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Thread: Minn. man says he 'fired more shots than I needed'

  1. #16
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post

    I have a habit of over nit-picking printed stuff and things of that nature. It doesn't help I'm in the Quality Assurance field as my career. It tends to make me over-analyze things I shouldn't, but when something gets that ingrained into you brain, it's sorta hard to shut it off.
    I did some QA myself in the past, so I get the pedantic side.

    But print is a dead medium, it very rarely conveys with complete success.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Oh, we're well aware!

    Teasing someone for being nitpicky other than Shootem in a thread Shootem posts in...


    Your name vill also go on ze list...vot is it?

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  2. #17
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindeEgon View Post
    print is dead
    I knew it.
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 29-Nov-2012 at 11:01 PM. Reason: that would have worked if you hadn't stopped me

  3. #18
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    Your home is your castle, and all that, but it's not a private hunting reserve where you can just automatically murder everything that steps over the threshold, invited or not. Regardless of what the law might or might not say.
    I mostly agree with what your saying. The part I disagree with is having to give the "Freeze, your move creep!" if the intruder has a weapon weither the purpose of a weapon is to cause harm to the inhabitants of the property or to even out the odds against a gun-toting home owner.

    If someone breaks into my house and I spot them before they spot me plus I see a weapon in hand (knife or gun)....the only thing the guy/gal is gonna hear is the sonic boom from the bullet leaving the chamber of my gun headed for his/her noggin.

    If the person appears to be unarmed.....they might get a verbal but it's doubtful since a second intruder could be lurking around. Shouting commands and giving yourself away could play to your disadvantage and make you lose control of the situtation which in reality is all that you really want. If I thought I was able to rifle butt someone in the back of the head and then place the rifle barrel in their mouth to ensure compliance rather than shoot them......I would. If I had come to the conclusion that it was only one person, then I with challenge the intruder with a verbal command once in the best position to take control of the situtation.

    The "thug to law abiding citizen" isn't really something to make me think twice about taking someone else's life. Forever removing some kid's Dad or Mom from this world however does but I can't really say to what extent. Just because someone is stealing(or worse) doesn't exactly mean they are a terrible parent. They're just not a very smart one for choosing a life of crime to support a family and yes I know....most criminals are indeed absolutely terrible parents. If not the worst....

    Money problems tend to make some people take extreme measures though.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 30-Nov-2012 at 08:27 AM. Reason: ....

  4. #19
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post

    If the person appears to be unarmed.....they might get a verbal but it's doubtful since a second intruder could be lurking around. Shouting commands and giving yourself away could play to your disadvantage and make you lose control of the situtation which in reality is all that you really want. If I thought I was able to rifle butt someone in the back of the head and then place the rifle barrel in their mouth to ensure compliance rather than shoot them......I would. If I had come to the conclusion that it was only one person, then I with challenge the intruder with a verbal command once in the best position to take control of the situtation.
    Honestly, I see where you're coming from but if you'd err on the side of killing the guy because you think there may be a second intruder... don't you think, if I am a desperate gun-toting criminal robbing your house, and I see/hear you gunning down my friend, that would make me more likely to seek to harm you and/or your family (either because of anger/revenge or cornered animal syndrome), than if you had my friend's life at gunpoint ready to shoot him the second either of us stepped put of line? Of course, neither situation is gonna be easy, but it seems to me that instantly killing the one intruder you've found (out of a possible gang), neutralizes one threat whilst leaving you with an unknown number of intruders (now assailants) at unknown locations, who are now aware of your presence. Ethics and morality aside, I'd be mostly concerned about not turning my house into a enactment of the finale of Death Wish III.

    The "thug to law abiding citizen" isn't really something to make me think twice about taking someone else's life. Forever removing some kid's Dad or Mom from this world however does but I can't really say to what extent. Just because someone is stealing(or worse) doesn't exactly mean they are a terrible parent. They're just not a very smart one for choosing a life of crime to support a family and yes I know....most criminals are indeed absolutely terrible parents. If not the worst....

    Money problems tend to make some people take extreme measures though.
    Yeah, I wasn't so much talking about killing or not killing in self defense at that point, I was talking about people who glorify or gloat in the deaths of people killed as a result of their criminal activities. Killing is sometimes neccessary, but it is always a tragedy. By that, I don't mean I expect people to actually grieve over a gangbanger gunned down by cops or a carjacker who commits suicide to escape justice, of course not. I'm not even saying they don't deserve what they get. What I mean is: everyone is someone's son, everyone was once a baby with infinite possibilities in front of them, and everyone has the potential to do something great with their lives, so when they get themselves snuffed doing something stupid, they themselves are throwing all that potential (and possibly some grey-haired old lady's love and hope) away, and that's a tragic thing; I just think we shouldn't lose sight of that. A person's death might be neccessary, it might be deserved, it might save the taxpayer thousands, it might be the best overall outcome for society, but the fact it got to that point in the first place is not something to cheer about. We should treat such cases with sombre acceptance, but not celebration, IMO. (if that makes any sense)
    Last edited by krakenslayer; 30-Nov-2012 at 09:51 AM. Reason: pee pee poo poo smelly bum bum farts

  5. #20
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post

    I knew it.
    Blast....I've been outed!
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  6. #21
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    I agree with the Cleanmeister mostly here. You don't give away your advantage with a verbal warning, even to a chick. You can't even begin to imagine WTF might be going on in someone's head, especially after hearing them breaking in. I'd rather find out after I've put a few new holes in it. My family is wayyyyyyyy more important to me than the family of dead pieces of crap who should've been teaching them right in the first place. No pity.
    As far as executing them after the fact like that...
    I say shoot to kill in the first place. Coming down the stairs on me like that would've caused me to unload on them until they weren't even twitching anymore.
    I will agree that the guy's... "execution" was a bit off. Poor guy was too scared to turn it in, it looks like. I need to find an interview I saw from an old man who had killed intruders who were looking to rob and most likely kill him and his wife. Looked like it tore him up inside.
    I'd say this guy will probably be pretty popular in the nursing home... or mental facility.
    Point is, kids: stay out of other peoples' shit and you won't be pushing daisies.


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