci Beach later in the game:
    When Trevor returns to Verspucci Beach after being exiled to the desert, there's a fight in the apartment with the lady who owns it and her dock worker boyfriend (with whom Trevor did some work earlier in the game). Voices get raised, it cuts to black ... then we see Trevor exiting the apartment covered in blood.

    I've not heard anything on the radio yet, but I'm assuming that he did indeed just murder them both. Now sure, it didn't have the same level of discomfort and active participation that the torture sequence had, but it still dropped my jaw. After the mission completed I saved and exited as it was getting late, so we'll see what's said of it afterwards.

    There are some dark and twisted undertones and subtexts throughout the game - little things mentioned in passing etc, e.g. a conversation relating to how Trevor and Wade met.

  2. #227
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    damn the launch of the online is such a bumble-f*ck fail right now. hope they sort this shit out pronto....

  3. #228
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Have to say, I've been very underwhelmed with the soundtrack.

    It's not floating my boat at all.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  4. #229
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Have to say, I've been very underwhelmed with the soundtrack.

    It's not floating my boat at all.

    Perhaps it's something you just have to get into the vibe of. There's a lot of music in there, so you'll probably find something you like.

    Sure, there's tracks - and even entire stations - that I don't listen to, but there's also stuff I really enjoy. The best stuff are the talk shows though, they're well worth listening to. I was quite pleased to see a track by The Black Angels on there, as they're one of my favourite bands of recent times. The track featured is "Black Grease", and IIRC it's on the Vinewood Boulevard channel.

    Make sure to check out the TV channels in the game, too. There's some rather good content on there.

  5. #230
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Um...nothing is standing out for me.

    They really should have had k-dst back. That suited San Andreas completely, especially when driving around hicksville. And Radio X was gas.

    Although none of GTA's radio stations, in 5, play music that I am really into anyhow. It's just the vibe that's missing in this one. Whoever picked the sound track for Vice City should have been hired, cos everything in that suited the game down to a tee. But I spose VC would have been easier since it was the 80's and limited to that tyoe of music.

    But, the classic rock stuff in 5 just isn't as good as it was in SA.

    A lot of people hated 4's soundtrack, but I thought is was good. No musc in 5 is doing it for me. Might try the yap stations.

    I'm up to Trevor at the moment, ha ha what a right bollocks.

    I still think the game should have focused on just the one player character and that should have been Michael. The middle aged bank robber back in the game is a great angle for GTA. But the character switching isn't as bad as I though it would have been. I still find myself focusing on Michael.

    It's all enjoyable though and I am deliberately taking my time with it. It's even more enjoyable now I got an xbox style controller for the PS3. Those Playstation controllers are awful.
    Last edited by shootemindehead; 03-Oct-2013 at 02:15 PM. Reason: .
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  6. #231
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Yeah I've noticed the radio stations don't cover quite as many bases as they used to, I don't mind chugging along the coast to Radio Ga Ga though, and there's something so awesomely sleazy about banging hookers to Baker Street! Would have been nice to have had a hard rock/metal station in there, but I just roll with it adds to the colour of the place I suppose.

  7. #232
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    So last night I was having a sesh on the game, I switch to Trevor, and he's just waking up after an epic bender, but he's up a mountain wearing a dress.

    Similarly, another time I switched to him he was on a small beach out in the sticks in nothing but his pants (underwear, for our American chums), again waking up from a booze binge, surrounded by dead bodies.

    My favourite time switching to Trevor in-game though would be him on a scooter wailing "SCOOOOOTER BROTHERRRRRS!" at another bloke riding a Scooter.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Today in GTA V, I was at the airport and needed to escape from the rozzers quicksmart, so I nabbed a plane and took off in a frenzy of gunfire ... of course, I then realised I didn't have anywhere to land it safely, and I didn't have a parachute on me either (why isn't that just always in your inventory, Rockstar?!), so I flew to the nearest patch of police-free ocean, took it right down to just a few feet above the waves and bailed out safely ... ... however, it is ruddy stupid that everytime you ditch a plane you get the cops on to you - so I had to put my lungs to good use and evade the cops underwater (I've done this a few times throughout the game).

