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Thread: It's getting ridiculous!!!!

  1. #16
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome View Post
    Shoo, go're not thinking.
    So when someone makes a logical point, theyre not thinking? Why because they disagree with you? How little minded.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    So when someone makes a logical point, theyre not thinking? Why because they disagree with you? How little minded.
    Welcome to HPOTD!!!!!
    **blows those crazy blowing things*

  3. #18
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    So when someone makes a logical point, theyre not thinking? Why because they disagree with you? How little minded.

    clearly you missed the whole 9-11 post.

  4. #19
    Twitching deadpunk's Avatar

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    Khardis....I ****ing love you man!!!!! Bwhahahahaha!

    Sadly, yes, because you disagree with Adreno, you are not thinking...but, hey, that's okay. Wait until next time, and he will tell you to go 'outside. step away from your computer. you are too serious.' The boob just hates to lose.

  5. #20
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Last i heard of Christian "oppression" you got a ding on your doorbell and had to tell them you werent interested. Which is a little differnt than say getting your head chopped off which one certain religion of peace utilizes on infidels. So dont draw a ridiculous comparison. Its like comparing Hitler to Abe Lincoln because you dont like authority.
    There have been and continue to be many little bits of legislation designed specifically to take rights away from "non-believers"--including those who don't wish to marry because they don't share those religious beliefs, and those who don't wish to have religious beliefs shoved down their throat with the Ten Commandments being plaqued up everywhere--Grand Canyon, anyone? Not to mention the countless little pieces of legislation all over the county of a state level designed to hamstring women's right to choose (a religious opinioned-based moral if I ever heard one) and the right for gays to marry should they choose to (which is sort of funny--Christians insist Atheists marry to get equal treatment under law, but do everything in their power to stop gays from marrying). There is no separation between church and state, and yes, it is oppressive. As for the comparison to Islam--all I can say is that I'm looking forward to Jesus Camp...****ing creepy. But you don't even have to look that far. Anyone with a brain knows that the Isalmic fundamentalists and clearly a different breed from your average, practising Islamist. Most Islamists comdem the violence perpetuated by their fundamentalist counterparts--much like many Christians comdem say, Robertson, or say, the nutjob God Hates Fags folks. But violent Christians? Christians who practice terrorism? Ever hear of the Klan? I suppose a lynching and burning isn't "as bad" as a beheading.

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  6. #21
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by deadpunk View Post
    Khardis....I ****ing love you man!!!!! Bwhahahahaha!

    Sadly, yes, because you disagree with Adreno, you are not thinking...but, hey, that's okay. Wait until next time, and he will tell you to go 'outside. step away from your computer. you are too serious.' The boob just hates to lose.
    hehe, you said boob.

  7. #22
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    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  8. #23
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombie-A-GoGo View Post
    There have been and continue to be many little bits of legislation designed specifically to take rights away from "non-believers"--including those who don't wish to marry because they don't share those religious beliefs, and those who don't wish to have religious beliefs shoved down their throat with the Ten Commandments being plaqued up everywhere--Grand Canyon, anyone? Not to mention the countless little pieces of legislation all over the county of a state level designed to hamstring women's right to choose (a religious opinioned-based moral if I ever heard one) and the right for gays to marry should they choose to (which is sort of funny--Christians insist Atheists marry to get equal treatment under law, but do everything in their power to stop gays from marrying). There is no separation between church and state, and yes, it is oppressive. As for the comparison to Islam--all I can say is that I'm looking forward to Jesus Camp...****ing creepy. But you don't even have to look that far. Anyone with a brain knows that the Isalmic fundamentalists and clearly a different breed from your average, practising Islamist. Most Islamists comdem the violence perpetuated by their fundamentalist counterparts--much like many Christians comdem say, Robertson, or say, the nutjob God Hates Fags folks. But violent Christians? Christians who practice terrorism? Ever hear of the Klan? I suppose a lynching and burning isn't "as bad" as a beheading.
    Uhh, the 10 commandment thing was removed form that courthouse. There are no laws designed ot take away rights from non-beleivers. The marriage thing is just silly, I can get a non-religious union if I want one. In fact thats what my parents have. If youre referring to gays, let my tickle your noodle, im an athiest and I dont think they should redefine marriage to include 2 men or 2 women either.

    The Klan? the KLAN? Are you serious? tell me youre joking... thats like saying the Nazis were Christian because Adolf's father was a Catholic. Let me break it down for you, the Klan are just a bunch of nutters who so happen to BE Christian sometimes, i am sure theres plenty of Athiest klan members. There had ot be somewhere in the 1950s when something like 1/5th of America were members.

    You attempts to associate Christians with the same kind of nut case brutality that permiates Islam makes me doubt wether we should have this conversation. You may be too young for it, maybe when youre done trying to piss off your parents by being against the norm we can hook up and have a civil conversation.

  9. #24
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    You're so right. At 32 years of age, I still haven't gotten enough of pissing off my parents (although nothing I've ever done has pissed them off so far, go figure), and because of that, I have never been able to use my years of experience to form my own opinions and ideas about the world around me.

