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Thread: What would you do if dead starts to walk

  1. #16
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    stock up on weapons (knives swords gun if i can get hold of one), steal a camper van, get tents and stuf, stock up on medical supplies and canned goods (by raiding pharmacies and hospitals supermarkets cornershops) grab my girl a few of her friends and family and mine. Big ass tv, generator and some fuel ( would restock as I travelled) games consoles and radios, sat nav system (though this will probs stop working shortly thereafter. plenty of batteries and porn. and if I have time raid HMV for dvds and cds. then just keep on moving keeping out of city areas and avoiding contact with other groups where possible (your gonna get some sick f***s out there). Where I have to meet and great people and try and strike freindships with them. After about 2-3 years head to a mountinaous area and create my own City. Wait till the dead rot away and come back to civilisation or the ruins of it.

  2. #17
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Before the lights went out and the internet went down I'd hop online, come to HPotD (both the old boards and the new boards), I'd search, and then read all--every single of the umpteen--threads that have been done on this topic to date.

    Then, I'd throw out every single one of the ideas that includes the words Humvee, mall or Home Depot. I'd grab a sensible weapon, food, water and any unexpired general purpose antibiotics I could steal and head out.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  3. #18
    Fresh Meat

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    If dead starts to walk, i invite you all to my house in Finland (Many people think that here is winter all the time, but its not true, is hot summer now)
    bring all your guns and food here, but if airports will be closed then.... then you gotta stay there... well im lucky because i have big house and heavy doors and few guns lets wait those zombies to show up

  4. #19
    Fresh Meat

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    I would steal a boat and head towards france and hopfully beat the spread of infection and head down south as fast as i could

  5. #20
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltsu16
    So what you would do?

    I got 2 shotguns so i would take them with me, and them i would, go to shop (this is that time when only few zombies has been seen) and get all baked bean cans, and then i would go back to home and then i would take my friends and family to my upstairs and lock windows, doors and everything up... then i would make a backup plan so if zombie over-run would get really bad, then i can do what my backup plan says.
    ( Oh yes, i would go local gun store and take the all shotgun shells what i can carry, because i only got 4 shotgun shell boxes here right now )
    I would touch myself in an inappropriate manner.

    several times...
    War to the knife...the knife to the hilt.
    The end is f*cking nigh!!!

  6. #21
    Fresh Meat

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    Thanks for the info

  7. #22
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie
    What is it with guys and baked beans anyway? If there was a food I'd have to be starving to eat at all, it would be those oversweetened mass produced favorite of all guys, baked beans.

    First, I'm assuming the dead are rising and trying to eat the living. If all they're doing is getting up and taking the bus somewhere then they're the busdriver's union's problem. I get what bottled water and stored water I can, get what food I can after the guys have taken all the baked beans, and get more ammo. I also try and get my little butt outta town, because it's real obvious if you stay in one place long enough, they WILL come. Everglades probably. Let the 'gators thin out the dead so I don't have to shoot so many.

    Since this is the four hundred and thirty third time this question has been asked, as you can see I've thought about it a bit.

    It may have been asked 433 times but you haven't answered it 433 times. We have your post count to prove it

    Seriously, though......round up a small army of hearty souls and start stockpiling weapons and ammunition. Create an unstoppable wall of humanity that no number of zombies could stop. Travel the countryside shooting every last zombie that is seen. Reduce the number of undead, little by little, in the area. Once that is done, try to find some more survivors to join the group. Locate some more guns and ammo and then make way for the next town, then the next. Maybe eventually make it into a legitimate city weeks/months into it.

    That would be what I would want to do. Out there in the thick of things fighting the "enemy", rather than hiding in a cave, mall, basement, underground or on an island.

    The hard part would be finding the guns and ammo, uniting a group of survivors who get along (too many chiefs) and then dealing with the fact some of them might not be able to shoot worth a damn.

  8. #23
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by tju1973

    I would touch myself in an inappropriate manner.

    several times...

    HAHAHAHAH ... Good call!!!! Can i watch?

  9. #24
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltsu16
    If dead starts to walk, i invite you all to my house in Finland
    hey they got the best badns over there, heh, you could pit zombie lordi vs the zombie dudesons, now theres a celebrity deathmatch idea!