    Speaking of being underwater - the controls for swimming underwater can be a right old pain in the arse at times. I was collecting submarine parts, rummaging around impressive sunken ships and crashed planes etc, but so often I found myself with my head stuck against something, or my character swimming in the completely wrong direction - I want to go left, he goes right, I want to go forward, he goes backward, or certain areas that are quite frustrating to get close enough to in order to pick up the thing you're after ... that needed finessing. It ain't broken, but it could be nicer to control.

    Also - the cone vision 'line of sight' thing is good, but at the same time the cops are too agressive. I was on three starts and I was trying to evade them, but the chopper kept spotting me, and eventually I had an army of squad cars following me (why isn't there a limit? I had a dozen of them after turning back on my tracks several times), and then ruddy tyre spikes as well. It was part of a side quest and it was literally impossible to lose the bastards - I'm not sure if I'd just encountered a random glitch by chance, but I do feel the cops are too harsh on you - this is supposed to be a game that's fun afterall.

    Annnnnnnd - enemy gunfire - it finds you way too easily. They're accurate like Dirty Harry - I was outrunning rival gunrunners and they were a spec down the road behind me - and yet their shots consistently struck either me or my vehicle!

    It's still a great game, most certainly, and it's overwhelmingly good in almost all regards, but there are certain annoying little things that should have been tweaked here and there (such as the above).

    Anyway - do folks have any cool stories of how they evaded capture or mad things they encountered etc?

  8. #233
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Watching Jack Howitzer is Jack Howizter in Jack Howitzer.

    Feckin gas.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  9. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Watching Jack Howitzer is Jack Howizter in Jack Howitzer.

    Feckin gas.

    That was a top class in-game show.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Franklin's shitty vacation, as narrated by Morgan Freeman (not literally Morgan Freeman):

  10. #235
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Biggest digital release of all time, and in just 3 weeks GTA V has out-sold the lifetime sales of GTA IV in the UK (including the PC release of IV).

  11. #236
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Franklin's shitty vacation, as narrated by Morgan Freeman (not literally Morgan Freeman):
    Jesus...that was bleedin brilliant Mini. Maybe I'm just a little drunk though.

    I've lost count at the number of times I've laughed out loud at this game. Best 30 quid I've spent in ages.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Biggest digital release of all time, and in just 3 weeks GTA V has out-sold the lifetime sales of GTA IV in the UK (including the PC release of IV).
    It's weird, the popularity of this game, because it really isn't THAT much better than GTA IV, even though it IS great. It just seems to have caught onto some sort of zeitgeist (if you'll forgive me for using that awful term) this time around. My wife went out with the girls the other night and it turned into a GTA widows convention. It was like so and so's husband/boyfriend hasn't been seen for a week cos he bought GTA V. Fellas I know in their mid 40's at home on their kids xboxes playing GTA and then not letting the kids play. It's all a bit mad.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  12. #237
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed, I've guffawed and gurned with joy at this game so many times. There's so many little surprises along the way, even just moments of wonder at the detail - lots of "ooh" and "ahh" moments, e.g. scuba diving to get submarine parts and seeing entire container ships and aeroplanes that have sunk/crashed, and swimming about the wreckage, sometimes hiding from a shark that's happened by overhead.

    @ "GTA widows".

    I'd say it's a fair bit better than GTA IV - the tone is less dour, the range of characters is better (although they still missed a trick by not having one of the main three be a woman - just imagine a female Trevor! ), the shooting, driving, and movement mechanics are all far superior, the game world is infinitely better - far bigger and with a big variety of landscapes with the chance to gain innumerable views that inspire awe, a better range of random events, more depth to the in-game world (including the in-game internet - Bleetr is damn funny), far less filler missions, more 'big events' during missions to make them interesting and exciting and unique, etc.