    In my state (PA) there is legislation on the table that is trying to "preserve marriage between one man and one woman." It happens to also contain language that takes away the legals rights of those who opt for the civil union, gay ro straight, and yes, that means Atheists who won't get married based on their beliefs might possibly have their legal rights taken away, if they live in Pa. As for your problem with gay marriage and being an Atheist...well, I suppose I can't account for every guy out there that's homophobic, but I do believe that the majority of people who are against gay marriage and are Anti-Choice are so based on religious reasons, and even if that's not the case, the majority of people pushing politically for legislation certainly are--go look at just about any argument on the net regarding these topics and how they pertain to the law and I can almost guarantee that they base their arguments on "what God said" and the Bible. As for the Klan, I do believe their backwards thinking racism is closely tied with their protestantism, among other things--I believe they insist on the complete separation of the races because that is how they've interpreted that God should have it. And yes, they have practised and continue to practice acts of terrorism. I still believe my argument above to be rational. Just about any religion produces people who are willing to kill and be killed int he name of their god(s); to exempt Christianity from that is naive.

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  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    hoho ... I dare you to wear that in public where Koran readers are

    As for Europe becoming Islamist - bollocks. Somehow I don't see the entire Western civilisation - which includes Europe - giving up their entire life to embrace Islam, that literally won't happen.

    What will happen is various incidents will happen, perhaps just small things (like this week with that play being banned because it might have pissed of Muslims, even though no anger had been at all expressed) will build up until Western society says - "you know what? F*ck all y'all" and pushes back against the bollocks going on.

    Seriously, this uber-PC wank going on can only last a short while longer before the fight back comes. Hell, this political correctness stuff is pretty young in itself, so on the grand scheme we're in that period of adjustment - which involves give, but also take - giving in to some things (like not discriminating against someone because they're gay/old/female etc - and other, similar things that you should be PC about) and taking some things back (like not having to fear a group of people because a Dane draws a cartoon or South Park shows the Super Best Friends episode)...

    *bing bong* that is all...

  11. #26
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombie-A-GoGo View Post
    You're so right. At 32 years of age, I still haven't gotten enough of pissing off my parents (although nothing I've ever done has pissed them off so far, go figure), and because of that, I have never been able to use my years of experience to form my own opinions and ideas about the world around me.

    In my state (PA) there is legislation on the table that is trying to "preserve marriage between one man and one woman." It happens to also contain language that takes away the legals rights of those who opt for the civil union, gay ro straight, and yes, that means Atheists who won't get married based on their beliefs might possibly have their legal rights taken away, if they live in Pa. As for your problem with gay marriage and being an Atheist...well, I suppose I can't account for every guy out there that's homophobic, but I do believe that the majority of people who are against gay marriage and are Anti-Choice are so based on religious reasons, and even if that's not the case, the majority of people pushing politically for legislation certainly are--go look at just about any argument on the net regarding these topics and how they pertain to the law and I can almost guarantee that they base their arguments on "what God said" and the Bible. As for the Klan, I do believe their backwards thinking racism is closely tied with their protestantism, among other things--I believe they insist on the complete separation of the races because that is how they've interpreted that God should have it. And yes, they have practised and continue to practice acts of terrorism. I still believe my argument above to be rational. Just about any religion produces people who are willing to kill and be killed int he name of their god(s); to exempt Christianity from that is naive.
    If you look for the color red youre going to find the color red. I cant help you. You want to believe its the evil christians behind all the ills, when in reality it isnt. I think you need ot jsut get over it. I never heard of this secret law to ban non-religious marriages in Penn, then again Penn is a Blue State, so if it passes youll have to thank all the democrats running your state.

    By the way an aversion to homosexual marriage does not a homophobic make. Just like I dont call you a life-o-phobic since you seem to disagree with banning abortions, the correct term by the way is Pro-Life, not anti Choice, because if you really think about it, Pro Choice is a stupid term considering the murdered baby never gets one.

    The Klan was built and do what they do based on thier wanting to remain white and pure or whatever in the hell. Case in point the SAME blacks they were lynching and killing were what religion? Thats right the same damned religion that the Klan was. Baptist. They do what they do in the name of defending thier white racial blah blah blah, not in the name of God. By the way Christians world wide condemn the KKK, how many mainstream Islamic clerics do you see condeming Fatwah and Jihad? not many... in fact they down right approve of it.

    Good day sir.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    hoho ... I dare you to wear that in public where Koran readers are

    As for Europe becoming Islamist - bollocks. Somehow I don't see the entire Western civilisation - which includes Europe - giving up their entire life to embrace Islam, that literally won't happen.

    What will happen is various incidents will happen, perhaps just small things (like this week with that play being banned because it might have pissed of Muslims, even though no anger had been at all expressed) will build up until Western society says - "you know what? F*ck all y'all" and pushes back against the bollocks going on.

