View Poll Results: Which you dislike more?

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  • Night of the living Dead 3D

    20 80.00%
  • Dawn of the Dead Remake

    5 20.00%
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Thread: Which do you all dislike more.

  1. #16
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    I swear to god

    The credibility of the members of this forum sometimes amuses me

    Disliking DAWN 04 over NIGHT 3D ?

    There are more UNDEAD DUDS on this circuit than gems and DAWN 04 is a rarity; popcorn perhaps and not too be taken with any seriousness, but then again, who takes DAWN 78 or any other good dead film seriously ?

    NO KIDDING. They obviously don't actually believe it, they just seem to have some axe to grind...even after four years.
    Dawn 04 is the best zombie film outside of Romero's own work...PERIOD.

  2. #17
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post

    And to say that the social commentary is accidental must be blind.
    No Night was accidental and I even heard him saying Dawn was accidental too, but now he is saying he meant it all......So which is it? Was it all unintentional or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Hoosier View Post
    Dawn 04 is the best zombie film outside of Romero's own work...PERIOD.
    The best outside Romero's work? Hardly Its the best remake of the dead remakes and better than most zed films, but the best zed film besides Romero?
    Last edited by Doc; 04-Feb-2008 at 10:32 PM.

  3. #18
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Hoosier View Post
    NO KIDDING. They obviously don't actually believe it, they just seem to have some axe to grind...even after four years.
    Dawn 04 is the best zombie film outside of Romero's own work...PERIOD.
    ORRRR....wait for it ready?.....EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN OPINION!?!?!?

    *GASP* NO! Blasphamy! It couldn't be!

    Doc - I've never heard him say it was accidental. Not to say that it wasn't accidental, but I've never heard it. If it was......that's got to be one of the biggest coincidences I've ever seen in my life. Especially for 5 times in a row.

  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Hoosier View Post
    Dawn 04 is the best zombie film outside of Romero's own work...PERIOD.
    Looks like we got a prankster in the house. You are kidding, right?

  5. #20
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    I have to say, It's unfair to vote on this poll unless you've seen both films. Personally, I voted for Night 3D. I simply refuse to believe that given a choice, anyone that has seen both movies would pick night3d over dawn04. anyone that does is meant for the loony farm henceforth.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Clanglee, well in your world I'd be in the loony bin, because I've seen both and both are gash, but because Yawn04 thinks it's so great (meanwhile you can just tell nobody making Night3D was expecting glory) makes it the worse film.

    All that money, and yet the script is still a fetid pile of vomit.

    As for the social commentary thing, Romero has stated many times that Dawn was all about consumerism and he'd been thinking about it a lot, what with his mate's setting up the Monroville Mall (featured in "Zack & Miri Make A Porno", the new Kevin Smith flick, by the way) - Dawn is all about the birth of mass-consumer culture.

    As for Night, Romero himself has stated that major influences to the style and tone of the film were the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war and the 60's revolution, and ultimate failure there-of.


    Smells like intentional social commentary to me...and perhaps he's speaking more about the making of his earliers films now because they didn't have DVD until recently, and elaborate making of's were few and far between.

    But still, even in Document of the Dead - filmed on set during Dawn's production - Romero states his case for Dawn's commentary.

  7. #22
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I agree with some posters here...

    If you voted for DAWN 04 you are doing it out of spite, and nothing more. Anyone moron with the IQ of an Apple can see that Dawn 04 is wayyyyyyy better than Night 3D.

    The simple fact 5 people voted for Dawn 04, makes me lose a lot of faith in what those people consider entertaining films. If they really believe that Night 3d is better than Dawn 04, than I would never take a movie suggestion from them seriously.


    MZ, I am totally shocked that you chose DAWN 04 over Night 3d. I mean, as a filmmaker yourself you can clearly see that DAWN 04 is the much better film in terms of production, story and realism, whereas Night 3d just didn't even try. You cry that DAWN 04 name rapes... HA! Night 3D not only name rapes with a 3D add on, it ****s upon and tarnishes any credibility the original film has by using the same name, whereas Dawn 04 opened a whole new world to zombie film fans. During the DAWN 04 theatrical release the single Disc Anchor Bay release of the original DAWN was ranked in the top 20 sales at FYE and AMAZON... At no other time has DAWN 1978 achieved that kind of status on DVD.

    Infact to all the members who voted Dawn 04, you should be ashamed of yourselves, because at least Zack Snyder didn't squander his budget using ****ty actors and poor production values with corny references to the original film. The single biggest insult to Night in Night 3D was the use of the Cell Phone and text message (Coming 4 U Barb), the un-needed sexual scene and turning the Coopers into weed dealing hillbilly's living in the middle of nowhere.

    At least DAWN 04 tried to bring us some real life people and place them into a surreal situation. The use of nudity and sex in DAWN 04 was at least justififed in how people pass the time for the 32 days they were stuck in the mall, they didn't have corny scenes with someone passing a joint to someone else as their magic 3D trick for the whole movie. Dawn 04 had more realism in its story and depiction than Night 3D could slap into a trailer.

    Stupidity votes like that sometimes show the immaturity some HPotD members have over the stupidest things. I am sure the original poster wanted to know honest opinions based on both films story and technical merits, but you people instead chose to use this poll to stick the knife in a little deeper to the DAWN 04 crew. However, just remember who is laughing his way to success and who is stuck probably directing shoppers at wal-mart.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 05-Feb-2008 at 06:01 PM.
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  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Title of poll:

    Which you dislike more?
    Obviously Yawn04 has the better production value ... but I cannot agree that the script is any good. I think it's poorly written, the characters are mostly rubbish, they make so many retarded decisions and ugh...I just don't like the film at all...

