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Thread: YOUR perfect place to build a stand?

  1. #16
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    i mean it doesnt have to be whats in the comics or the betting all the choices people are making in this thread are probably viable places the characters in the walking dead could go
    Ah, okay my bad then.

    I still like Rick's home town, it seems doable and off the beaten path. I don't think I would hole up in the city or town proper but on the outskirts somewhere and set up safe houses in town the police station being one. Somewhere where the was a building that could be defended not camping outdoors.

  2. #17
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
    Ah, okay my bad then.

    I still like Rick's home town, it seems doable and off the beaten path. I don't think I would hole up in the city or town proper but on the outskirts somewhere and set up safe houses in town the police station being one. Somewhere where the was a building that could be defended not camping outdoors.
    no ur good,man. i shoulda said it clearly from the jump lol

  3. #18
    Fresh Meat bungi43's Avatar

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    If you’ve got a good group, I think you scout out a small warehouse type building. Something big and strong, but one that doesn’t have a lot of openings.

    Also, if you can be in a small city, you can make it look abandoned, and even try to keep others away without it even looking like it’s occupied. Michone had the right idea of keeping walkers around her to keep of other walkers. Herschel had a pretty decent system in place to catch the walkers.

    Think back to season 1 Atlanta when Glenn finds Rick. Think of the fenced in areas, all the ins and outs, etc. Now imagine a small warehouse (office building, etc) that has some setup that you’re able to first clear out. You then find a room or two that has exposure, seal it out solidly from the outside (with access to that room from a higher point) and put walkers in it. You then block up (without making it looked blocked up) an area outside that you allow walkers to get into.

    You make enough noise from time to time to keep some walkers around, and make it look like an area, that to an outsider, wouldn’t be worth checking because it looks abandoned, and you can see walkers on the ground and maybe at some areas inside.

    There is some risk involved, but I think the goal right now is to keep the living away who can be so much more dangerous. Drawing attention to yourself isn’t the best idea, and a place that would have a basement would be even better as that’s where you go at night and you don’t have to worry about people seeing candles, lights (from a generator) or anything like that. Maybe have your escape area where you leave 1-2 walkers at night so others won’t try to breach it. Kill them each day, do your business, rinse and repeat.

    Any area that looks secure is going to draw attention, so the place you are in has to be secure, but not look secure.

  4. #19
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I'm betting Alcatraz or Liberty Island would make awesome hideouts!

  5. #20
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by bungi43 View Post
    If you’ve got a good group, I think you scout out a small warehouse type building. Something big and strong, but one that doesn’t have a lot of openings.

    Also, if you can be in a small city, you can make it look abandoned, and even try to keep others away without it even looking like it’s occupied. Michone had the right idea of keeping walkers around her to keep of other walkers. Herschel had a pretty decent system in place to catch the walkers.

    Think back to season 1 Atlanta when Glenn finds Rick. Think of the fenced in areas, all the ins and outs, etc. Now imagine a small warehouse (office building, etc) that has some setup that you’re able to first clear out. You then find a room or two that has exposure, seal it out solidly from the outside (with access to that room from a higher point) and put walkers in it. You then block up (without making it looked blocked up) an area outside that you allow walkers to get into.

    You make enough noise from time to time to keep some walkers around, and make it look like an area, that to an outsider, wouldn’t be worth checking because it looks abandoned, and you can see walkers on the ground and maybe at some areas inside.

    There is some risk involved, but I think the goal right now is to keep the living away who can be so much more dangerous. Drawing attention to yourself isn’t the best idea, and a place that would have a basement would be even better as that’s where you go at night and you don’t have to worry about people seeing candles, lights (from a generator) or anything like that. Maybe have your escape area where you leave 1-2 walkers at night so others won’t try to breach it. Kill them each day, do your business, rinse and repeat.

    Any area that looks secure is going to draw attention, so the place you are in has to be secure, but not look secure.

    they had the right idea in the department store, i just wonder what the thinking was on letting the front doors stay bare and almost open like the zombies couldnt get in

  6. #21
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    I'm betting Alcatraz or Liberty Island would make awesome hideouts!

    Agree I think Islands with sturdy and secure buildings on them, guard towers or structures that provide good line of sight would all be amazing. I have one plan for escape and fortification that involves a certain island near me that I really like, thing is it might not be as good of an option as just getting into the mountains since I have the Catskills and Adirondacks on either side of me basically I have lot's of wilderness and game areas to get to if I need to.

    I do love my island fortification idea though

    As to the original topic at hand, I think now that they know the extent of the problems, mainly Rick does... and he found his family going home would be a great idea. No CDC, no help coming from the government the world gone to crap marauders out there preying on people... go home and fortify and defend a smaller community you know intimately and work to scavenge from surrounding towns. Honestly seems wiser to me than the course they are on but then again it might not be as enjoyable of a show... but yeah if it were real life I am sure that would be my play were I in Rick's boots.

  7. #22
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    I'm betting Alcatraz
    No fresh water available on Alcatraz. It really is a rock.

    There are several islands off the coast of California, many of which are uninhabited, that would be perfect for what you're thinking. Within reach of Los Angeles are Catalina Island, The Channel Islands and San Clemente Island.