    I did love playing GTA IV, but GTA V improves on it in almost every way - there's very few downsides to it.

    However, the cops can be too aggressive when they are onto you, you can die too easily in this game (in IV you could jump out of a chopper and crash land in the sea without getting hurt - do that now and you'll die instantly ... laaaaaame, but even taking a tumble down a hillside can snuff you out, I've also had cars explode instantly when spinning and hitting an object at the wrong angle, e.g. their version of an R8 with the exposed engine on the back) ... the in-game stock market isn't as developed as it could have been because outside of missions you have no real way to use it to your advantage (stock tip offs, or understanding the flow of the market) let alone influence it (e.g. buy stock in Cluckin' Bell, and then blow up a load of Burger Shot vans to drop their stock - rumours are out there that you can do that, but others like IGN have found that to be false), there's a range of people you can use in your heist crews, but there were some I never used once (a tip would be to use the shittest ones early on with low percentages to try and increase their stats, and their percentage will never change - I always went for the best but most expensive) ... there's also moments of less than joined-up thinking - you pilot a plane as Trevor before Flight School is unlocked - tutorials are just boxes of text in the top left as you're doing whatever task you're being taught for the very first time.


    When getting a vehicle from the impound lot, you don't get to preview it - you just have to splash the cash and see what it is you get (and it'll usually be some car you deliberately abandoned a while back anyway) - the stunt jumps are oddly difficult this time around (I've passed a couple, but failed so many times more) - you take too much damage from bullets (so, yet again, you spend so much time and money going to buy new body armour ... if you can pick up ammo and weapons in battle, why not body armour inserts? ... the most expensive armour doesn't seem to be all that effective) ... likewise, enemies are too accurate (being really far away, yet still hitting you/your vehicle with ease and consistent accuracy) and cover is inconsistently effective (when you pop up to shoot someone you'll often get shot, not a near-miss, but shot). There's also some side characters who get not much of a look in (e.g. Nervous Ron, and Wade), but perhaps they're saving those (and some awesome, but unused, locations) for expansion packs? There's a version of the Playboy mansion in there, but it's just there ... maybe in an expansion pack there'll be missions relating to it (and other) cool places?


    In spite of those numerous annoyances, the game is decidedly superior to GTA IV in my view - it gets so much more right than wrong.

    I finished the main story last night (for those in-the-know, I chose Option C, the best and most elaborate of the bunch) and clocked in at just shy of 70 hours (obsessed, much?), and I've still got side missions and collectibles to get, and there's even areas of the map that are still covered up.

    At the end of the credits you do indeed get a Psych Report from Dr Friedlander regarding your personality (how you played the game and what you did) ... but you're in for a long wait ... I'm not sure if you can skip the credits to get there, so I didn't want to chance it, and ended up sitting through the credits (lots of nice landscape shots though) - the credits rolled for 35 MINUTES!
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 09-Oct-2013 at 10:32 AM.

  13. #238
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    At the end of the credits you do indeed get a Psych Report from Dr Friedlander regarding your personality (how you played the game and what you did) ... but you're in for a long wait ... I'm not sure if you can skip the credits to get there, so I didn't want to chance it, and ended up sitting through the credits (lots of nice landscape shots though) - the credits rolled for 35 MINUTES!
    That's a bit needlessly wanky isn't it?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  14. #239
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    That's a bit needlessly wanky isn't it?
    There's just so many people involved in the game, that's why. Numerous Rockstar Games institutions around the globe and their respective staff involved in the game, all the programmers for all the different types of tasks, heck, the radio stations alone take up a good chunk with each song listed with licensing info etc, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've seen long end credits before - but this one took the biscuit by far! They could have sped it up a bit and shaved off 5-10 minutes though.

  15. #240
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    ^^ Or allowed a key depression to skip?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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