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Thread: Scariest Zombie Movies

  1. #16
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    ^^ What Wyld listed above! I mean, seriously, those are, to my mind anyway, all classic, scary-as-hell zombie movies. And yes, The Dead is a instant classic!

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  2. #17
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    night traumatized me as a kid ... the fact that all main characters die by the end was pretty crazy to me upon my first viewing...
    Geez man, Spoiler Tags! I haven't seen it yet!
    (hahahah - j/k)

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    as for day, i didn't catch it till much later in my youth, but that film has some teeth, for sure. such a sense of hopelessness and dread throughout. from the abandoned streets of the city fill with the dead, to the palpable tensions between the scientists and soldiers, the onslaught of ghouls at the end, etc. and the effects, music, etc. just fit that film perfectly.
    Right on!

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    'Day of the Dead' hands down.

    Nothing comes close to it. Nothing at all. It's grim, dirty, depressing and hopeless.

    Thank christ Romero didn't have the pennies to make the script he wanted and was forced to pare back, because he managed to deliver the greatest item in his whole catalogue.

    The idea of being trapped in that silo when the lift is coming down with all the zombies on it still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

    Basically, I agree with the Prof.
    I agree with Prof and ShootMe... Day wins, hands down. It captures the stress, dread, and hopelessness of it all.

    There are still sections I cringe to watch. Like when they get put in the zombie pen with no weapons? I usually turn off the movie at that point because it leaves me feeling so unsettled.

    And of course no thread about scary zombie movies would be complete without mentioning 28 Days/Weeks Later.
    (grabs some popcorn and waits for the zombie vs. infected flame war)
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  3. #18

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    If we're going for One Zombie Movie to Scare Them All:
    For me it's gotta be original Dawn, or The Dead. Day is cool and all, but I actually ended up feeling that the meltdown of Rhodes and insanity of Miguel ended up dominating the plot so thoroughly that by that point the zombies almost seemed beside the point. By that I mean I could have just as easily accepted Rhodes going on a shooting spree, while a deranged Miguel ran around with a gas can splashing gasoline everywhere and then torched the place to kill them all in the blaze.

    The breakdowns of Rhodes and Miguel's dive into insanity became forces unto themselves, that while related to the zombie apocalypse so far as fueling their aberrant behavior(s), IMO ended up making the zombies in the end little more than self-guided murder weapons unleashed by the Psycho and the Madman. Don't get me wrong, the elevator scene and the scientists forced running of the zombie gauntlet in the mine-tunnels....or the initial scene of the street filling with zombies when the female scientist calls out using the bullhorn are prime zombie horror...It's just that, in this case, and for me at least the human on human conflict pretty much eclipsed the reality of the zombie apocalypse for me.

    Just my .02

  4. #19
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    ^^ I agree! As I've said before, the original Dawn or Day for me too!
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  5. #20
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    I thought the original Night was the scariest... I had to watch it in bits the first time I saw it & the ending was/is awesome. Dawn / Day and Zombie Flesh Eaters were all close seconds. (That scene with in Zombie Flesh Eaters with the Doctors Wife still make me wince every time I see it...)

    More recently, I've enjoyed Dead Set and The Horde a great deal (not to mention the infected 28 days/weeks), but can't see what's so good about The Dead. I guess I've got to empathise with the characters to some extent, even if they are scumbags (as in The Horde), and I thought the acting in The Dead was pretty dire. Towards the end I was cheering on the Zombies...

    On the Horror Comedy front - Black Sheep / Juan of The Dead & would get my vote... Scary but funny. Cockneys vs Zombies also has a magnificent 'How to be a Zombie" featurette which was dead funny (sic)...

    And another thing - in The Dead - their zombies walk slow but are perfectly co-ordinated rather than dragging/lurching/stumbling toward their next meal - they're just too well poised. I also miss GAR's underlying social comments in most Zombie fare - and there's a shit load of stuff that could be done with the rich nations interference of Africa, that The Dead really could have sunk it's teeth into....

    At least the Zombies were slow though!

  6. #21
    Fresh Meat

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    Day... complete helplessness


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