    Pearl Harbour had superb production value ...

    You might say I ... what's the word? Dislike the film ... now if only there was a poll where I could register my dislike of Yawn04 ... oh wait a minute!

    Just ribbing ya Deej.

    But seriously, that's the poll - which do you dislike more - and I dislike Yawn04 more, one of the many reasons is because Yawn04 is trying to be good, while Night3D is just gash and it knows it. It's hard to explain, but shockingly, people have opinions.

    It's as if Night3D barely registers, it barely exists ... kinda like Craptagium. It's shunned from the dimmest of tiny spotlights with a smattering of weak-arsed "pfft" sounds from about 3 people who bothered to turn up.

    Yawn04 meanwhile is standing in a massive and bright spotlight, wiggling it's man-thong clad cock in everybody's face.

    Heck, I've come to terms that some people rabidly dislike Land of the Dead ... I still can't get my head around it, but I've left it alone now, I'm leaving it be (or as best as I can).

    Now, it'd be interesting if there was an option for "dislike both Yawn04/Night3D".

  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Infact to all the members who voted Dawn 04, you should be ashamed of yourselves, because at least Zack Snyder didn't squander his budget using ****ty actors and poor production values with corny references to the original film.
    There's good actor in the flick. Well...let me rephrase that. I guess all the characters suck so badly that the actors couldn't save it. And as far as references go....there was a total of what....3 references to the original film? The Mall, Gaylen Ross Store, and the cameos from the original? That's it.

    At least DAWN 04 tried to bring us some real life people and place them into a surreal situation. The use of nudity and sex in DAWN 04 was at least justififed in how people pass the time for the 32 days they were stuck in the mall, they didn't have corny scenes with someone passing a joint to someone else as their magic 3D trick for the whole movie. Dawn 04 had more realism in its story and depiction than Night 3D could slap into a trailer.
    You answered your own question, dude. Dawn04 tried to take itself seriously when it's far from it. It's got some okay action....everything else is missing.

    Stupidity votes like that sometimes show the immaturity some HPotD members have over the stupidest things.
    And long-winded responses from someone who just can't possibly accept the fact that not everyone's opinion matches is own isn't immature?

    I am sure the original poster wanted to know honest opinions based on both films story and technical merits, but you people instead chose to use this poll to stick the knife in a little deeper to the DAWN 04 crew. However, just remember who is laughing his way to success and who is stuck probably directing shoppers at wal-mart.
    I definitely wasn't trying to hurt anyones fragile feelings. Hell, I've kinda been defending Dawn04 lately because of it's action. Sadly...that's the only part that can be defended.

    I've watched a bit of it now and Night3D is definitely meant as a dumb romp. I's got Sig Haig! With the exception Devil's Rejects, how many serious films does he churn out these days? The flick is trying to be a dumb flick. That's not to say that it's good....but at least it knows what it is.
    Last edited by bassman; 05-Feb-2008 at 08:19 PM.

  10. #25
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    I feel so left out....I can't really vote, since I have always been spared the (supposed) horrors of seeing Night3D.

  11. #26
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Clanglee, well in your world I'd be in the loony bin, because I've seen both and both are gash, but because Yawn04 thinks it's so great (meanwhile you can just tell nobody making Night3D was expecting glory) makes it the worse film.

    You are already in the loony bin in my world MZ.

    I have to ask, what is the glory of which you speak. People make movies for money, for artistic reasons, even for fame. However, glory? Never woulda thunk that one.

    Night 3D sucked pretty badly. I have defended it a bit on other threads, mostly because I sometimes enjoy bad zombie movies. Hell, most zombie movies are "bad" zombie movies. But to say that Dawn04 sucked worse than Night 3D is sheer lunacy. Its like saying "I like canned chicken flavored dog food better than chicken parmesan because that stupid chicken parmesan thinks it's all high falootin' and better than regular old chicken." Umm. . .I'm hungry now. Gotta go.
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  12. #27
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    There's good actor in the flick. Well...let me rephrase that. I guess all the characters suck so badly that the actors couldn't save it. And as far as references go....there was a total of what....3 references to the original film? The Mall, Gaylen Ross Store, and the cameos from the original? That's it.

    Don't forget a pregnant woman.

    Also I think you Dawn fanatics are lucky.....I mean the original Dawn got something most classics didn't get......A GOOD REMAKE! Seriously you can hate the film, but you can't say it was the worst remake ever!

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Doc - I've never heard him say it was accidental. Not to say that it wasn't accidental, but I've never heard it. If it was......that's got to be one of the biggest coincidences I've ever seen in my life. Especially for 5 times in a row.
    I never said all of his other films social commentary was unintentional just Night's and Dawn's.....especially Night's.....I mean geez I heard him once in commentary say Night was all unintentional, but now I hear him say it was all intentional....So which is it George? Can't be both.
    Last edited by Doc; 05-Feb-2008 at 09:44 PM.

  13. #28
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    No surprises in the responses I'm seeing. Death, taxes and MZ and Bassman hating Dawn 04, these are the certainties that rule our world.

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  14. #29
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    No surprises in the responses I'm seeing. Death, taxes and MZ and Bassman hating Dawn 04, these are the certainties that rule our world.

    "It's funny 'cause it's true."
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  15. #30
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Whether they hate it or not, to saay they dislike it more that Night 3D is just bollocks. Seriously, there is no ****ing way anyone can like Night 3d more than Dawn 04. Night 3D does more name raping than Dawn 04 will ever do.

    Those guys saying Night 3d is better than Dawn 04 is just BS in my honest opinion.

    Wanna compare bad films compare Night 3D to Land of the Dead, and this is the one and only time I would vote Land being the better film.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*


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