  10. #25
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    yea im with hellsing an adrenochrome on this one. head for the hills and find survivors while blaring some cannibal corpse or slipknot. im not to worried about stockpiling, been there done that.

    take me 5 mins to get ready for a shtf scenario. change to vc black camos , grab a ak47, a satchel full of clips, and my trusty side arm , and my night of the living dead hat, and mp3 player for a soundtrack. also need to make some molotov cocktails before i left.

    btw a good ninja sword is a good idea, never kno when you need that .

    we could always rally to nebraska , one of the lowest population density counties in the country. also wyoming is nice big, lots of wildlife and has the lowest state population.

    btw i have intention of just sitting round pickin my nose, or holed up in a house somewhere. my first priority would be people and securing a perimeter.
    Last edited by general tbag; 24-Aug-2006 at 02:32 AM.

  11. #26
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by general tbag
    take me 5 mins to get ready for a shtf scenario. change to vc black camos , grab a ak47, a satchel full of clips, and my trusty side arm , and my night of the living dead hat, and mp3 player for a soundtrack.
    no doubt playing the theme music from apocalypse now

  12. #27
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Thumbs up Oh crap that is funny ....

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadman_Deluxe
    I would get all the guns and food and water and helicopters and baked beans and tanks and flamethrowers and pencils and also a whole army of kickboxing androids and then lock myself in the bathroom (with fish in the bath) and put my fingers in my ears so i can't hear the dead zombies making the scratching noise outside of the door.

    I would look out of the window one time and shoot the one with blood on it's hat which is standing by a car.

    I would also buy stilts what the circus clowns and professional painters use so i could write all stuff on the ceiling and draw some cool pictures after i had looked out of the window that one time.

    Oh ... and destroy all the stairs for sure and get some rope ... and borrow all these guys swords from eBay so i can cut my big piece of cheese
    Man you have a talent for atomosphere and feeling . I read your journal DELUXE , its some of the best horror I've ever read , no s**t... I wish I knew George Romero so I could introduce you , the mood is something I'm sure he could evoke in his film-making ...-I would do everything I could to survive , I cant begin to guess ...I have firearms , but I'd have wait and see ... like its really going to happen ... Hello , is someone there ? At the door ? Hello ... hey ! aaarrrggghh ! HALP !!
    Last edited by DVW5150; 24-Aug-2006 at 08:07 AM.
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  13. #28

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    If the dead started walking, I'd start pinching myself asking if it was real and wondering if watching those movies made me snap.

  14. #29
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DVW5150
    Man you have a talent for atomosphere and feeling . I read your journal DELUXE , its some of the best horror I've ever read , no s**t... I wish I knew George Romero so I could introduce you , the mood is something I'm sure he could evoke in his film-making ...-I would do everything I could to survive , I cant begin to guess ...I have firearms , but I'd have wait and see ... like its really going to happen ... Hello , is someone there ? At the door ? Hello ... hey ! aaarrrggghh ! HALP !!

    Thanks man, i appreciate that big time!!!

  15. #30
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

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    Anyone whose plan involves looting a store is likely to get shot/stabbed/beaten/arrested by the store owner/other panic buyers/looters/law enforcement/military troops.


    Any type of emergency event sees everyone and their mother run down to the store to stock up and it always turns into a Chinese fire drill as shelves are stripped bare, people get ugly, and the situation just deteriorates. Watch any footage shot during the lead up to a hurricane.

    Anyone whose plan involves tossing a bunch of stuff into their car and heading for the woods, is likely to find themselves stuff in the parking lot the freeway became when everyone else had the same plan.


    Watch the other staple of hurricane newsfootage of massive freeway parking lots, people out of gas, broken down cars, and everything else that went with the "I gotta be somewhere else than here" panic mentality of people.

    If by some miracle you get to the woods, you'll be sure to find them a lot more crowded as the people from the freeway parking lots carry what few supplies they had to start with and hump it into the woods. Good luck with that "Daniel Boone live off the land fantasy".

    The woods will be stripped bare of game, the lakes and streams stripped of fish, and fouled as people with no clue about sanitation dump waste in tothem for the peopel downstream to become infected with, and I'm sure more than a few campfires will get away, causing really impressive forest fires that will really thin out the hordes of human 'survivors' living there.

    Within a few weeks, the crime and fire problem in the woods will be as bad it was in the cities the refugees had fled.


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