    Seriously, this uber-PC wank going on can only last a short while longer before the fight back comes. Hell, this political correctness stuff is pretty young in itself, so on the grand scheme we're in that period of adjustment - which involves give, but also take - giving in to some things (like not discriminating against someone because they're gay/old/female etc - and other, similar things that you should be PC about) and taking some things back (like not having to fear a group of people because a Dane draws a cartoon or South Park shows the Super Best Friends episode)...

    *bing bong* that is all...
    I really hope youre right MZ, I really do. I love Europe, I love Western Civilization, but if they dont wake up soon they wont be able to stop and say get out we are doing this our way. When you have a negative birthrate for your native peoples and hordes and hordes of immigrant islamic mlitants coming in and popping out 5 or 6 babies per woman you start to worry, especially aobut the potential voting bloc they will form in 50 years.
    Last edited by Khardis; 29-Sep-2006 at 04:25 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  12. #27
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    If you look for the color red youre going to find the color red. I cant help you. You want to believe its the evil christians behind all the ills, when in reality it isnt. I think you need ot jsut get over it. I never heard of this secret law to ban non-religious marriages in Penn, then again Penn is a Blue State, so if it passes youll have to thank all the democrats running your state.

    By the way an aversion to homosexual marriage does not a homophobic make. Just like I dont call you a life-o-phobic since you seem to disagree with banning abortions, the correct term by the way is Pro-Life, not anti Choice, because if you really think about it, Pro Choice is a stupid term considering the murdered baby never gets one.

    The Klan was built and do what they do based on thier wanting to remain white and pure or whatever in the hell. Case in point the SAME blacks they were lynching and killing were what religion? Thats right the same damned religion that the Klan was. Baptist. They do what they do in the name of defending thier white racial blah blah blah, not in the name of God. By the way Christians world wide condemn the KKK, how many mainstream Islamic clerics do you see condeming Fatwah and Jihad? not many... in fact they down right approve of it.

    Good day sir.
    I'm just going to say that you're wrong and misinformed and be done with you. And, for the record, it's Ma'am. (It's hard to argue with someone who's not even observant enough to see that I'm an adult woman and not a teenaged boy--and no, it's not because I act like a teenaged boy, it's because at the ripe old age of 25, he's used to falling back on the "you're just a kid" argument--it's still new to him and therefore exciting).

    Cheers, been fun. I actually just popped in on this forum 'cause I hadn't been here in a while. I'm too busy to carry on with this tough, so, for whatever comes

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  13. #28
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Why does everyone always go on about this purist crap, we are all human doesn't matter what race, religion, sexuality, etc... Not all Muslims are radicals and not all christians are kkk, see that is part of the problem when everyone starts getting painted with the same brush. Allot of this comes from why has he/she got what i dont have people really should also start looking at themselves and stop blaming others why havn't I got a nicer car, why havnt I got a nice property. then it comes down to I'm white or I'm black or someone from overseas has been given more then me, forget the fact that he/she may have worked hard for it and I may have sat on my bum for the last ten years doing nothing better then hating not even trying to better myself. If we didnt have different soceities coming together do you think we would be able to create the technologies, art, philosophies, etc.. this comes from different people of different backgrounds coming together to look at problems from there own perspective and adding to the sum of knowledge. These people that accept and learn from each other regardless of race, sex, etc... tend to have happier lives. This isnt PC this is common sense hate breeds more hatred. What do you think would happen to Britain really if all people not of pure British (somone still needs to suggest somthing stronger then colour or religion) in some peoples definition where to be kicked out, what do you think would happen to the economy, the fabric of many families that are mixed. To state that we should put an Iron Fist down makes you no better then the Islamic terrorist that you are trying to protect yourself from in fact you create a state of fear that the government and the media consistantly tell you is going on over there here.

    How many of you love all that GAR, zombie movies, horror movies in genral, what color are all of you???

    Anyway that my rant for the day

  14. #29
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    I remember someone posted a story a while ago about some time traveler who came back to tell some guy about how Islam has taken over and other religion or non-religion are in the minority. I know it was fiction but it still makes me wonder where the UK is going.

    The Government has a lot to answer for, they mollycoddle the minority and in cases make a stand against their own people. Now that Tony is out I hope someone takes over with more balls and a no nonsense attitude (fat chance ).

    I believe that if there is going to be a stand against this type if sh!t in Europe, it's going to have to be made in the UK first, others will hopefully follow on by our example and tell them if they don't like it then they can phuck off!
    Last edited by LoSTBoY; 29-Sep-2006 at 06:10 PM. Reason: you are blocking sh!t now?!?!

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    After the PC-brigade that has been Labour (the wankers that they are) I think there is going to be a backlash, the pansy-ass politics they've employed will be rallied against.

    The prospect of Britain (traditionally and very much STILL christian) becoming Islamist is beyond comprehension, especially last year when the BNP gained support due to immigrants and outsiders being handed over cars, phones and houses as a welcome to the biggest open door in the world ... so the thought that Islam could take over Western society, which spans the globe, is something of fiction I believe - there'll be a backlash to reclaim lost liberties soon enough, guaranteed.


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