    Catalina has a population of 3-4k and is a tourist spot. San Clemente has a small Navy base and air field. The best option is Santa Cruz Island (channel islands). It's uninhabited but has a ranger station and tourist facilities including Scorpion Ranch that is left over from when the island was used for sheep and cattle ranching. There are more islands but this isn't a book report. Remote, but still close to the mainland (Los Angeles) for those times when you need to resupply on booze and porn.

    Grab your water wings and doggy paddle on over.

    -- -------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 PM ----------

    Whatever happened to the Cholo's? Forgotten season one storyline. They weren't doing so bad and they were in Atlanta.
    Last edited by Christopher Jon; 28-Mar-2012 at 03:37 PM. Reason: e

  8. #23
    Chasing Prey

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    i thought we were gonna see them in season 2....i guess i was wrong

  9. #24
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    i thought we were gonna see them in season 2....i guess i was wrong
    I want to know what happened to Morales and family...

  10. #25
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eyebiter View Post
    Many of the "good spots" will be either occupied by other survivor groups or over run by undead during the first few weeks of a zombie plague. The trick is to find a location remote enough that it's not easy for people or zombies to find, secure enough to offer long term security, and has access to fresh water, food, and shelter from the elements.
    this is why i will always stick to my original plan. disappearing into the dense and very sparsely populated forest land of southern ohio and northern kentucky, using the ohio river and it's many tributaries. there would be plenty of food in the form of game, both large and small, fishing from the river and its tributaries would work well and you can render water safe for use quite easily. i have been kayaking and boating for as long as i can remember and i know every town, village, creek, river and nook and cranny from cincinnati all the way to portsmouth. there are no really large towns in the 100 mile stretch between cincy and portsmouth, just dinky river towns most of which have populations measured in the hundreds. the kentucky side of the river is virtually an uninhabited wilderness for the entire stretch until you reach maysville.

    i'll take my chances on the water any day.

    oh and i'm going to assert that my plan fits into the TWD universe because the comics start in Cynthiana, Kentucky, which is barely 50 miles from here. and on a side note: i've always been surprised by the heading off to Atlanta. yeah the CDC is there BUT the National Institute of Health has a major facility in Cincinnati and outside of washington, D.C and Denver, Cincinnati is one of the major hubs of the federal govt. that's why there have been two foiled attempts to blow up the building i work in. The National Revenue Center is located here. every dime collected by the fed. govt. on alcohol, tobacco, and firearms taxes comes right here and then straight across the street to the federal reserve bank. as matter of fact and just for trivia purposes, the entire alcohol, tobacco and firearms industries in the entirety of the US are regulated from Cincy.

    i apologize for this non-thread related digression. we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
    Last edited by Mike70; 29-Mar-2012 at 04:28 PM. Reason: d
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  11. #26
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    Ah yes, water as in the drinking kind. We cannot live without it for more than 3 days, so a fresh water supply is paramount in the z-apocalypse. While you can purify almost any water except saltwater you find with some bleach (1 to 2 drops per gallon I think; check that), the way you can always go is by collecting water condensation.

    First, find a water source (ocean, river, lake, etc.). Setup a cooking pot over a heat source. Several inches above the pot, you rig a dome almost like an umbrella (far enough that it will not catch fire or melt). Your umbrella dome should have a wider diameter than the diameter of the cooking pot below. Setup recepticles or a ring-like recepticle underneath the rim of your umbrella to catch the drips of water condensation. Fill Your cooking pot with whatever crap water you have on hand (even urine for all you 20th century astronauts or 18th century sailors out there reading this), and lite the heat source beneath.

    You may need to continue this recipe several times depending on how much water you need, but even saltwater will boil so as to seperate the salt (left in pot) from the water in the form of steam. Never tried it myself mind you because my kitchen faucet still works perfectly fine, but it's a good concept to remember if you have lots of water you cannot consume otherwise, and DO have the ability to make fire (AND have an umbrella & cooking pot of course).
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 29-Mar-2012 at 05:48 PM. Reason: ed
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  12. #27
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  13. #28
    Fresh Meat

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    there are a fair number of gated communities in most states now. one of those would probably be nice. usually have pretty high perimeter fences of brick with only one or two entrances. Block one up and clear the community of walkers. Plenty of food and supplies among the houses, usually plenty of green area to start a garden for long term survival. in a climate like georgia's you could do some decent growing, maybe start an orchard with apples, oranges etc. gated communities are usually not too far off the beaten path so you're probably a 15 minute ride from some shopping centers ripe for scavenging. so long as you're able to sufficiently protect the entrances and keep the perimeter roughly clear, you could probably survive for quite some time.

    I think a better question is what group size is ideal. Too few and you don't have enough manpower to protect the group and gather supplies for extended survival, too many and you've got drama and/or supply shortages. I think that's one thing the comic did a good job talking about that the tv series hasn't really touched much. The TV series has had drama over group politics and ammo, but they haven't been fighting over food scraps.

  14. #29
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    I love my little island castle with the bridge to access it that you can easily control access to. Now it might be too close ot the mainland but again as a short term solution it has potential, long term as well if you wanted to work for it.

  15. #30
    Chasing Prey

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    ok i found THE perfect place.


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